Which drug caused you problems?

echo off said:
there really needs to be a thread called "What problems have caused you to use drugs?" to ensure a balance between blame and responsibility. Not saying people here haven't been discussing the issue... it's just i find the title a little offensive.

If you have a problem with my feelings or this observation... it's a pot day, so blame that.

That's definitely true.
I don't blame opiates for causing me problems. It was my own escapist tendencies and anxiety in the first place that made me so vulnerable at this time.
To be honest, I really didn't believe the addiction thing would ever happen to me.

I think most people think that.

Good luck :)
having just reread the thread title for the first time, now i realise it says "cause YOU problems" which more focuses on problems caused by drugs rather than excusing problems by blaming drugs. sorry to jump to that conclusion so quickly.
Opiates completly tore me apart and caused brain damage. I have almost died so much it's sickening.

Then I started in with some stimulants to try to make myself who I was.

One thing that did save me though was psychedelics. Gave me hope for everything.
deceased fire said:
me too. once you've been high for such a substantial part of your life can you even say with confidence who YOU are? i'm not sure that i can.

Can people who HAVEN'T been high for substantial parts of their lives say with confidence who they are? Or do they just have an easier time lying to themselves?

Tough question. I realize new things about myself daily. When I was using heavily I wasn't really thinking about where I wanted to go or what I wanted to be. I was more concerned with getting my shit and finding out where the next party or show was. That kindof life gets old. Its funny, nowadays me and my friends always hang out in the back, we let the youngins get up close. Been there, done that.
x was the worst for me. haven't touched in 7 years and still feeling the memory/vocabulary problems it caused... damn if i could take it back.
Coke and suprisingly LSD I dunno I just loved tripping so much that I did it everyday
phactor said:
If you stick to just beer and the occasional herb then it should get better. At least it did with me, but it took a long time. I still think I've changed myself mentally somewhat.


I don't understand how I lived the life style I used to live, constantly going to shows and raves and doing anything I could get my hand on. Thinking about that now blows my mind. I had no clue what I was doing even though I thought I did. I was so wrapped up in the tour lifestyle that I lost focus of everything important for awhile.

Thank god I pulled myself out and chilled. I'm back in school and will be done this year. I only use MDMA once or twice a year now if that (after a long break) and cannabis along with alcohol. I still go out to shows and events and have fun but I just stick to some beers and booze. I can't handle the pyschs like I used to.

So as I said earlier Alcohol and downers have caused me the most problems, but pyschs have changed the way I look at the world in the most dramatic way. In a good and bad way. Would I use them knowing what I know now?? I'm not sure, but I def. wouldn't go as overboard as I did. Thank god the anexiety and depression are pretty much gone, because it got really bad for awhile.

it was helpful to read this :) :) thanks <3
meth:Cause I did some really stupid things that could have lead to me dying a painful and slow death:(... I just felt like superman...

But I haven't touched that in like a 2 years or something, until recently a month ago... ever since I have been having meth dreams- acquring it, smoke it, loving it... I don't think I can keep on resisting anymore

However, I use k a little too much(putting it mildly), and no doubt my perception of the world and my personality have been severly messed up by this drug... lol, weird scenerios massive~:)
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Alcohol: has caused me to say and do things I deeply regret to this day.

Clonazepam: allowed me to not deal with my problems until they became too big to even think about sober and came to a head in inappropriate ways.
Does anyone else get... hallucinations off of pot?..

I know im sounding really fucking crazy right now. But im being dead serious, no bull shit.

I dont think im going crazy and developing some mental disorder because it never happens when im sober, only when i smoke massive amounts of pot. Like, once i got really really stoned and I had thought for sure my friend had said something to me and I heard it clear as day (auditory hallucination) I looked at him and replied to it and he just looked at me like "wtf are you talkin about?" and he said he didnt say anything at all. I also saw a fly on the wall a while ago, just crawlin around then it flew behind my head as i was sitting down and never saw it again for the rest of the night. I didnt mention it to the people i was with at the time because i thought maybe i was just imagining it and they would think i was crazy or something lol. And its winter time now, so there are absolutely NO FLIES anymore. At the time i blew it off as a hallucination.. since no one else noticed it, so yeah.

I've been smoking the ganj for.. a really long time. and everyday for a few years, and since this summer i got back into smoking every single day again, and smoking heavily too.

I know it sounds REALLY out there, if anyone else told me this i'd tell em to stop bein a dumbass.. cause pot shouldnt do that to anyone..

Does anyone else out there genuinely experience this too?
mdma, coke, and dxm. Of course not all at once (except the occasional rail of coke coming off of the x;)
I would have to say booze has done the most damage. Got blackout drunk last January and tripped over a video game cord and knocked one of my teeth out. I went to the dentist just for the pain pills and when they ran out I never went back to get it fixed. Opiates,grass and MDMA have taken their toll as well but not as much as the booze. I think about quitting everyday, it just seems like the addiction has a life of it's own.
MagicMushroom16 said:
Does anyone else get... hallucinations off of pot?..
I know it sounds REALLY out there, if anyone else told me this i'd tell em to stop bein a dumbass.. cause pot shouldnt do that to anyone..

Does anyone else out there genuinely experience this too?

Eh, pot is a psychadelic ... so it can still make you trip a little bit.
I'm a daily smoker, and far from paranoid, but whenever I'm high and hear voices from neighboring apartments / houses, though I can never make out the actual words, I'm always sure they're talking about me.

I had a couple memorable experiences back in my hometown where I got really high and suddenly went blind. For a few minutes, my vision was completely black though my eyes were open .. though admittedly, cannabis wasn't the only factor there [injury one time, painkillers another].

but hey, its just weed man. trees still trip me out when i'm sufficiently faded. not like they used to when i was first eating shrooms [a little herb in the forest even when sober would really trip me out], but psychadelic effects still exist on the periphery.

I'm so glad I've cut back on drinking and don't consume any drugs but herb these days .. I can hardly afford even that.
I guess I'm at the age where I can look back at my youthful partying and just smile .. young, reckless, and with a good amount of cash and no real responsibilities ... those were the days.
Thank the stars I never landed myself in the hospital or jail.
well almost all of em.

LSD, methcathinone & maybe pot, ok, & also benzos as well - mentally.
methcathinone, benzos & heroin - actually.
weed - troubles with police.

the only drug that not caused me any problems is exctasy. just can't see where it could do harm... sweet drug.

other may be coke & crack as i haven't did it so much...

drugs i abused hard:

-opiates, near the end of my drug use (just for today)

stealed money from my family for cat & got anxiety & panic attacs, got hep c by heroin use & worsed my anxiety by benzos, leaving myself with the worst addiction desease, never been the same after a several months lsd habit (varying from daily to once-twice a week tripping),
leaving my drug use mentally screwed up, etc, etc...
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cannabis is sort of a problem for me, i smoke it daily all day long but i dont really get that paranoid or anxious from it after smoking 5 years plus every day. But i know if i stopped it in a few weeks my head would come out of this fog and i would feel better.

MDMA was also a problem type drug with me, abused it over a year, got shot in the foot for it, stopped.

AMT, Used it daily before and has caused me bouts of emotional distress. i am sure this is from big doses. not small ones. Sure with abstinance my emptions will return to normal :)
SilverFeniks said:
Eh, pot is a psychadelic ... so it can still make you trip a little bit.
I'm a daily smoker, and far from paranoid, but whenever I'm high and hear voices from neighboring apartments / houses, though I can never make out the actual words, I'm always sure they're talking about me.
lol what a lovely contradiction you made there.