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Lysergamides At-home conversion of LSD to 1-acetaldehyde LSD in 1 step (similar to but beyond even ALD-52) like upgraded version of LSD

This post #61 and #62 contain a complete overview of this entire thread:

In conclusion, my personal observations, as I have taken acid hundreds of times in the past not only by itself, but in combination with 400g of fresh boiled cactus tea (I grow my own cactus under shade cloth) over 200 times in over 15 years, I keep a trip diary.

I also grow around 30 ipomoea tricolor heavenly blue morning glory plants, 15 to each 17" wide x 15" tall planter with 7 foot tall round welded wire fence (from garden store) in each, equivalent growing area of a 7 foot tall x 4 foot wide fence, grown in 3/4 miracle grow + 1/4 cow manure compost, produces extremely potent LSH & penniclavine containing seeds, that I pick when seeds are dark and hard and immediately vacuum pack and store in freezer to keep their high potency indefinitely. Each planter produces 3,000 seeds (5 seeds per pod), 6000 seeds total divided by 400 seeds per trip = 15 high potency trips. Even just small amounts of these seeds also potentiate normal LSD in combination, producing outstanding visions and transcendence beyond just normal LSD.

This same conversion I describe in this thread also works with the LSH & penniclavine in the seeds, converting them to 1-acetaldehyde LSH & penniclavine. As I described earlier with supporting references, the ancient Aztec and Mayans and Priest at Eleusis for 2,000 years straight used this same conversion on LSH from the seeds, and LSH from the ground up claviceps paspali (ancient Greece) growing on the paspalum distichum grass adjacent to Eleusis to serve to hundreds of people at once, it has a low "freak out factor" (like with mescaline), so I can see why hundreds could take this at once.

1) You know how acid has that sudden drop off then you are back to sobriety? Instead, this lasts longer than acid and has a warm gentle transition back over a longer period.

2) 1-acetaldehyde LSD is way more colorful than acid, similar to mescaline.

3) 1-acetaldehyde LSD does not have the "visual choppiness" of acid, but is flowing in the visuals.

4) LSD produces tracers with multiples of shadows of the hand, this produces not only tracers, but colored fractals and mosaics inside the tracers.

5) LSD produces "colored specs that flow in front of everything", this produces instead "fine colored rainbow reflections" that surround everything.

6) Music sounds good on acid, but music sounds great on this, like a whole nother world, similar to mescaline.

7) With 1-acetaldehyde LSD, everything was indeed alive and magical. Patterns were forming everywhere, the shifting of textures is magical. I could lose myself so easily as the visuals seemed to drag my focus in without any effort. As a result, ego death was basically spontaneous. Taking this 2 times already, made it feel like the first time I've ever tripped. My 2nd trip with 400ug 1-acetaldehyde LSD in combination with 400g fresh cactus tea was the most infinitely beautiful & powerful trip I have ever experienced in my life.

8] Sometimes LSD causes my mind to wander uncontrollably unless I take my own drive to focus, but with 1-acetaldehyde LSD there is no wandering thoughts, no tenseness or anxiety like with acid, this is deep mentally, a real gem, pure psychedelic bliss.

9) 400ug of 1-aceteldehyde LSD makes 400g of fresh boiled cactus pieces (no core, approximately 400mg mescaline) feel instead like 700mg of mescaline. I think this has to do with the possibility that 1-acetaldehyde LSD shifts the receptorome or radioligand binding of receptors "away from 5-ht2a" and towards the adrenal A2A, A2B, and A2C spectrum instead which is the dominance or habitat of mescaline & dmt & psilocin (see color chart post #1).

10) You can take this more often as it does not have the "extreme tolerance" of normal LSD which mainly works thru the 5-ht2a receptor (see color chart post #1), just like with cactus which you can take more often.

11) It is not a sacrilege to convert LSD to 1-acetaldehyde LSD cause Albert Hofman also discovered ALD-52 at Sandoz labs. This is different from ALD-52 cause it has one extra hydrogen on the acetaldehyde adduct at the bottom indole NH group nitrogen. The table from Sandoz suggested that ALD-52 might actually have advantages over LSD, reducing any side effects but achieving a stronger trip. Measurements of brain waves while people were taking the two drugs showed that while LSD produced brain waves associated with intense concentration and anxiety, ALD-52 produced brain waves showing a more relaxed mental state. It also has "twice the anti-serotonin or serotonin blocking power" of normal LSD.

12) Before falling to sleep, I saw closed eye colored visions of architecture and gardens like those in Versailles, France.

13) LSD is more "analytical" and not as aesthetic, this feels more natural and is extremely aesthetic (beauty enhancing) like with mescaline.
Final note:

Don't forget that menthol in peppermint extract also causes cytochrome P450 enzyme inhibition in the liver, which is involved in the metabolism of exogenous chemicals. This may have a potential effect in preventing the breakdown of 1-acetaldehyde LSD. Peppermint extract also contains 2mg water soluble acetaldehyde per 5 drops, sherry wine contains 5mg acetaldehyde per 15ml or 1/2 shot glass.

So if you choose to duplicate the experiment based on the 1992 adducts study as I did, it would be wise to keep the peppermint extract with the 1/2 shot of sherry wine. I always add the 5 drops Adam's peppermint extract to the cold sherry wine shot glass containing the 4 LSD blotters about 1 hour later, with 3 hours total soak time, with swirling once per hour. Keep shot glass in fridge, as acetaldehyde boils off at room temp.

I know that from now on this is the only way I will take 400ug of LSD, as the "upgraded 1-acetaldehyde LSD cousin."
I did not discover this conversion, it was given to me by an ancient spiritually prominent Shaman in a vision, true story, see here:

Discovered 1992 adducts study the same week after receiving a 20 minute visit or "schooling" from an ancient powerful and spiritually prominent Aztec Shaman who appeared out of the shadows on a wall cast by a Christmas tree, this after girl and I both took 10 hits each of 15 year old decomposed acid given to me by a dear friend, true story. The acid had a sick feeling for the 1st two hours, but then it worked and skyrocketed us to higher divine plane.

The Shaman sat on a throne made of spirit animals (birds, otters, Jaguars, macaws, toucans) that morphed into other spiritual animals continuously. The Shaman stared intently into my eyes as if downloading information to me. What's even more amazing, is that the girl who was with me also saw the EXACT same vision on the wall.

The Shaman wore a huge beautiful headdress made of feathers, to the left and right of him stood female centaurs, half naked female above, half animal below. He showed me the rise and fall of several civilizations throughout time. I saw the great pyramid of the Aztec empire in the distance. The animated vision was beyond 4k, and highly detailed.

Behind the female centaurs were snakevines growing out of the ground. Before the Shaman left, he motioned to me with his eyes to look out the window in the living room to the patio, where I had an empty garden plot, he was trying to tell me to plant entheogenic plants. His point in showing me the rise and fall of the different civilizations was I believe he was trying to tell me "that if humanity is survive, the only hope is a Spiritual solution."

Don't forget that to the Aztecs, the morning glory plant was more important to them then their other 2 classical plants, peyote and mushrooms. Two sources given for this comment below.

Note (2) Page 515 "Encyclopedia of Psychoactive Plants" Christian Ratsch: "The fresh or dried morning glory seeds normally are added to alcoholic drinks (sugarcane liquor; c. alcohol), tepache (maize beer, chicha), and balche' (Schultes 1941, 37)."

Note (4) Psychotomimetics of the Convolvulaceae pg 93: "This particular plant seems to have been more important to the Aztecs in divinity then Peyotl or Teonanacatl, two of their other classical sacred plants."

Note (5) Jonathan Ott "Pharmacotheon": "Ololiuhqui was far more prominent as an entheogen here in Mesoamerica than those mushrooms; the mushrooms are mentioned only here and there by a few competent chroniclers; yet almost an entire book was devoted to denouncing mainly the ololiuhqui idolatry. The annals of the Inquisition contain many times more autos de fe for ololiuhqui than for mushrooms."

