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Worst Hangover

I'll have to go with dex. Then again, I just get really bad medicine head from cold stuff anyway, so I can't even take like NyQuil or I'll be really nauseas and cloudy the next day. So if a regular dose does that, then taking enough to trip will seriously affect me negatively for almost a week, and I fucking hate it. Gross.

Alcohol is next.

Haha, I could go with Heroin, but that's only because I've done it everyday for the last couple years. So waking up the next day is obviously the worst because I'm in wd, but I assume we're just talking about using a substance one night and the repercussions the next day. ;)
i recently get horrible hangovers from heroin.
so bad i think twice about buying some and
in the end i always regret it.

dunno why this happens to me im on mmt and
i dont take that much. :/
The worst hangovers ive gotten is from a night of drinking and doing coke and or crack. That is a fucking awful feeling because a alcohol hangover is bad enough but put a coke crash on top of it and it's a fucking horror show.

Some benzos or a 6 pack would usually set me straight more or less though.
Definitely alcohol combined with coke. I think I read somewhere the alcohol and the coke join up together to make your liver hate you (coca ethylene or something?). Just thinking about the hangover is enough to not make me do it most of the time. It's especially bad since most of the time I do this I end up smoking about a pack also; which makes the hangover even worse.
i had an awful hangover today. i've been withdrawaling for the past couple days and taking ambien to help me sleep. last night i took 2 and wasn't feeling anything, so i remember taking 1 more. i think i may have taken another sometime after then but i was completely blacked out. sometime during the night i chugged a bottle of DXM syrup (never done it before) i guess figuring it would help plus maybe i'd get high. big mistake.

i felt like total shit this morning. the withdrawal on top of the DXM and ambien hangover was terrible. oh and i haven't been eating cause i cant afford food and im out of cigs cause i cant afford that either, so that made it even worse.
IMO, a hangover is worse than the day after a roll. Except I like the fact that you can go to sleep after drinking. And you can't on the night of a roll =/
By far worst hangover....had 'round 15 shots of bacardi/jack daniels, and a couple beers to start off. Woke up drunk as hell, and had first day of school the day after. Lovely way to end the summer. (Not to mention the thought of alcohol would make me gag or throw up:( )

But if you don't get shitfaced drunk, ecstasy has a worse day-after feeling. (Even though I've had some days after a roll when I've felt AMAZING. No depression, wasn't drained at all, felt great.)
I'm usually hungover in one way or another when I wake up every day. Either booze, weed, 1,4b, benzos, MDMA, or a combination of any of the above.

In recent memory though, the worst hangover I've experienced was last weekend after a night on MDPV. Having to work til 3am the next day didn't help either.
Shitty coke + no sleep + going to work = pure hell.

I hate that drained feeling after a night of MDMA. I feel so cracked out and dirty.
what also really suxx:
a night with lots of speed and alcohol in a noisy
techno club. i always woke up with a fucked up
feeling in the head and half-deaf from the music.

thank god you can always counter those upper
hangovers with opiates, benzos, booze and weed. :p
although i didnt use any uppers in years.
they suck anyway.
physically: high-dose ethanol (when taken to the black-out/vomit range). Nothing else feels quite so physically toxic.

emotionally: MDMA, particularly sans sleep. Never have I been so drained and flat than on the day after. For me, it is worse than methamphetamine by far (although meth has a vastly worse initial come-down).

id rather a pill comedown than a bad hangover any day of the week .
hangovers last me atleast 2 days lately , no fun at all
right now
bags under my eyes
partying for my homeboys birthday

too much dominos
too much hennesey

i got the dT's

but dang those ribs on the bar b que were sure good
excess alcohol, mdma or cocaine all make me feel like complete shit the next day.

haha zopiclone definitely comes to mind as well, i tried it for a sleep aid for a while and it would give me this sick ass metallic taste in my mouth for a couple days :!
Out of all the drugs ive done id say alcohol makes me feel the worst the day after, especially if ive had meth or pills too but just alcohol on its own can make me feel worse than I ever thought I could.

If I do enough bad meth it can get pretty shitty the next day, often when I smoke the stuff I get sick the next day, strangely if I shoot it I can usually hardly feel the after-effects, though thats not a suggestion for anyone to start shooting meth.

Thats all mostly physical stuff though, MDMA can make me feel really bad emotionally after a few too many pills the night before(or two nights before) and even some psychedelics(2C's mainly) have made me feel pretty bad the next day for unknown reasons, not like after having a bad trip or something. Id say mostly all of this stuff would have something to do with being dehydrated, water is your best friend, no matter what drugs your doing.
when i got a good hangover
when i cant leave my bed
well maybe take a piss
and get a glass of water pop a pill
and go back to bed

i calll those cripplers
alcohol has the worst hangover, with mdma closely behind. I really hate alcohol, just by comparing how much it takes/costs to get a decent buzz, the shitty buzz and the hangover. At least most of the time the mdma high is worth the hangover.
the absolute worst hangover i think i ever had is when i'm dopesick and i get shitty-blackout drunk. I usually wake up 4 or so hours after passing out feeling like complete death.
mdma+alcohol. I just remember feeling so scattered and burnt. I think i was dopesick too. dopesickness+mdma/alcohol hangover = another horrible awful painfully nasty hangover that can be easily cured with a shot of dope. I just wanna say that opiates are the best hangover cure...no matter what your hung over on, they do the trick.
The best cure for a hangover from alcohol is taking a few vikes(vicodin for those who dont know). Theres nothing like partying hard on sat night then feeling really shitty on sun. Morning then popping a few vikes with a nice big bowl of soup watching sports ahhhh cant beat that
Definitely alcohol combined with coke
^Yes. if we are talking about how you feel when you wake-up, not the comedown, then coke and alcohol without question. marijuana flat out cures an alcohol hangover, but after a night of lines and alcohol, i feel to sick and depressed to even bother.

They [opiate hangovers] don't really exist. When you wake up the next morning you just feel kinda spacy and happy a bit like when you smoke a joint first thing in the morning.
^really? are there others out there who second this? i feel like i have managed a hangover from hydrocodone after re-dosing again and again the night before. but it was only once, and i guess i could of just woken up feeling crappy that day.
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Alcohol hangover are fucking brutal....I actually woke up the next day drunk! haha I was about to throw up the whole day. By far alcohol hangovers takes the cake.
Booze is number 1, but doing too much dope leaves me feeling pretty ratty cos if i do it too late i never sleep right for some reason, sometime i'd be up till 3/4am if i did some at say 10pm, bizarre. The worst hangver i've seen was on a mate who had taken mdma powder and his jaws were so swollen and his face and eyes were totally wasted looking, he look like a toptal crack head.