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whats the worst thing you've had to do while rolling?

Walking out of a rave that had just got busted around 2:00am
I was straight up at my peak, and there were all these sheriffs and undercover cops looking at every person (single file) as we walked out the door.
Luckily my friends and I got out just fine, but it scared us shitless. Also killed my roll for a few (I think i was good at controlling it) but it picked back up on the ride home.
AIM: caffeinevoices
heres another one, rolling hard as shit, came out of a show into the lot to find my friend (who i had thought we just didnt see eachother in the show) drunk as shit with a 9mm in his hand talking about how he sucked, etc, basically had to calm him down and drive him home and hold and hug him until he went to sleep, needless to say my roll dissapeared but I wasnt even thinking about that at the time. Funny thing though, roll dissappeared, i.e. good body buzz, happy feeling, empathy, etc dissappeared, but pupil dilation, eye tremors, etc stayed. sucked. comedown didnt suck though was only good thing.
My worst expearience was after ecky thump.All was good,went to the recovery had a mad day but when it came to leaving things pretty much went down hill.On the way home my car overheated n pretty much died in the middle of Redfern.Couldn't abandon my car and i was left to wait for a tow truck for 4 or so hour while coming down.It was hell
My worst def. was this past Monday..after seeing Sasha and Digweed..we proceeded to smoke up in my friends dorm in chicago and listen to some awesome tracks...when we decided to leave everyone was too fucked up toremember where we parked so we ended up walking in about 35 degree weather around chicago for an hour. Suck.
My definite worst experience happened about three weeks ago, on Halloween night. Me and my brother were pilling off our faces, but I'd been unable to talk for about the last two hours because I was absolutely monged. We obviously thought fireworks would be great fun, but we were at home, so our parents did the honours. So... I went into the kitchen and watched out the window while my mum set one up. 10 seconds later it all went wrong, and fireworks started firing at her, for ages. Explosions and booms (the colours and lights looked so big) went on for probably only another 10-15 seconds, but for me, it seemed like forever. My little sister (7) assumed the worst from the first blast, and I had to stay with her. I'll tell you, there's nothing like thinking you've just seen your own mother's death to kill your roll. She was fine though (bit of an anti-climax for the story).
my best friends brothers wife...very new to rolling, i think it was her 3'rd time ever got a pill that was mda, all night long she kept telling us "it's not like before" and we just brushed it off as a newbie rolling hard. well she ends up having a panic attack(due to the hallucinations, she's never experienced that) but we(different pills) did not know that. she flips out at the club so we take her to the car, she flips out and says she can't breathe. she is screaming for us to call 911, by this time the club is closing and my friend(who promotes there) is asking everyone what we should do. they give us directions to the nearest hospital, of course we get lost(downtown l.a. one way streets and all) so we pull into the staples parking lot and call 911. paramedics asking you what she took and shaking their head at you will definteley kill your roll, and of course worrying about your friend. cops and cracked out homeless people in the hospital will also. turns out she just had an extremely large panic attack due to the mda and hallucinations...and we all got a big lecture on the "dangers of ecstacy"
Having to watch your girlfriend who you loved kiss another guy, while peaking, and on the best peak of your life.
Seeing that kinda killed it. Went home never spoke to her again. What a bitch.
(Edited) I can't believe I forgot to add this one: Introduced my girlfriend to X two years ago at a friend's house party. She liked her first 1/2 and wanted more. I couldn't locate anything except for a "Molly" (MDMA and Mesc). Gave her less than 1/4 of the capsule and she was doing good... initally... then she started to halucinate, and her hands started to clutch, and she was tripping VERY hard (that was the first night she had done ANYTHING bad, btw). We ended up trying to get away from the music and went upstairs to my friend's closet to try and shut out the noise. She told me later that she was watching the clothes dance to the music as if something was inside them! I NEVER see crazy things while tripping, just little things that "could be" there and they usually don't move (deflated orange baloon = BBQ chicken leg, pot bits on a plate = flaked fish food, specks of pepper on a plate = ants crawling, etc). After 8 hours of her wacked out of her mind and me being rather nervous that I would have to haev my girlfriend of 1 month comitted, she finally got back in her head and was ok. Fortunatly, that didn't destroy her rolling ambition or our relationship.
Here's another one that was a bit worse: Had to assist a friend helping a girl who had a siezure from (possibly) a pain medication prescribed for a dental procedure she had done. It was either the painkiller she took or a strobe light or both. I had taken 3 pills earlier and had just put a half up my nose in the bathroom when she fell over and everyone freaked. Very sobering, one of the people in the group said he was never going to roll again. To my knowledge, he has kept his word. That was almost 3 years ago. Unfortunatly, I don't speak to any of those people anymore (outgrew the group) but to my knowledge, the girl who siezed is doing fine.
[This message has been edited by hookt-up (edited 24 November 2001).]
I'm with hydra on that one. One good thing was that I convinced the cop that i was sober while i was being searched.
once at a friend's house in the country everyone went off into the woods somewhere and I couldn't find them for almost an hour. night started falling. even started hallucinating a little bit. fabulous comeback of roll when they returned though.
another time I'd just started peaking and everyone wanted to watch Fear and Loathing in Las Vegas for the nth time. terrible. no use rolling with non-roller best friends.