Note (22) The sources were clear that the kykeon's other ingredient, mint (menthe pulegium) was fresh mint. Mint appears to have played a symbolic role in Eleusinian myth; being Hades' concubine, Mint was "dismembered by the jealous wife Persephone." See Wasson, "The Road to Eleusis", 111.

In Ipomoea Tricolor vine: from Tryptophan-->chanoclavine-->agroclavine-->elymoclavine-->lysergic acid-->ergometrine-->LSH, which then decomposes over time into LSA.

2016 Polish morning glory study found 3x higher amounts of LSH in MG seeds direct from grower/producer vs retail:
fresh black seeds from vine: likely 5.00 LSH to 5.00 penniclavine ratio
seeds direct from growers: 1.71 LSH to 5.08 penniclavine ratio
seeds off retail racks: 0.54 LSH to 4.75 penniclavine ratio

Vacuum pack & freeze freshly picked seeds to preserve potency indefinitely.

LSH (lysergic acid hydroxyethylamide) decomposes in neutral water solutions, and quickly in alkaline solutions, and also if heated, but it is quite stable in acidic environments (just like the solution recipe I give). Traditionally (e.g. as reported from Wasson) they only soaked the mushed seeds briefly in water, then strained and immediately drank. Even Hermes and Nogal (both extracted 400 to 500 seeds into cold acidic water using a squirt of lemon juice) both reported EXTREMELY VISUAL MG trip reports:

(1) Hermes (the Lycaeum):
Cold water extract with squirt of lemon juice: Saw strong 4D lattice-like open eye visuals and warping and melting of furniture with only 400 seeds. There are around 32 to 36 seeds to a gram. I see amazing three and seemingly four-dimensional shapes morphing and bifurcating. Often I get religious and esoteric themed visuals, like fractal cherub wings and winged eyes like those in some of Alex Grey's work. Eyes are all over everything. I see pyramids and sphinxes and Gigeresque biomechanical forms. I see amazing geometric lattice structures. I watch mathematical space-filling algorithms doing their thing, all of this with nothing more than 500 seeds.

(2) Nogal (the Nook):
Yes I know of someone who tried the CWE method with the Heavenly Blue variety, except with the substitution of a coffee grinder in place of a stone metate (I think that's what is called but I could be wrong), and a squirt of lemon in the water, with around 400-500 seeds. Closed and open eyed visuals were extremely breath taking. Some of the most prominent visions were of Aztec/Mayan glyphic patterns, a menacing and demonic technicolor nymph made of light who tried to seduce the viewer, and this bizare trail of energy spheres which each contained a different stylized animal form (again definately of Aztec/Mayan origin).

(3) Erowid report:
400 older dried seeds is similar to a little less than one hit LSD. 400 fresh off vine is like about 2 or three hits.

Myself: 500ml cold spring water acidified to Ph=4 with DL tartaric acid extract on 400 fresh off the vine dark hard heavenly blue morning glory seeds that I grew in 3/4 miracle grow + 1/4 cow manure compost, fed 1 tablespoon miracle grow crystals dissolved into 1 gallon watering can w/spout once per month only, 22 years ago, added 1 shot of sherry & 5 drops peppermint extract, let sit in fridge 3 hours with swirling once per hour:
Saw geometric patterns on the surface of everything, with closed eyes, colored vectors spun 360 degrees while traveling from left to right across visual plane. Sounds were not only amplified & music heavenly but audio hallucinations were produced, heavy euphoria component & very strong appreciation for beauty. Remember watching Scarlett Johansson interview on a small television and melting into the seat from her beauty amidst all the breath taking geometrics. Tripped hard as hell in dreams.
I am not a shaman, but I have been thru alot of the stuff Shaman's have gone thru, I have lost both my twin girls at birth, so I have no children, my beloved pet Shitzu died at only age 4 from continuous bladder stones for 6 months, he was unable to pee so many times, we had to rush him to vet, where he was put down. He visited both of us in a dream 2 days later to tell us he was alright in Heaven with a big smile on his face.

I have nearly died several times, once I was hit head on by a truck when driver ran a yield sign, I barely survived with numerous injuries.

I once took alot of acacia bark with Ayahuasca instead of the normal hawaiian psychotria I use, and went into a serious serotonin syndrome shock, for 1.5 hours I sweated my ass off sitting in the bathtub, I told my wife goodbye while my dog watched in a sad state..by some miracle I pulled out of it, I believe it was the high levels of maoi's in the acacia that interacted with the rima's in the Ayahuasca, bad combination. My forehead was pouring sweat for 1.5 hours, I was in severe shock and trembling, and knew I was gonna die.

Lost everything in a 100 year severe flood, my home and all my belongings, I had just gotten married and all the newlywed gifts perished...right after that I moved to an apartment complex, and 5 months later all my belongings again burnt to the ground after a dude had threw a lit blunt into the apartment complex after his girlfriend dumped him.

Had it not been for the policeman banging on the door of the apartment, we would have surely burned in the flames, as we were on the 3rd floor & asleep as I worked 2nd shift at the time. We ran down the steps in only our bare feet and suffered smoke inhalation.

Have been thru some %!%%, similar to a Shaman, who lives on the outskirts of society. Lifting weights, walking in nature with my dog, going to the waterpark with a season pass every summer, and reading the bible is all that keeps me sane some days.
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Stay true to yourself, Peace, Love & Music.


Pics: [bottom of post #1 in link]

1) Sherry wine for conversion of LSD to 1-acetaldehyde in only 3 hours, and materials list for conversion of LSH and penniclavine in morning glory seeds to 1-acetaldehyde LSH & penniclavine should you choose to duplicate the 1992 Adducts study given on page 1.

Funnel with cotton balls used to filter morning glory cold water acidified extract should you choose to work with seeds, see here Note (12) on page 2:


2) easy morning glory planter, each 17" wide x 15" beautiful Belize Chata Marsal Clay planter is home to 15 plants, there are 20 vertical rods in each 7 foot round fence for snakevines to climb.

3) Paspalum distichum infected with ergot (likely entheogen used at Eleusis) contains sky high levels of LSH & penniclavine when fresh just like morning glory seeds when fresh off vine.

4) Pic of researcher's new indole product creation BEFORE & AFTER. Acetaldehyde adducts onto bottom of NH group nitrogen of indole, using only water acidified to ph=4 (sherry wine is already at ph=4) and around a 0.1% acetaldehyde solution. Sherry wine contains the acetaldehyde we need, just like the study.

With LSD, acetaldehyde will also adduct onto the bottom indole NH group nitrogen of the LSD ergoline forming 1-acetaldehyde LSD, containing one more hydrogen at adduct than ALD-52.

Note (1): Make sure your sherry wine is cold before you use it, it contains 5 mg acetaldehyde per 15ml or 1/2 shot glass. Acetaldehyde boils off at 68 degrees F, or slightly below room temp, so keep 1/2 shot glass of it in fridge at all times until you consume.

Note (2): Menthol is largest ingredient in peppermint extract and causes cytochrome P450 enzyme inhibition in the liver, which is involved in the metabolism of exogenous chemicals. This may have a potential effect in preventing the breakdown of 1-acetaldehyde LSD. Peppermint extract also contains 2mg water soluble acetaldehyde per 5 drops.

1) Fill a shot glass up 1/2 way with dry sherry wine.

2) Drop 3 to 4 hits of 100ug acid into shot glass.

3) Put a foil cover on shot glass and let sit in fridge.

4) 1 hour later add 5 drops of Adam's peppermint extract.

5) Swirl the shot glass once per hour, the researchers used a stir mantel in the fridge, and achieved 100% new product creation in 1.5 hour, but since we are not using a stir mantle, swirl once per hour.

6) After 3 hours sitting in fridge, consume, sit back & enjoy the brand new experience of 1-acetaldhyde LSD, or what is similar to ALD-52 with one extra hydrogen.
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Wow @tregar you have been thru some serious events. You deserve and have earned a serene time with smooth sailing now.
At least that’s what I’m hoping for you!

