Which drug caused you problems?

I feel like ALL drugs combined have given me problems. I don't do drugs anymore, except for alcohol and occasional marijuana. But I used to do pretty much anything that would get me high, especially psychadelics and stimulants. Before the drugs, I was a very calm, level-headed person. Extreme anxiety and panic attacks caused me to quit doing drugs earlier this year. Now that I've detoxed, the panic attacks have disappeared and left me with extremely OCD behavior. It's pretty annoying, but nothing I can't deal with. I just feel like drugs have weakened my social skills as well. I feel less confident.
Amphetamines first, then Opiates. I'm some sort of counter-example to the concept that there are "upper people" vs "downer people" ... I was a deranged speedfreak for around a year and a half, then on and off with painkillers for a while thereafter. Oh, and alcohol. Without a doubt. Next to amphetamines, alcohol without a doubt caused the most damage to my body, psyche & relationships.
Cocaine indeed I hated crawling on the floor looking for fallen chunks. I cant believe i degraded myself like that.
ive been smoking too much pot recently and its causing me to experience social anxiety, paranoia, lack of motivation, and a handful of other mentally detrimental effects (not to mention an empty wallet). time for a break.
essentially everything I ever did caused problems in some way or another

right now I'm enduring the day after a night of rolling and it really really sucks
Benzos caused me significant problems years ago. I had an ungodly tolerance to them before it was said and done.

Cocaine has caused me some problems in the past 2 years... mainly because I dislike it so much within minutes of touching. It always seems like a good idea, though.

Opiates have been the only drugs that have really taken hold of me, though. It started with hydrocodone, then moved on to Oxycontin and the like. It has been almost 5 years now. Currently on Suboxone for opioid dependence...
deceased fire said:
2) weed.
laugh all you want - i have been smoking every day for 14 years, missing a day only when sick or traveling and unable to hook up. the money i've spent on this haunts me. the people i could be meeting instead of staying home getting high, the dreams i could have achieved if i could actually REMEMBER my 7 year post-secondary education - it all haunts me.

I guess weed affects people differently. I've been tokin now for 38 yrs non-stop [except when I'm sleeping]. I worked when there was no such thing as 'piss-tests' [retired now]. Never missed 1 day because of weed. Missed plenty of days because of alcohol [been dry 8 yrs].
I never blew-off social interactions because I was stoned. Never got into any trouble because of weed, but had 3 DUIs because of booze. Invested wisely, retired early, live in a house on a golf course/retirement community that's bought & paid for [worth over $250,000].
Weed has NEVER interfered with any of my goals, family-life or business-life. I guess it's all a matter of your own personality & how prone you are to addiction of anything.
It has gotten quite expensive, though, compared to the '4-finger lids' we bought for $15 in 1970. The best way now is to grow your own...or in my case, have pals that grow & send you samples.
squidhead said:
Is that like Methadone? Or is it safer?
Suboxone is buprenorphine and nalaxone, the nalaxone stops you from being able to shoot it.
It is both a partial opiate agonist and antagonist. Basically it feeds the opiate receptors in your brain so that you don't get dopesick, but you don't get high either, and you keep gradually lowering your dose until you are no longer opiate/oid dependant. The buprenorphine will partially stop the effects of other opiates, while the nalaxone will stop any other opiates from binding to your opiate receptors anyway.

In Australia, Suboxone is 4:1 buprenorphine to nalaxone and tastes kinda lemony and you take the pills sublingually, ie, they dissolve under your tongue.
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Alcohol gets off fucking easy - the problem is that people rarely ask for details regarding consumption, whereas the typical methadone, opiate or benzo users go through 20 questions in regards to usage and consequently has 10x the hassle - though, admittedly, alcohol is a simultaneously bullshit/bull's haven drug - it's an opened fence or a gored, steadfast campaigner...

(if you live outside the countryside, then the last sentence will seem like an excuse for me to stray even further into the realm of bullshit than I have before).

edit : I haven't been 1/10th of this *hammered* in a while I think it's time to see how much the horses like my over-ripe apples!
GHB destroyed my mind, and Dextroamphetamine came close to destroying my body (and what was left of my mind).

Although I haven't had any in about 2 years, I am still feeling the negative effects of GBL/GHB/14B.

I seem to have completely recovered from dexedrine, have been for a year.

I almost never get any cravings for either.

I had minor problems with Opiates but none were as destructive as the above two.

Recently I came off benzos. This was a good move.

But with neither opiates nor benzos did I have the denial problems I had with the other two, especially amphetamine.
I wonder if we took a poll on which class of drugs was the most damaging what the results would be.
^^^ I don't know but that would be interesting.

As for myself alcohol almost destroyed both my brain and body. It took a total of about a year for me to return to somewhat normal after giving up drinking. My cognitive functions were completely screwed up even after quitting but i finally got back to normal after awile.

I have been addicted to opiates and i use benzos on a daily basis now but they really do not affect my life much at all. Except for the times i have gone through opiate withdrawal. They don't turn my life into a trainwreck like alcohol does. I need both of them anyway for medical purposes because i have chronic pain as well as panic attacks and anxiety so giving them up isn't really a option.
Alcohol sent me to the ER, but I still love that shit.

Tramadol + Effexor Killed my first love. I miss you Ben so much :(
firefighter said:
I feel like ALL drugs combined have given me problems. I don't do drugs anymore, except for alcohol and occasional marijuana. But I used to do pretty much anything that would get me high, especially psychadelics and stimulants. Before the drugs, I was a very calm, level-headed person. Extreme anxiety and panic attacks caused me to quit doing drugs earlier this year. Now that I've detoxed, the panic attacks have disappeared and left me with extremely OCD behavior. It's pretty annoying, but nothing I can't deal with. I just feel like drugs have weakened my social skills as well. I feel less confident.

If you stick to just beer and the occasional herb then it should get better. At least it did with me, but it took a long time. I still think I've changed myself mentally somewhat.


I don't understand how I lived the life style I used to live, constantly going to shows and raves and doing anything I could get my hand on. Thinking about that now blows my mind. I had no clue what I was doing even though I thought I did. I was so wrapped up in the tour lifestyle that I lost focus of everything important for awhile.

Thank god I pulled myself out and chilled. I'm back in school and will be done this year. I only use MDMA once or twice a year now if that (after a long break) and cannabis along with alcohol. I still go out to shows and events and have fun but I just stick to some beers and booze. I can't handle the pyschs like I used to.

So as I said earlier Alcohol and downers have caused me the most problems, but pyschs have changed the way I look at the world in the most dramatic way. In a good and bad way. Would I use them knowing what I know now?? I'm not sure, but I def. wouldn't go as overboard as I did. Thank god the anexiety and depression are pretty much gone, because it got really bad for awhile.
there really needs to be a thread called "What problems have caused you to use drugs?" to ensure a balance between blame and responsibility. Not saying people here haven't been discussing the issue... it's just i find the title a little offensive.

If you have a problem with my feelings or this observation... it's a pot day, so blame that.
I've been doing all kinds of drugs for about five years. I never had a problem with anything until I started using opiates often... a couple months ago. To be honest, I really didn't believe the addiction thing would ever happen to me. I'm trying to stop now and it's much harder than I thought it would be. I can't even go more than two days without breaking down and taking more pills.
I have a massively injured leg so the legitimate excuse really doesn't help.