Which drug caused you problems?

Cocaine: used heavily from '02-'04 lost everything - GF, Job, House, Family Friends, money. You don't know the pain of cocaine abuse until you are familiar with the term "Gak Blow" because it won't go in your nose anymore ;)
Or you do the "Carpet Crawl" obsessivly for hours on end, looking for cast off chunks or bits in the carpet to dull the pain in your nose, forehead and brain, because it's 6 am, you've been up for days, and your source won't answer his phone for a few hours.
Took a month stay in rehab to get away from it.
Oh yeah, I am WELL familiar with the carpet crawl. I used to live in an apartment too that had white, lead based paint walls that would flake. I cannot tell you how much of that stuff I probably put up my nose -_-.
IV heroin has caused more problems in my life than all other drugs put together.. finacally, and on my brain and body, even after the wd's I'm bored and depressed most of the time..

IV coke, I've gone 4-5 days without sleep or eating, started puking green bile, slowly got back to eating solid food, never fucked up like that since that time.. was trying to use it to beat heroin withdrawls haha fuckn duh.. realized that dosen't work after that time.

I've put the needle down for two weeks at this point and am on suboxone see how long it lasts..

I smoked pot for 10 years before i really strted using H and didn't have the money for it. I don't really think it did any damage besides to me wallet.

I never really abused e or acid, the acid mighta fucked with my head a bit but it didn't make me broke or cause me to go into wd's. I only had good times with E cause I was weary of doing it too much and killing the magic.
Dopamine-type stims (coke, Ritalin et al.) in general have been something of a bugaboo with me. Had issues with opiates too, but I seem to start feeling crappy fairly soon if I pick up a habit (i.e. I've always kicked early before it's much of a prob) and do not really crave them after the w/d's are done. Stimulants are the only class of substance that I basically lose control of. Hell, screw basically... I'm a puppet most of the time if/when I mess with them. They say jump, I don't even ask how high, I jump :(.
IcarusRisen said:
Yeah, but Florida still hosts the Meth capitol of the world.
? I'm pretty sure California is.

Anyhow, Weed caused me the most probably especially in regards to unnecessary anxiety/overanalyzation.
acid has probably caused me problems. not really any problems with life. my brain is just haywire. i ate way to much of a good thing.
opiates hands down. i saw a side of myself i that i thought didnt exist and i hated it. opiates drew me in hard and fast and made me its bitch to say the least. there was something about them that clicked for me. i dont know if my brain was somehow wired diffrently to be effected more by opiates or not, but for some reason i knew from the get go i liked them too much.

when i first started doing oxycontin on a regular basis and strted feeling WD i knew i had fucked up. but instead of quitting and improving my life i went forward and got all strung out and did a bunch of shit i never thought i would do. i bent my world in half and turned it up side down all in the name of getting high. at that point it wasnt even fun anymore, it was like a full time job trying to run around and get cop $ all the time....it sucked. it was about staying well, not getting high, like i only enjoyed the first shot of the day, all the other ones were just to stay well.

heroin is one of the best things in the world, i still think that even with the all the shit ive been thru, and it sucks. had i never got into all this shit i woudnt know how good it is, and i would still wonder about it. i like to think i was so curios i would have tried it eventually anyways, but who knows...for me opiates were an escape from reality, and escape from my shitty life. they were always there for me when i needed it, but looking back on what i gave up to live that life of escapism, i feel jaded about life in general. im hoping one day i wake up and the grass is greener and the sun is brighter but i dont see that happening anytime soon...cest la vie.
Probably all, possibly none...

Yet relying on E after I got schizoid from weed may not have been a good move...
kboxer said:
Cocaine: used heavily from '02-'04 lost everything - GF, Job, House, Family Friends, money. You don't know the pain of cocaine abuse until you are familiar with the term "Gak Blow" because it won't go in your nose anymore ;)
Or you do the "Carpet Crawl" obsessively for hours on end, looking for cast off chunks or bits in the carpet to dull the pain in your nose, forehead and brain, because it's 6 am, you've been up for days, and your source won't answer his phone for a few hours.
Took a month stay in rehab to get away from it.

Man, what an excellent first post, especially for TDS. I was slangin' very dank weed for NOT cheap prices to support my cocaine addiction... approx. 2 years ago, for 3 years previously before I stopped that.. I couldn't tell you how many miles I put on my car just so in the end I could score some yay, how much cash I've spent on a single gram during desperate times, how many DAYS I've scrounged the carpet at a time for rug chunks... Never been to rehab, unless you count an extended stay in jail, or the several, several hours spent in your car curled up in the fetal position, wishing for death because your withdrawals are just THAT bad.
heroin, benzos, alcohol, cocaine, marijuana, ghb, ecstacy. pretty much every drug i've liked and used alot has caused me problems. the heroin caused addiction, the alcohol makes me depressed and also get in trouble with the law, cocaine gives a terrible down, paranoia, and lots of money gone, carpet cruising and smoking every white spec on the ground i think looks like crack, it just turns me into a shell of my former self, a fcking fiend.. my abuse of marijuana started giving me panic attacks and depression, ghb is just a fucked up drug ;) , and ecstasy abuse made my anxiety go through the roof, also my depression, it made normal activities unintersting in comparison. thats it :)
mdma .ecstasy. I'm a speck of what i used to be. dont enjoy anything anymore. am always depressed. always tired. Didnt really even hit it that hard compared to most people i know. Have tried ssri's. they make me even flatter. DOnt enjoy weed anymore. have no sex drive. the list goes on. FUCK YOU MDMA! AND FUCK ME FOR HAVING NO SELF CONTOL
Every single drug I have ever abused. Lets see.

Weed, MDMA/MDA, Meth/Speed, 2C-I, 2C-B, LSD, Mushrooms, Ketamine GHB, Benzos, Alcohol, Cigarettes (yes somehow they made me depressed while smoking them)... the one that caused the most GBL.. and Alcohol. And weed but I stopped that ages ago.

All the psychedelic ones, including weed definitely changed the way my brain thinks now. I think the only way to go back to my real self, who was mostly a happy and confident but slightly OCD person. I think the only way is to not tough anything for a year at least. Which includes downers because they just supress the thoughts I should be working out sober no matter how much physical anxiety and mental anxiety and depression and suicidal bullshit it puts me through.
There are other medications out there besides SSRIs, Splatt. Your psychiatrist should be willing to go through them with you, one at a time.
Meth caused alot of mental problems, like experiencing psychosis, worsening existing anxiety conditions, panic attacks etc.

Xanax abuse has caused soo many problems, cost me so much money, lost me jobs, caused a few of injuries from seizures caused by withdrawls(none too serious).

My level of abuse wasnt anywhere near as bad as alot of ppl I know of, so Im confident nearly all of these things can return to normal given time and abstinence.
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same here !

but i would like to * fuck me * more though.

and i also m not feeling guilt for being irresponsible because Im a f*cking drug addict just like everyone else.
Cucarot does MDMA interfere with your life a lot like ?
i'm pretty sure it does grandpa :)

i've been same old same old every day for years.

it would be very interesting to know how different it is without X.

wish me luck :)
x and alcohol for me... opiates a little not from addiciton just always dosing too high