Since one can’t use R1 subs, I’m going to try this with eth-lad, as I can no longer source real lsd.
I’ll report back, as I know this one very well, and am hoping it has similar effect on eth-lad.
I have made 1-acetaldehyde LSD twice so far from 3 LSD blotters and then 4 LSD blotters the 2nd time, it is extraordinary, easy to do in one step and based on the 1992 adducts study with indole see below note (6).

This is absolutely no "pro-drug" it has effects all on it's own, COMPLETELY different from LSD from beginning to end of trip, see my 13 comments further below on how this is way different from LSD in profound ways, like an upgraded version of LSD.

I know that from now on this is the only way I will take 400ug of LSD, as the "upgraded 1-acetaldehyde LSD cousin." My absolute favorite.

Don't bash me until you try this with 3 or 4 hits of acid yourself, it is based on pure science, and really works. With LSD, acetaldehyde will adduct onto the bottom indole NH group nitrogen of the LSD ergoline forming 1-acetaldehyde LSD, containing one more hydrogen at adduct than ALD-52. 13 Pics given in link at bottom.

The main recipe is based on the 1992 indole adducts study which creates a new 1-acetaldehyde (similar to ALD-52 but contains one more hydrogen molecule) alkaloid from LSD. The peppermint extract in the recipe contains menthol as the main ingredient which shuts off the cytochrome P450 enzyme inhibition in the liver, which is involved in the metabolism of exogenous chemicals. This has the potential effect in vivo of preventing the breakdown of 1-acetaldehyde LSD.

The same conversion described in this thread also works with the LSH & penniclavine in morning glory seeds, converting them to 1-acetaldehyde LSH & 1-acetaldehyde penniclavine. As described below with supporting references in Notes, the ancient Aztec and Mayans and Priest at Eleusis for 2,000 years straight used this same conversion on LSH from the seeds, and LSH from the ground up claviceps paspali (ancient Greece) growing on the paspalum distichum grass adjacent to Eleusis to serve to hundreds of people at once, it has a low "freak out factor" (like with mescaline), so I can see why hundreds could take this at once.

Researchers showed in 1961 that Claviceps paspali ergot produces high amounts of LSH in culture "Production of a new lysergic acid derivative (LSH or Lysergic acid hydroxyethylamide) by a strain of Claviceps paspali, Stevens & Hall".


Note (1): Make sure your sherry wine is cold before you use it, it contains 5 mg acetaldehyde per 15ml or 1/2 shot glass. Acetaldehyde boils off at 68 degrees F, or slightly below room temp, so keep 1/2 shot glass of it in fridge at all times until you consume.

Note (2): Menthol is largest ingredient in peppermint extract and causes cytochrome P450 enzyme inhibition in the liver, which is involved in the metabolism of exogenous chemicals. This may have a potential effect in preventing the breakdown of 1-acetaldehyde LSD. Peppermint extract also contains 2mg water soluble acetaldehyde per 5 drops

1) Fill a shot glass up 1/2 way with dry sherry wine. Sherry wine is already at ph=4 which is what study calls for, and contains the acetaldehyde (5mg avg. per 15ml) we need like the study.

2) Drop 3 to 4 hits of 100ug acid into shot glass.

3) Put a foil cover on shot glass and let sit in fridge.

4) 1 hour later add 5 drops of Adam's peppermint extract.

5) Swirl the shot glass once per hour, the researchers used a stir mantel in the fridge, and achieved 100% new product creation in 1.5 hour, but since we are not using a stir mantle, swirl once per hour.

6) After 3 hours sitting in fridge, consume, sit back & enjoy the brand new experience of 1-acetaldehyde LSD, or what is similar to ALD-52 with one extra hydrogen at the bottom indole NH group.
LSA (C16 H17 N3 O) + acetaldehyde (C2 H4 O) at bottom indole NH group = 1-acetaldehyde LSA
LSH (C18 H21 N3 O) + acetaldehyde (C2 H4 O) at bottom indole NH group = 1-acetaldehyde LSH
LSD (C20 H25 N3 O) + acetal (C2 H3 O) at bottom indole NH group = 1-acetal LSD (C22 H27 N3 O2) or ALD-52
Note (6) 1992 adducts study: hxxps://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pmc/articles/PMC49935/ Page 8441 "Reaction of Indole with Acetaldehyde: A 0.2% solution of indole in equal amounts of water, ethanol, and acetaldehyde formed a product with 60% yield after 1 hour of reaction at ambient temperature. Omitting the ethanol (50% acetaldehyde in water mixture) had no effect. Decreasing the concentration of acetaldehyde to 0.1% increased the reaction rate and percent yield of product." See pic of the researchers's indole + acetaldehyde adduct product formed at bottom of this post ---> ie before (page 8439) and after (page 8441).


The researchers achieved a 100% new product with or without the use of ethanol, it made no difference, you only need ph=4 acidified water and around a 0.1% acetaldehyde solution, with a 1.5 hour soak time with stirring.

Note (15) Breakdown of water soluble acetaldehyde & isovaleraldehyde (and their corresponding acids) in peppermint extract: 1mg standard is equivalent to .001ml, 5 drops used in recipe = .25ml, .25ml = 250mg identified compounds, alcohol percent of peppermint extract = 91% alcohol so then 250mg x 0.9% = 23mg leftover of compounds, assuming 9% of this is the acetaldehyde/isovaleraldehyde & their corresponding acids, [see paper "Chemical Composition and Biological Activities of Mentha Species by Brahmi"] then approximately 2mg exists in 5 drops.
In conclusion, my personal observations, as I have taken acid hundreds of times in the past not only by itself, but in combination with 400g of fresh boiled cactus tea (I grow my own cactus under shade cloth) over 200 times in over 15 years, I keep a trip diary.

I also grow around 30 ipomoea tricolor heavenly blue morning glory plants, 15 to each 17" wide x 15" tall planter with 7 foot tall round welded wire fence (from garden store) in each, equivalent growing area of a 7 foot tall x 4 foot wide fence, grown in 3/4 miracle grow + 1/4 cow manure compost, produces extremely potent LSH & penniclavine containing seeds, that I pick when seeds are dark and hard and immediately vacuum pack and store in freezer to keep their high potency indefinitely. Each planter produces 3,000 seeds (5 seeds per pod), 6000 seeds total divided by 400 seeds per trip = 15 high potency trips. Even just small amounts of these seeds also potentiate normal LSD in combination, producing outstanding visions and transcendence beyond just normal LSD.

1) You know how acid has that sudden drop off then you are back to sobriety? Instead, this lasts longer than acid and has a warm gentle transition back over a longer period.

2) 1-acetaldehyde LSD is way more colorful than acid, similar to mescaline.

3) 1-acetaldehyde LSD does not have the "visual choppiness" of acid, but is flowing in the visuals.

4) LSD produces tracers with multiples of shadows of the hand, this produces not only tracers, but colored fractals and mosaics inside the tracers.

5) LSD produces "colored specs that flow in front of everything", this produces instead "fine colored rainbow reflections" that surround everything.

6) Music sounds good on acid, but music sounds great on this, like a whole nother world, similar to mescaline.

7) With 1-acetaldehyde LSD, everything was indeed alive and magical. Patterns were forming everywhere, the shifting of textures is magical. I could lose myself so easily as the visuals seemed to drag my focus in without any effort. As a result, ego death was basically spontaneous. Taking this 2 times already, made it feel like the first time I've ever tripped. My 2nd trip with 400ug 1-acetaldehyde LSD in combination with 400g fresh cactus tea was the most infinitely beautiful & powerful trip I have ever experienced in my life.

8] Sometimes LSD causes my mind to wander uncontrollably unless I take my own drive to focus, but with 1-acetaldehyde LSD there is no wandering thoughts, no tenseness or anxiety like with acid, this is deep mentally, a real gem, pure psychedelic bliss.