The worst night I had (although we laugh about it now) was about 6 weeks ago. I had had a great night clubbing with this girl who was planning on driving home much later when she had come down. Anyway we decided to go to her car as she had some cigarettes in there and found the damn thing gone! Not thinking about the situation my friend phoned the police (bear in mind we were both rushing like a ravine!) and reported it stolen. The police came and took us to the station and we were being interviewed whilst off our necks and blatantly stating we were getting into a car. The police either didn't care or didn't noitice but they never said a thing! Bloody scary though.
Still the joke was on us as the car had been towed and we had to pay £20 for a cab and £165 to get the car back.
oh there are so many things
I was in an accident and i had to be normal when the cop came since it was my fault.
another time i had to go to church on a sunday after a saturday night out...
I had to go to the "fratty" bar where I knew everyone. Everyone who basically hates E. I felt rather paranoid cuz I was rollin' balls (in a packed bar where no one was rollin'), tryin' to find my roommates who took their first pill ever. Why they wanted to go there is still a mystery to me. I'm never babysitting again!

*Dance like nobody's watching*
Several years ago I went with a bunch of friends to see The Orb at Carbon (now defunct club in NY). The show ended around 2am but the club stayed open until 8:30am & there were actaully some killer DJs spinning that night. Anyhow we all left around 8am still rolling balls & deciding on whose apt to continue the fun at . We were walking down 8th Avenue in the blinding sunlight when my friend Jim literally walked right into his 10th grade History teacher who is the biggest meanest looking NUN I've ever seen! She's 5 foot 7 inches & must weigh about 225 pounds & I swear she looked like a big fat version of Margaret Hamilton (the wicked witch from "The Wizard of Oz"). AND she was in full nun regalia. I kept looking at her with the sunlight at her back & I swear in sillouette she looked like something from a horror flick. The rest of us could NOT stop laughing (nuns are inherently funny) but poor Jim, 34 at the time and out of high school for 17 years, was reduced to a blubbering schoolboy & was actually trying to convince this UberNun that he had actually grown to be a well adjusted & succesful adult (he is). The bitch was glaring at him & us so hard & poor Jim was obviously coming down because of it, so our friend Alice finally had enough. "Look", she said to Sister Mary Frightening, "the fact of the matter is we were partying all night long & had more fun in 8 hours than you will have in a lifetime. Now we're all going to my place to fuck eachothers brains out". With that she grabbed Jim & pulled him away & hustled him to a side street where we all got into cabs. He did eventually come up again but was let down when he realized that Alice wasn't serious about the fucking eachoters brains out thing.
[This message has been edited by evsid (edited 02 December 2001).]
this did not happen to me but my cousin... it was one of his first times rollin and he went to a friends apartment for a party. Well he gets there and there is 10 people there two of which were females and thier BOYFRIENDS now also there musik selection was pure hip-hop(now don't ge me wrong i am a strong hip-hop head but when im rollin i want to hear some sweet ass techno) and third they had every single regular light on and since it was all hard legs nobody was blowing each other up! now thats what i call a bad thing to do while rolling
"ladies,ladies,ladies jay & silent bob are in the hizouse"
--- What happened to me and my buddy) about a year ago (who was rolling for the first time) was the most fucked up thing ever. Ok, we were getting ready in my apartment to go to a club in D.C… so we took 2 rolls each so that we are rolling balls when we get to the club…. smoked a few bong hits, drank some red bull etc….
We later bounced and when we were in the elevator heading down from the 18th floor, the motherfucker stopped!!!! At fist we laughed caus we were stoned. We then snapped out of it and started screaming for help like 2 little bitches, but nothing happened…. We also rang the bell for like 20 minutes caus there was nothing else we could do, also nothing happened. To cut a long story short, we were stuck in there for nearly 2 hours, rolling motha fucken balls, bright lights, mirrors EVERYWHERE and listening to fucking classical music!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! No cigarettes, no water, I wanted to die!
All my other rolling experiences were the shiznet, so I guess I can look back and laugh at this one… PWAHAAAHAHAHAHA
Dude THAT is the WORST thing I can imagine!! Man!! I got fucking chills reading that. I can't imagine the horror of not just rolling while trapped in an elevator, but rolling from TWO pills. I read your post to my roommate & to 2 friends who phoned me & we all agree aside from a tragedy (ie a friend ODing), what you went through is the absolute WORST FUCKING THING THAT CAN HAPPEN ON A ROLL. [moderators: how 'bout sending X1982 a ribbon or something] Even being busted isn't as bad, 'cause at least when you're busted you pretty much know what's going to happen to you. Being trapped & not knowing what will happen next while rolling probobly would've given me a heart attack. Dude you are a stronger human being than than I--had it happened to me I probobly would never roll again.
[This message has been edited by evsid (edited 02 December 2001).]
Mow the lawn and weed the garden. That was my punishment for doing to many drugs when living with my family. They got a kick outta it, and it was far, far, far worse punishment than anything else they could have done. Show up at 8a.m. on sunday "Go mow the lawn."...ugh...
mine beats everyones here! I just dropped a white XXX (MDA) and my wifes water breaks! just as a swallow!
i tripped through the entire birth of my son!
I never ever sweat so much!
Dude what are you talking about??? Sure, maybe the first hour sucked big time… but then you gotta look at the other side!!! You just witnessed a life created by YOU brought into the world! Now that’s “ecstasy” if you ask me, you must have blown the fuck up when u held him/her up for the first time!!!!
“If I smell it, let me inhale it”