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Worst Hangover

Alcohol. When I'm hung over because of alcohol all I want to do is sleep but never can.

Diphenhydamine has a pretty bad hang over, you feel really sleepy and lethargic for up to a day or 2 depending on how much you took.

Hydrocodone has a come down that's pretty bad. I felt sick for a few hours after taking a strong dose.
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I get the worst hangovers, physically and mentally, from alcohol.

I don't 'come down' off meth or ecstasy, even if I'm smoking it every day or when I was using MDMA weekly for 3 years.

Alcohol just makes me so sick, I get the worst hangovers. The nausea is the worst, but mentally it makes me so anxious and depressed the next day.
What are you guys talking about dxm hangover? The next day after doing dxm I am usually in the best mood of my life. Sure you got the shakes, but there is definately euphoria.
I get TERRIBLE alcohol hangovers. Ever since I started taking Celexa, I don't even bother drinking anymore --- if I do, they are awful. I'll feel really sick after I'm done drinking, when I finally pass out I wake up the next day, have what I like to call a "warm headache", feel achy and just like death, and puke. This had only happened a handful of times before the Celexa, but since being on a ssri makes it absolutely fucking unbearable every single time...it lasts ALL DAY THE DAY AFTER DRINKING and sometimes I don't feel right the next day either. Alcohol sucks.

If you mix in coke with the alcohol --- that's about the only thing I can think of that's worse than the alcohol alone --- nose is stuffed, I'm even more miserable, and my stomach is so bad that I'm stuck to gatorade for sometimes 2 FULL days.

Yeah, I RARELY drink alcohol at all anymore and SUPER SUPER RARELY ALMOST NEVER use coke --- the after-effects just aren't worth it for me.

Oh, and I just want to add.... I <3 marijuana, a LOT.
I get real sore during hangovers. Like muscle/bone aches. Worse than opiate withdrawals auctually. I don't get aches and pains during opiate withdrawal. or if I do, the other symptoms cover them up.

Don't you hate it when you drink till like 5 am and wake up at maybe 10am and take a shower, but you took the shower too early and gotta take another one at 4pm.
worste hang over i ever had was when i was a pill noob in highschool and kinda took whatever. (that phase only lasted awhile before i became selective)

but i took
alcohol (decent amount given the pills prob 4-5 beers)
weed (i always have weed, but IMO that didnt make the hangover worse n if anything made me feel better, especially after i woke up n threw up n then vaped a bowl)

long ago someone told me if i drink as much water as possible before bed (1-3 glasses) after drinkin lots of alcohol it will greatly help the next day n it always has for me

i have also had some shitty hangovers from nights of doin blow and drinkin and then using xanax to go to bed. but those dont feel like shitty hangover n in fact i kinda have energy but the day just sucks

most of the time from alcohol n weed alone i dont get hangovers even when drinkin alot the worst that happens is that i will get sore joints the next day particularly in my knees and kinda the elbows

Never had hangover from weed (of course) and IMO i enjoy the hangover/dayafter effects of opiate and benzo use
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I thought I'd bring this thread back, because I find it interesting to see what causes other people the worst hangover.

For me, it's a combo: alcohol + cocaine during a night of partying.

I have never felt some run-down and shitty the next thing from anything else. Pretty much your standard alcohol hangover combined with the "brain-dead' feeling you getting after doing coke.. Absolutely terrible.

For some reason I'm very susceptable to alcohol hangovers and get very, very bad ones even if I take precautions while drinking and drink water, eat salty snacks and bread and take vitamin supplements before bed. This is why I drink very rarely nowadays.
The only drug that gives me a significant hangover is ethanol. But even on the day of the hangover it's mostly physical: mentally/emotionally I'm just dandy.
i feel the worst after doing stimulants. worse than alcohol or anything else.
Agree with general on the alcohol+coke hangover. Vividly remember an all nighter of drinking and blow. Slept like two hours then had to work. Felt so brain dead/dirty ugh, and I don't normally drink or do blow so yeah.

Second is ecstasy- it depletes your brain and doesn't stop for a couple days.
alcohol + mdma always makes me feel right toxic the next day

and for some reason lsd + mdma really fucks with my head the day after. physically im fine but i get so depressed and feel so zapped out the next day its rediculous. either of them by them self dont effect my brain nearly as bad
excess alcohol, mdma or cocaine all make me feel like complete shit the next day.

haha zopiclone definitely comes to mind as well, i tried it for a sleep aid for a while and it would give me this sick ass metallic taste in my mouth for a couple days :!

werd. i drank a bunch of beers and popped a few zopes. the hangover that followed was pretty dreadful. usually gatorade or copious amounts of water gets rid of the alch hangover. thanks to that god awful taste though choking down more than a gulp of water was gag inducing so my sorry dehydrated ass stayed that way for longer than i should have.
One night I drank a bunch, took two ocycontins, smoked some weed, and did a weed gas mask.

Needless to say, the next several days were fuzzy.
Mdvp was the worst hangover for me, i felt depressed for one week and had a lot of panic atttacks..
Alcohol. Champagne at a wedding actually. Sneaked a crate out of the cellar to drink with other guests. 3 day hangover. 1st day was still drunk with no idea of the enormity of the hangover to come. Drove a car that day thinking i was ok. Stupefying stuff!
MDMA was by far the worst for me. I felt and depressed and dissociated for months afterward, and I haven't rolled since.

Almost as bad as this was the one time I tried oxycodone, taking 10mL (1mg/mL) of OxyDose. As I came down I started to feel what would turn out to be the worst headache I have ever experienced, and it continued for about a week. Safe to say I'll probably never take oxycodone again.