9) 400ug of 1-aceteldehyde LSD makes 400g of fresh boiled cactus pieces (no core, approximately 400mg mescaline) feel instead like 700mg of mescaline. I think this has to do with the possibility that 1-acetaldehyde LSD shifts the receptorome or radioligand binding of receptors "away from 5-ht2a" and towards the adrenal A2A, A2B, and A2C spectrum instead which is the dominance or habitat of mescaline & dmt & psilocin (see color chart post #1).

10) You can take this more often as it does not have the "extreme tolerance" of normal LSD which mainly works thru the 5-ht2a receptor (see color chart post #1 of old long thread), just like with cactus which you can take more often.

11) It is not a sacrilege to convert LSD to 1-acetaldehyde LSD cause Albert Hofmann also discovered ALD-52 at Sandoz labs. This is different from ALD-52 cause it has one extra hydrogen on the acetaldehyde adduct at the bottom indole NH group nitrogen. The table from Sandoz suggested that ALD-52 might actually have advantages over LSD, reducing any side effects but achieving a stronger trip. Measurements of brain waves while people were taking the two drugs showed that while LSD produced brain waves associated with intense concentration and anxiety, ALD-52 produced brain waves showing a more relaxed mental state. It also has "twice the anti-serotonin or serotonin blocking power" of normal LSD.

12) Before falling to sleep, I saw closed eye colored visions of architecture and gardens like those in Versailles, France.

13) LSD is more "analytical" and not as aesthetic, this feels more natural and is extremely aesthetic (beauty enhancing) like with mescaline.
Final notes when working with mg seeds instead of LSD:

Penniclavine is found in extremely high amounts in the mg seeds & in claviceps paspali infected wild grass Paspalum distichum L, with the labile LSH a close second in both of them and binds to 5-ht1a, 5-ht2a, 5-ht6, 5-ht7, adrenal A2A, A2C, A2D, and most of the dopamine receptors.

We don't have radioligand binding data for LSH, we only know it is similar to LAE-32 in TIHKAL, in which human experiments were done, at 1.5mg it was stimulating & "LSD like".

LSD only binds to A2A in comparison (when in comes to adrenal receptors, note 11). When Yui & Takeo injected penniclavine & agroclavine into lab animals in 1958 they noticed the animals became stimulated like with LSD. Penniclavine is a metabolite of agroclavine. Glasser in 1961 noticed animals also became stimulated when injected with LSH. Dr. Glasser said some of the mice even stood on their hine legs and pressed on the noses of the mice in front of them, very peculiar.

Animal tests all point to LSH being an active psychedelic and it is indeed the closest thing to LSD found in nature, far closer than d-ergine (LSA). Owsley claims Hoffman himself told him that LAOH is very LSD-like. I totally agree.

As everyone knows, 2 drugs combined is more potent than just one.

A 2014 forensics paper from Paulke found no LSH in HBWR seeds, but only found LSA & iso-LSA (83-84 percent & ergometrine (10-17 percent & rest: lysergol, elymoclavine & chanoclavine. We know that MG has centuries of Shamanic use, while HBWR has no history of Shamanic use. HBWR only has history of medicinal use.

Sandgrease: "HBWR has more of a sedative effect compared to MG."

Nogal: "HBWR is more body related while MG seeds have effects more similar to LSD."
I did not discover this conversion, it was given to me by an ancient spiritually prominent Shaman in a vision, true story, see here:

Discovered 1992 adducts study the same week after receiving a 20 minute visit or "schooling" from an ancient powerful and spiritually prominent Aztec Shaman who appeared out of the shadows on a wall cast by a Christmas tree, this after girl and I both took 10 hits each of 15 year old decomposed acid given to me by a dear friend, true story. The acid had a sick feeling for the 1st two hours, but then it worked and skyrocketed us to higher divine plane.

The Shaman sat on a throne made of spirit animals (birds, otters, Jaguars, macaws, toucans) that morphed into other spiritual animals continuously. The Shaman stared intently into my eyes as if downloading information to me. What's even more amazing, is that the girl who was with me also saw the EXACT same vision on the wall.

The Shaman wore a huge beautiful headdress made of feathers, to the left and right of him stood female centaurs, half naked female above, half animal below. He showed me the rise and fall of several civilizations throughout time. I saw the great pyramid of the Aztec empire in the distance. The animated vision was beyond 4k, and highly detailed.

Behind the female centaurs were snakevines growing out of the ground. Before the Shaman left, he motioned to me with his eyes to look out the window in the living room to the patio, where I had an empty garden plot, he was trying to tell me to plant entheogenic plants. His point in showing me the rise and fall of the different civilizations was I believe he was trying to tell me "that if humanity is survive, the only hope is a Spiritual solution."

Don't forget that to the Aztecs, the morning glory plant was more important to them then their other 2 classical plants, peyote and mushrooms. Two sources given for this comment below.

Note (2) Page 515 "Encyclopedia of Psychoactive Plants" Christian Ratsch: "The fresh or dried morning glory seeds normally are added to alcoholic drinks (sugarcane liquor; c. alcohol), tepache (maize beer, chicha), and balche' (Schultes 1941, 37)."

Note (4) Psychotomimetics of the Convolvulaceae pg 93: "This particular plant seems to have been more important to the Aztecs in divinity then Peyotl or Teonanacatl, two of their other classical sacred plants."

Note (5) Jonathan Ott "Pharmacotheon": "Ololiuhqui was far more prominent as an entheogen here in Mesoamerica than those mushrooms; the mushrooms are mentioned only here and there by a few competent chroniclers; yet almost an entire book was devoted to denouncing mainly the ololiuhqui idolatry. The annals of the Inquisition contain many times more autos de fe for ololiuhqui than for mushrooms."

Note (22) The sources were clear that the kykeon's other ingredient, mint (menthe pulegium) was fresh mint. Mint appears to have played a symbolic role in Eleusinian myth; being Hades' concubine, Mint was "dismembered by the jealous wife Persephone." See Wasson, "The Road to Eleusis", 111.

In Ipomoea Tricolor vine: from Tryptophan-->chanoclavine-->agroclavine-->elymoclavine-->lysergic acid-->ergometrine-->LSH, which then decomposes over time into LSA.

2016 Polish morning glory study found 3x higher amounts of LSH in MG seeds direct from grower/producer vs retail:
fresh black seeds from vine: likely 5.00 LSH to 5.00 penniclavine ratio
seeds direct from growers: 1.71 LSH to 5.08 penniclavine ratio
seeds off retail racks: 0.54 LSH to 4.75 penniclavine ratio
Vacuum pack & freeze freshly picked seeds to preserve potency indefinitely.

LSH (lysergic acid hydroxyethylamide) decomposes in neutral water solutions, and quickly in alkaline solutions, and also if heated, but it is quite stable in acidic environments (just like the solution recipe I give). Traditionally (e.g. as reported from Wasson) they only soaked the mushed seeds briefly in water, then strained and immediately drank. Even Hermes and Nogal (both extracted 400 to 500 seeds into cold acidic water using a squirt of lemon juice) both reported EXTREMELY VISUAL MG trip reports:

