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whats the worst thing you've had to do while rolling?

I was on 3 hits of blue dolphins, 2 hits of lithium and a blunt of chronic (not shit weed) and I was peeking. It was 4a.m. in a Denny's I was in my raver gear and who comes and sitts behind me and my friends?
2 L.A.P.D. pigs (one of which was a K9 unit.)
So while one of the oinkers goes to take a dump my friend picks me up and drags me to the car. but before that happened I had to "attempt" to act sober fo 15 of the longest minutes of my life...
^^^^^^ holy shit
dude props to you for that one. That musta been so hard.
- Know your Body - Know your Mind - Know your Substance - Know your Source -
"Dance like you do when no one is watching..."
The worst thing i ever did was running off a dock at the lake and doing a straight soaring eagle off the damn thing, i swam straight for about 100 yards and then realized what the fuck i was doing and started laughin my ass off and was picked up by the boat
My friends and I about a year ago at 4 AM after this club closed and we were still rolling balls, my girlfriend's brother decides to walk this girl that he had just met to her car so we sit and wait for him. After 45 minutes we start to think he got lucky and possibly went home with her. After sweeping the area we find him lying in a pool of blood. The girl's jealous-psycho-convict boyfriend was waiting for her at her car and proceeded to stomp and beat the shit out my girlfriend's brother with a gun. Spent the next 3 hours in a BRIGHT-ass emergency room wondering if he was gonna be alright.
Then we had to take him home and tell his mom at 8 AM (Sunday) just as she was getting ready for church.
bad day
"A loaf of bread, a container of milk, and a stick of butter."
[This message has been edited by The Mexican (edited 03 December 2001).]
[This message has been edited by The Mexican (edited 03 December 2001).]
There just CANNOT be anything worse than X1982s experience--can there be? I bumped this 'cause I'm curious if its indeed possible.
WTF do you mean there can't be anything worse? Did you happen to read the posts where a house got broken into, or a friend went into a coma?
How about this... a first timer ended up getting paranoid... then EXTREMELY paranoid and delusional, then went into a seizure. I was by myself when she began went stiff and began convulsing, everyone else ran off to get help. I panicked because I heard of people choking on their own tongues during a seizure and I put my fingers in her mouth to keep her from doing that, but she bit down so hard she almost literally bit my finger off (it was numb for two months afterwards, and the tip is still kindof numb even almost a year later). I then spent the next, oh, I don't know, 6 hours or so in the ER, and the next 2 days in and out of the hospital, not knowing what happened to her, if she would recover, if she would be permanently effected and trying to tell the doctors what happened while I'm rolling balls.
Worst night of my life. Period.
heres another one, was at a shitty rave, like bottom of the barrel kids strung out just partying their asses off, i mean it was bad, all they were bumping in there was evil progressive. haha
anyways im standing by this girl whose wearing a skirt im rolling my ass off some guy jumps up in front of her with his pants down and grabs her and tries to rip her skirt off, then pushes her to the ground and tries to get on top of her. My friend next to me realizes before i do, and pulls him off and slugs him pretty hard in his face, he fell to the ground, i kicked him in the stomach DAMN hard, i hope i broke some of his ribs.
Sink into my downward spiral...
[This message has been edited by acid_raver (edited 04 December 2001).]
I was at a house party in Columbus, Ohio where the crowd was mixed with beered up frat guy types and ravers (ravers grossly outnumbered.)
When my roll kicked I was upstairs listening to one of the Djs who was there. All of the sudden, I saw my friend whose house it was running around frantically. I followed him outside to find that one of my friends had been knocked unconcious and another kid had been beaten nearly to death by some meat-heads from down the street.
When I saw the kid who I didn't really know, his face was all caved in and and bloody. All these girls were screaming at me to get him water. That guy almost died and had to have reconstructive facial sugery.
Violence fucking sucks!!! And especially when you're rolling
Having to go to family dinner on a Sunday evening while rolling. Mom's staring at you in the face wondering to herself why you have football-sized pupils and have not touched a bite of your food on your plate.
For the worst GHB and E experience, that would be my trip to the ER for a GHB overdose. And then guess who comes to pick you up after some friend of a friend decided to call home from the waiting room (that's mom, again).
While not as bad as some of the above, I must say my worst was at a rave recently... Some of you may have been there (Trans. 3). I was one of the lucky few who got kicked outside while rolling the hardest I have yet (talk about a buzzkill), where I got to freeze my ass off and try to not lose all of the buzz. Well, after I finally got back inside, they kicked me out *again* and then it got shut down. The entire time I was outside one of my friends (the idiot) kept yelling the phrases "waste of our money" and the ever popular "RIOT!!" Almost hit him... Anywho this is my bad story, take it or leave it.
yeah i was there, i wasn't rollin but that same thing happened to me, doing what we were asked and going outside and then being stuck out there. right when i saw the lights go on i knew there was no hope and hopped some bushes and went around to the front. i feel bad for you, man, that that had to happen while you were on a pill. the afterparty really kicked ass though.
try having your gfs friend (stupid mistake) call her bf while you are both rolling balls at a house party to confess the whole thing. the next 3 months were pretty shitty. =[
forgot to mention me and this girl had sex 5 times before that day. =[
worst thing i had to do was explain to my R.A. why her bitch friend had just called to tell her that i was rolling if i "really wasn't". it worked though...hahahaha
Not a lot of bad experiences here. But one time right as my peak hit, my cell went off. So I answered it and it was one of my friends who's a girl and she knew I was rollin that night. But I didnt recognize the voice, it could have been janet reno, allanis morriset, my mom, my teacher, my boss, anyone. So I'm like "who is this?" and she keeps going "I dont know who is this????" and it was getting to me and I was like "ok sorry I'm busy right now I gotta go" and she goes "are you on drugs?" and I go "what? no" and she goes "yeah you are, what are you on? what kind of drugs are you taking?" and it totaly F*CKED my roll. Then she goes "are you partying?" and I said yeah I'm pretty drunk (I dont care if my mom/teacher/boss knows I'm drunk) and she goes "you're partying? man why didnt you tell me? Thats no fun why didnt you pick me up? I'm mad at you" and at this point I just say BYE and hung up. Then when I found out who it was, I was PISSED, I've rolled with her like 5 times, she knows what she was saying was fucking my good time and wasting my money. I still hold a grudge because of it.
-Dr. Nomad
The worst thing I ever had to do while rolling was pull a guy outta the ladies bathroom while naked and convulsing from an overdose...fighting girls in the process to let me get him out...bitches trying to rob him. I helped, but found out later he died from an overdose. :(
worst thing that happend to me was... I was at a party,dancing real hard rollin balls and my friend said it was time to go,.. needles to say i was pretty hurt.
man infinity that's fucked up :( :(
I don't think I'd ever get over that one, if I was rolling at the time.