(1) Hermes (the Lycaeum):
Cold water extract with squirt of lemon juice: Saw strong 4D lattice-like open eye visuals and warping and melting of furniture with only 400 seeds. There are around 32 to 36 seeds to a gram. I see amazing three and seemingly four-dimensional shapes morphing and bifurcating. Often I get religious and esoteric themed visuals, like fractal cherub wings and winged eyes like those in some of Alex Grey's work. Eyes are all over everything. I see pyramids and sphinxes and Gigeresque biomechanical forms. I see amazing geometric lattice structures. I watch mathematical space-filling algorithms doing their thing, all of this with nothing more than 500 seeds.
(2) Nogal (the Nook):
Yes I know of someone who tried the CWE method with the Heavenly Blue variety, except with the substitution of a coffee grinder in place of a stone metate (I think that's what is called but I could be wrong), and a squirt of lemon in the water, with around 400-500 seeds. Closed and open eyed visuals were extremely breath taking. Some of the most prominent visions were of Aztec/Mayan glyphic patterns, a menacing and demonic technicolor nymph made of light who tried to seduce the viewer, and this bizare trail of energy spheres which each contained a different stylized animal form (again definately of Aztec/Mayan origin).
(3) Erowid report:
400 older dried seeds is similar to a little less than one hit LSD. 400 fresh off vine is like about 2 or three hits.
Myself: 500ml cold spring water acidified to Ph=4 with DL tartaric acid extract on 400 fresh off the vine dark hard heavenly blue morning glory seeds that I grew in 3/4 miracle grow + 1/4 cow manure compost, fed 1 tablespoon miracle grow crystals dissolved into 1 gallon watering can w/spout once per month only, 22 years ago, added 1 shot of sherry & 5 drops peppermint extract, let sit in fridge 3 hours with swirling once per hour:
Saw geometric patterns on the surface of everything, with closed eyes, colored vectors spun 360 degrees while traveling from left to right across visual plane. Sounds were not only amplified & music heavenly but audio hallucinations were produced, heavy euphoria component & very strong appreciation for beauty. Remember watching Scarlett Johansson interview on a small television and melting into the seat from her beauty amidst all the breath taking geometrics. Tripped hard as hell in dreams.
I am not a shaman, but I have been thru alot of the stuff Shaman's have gone thru, I have lost both my twin girls at birth, so I have no children, my beloved pet Shitzu died at only age 4 from continuous bladder stones for 6 months, he was unable to pee so many times, we had to rush him to vet, where he was put down. He visited both of us in a dream 2 days later to tell us he was alright in Heaven with a big smile on his face.

I have nearly died several times, once I was hit head on by a truck when driver ran a yield sign, I barely survived with numerous injuries.

I once took alot of acacia bark with Ayahuasca instead of the normal hawaiian psychotria I use, and went into a serious serotonin syndrome shock, for 1.5 hours I sweated my ass off sitting in the bathtub, I told my wife goodbye while my dog watched in a sad state..by some miracle I pulled out of it, I believe it was the high levels of maoi's in the acacia that interacted with the rima's in the Ayahuasca, bad combination. My forehead was pouring sweat for 1.5 hours, I was in severe shock and trembling, and knew I was gonna die.

Lost everything in a 100 year severe flood, my home and all my belongings, I had just gotten married and all the newlywed gifts perished...right after that I moved to an apartment complex, and 5 months later all my belongings again burnt to the ground after a dude had threw a lit blunt into the apartment complex after his girlfriend dumped him.

Had it not been for the policeman banging on the door of the apartment, we would have surely burned in the flames, as we were on the 3rd floor & asleep as I worked 2nd shift at the time. We ran down the steps in only our bare feet and suffered smoke inhalation.

Have been thru some %!%%, similar to a Shaman, who lives on the outskirts of society. Lifting weights, walking in nature with my dog, going to the waterpark with a season pass every summer, and reading the bible is all that keeps me sane some days.
Stay true to yourself, Peace, Love & Music.



1) Sherry wine for conversion of LSD to 1-acetaldehyde in only 3 hours, and materials list for conversion of LSH and penniclavine in morning glory seeds to 1-acetaldehyde LSH & penniclavine should you choose to duplicate the 1992 Adducts study given on page 1.

Funnel with cotton balls used to filter morning glory cold water acidified extract should you choose to work with seeds, see here Note (12) on page 2:


2) easy morning glory planter, each 17" wide x 15" beautiful Belize Chata Marsal Clay planter is home to 15 plants, there are 20 vertical rods in each 7 foot round fence for snakevines to climb.

3) Paspalum distichum infected with ergot (likely entheogen used at Eleusis) contains sky high levels of LSH & penniclavine when fresh just like morning glory seeds when fresh off vine.

4) Pic of researcher's new indole product creation BEFORE & AFTER. Acetaldehyde adducts onto bottom of NH group nitrogen of indole, using only water acidified to ph=4 (sherry wine is already at ph=4) and around a 0.1% acetaldehyde solution. Sherry wine contains the acetaldehyde we need, just like the study.

5) LSH or Lysergic acid hydroxyethylamide

6) LSD

7) ALD-52 compared to LSD

8] Graph & table showing levels of LSH in retail store rack seeds, but 3x higher levels LSH in seeds bought directly from producer, not shown possible 6x higher levels from fresh off the vine dark black seeds.

9) Eleusis Telesterian Initiation hall

10) Eleusian Mystery participants

11) 1-(1-hydroxyethyl) penniclavine courtesy of downwardsfromzero

12) 1-(1-hydroxyethyl) penniclavine acetyl courtesy of downwardsfromzero

Pics at bottom with alkaloid diagrams:

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Is there any way to test a sample of this with gas chromatography? Sounds like product is wet with vinegar and cinnamon drops so that may not work.
The main recipe is based on the 1992 adducts study which creates a new 1-acetaldehyde (similar to ALD-52 but contains one more hydrogen molecule) alkaloid from LSD.
sorry but from a chemistry standpoint, this is practically impossible...

you either will get a carbon with 5 bonds (nononono) or the oxygen in the aldehyde will be turned to -OH so you'd have HO-C-N, which will hydrolyze much faster than amide, so not stable.

if this reactions works, it will produce either amide (ald-52 = 1-acetyl-lsd) or nothing at all..
The Axe said:
Is there any way to test a sample of this with gas chromatography? Sounds like product is wet with vinegar and cinnamon drops so that may not work.
The Axe, there is no vinegar or cinnamon, never mentioned that, only acidified solution to ph=4 and around a 0.1% acetaldehyde solution, both of which 1992 adducts with indole study require, and 3 hours soak time with swirling similar to what the study calls for. DrumTripper is in the process of trying this one day, he does not have LSD but will try it with eth-lad he said, hopefully he will report back soon. Like I said, try this on your own, it's one step and really works.

DrumTripper said:
Since one can’t use R1 subs, I’m going to try this with eth-lad, as I can no longer source real lsd.
I’ll report back, as I know this one very well, and am hoping it has similar effect on eth-lad.

See pics on how this also converts penniclavine (highest alkaloid in morning glory seeds) for example to the 1-(1-hydroxyethyl) penniclavine courtesy of downwardsfromzero (chemical genius) who drew up diagrams for all this stuff as he worked along with me, in link with the 13 pics above.
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tired of crap said:
Why 3 threads with essentially the same content
There is only one other 4 page thread and I give the same info condensed above, but instead I spread it out over 63 posts, no one will ever take the time to read, and I apologize. It takes time to write, the other post was like a rough draft of the whole procedure, and I encourage people to post here should they choose to contribue, condensed and easy to read. Again, my apologies. I had posted this at DMT Nexus, where downwardsfromzero and I worked together, he drew up all chemical diagrams with explanations, posting this got my account suspended till the year 2294, as 4 of the elitist over there said it was impossible for a "pro-drug" to have it's own effects. They all called this "pseudo-science" and not only deleted my thread but all of the pictures and tables and study graphs I had attached to all my threads over the last 12 years, all deleted. Perhaps you all remember me, I posted how HPBCD (hydroxy propyl beta cyclodextrin) could be used to make a series of drugs more bioavailable back in 2012 here. I go way back at "The Nook" for over 15 years ago, where I was a master amateur chemist in the "Ionic Lab section" with numerous posts. I have an entheogenic library of 150 books.

I simply proposed my theory based on the 1992 indole adducts study and results, I used the scientific method, I was very kind but they thought otherwise about the documented science and deleted everything with not a single person trying this. One person in the thread claimed to be a "big pharma representative" and got his other elitist friends to support him and troll me after every post and attack me at every opportunity in the thread, he was very rude. He also shot down downwardsfromzero's post and a post by Xorkoth that he had found here about 4-aco-dmt vs 4-ho-dmt. He attempted to tear my ideas apart piece by piece (and the post by Xorkoth). He said "as a bunch of drug takers" we have no say on this, and we must "follow his direction." The science on pro-drugs with rats proves everything he saids, nothing else matters.

But this is indeed no prodrug. Sandoz labs where ALD-52 was discovered by Albert Hofmann gave this to people and took their brainwaves and showed this was completely different from LSD. The table from Sandoz suggested that ALD-52 might actually have advantages over LSD, reducing any side effects but achieving a stronger trip. Measurements of brain waves while people were taking the two drugs showed that while LSD produced brain waves associated with intense concentration and anxiety, ALD-52 produced brain waves showing a more relaxed mental state. They also discovered ALD-52 had "twice the anti-serotonin or serotonin blocking power" of normal LSD.

I guarantee you this is way different from LSD, give this a shot with 4 x 100ug hits of acid, profoundly different, like ALD-52 but beyond, like an upgraded version of LSD imho. Why else would the ancient Aztec & Mayan and Greek Priest use this same procedure? See my Reference Notes section above. Read the study linked to above, it's all there in black and white.

22 years ago, I discovered the 1992 adducts study, and used it to transform 400 fresh off the vine morning glory seed cold water acidified extract to a mind-blowing experience, see my trip report in post #1. I posted the experience and study on the now defunct Lycaeum forum over 22 years ago! However, from that point on everyone took my post wrong, and instead propagated falsely the incorrect fact that LSA was being converted into LSH at the amide nitrogen, totally false. You can look anywhere on the net and discover hundreds if not thousands of false claims that LSA converts to LSH. I never said that. People did not understand at the time what 1-acetaldehyde LSH or 1-acetaldehyde LSA was. It was impossible for me to stop the run away train of falsely interpreted results. I gave up trying to correct them.

I still grow morning glory to this day and use just small amounts of the "frozen vacuum packed fresh dark black hard seeds right off the vine, to preserve their high potency" in combination with LSD to greatly enhance the visions and transcendence way beyond where acid alone can take me. The seeds contain extremely high amounts of penniclavine (see graph from 2016 Polish morning glory study in 13 pics in attached link at bottom of post #1), which is profoundly psychedelic in a different way from LSD. Morning glory contains 2 strong drugs when fresh: penniclavine and LSH. As everyone knows, 2 drugs in combination is more powerful than just one. This I use when I run out of home grown cactus to take in combination with acid, but now I will only use 1-acetaldehyde LSD in combination with cactus, for the rest of my life....profoundly beautiful and powerful visually and mentally deep, a real gem. It makes 400g of fresh cactus feel like 700g of the rare cactus. 400mg mescaline becomes similar to 700mg of mescaline. LSD in combo with cactus does not do that, it just feels like acid + cactus. The 400ug trip with 1-acetaldehyde LSD in combo with 400g fresh boiled cactus tea (my 2nd trip with this new molecule) was the most beautiful & powerful experience of my life, and I've tripped hundreds of times on combination of 400g fresh cactus tea + acid in all different doses.
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The ritual act of dissolving into wine and peppermint could itself be a importance of ceremony giving the sacred drugs a context and ritual taking instead of just popping LSD like its candy. I believe this can majorly effect the LSD trip alone due to deep subconsciousness neural pathways.

I know my LSD trips take on a very different feel when i treat it like a ceremony playing healing icaros and shamanic songs before and during the come up into the peak.

So even if the chemistry didn't work the fact you made all these steps and thus prepped a ceremonial drink it could lead to a much greater trip that is profoundly changed to the usual LSD trip. LSD itself is a crazy drug i have never had one trip the same over 100 something times.

My trips these days on LSD are usually intense full body orgasms all through the come up into the peak pure love dissolving into pure bliss and relaxation music is beyond anything actual portals to other realms for myself intense beauty and i have full blown visuals til the 12 hour mark not a sudden drop off and sometimes visuals til i go to sleep even 30 hours later of geometric patterns in the dark.
tired of crap said:
I guarantee you this is way different from LSD, give this a shot with 4 x 100ug hits of acid, profoundly different, like ALD-52 but beyond, like an upgraded version of LSD imho. Why else would the ancient Aztec & Mayan and Greek Priest use this same procedure? Read the study linked to above, it's all there in black and white.
hate to quote myself from 10 years ago....

suprisingly treating ipomoea (LSA) extracts with pure acetaldehyde in anhydrous methanol does change the alkaloid composition though it is far from certain it makes LSH, instead it seems more likely it is converting isoergine compounds to the normal compounds. TLC tests clearly show the change. However before anyone gets too excited the same experiment using acetaldehyde in aqueous methanol caused No change.

against the peppermint LSH theory is the fact that commercial peppermint oil contains fuck all free acetaldehyde. Acetaldhyde is extremely volatile it is usually cooled to below zero before handling and is not going to stay around in peppermint oil stored at room temperature. Peppermint oil is usually produced by steam distillation, acetaldehyde is water soluble and so ends up in the water not in the oil. freshly squeezed orange juice contains much more acetaldehyde, and the final nail in the coffin is that the reaction does not occur in the presence of water.
Tregar you have probably rediscovered something that has long been a curiosity, for example on the now defunct blacklight site there was TLC posted of morning glory seed extract treated with methanol, acetaldehyde-methanol or with acetaldehyde-methanol-water, the extract treated with acetaldehyde-methanol without the water showed a clear difference in the alkaloid profile, with a shift to several new non polar spots which couldn't be identified. IIRC Erhlichs was used to develop the plates so these were indole compounds.

The most interesting thing was that when any water was added to the methanol acetaldehyde, the alkaloid mixture was not changed at all which goes against the idea that this can likely happen in highly watery mixtures like sherry wine, but the underlying chemistry is 100% real.

Indole itself is not a reference for this chemistry as indole is not substituted on the 3 position, when there is no substitition on the 3 position the reaction with acetaldehyde makes the acetaldehyde version of diindolylmethane instead.
LSD LSA Tryptophan Indole acetic acid are all substituted at the 3 position so cannot form the diindolemethane type products, instead they perhaps form the unstable N-Carbinol derivative which then reacts with an alcohol forms an acetal that is a bit more stable. Not stable enough to analyse by ESI MS though. The substitution on the indole N is not just acetaldehyde but acetaldehyde and ethanol. indole N-CH(OEt)-CH3, where things in brackets mean sticking out from the chain, and Et is ethyl, -CH2CH3

bagseed is incorrect, Hemiaminals (carbinlolamines) and hemiaminal ethers themselves are fairly well known creatures R-N-CH(OR)-R, also known as N-Acyl-N,O-acetals. There is no need to invoke Texas Carbons.

LSH itself is a hemiaminal, Lysergic-C(=O)-NH-CH(OH)CH3, though not particularly stable, this leads to the question can LSH be converted into a mixed acetal with greater stability and effect Lysergic-C(=O)-NH-CH(OR)CH3 ? where R is CH3 or C2H5, which would be more non polar than LSA or LSH

the product of acetaldehyde and Indole N cannot form an amide because the oxidation state of the carbon in acetaldehyde is too low.

Prodrugs can have intrinsic activity themselves, hence the distinction being made between pharmacolocially inactive and active prodrugs.
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Thank you vecktor. Well said.

Vecktor said:
Tregar you have probably rediscovered something that has long been a curiosity....the morning glory extract treated with acetaldehyde-methanol without the water showed a clear difference in the alkaloid profile, with a shift to several new non polar spots which couldn't be identified. IIRC Erhlichs was used to develop the plates so these were indole compounds.
So glad to hear Vecktor, thanks. It takes time for the new product to form when there is water involved--->the researchers achieved a 100% new product with or without the use of ethanol, it made no difference, you only need ph=4 acidified water and around a 0.1% acetaldehyde solution, with a 1.5 hour soak time with stirring. It just so happens that sherry wine is already at ph=4 just like the study calls for.

Downwardsfromzero (please see his attached chemical diagrams on linked to post with 13 pics at bottom of post #1):

"Here I've attached space-filling models of the LSH-hemiaminal (first picture) and the penniclavine-hemiaminal-spirodioxolane - "PHSD" (second picture). Note that there is absolutely no evidence whatsoever that this latter compound even exists in morning glories, but it's a common chemical reaction for a glycol (like penniclavine) to form a dioxolane by reacting with an aldehyde. I suspect that there's no enzyme to support the formation of PHSD; this is purely a chemistry-based observation derived from the context of the discussion."

Tregar, Since you mention the 1-acetaldehyde adduct of penniclavine [1-(1-hydroxyethyl)penniclavine], attached is a picture of the molecule, for your viewing pleasure. (Note that the the substituents at position 8 - hydroxy and hydroxymethyl - can be in one of two positions. When the hydroxy is below the hexagonal ring and the hydroxymethyl above when viewing the molecule as in the diagram below we have penniclavine. When the hydroxy is above and the hydroxymethyl below, we have isopenniclavine. These two bear the same relationship as lysergic acid and isolysergic acid.)

It also occurs to me that the two oxygen atoms can themselves, under acidic conditions, combine with a further molecule of acetaldehyde to form a cyclic ether or acetal (spirodioxolane!) and both the 1-hydroxyethyl group and this 8-spirodioxolane can exist as optical isomers - in the case of the spirodioxolane, because of its methyl group.

This spirodioxolane starts to resemble the space-filling and electron densities of LSH. I wonder if this could be significant too?

The acetaldehyde adduct would be C2H5O, as CH3COH attached at the indolic nitrogen - another 1-hydroxyethyl group, just like in LSH. From what you describe, this seems like an argument for soaking one's N¹-unsubstituted lysergamides in cold peppermint sherry for a while before consumption. Would this also include tryptamines such as DMT-containing potions for oral consumption, one might wonder? And what about psiloc(yb)in?

As I've mentioned, my most successful plant-derived lysergamide experience - in dreams, of course - albeit with HBWR, coincided with intake of a fairly large quantity of brandy which, in all likelihood, produced a significant level of acetaldehyde within my body, exposing the plant lysergamides to the correct conditions (as reported in the 1992 Austin & Fraenkel-Conrat PNAS indole adducts paper) within my stomach for the putative 1-(1-hydroxyethyl) or, rather, it seems, the 1-(1-ethoxyethyl) derivative to be formed. In this case, the effects were clearly stimulating, unlike the sedative effects usually reported for HBWR. I see that brandy weighs in fairly well on the acetaldehyde content scale as well, btw (post #17)

Looking at the PNAS paper, and the molecular structure "indole after p8441", what we appear to get is a 1-(1-ethoxyethyl)indole, with an ethyl group on the oxygen atom. This would be more lipophilic than the 1-(1-hydroxyethyl) derivative, as would, incidentally, the cinnamaldehyde adduct proposed by 69ron. It is only with the combination of both ethanol and acetaldehyde (EDIT: rather. an alcohol and an aldehyde; see below) that we get a stable product. It would seem likely that under mildly acidic conditions ethanol and cinnamaldehyde (or, we might also surmise, any other sufficiently stable, sterically unhindered aldehyde) would also form a stable adduct. The systematic naming starts to get a bit horrible, but here goes: 1-(3-phenyl-1-ethyoxyprop-2-en-1-yl)indole derivatives. Now have a cookie.

And isovaleraldehyde would lead to the production of a 1-(1-ethoxy-3-methyl-1-butyl)indole derivative under this scheme. That'll have to do for now as I need to sleep. [EDIT: also of interest, we see the following: "Reaction mixtures were also prepared using 1-, 3-, and 4-carbon-chain aldehydes and alcohols. After 24 hr of reaction at ambient temperature, these alternative mixtures were analyzed on the same HPLC system. Reaction products (data not shown) were detected in all cases, except when the aldehyde was formaldehyde, and product retention time increased along with the length of the reagents' carbon chains. The yields decreased with increasing alcohol and aldehyde chain length (methanol/acetaldehyde - butanol/butyraldehyde)."
Concerning the seed extracts only: 69ron & Kash also back up my claim that there are no LSA sedative effects left over or felt, only stimulating/energizing, euphoric and psychedelic qualities. 69ron writes about this for 2 pages and rightly so, as it is a revelation the first time you experience it. I think the reason some of his conversions worked 100% and others failed completely was because: 1) he did not acidify his solution, and 2) he did not use high acetaldehyde containing wine, but rather mint tea only, and 3) at other times he used rum (not much acetaldehyde that I know of.)

Fact: This conversion, when it works, produces an effect that is very different from LSA. Far more like LSD, and stimulating instead of sedating. When it works, the difference is HUGE, not a tiny difference, the experience is TOTALLY DIFFERENT. I know the effects of LSA and LSD very well. He has used them many times. He guarantees that when the reaction works, there is NO NOTICEABLE LSA left at all in the experience. It becomes almost identical to an LSD experience at low doses. Totally different from LSA.

Just took a 40 seed portion of LSA extract that was mixed for 15 minutes with peppermint oil yesterday and tripped his face off with a friend. Was very clean feeling and relaxed. Rainbows and vibrant fractal energy danced all over the skies and throughout his surroundings and music sounded great. The head-space was very acid like but different. Was a bit intense but he was able to keep it together lol. Whole trip was about 8 hrs long.

I have tried a 20 seed extract without peppermint oil and it seemed uncomfortable and sedating with no visuals, while every time he has added peppermint oil he has gotten visuals.

Note: All the experiments performed by 69ron and Kash were with extracts of HBWR seeds, they were transforming ONLY the high amounts of LSA and ergometrine in the seeds to the 1-acetaldehyde LSA & 1-acetaldehyde ergometrine versions.

Just imagine what kind of strong experience they could have had if they had only dreamed with traditional Shamanic used morning glory seeds (like editor did), to transform the high potency LSH & penniclavine into 1-acetaldehyde LSH & penniclavine. The high levels of ergometrine in the seeds (around 17% in HBWR vs 3-5% in morning glory) can have side effects once you start to get close to the visual side of it. A 2014 forensics paper from Paulke found no LSH in HBWR seeds, but only found LSA & iso-LSA (83-84 percent & ergometrine 10-17 percent) & rest: lysergol, elymoclavine & chanoclavine. We know that MG has centuries of Shamanic use, while HBWR has no history of Shamanic use. HBWR only has history of medicinal use.

Myself: 500ml cold spring water acidified to Ph=4 with DL tartaric acid extract on 400 fresh off the vine dark hard heavenly blue morning glory seeds that I grew in 3/4 miracle grow + 1/4 cow manure compost, fed 1 tablespoon miracle grow crystals dissolved into 1 gallon watering can w/spout once per month only, 22 years ago, added 1 shot of sherry & 5 drops peppermint extract, let sit in fridge 3 hours with swirling once per hour:
Saw geometric patterns on the surface of everything, with closed eyes, colored vectors spun 360 degrees while traveling from left to right across visual plane. Sounds were not only amplified & music heavenly but audio hallucinations were produced, heavy euphoria component & very strong appreciation for beauty. Remember watching Scarlett Johansson interview on a small television and melting into the seat from her beauty amidst all the breath taking geometrics. Tripped hard as hell in dreams.
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bagseed is incorrect, Hemiaminals (carbinlolamines) and hemiaminal ethers themselves are fairly well known creatures R-N-CH(OR)-R, also known as N-Acyl-N,O-acetals. There is no need to invoke Texas Carbons.
yeah I know that hemiaminals are a thing, but wouldn't they hydrolyze in aqueous acidic conditions? And if water present in the reaction mixture produces no change in composition of the starting material, it seems that whatever might be produces will rapidly degrade by hydrolysis.

Also looking at the structure of LSH, it is not clear to me that that is actually the same thing as a hemiaminal, because the N is part of an amid at the carboxylic acid function of lysergic acid:
see here: https://upload.wikimedia.org/wikipe...-D-lysergic_acid_methyl_carbinolamide.svg.png

Being part of an amide changes the electron distribution of that N quite a bit, so I am not sure if you can conclude from one structure to another.
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yeah I know that hemiaminals are a thing, but wouldn't they hydrolyze in aqueous acidic conditions? And if water present in the reaction mixture produces no change in composition of the starting material, it seems that whatever might be produces will rapidly degrade by hydrolysis.

Also looking at the structure of LSH, it is not clear to me that that is actually the same thing as a hemiaminal, because the N is part of an amid at the carboxylic acid function of lysergic acid:
see here: https://upload.wikimedia.org/wikipe...-D-lysergic_acid_methyl_carbinolamide.svg.png

Being part of an amide changes the electron distribution of that N quite a bit, so I am not sure if you can conclude from one structure to another.
they do, and it is an equilibrium so the prescence of water drives the reaction back to starting materials, but the question is once formed how fast does it go back? certainly once formed they are stable enough in the abscence of water to run up a TLC plate on acidic silica.

regarding LSH remember indole N1 is also a special case.
Vecktor said:
Tregar you have probably rediscovered something that has long been a curiosity....the morning glory extract treated with acetaldehyde-methanol without the water showed a clear difference in the alkaloid profile, with a shift to several new non polar spots which couldn't be identified. IIRC Erhlichs was used to develop the plates so these were indole compounds.
So glad to hear Vecktor, thanks. It takes time for the new product to form when there is water involved--->the researchers achieved a 100% new product with or without the use of ethanol, it made no difference, you only need ph=4 acidified water and around a 0.1% acetaldehyde solution, with a 1.5 hour soak time with stirring. It just so happens that sherry wine is already at ph=4 just like the study calls for! Researchers said "the lower the PH, the faster the reaction."

Just as mescaline is powerful and shines at 300 to 400mg, this same molecule shines at 300 to 400ug. 400ug is the dosage I will always use. Extremely colorful and infinitely beauty enhancing like with mescaline, profoundly different from LSD. Visuals are much stronger in a different way from LSD. See my 13 comments about it vs LSD in post #1. Music sounds good on acid, but music sounds GREAT on this, like a whole nother world, similar to listening to music on mescaline. LSD to me is so "one-dimensional". 1-acetaldehyde LSD is 3 dimensional in the visuals, like you can reach out and grab them. I saw colors I've never seen in my life, my jaw dropped.
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Vecktor said:

So glad to hear Vecktor, thanks. It takes time for the new product to form when there is water involved--->the researchers achieved a 100% new product with or without the use of ethanol, it made no difference, you only need ph=4 acidified water and around a 0.1% acetaldehyde solution, with a 1.5 hour soak time with stirring. It just so happens that sherry wine is already at ph=4 just like the study calls for! Researchers said "the lower the PH, the faster the reaction."

you are misreading what that paper says.

the 60% after 1 hr is for indole reacting to make Diindoleethane which is different chemstry. The diindoleethane precipitates and drives the reaction to completion. They refer to it as bisindole ethane. this is irrelevent to any lysergamide which is of course always 3 substituted.

the reaction you claim, acetalisation is done in 40% water 40% ethanol 20% acetaldehyde stirring at RT for 18 hrs and still was incomplete because they clearly used TLC to isolate the product and got only 60% yield. so 60% yield at 18 hrs.....
forget 100% yield for a 1.5 hr reaction time 4 fold less ethanol and 20 fold less acetaldehyde, that is verging on homeopathic chemistry.

BTW The authors are again referring to the reaction of indole to give bidindoleethane not acetal when they talk about increased rate of reaction on dilution, which I suspect is a typo in any case.

Some chemistry can happen and does happen with methanol acetaldehyde no water, the reaction gets slower the bigger the aldehyde and the bigger the alcohol,
The paper does not support it happening to any degree merely by shaking in sherryas a alcohol acetaldehyde substitute for 1.5 hrs, sorry.
See the pictures here at end of post #1: https://www.shroomery.org/forums/showflat.php/Number/26872226

There is a picture of indole before and indole after at the indole NH group nitrogen. It's too bad I can't post pictures here so you can see the reaction. Downwardsfromzero (chemical genius) also drew diagrams of the penniclavine conversion.

The researchers ran SEVERAL EXPERIMENTS with different compounds, and yes they used acetaldehyde....you need to read the whole paper. Indole BEFORE is on page 8439, indole AFTER is on page 8441.
Note (6) 1992 adducts study: hxxps://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pmc/articles/PMC49935/ Page 8441 "Reaction of Indole with Acetaldehyde: A 0.2% solution of indole in equal amounts of water, ethanol, and acetaldehyde formed a product with 60% yield after 1 hour of reaction at ambient temperature. Omitting the ethanol (50% acetaldehyde in water mixture) had no effect. Decreasing the concentration of acetaldehyde to 0.1% increased the reaction rate and percent yield of product." See pic of the researchers's indole + acetaldehyde adduct product formed at bottom of this post ---> ie before (page 8439) and after (page 8441).


The researchers achieved a 100% new product with or without the use of ethanol, it made no difference, you only need ph=4 acidified water and around a 0.1% acetaldehyde solution, with a 1.5 hour soak time with stirring.

I'm leaving for now, I give up trying to explain this. I posted all I needed to post anyways. There are 3 people at Shroomery going to give this a go and report back.

Downwardsfromzero (post #9):
Looking at the PNAS paper, and the molecular structure "indole after p8441", what we appear to get is a 1-(1-ethoxyethyl)indole, with an ethyl group on the oxygen atom. This would be more lipophilic than the 1-(1-hydroxyethyl) derivative, as would, incidentally, the cinnamaldehyde adduct proposed by 69ron. It is only with the combination of both ethanol and acetaldehyde (EDIT: rather. an alcohol and an aldehyde; see below) that we get a stable product. It would seem likely that under mildly acidic conditions ethanol and cinnamaldehyde (or, we might also surmise, any other sufficiently stable, sterically unhindered aldehyde) would also form a stable adduct. The systematic naming starts to get a bit horrible, but here goes: 1-(3-phenyl-1-ethyoxyprop-2-en-1-yl)indole derivatives. Now have a cookie.

what's the worst that could happen? lose a couple of tabs and be stuck with a bottle of shitty wine? or maybe i would like the wine and become a wino? I'll try it out soon.
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I read the whole paper and unlike you I actually understood what was said, including the experimental.

you are cutting and pasting references that are clearly incorrect to anyone who reads and understands the paper.

to summarise, the paper is two series of experiments, one where the starting indoles are substituted at the the 3 postion (IAA trptophan etc) one where it is not (indole), I am not going to bother arguing with a shroomery genius who has incorrectly identified the product derived by treating a 3 substituted indole, indole-3-acetic acid with acetaldehyde as the product of treating indole with acetaldehyde, indole and indole 3-acetic acid are completely different starting materials, the 3 acetic acid a famous auxin and is referred to in the paper as IAA not indole because the authors know the difference.

The yields and call outs for the rapid reaction is the reaction of a 3 unsubstituted indole with acetaldehyde to give bisindoyl ethane.

the other reaction to form an acetal is slow and incomplete even at 18hrs with more concentrated reagents as I pointed out and as the authors pointed out themselves

That is what the paper says, like it or not.

You are essentially running a huge placebo experiment and you have no way of determining if anything real happens at all, good luck.
Tregar, I have merged both of these threads, and pasted your 1-page synopsis from the second thread into the first post, and marked it as such.
I've seen teks on the web for mushrooms that don't seem plausible at all, like lemon tek, but on the other hand I've seen other simple teks with lye or food grade lime seem like they do strip off part of a chain. I'm just wondering, other than subjectively, how to confirm whether there's an acetyl attached to the LSD-25 or whether something else is going on with acetyl during metabolism.

I only met a chemist once, the minute someone told me what was going on at the property (designer drugs in the 80s), I got out of the house. Which is too bad because I was about to buy a late 70s mint condition Monte Carlo from the guy for like $500.