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Yeah, Alex, it is so sad to say that your experience is more the norm than not. What is really revolting to me is that even with all the knowledge we are gaining about the brain, about addiction, about mental illness in general it just keeps getting worse for people that need help. Thirty years ago I was part of a Patients Rights Collective after having an experience similar to yours in my teens. Our goal was to educate our health care providers that we were capable of being part of our own self-healing if we weren't drugged to death by them at every turn! So little was known back then and it is astounding to me that with all the advances in neuroscience that psychiatrists are becoming nothing more than the pimps for big pharma! At least clients of mental health services seem to be taking things back into their own hands more with peer-to-peer groups and services, etc. Where I live the county just funded a crisis house that is entirely client staffed. People that know what it is like to feel a psychotic episode coming on or a manic episode or a deep depression can help each other. They call the house Second Story. I love the name.
Phenobarb to taper of benzos?! Even I know that's a bad idea.
Bo-- your diet before must have been really bad for you to be feeling this wonderful just by eating more veg. Not that I want to put a damper on it- you sound like you're living well, and I don't want to take that away from you- but what you're feeling right now is called 'healthy'. Pretty nice, no? :)

Haha well yeh thats the thing you nailed it.

I always had a very twisted perception of what eating my veggies meant. I would actually buy a sub packed with animal meat that would have a few pieces of lettuce and a tomatoe and I would think "oh hey I'm getting my veggies". But I was only eating 1 time a day, and for the last 3 months I was almost living on subs. Mainly cause where I work they always have good one cheap.

Then prior to that I never exactly really ate veggies at all. I mean I would try to incorporate some broccli or corn into my meals once a week (other times honestly I'd go months not eating a single veg) and I was really just so focused on my drug problems that I never focused on it or realized what it was doing to my body.

I must have went 3 years w/out ever getting a consistent intake of greens/nutritous foods. And no I wasnt really eating a lot of fast food either (sometimes I would) I was just eating shit food from the supermarket really. All I know is I hated veggies for a long time and just did not think they were important.

Then it got to the point where I could no longer digest my food and began pooping out my meals exactly how they looked all chewed up going in. Like I'd eat a sub and would see everything that was in the sub in the toilet. And fuck I was really just extremely stupid. The thing that I honestly think happened is I use to compete years back and be a hardcore eater in terms of having a balanced diet but it also made me cocky and made me think I knew everything about food.
So once I stopped eating food the way I was suppose to I'd always just think "oh its not big deal I could go a few years and be fine like this". But hell no you absolutely can not. Hypertension, oscillating blood sugar, hair falling out, no more digestion, starting going days and days w/out being able to sleep then came the anxiety and aggravtion, mood swings. The thing is all the symptoms took a while to slowly develop so as they happened I'd attribute them to other things. Like "oh I'm not digesting my food cause I've been on opiates too long and maybe am just too constipated". Or "maybe my hypertension is being caused by the smoking". But man now my blood pressure has dropped so low and I'm still smoking, and so many things have changed since changing my diet that I know the dr was spot on about the adrenal fatigue. Plus he did thyroid tests and tested my hormone functioning and something else and all the signs were there.

So yeh I was one massive idiot I won't deny that. My diet was horrible and I honestly did not think food could break down a persons system at least the fast. Maybe over 10-20 years I thought it could cause issues but man this has to be wreaking serious havoc on all my organs just due to how off all my tests came back. I mean everything was off there was not one thing that was right. I was sodium deficient, far too many white blood cells, immuno suppresive reactions and getting allergies out of nowhere. Just to think ALL caused from my diet.

This has been one of the most profound learning experiences I have gone through though and like I said I'm just so happy that I know now. I feel soo normal now and my days are just so much easier, work goes by faster, I'm nicer to people, I feel better in my own skin.... I was so malnourished and had no idea how bad it had got.

And I honestly wouldn't be suprised if a large majority of a lot of issues in this world were somehow related to bad diet. Just looking around now with this new perspective it seems like I'm seeing it in other people too. The ones that shop for veggies and avoid the sweets and junkfood always seem to be more optimistic and happy in general. I work at a supermarket btw which is where I see this stuff. Then sure enough the ones who come through my line with brownies and cakes and icecream always seem pissed off about something or tired or are breathing heavy. Man the signs are really everywhere, diet is everything. And I will never forget that again. NEVER. Not from seeing this drastic change over these last few weeks I'm just baffled by it all really. I'm really only learning now how bad it was just by all the improvements I keep writing in this thread.Truely amazing stuff what food can do to a persons life. And really makes me see now that food can actually make a person more successful. I'm so much more productive. I run now w/out getting fatigued or dizzy. I am moving all day when before I just never had any energy at all. I mean I'd take opiates and feel nothing from them and now it even feels like my sub is stronger. I'm at less than half what I was taking just a couple months ago and I actually get this weird warmth from it that I was not getting a few months ago. Maybe my body wasn't even properly processing the drugs I was putting into my body. I also notice I'm smoking less too and caffiene gives me a jolt that I just never remember getting. I mean these are real things that I feel now I just can't convince myself its placebo. It had to be somehow tied to my diet I really think my body was begining to reject everything I was putting into it. The other thing I noticed is I also get lightheaded when I have cigs in the morning now. I remembered that happening years and years ago when I had a healthy diet its like even nicotine has a more potent effect in my body. 5 packs seem to get me through a week when before I had to smoke 1 a day. If I smoke too many cig I get this weird taste in my mouth I also don't remember getting and it turns me off from smoking more. I can't even explain the taste its almost like I can taste the tar when before I couldn't. I mean maybe my taste buds were even starting to go I really have no idea why so many things seem to be so much better now.

Life is really crazy sometimes just would have never expected this was what was going on with me.
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I am about to go do something at work that is a good thing. I am going to help people not live a life of subservience, degradation and abuse and use as an object.

But DAMNIT. Doing this stuff hurts me so bad. I know it not be like having to live it, but just seeing it makes me profoundly sad and physically sick. WHO THE FUCK thinks they have the right to treat someone like? Who? Worse, who the fuck thinks that offering me money or some gems is going to make me look the other way? Do not conceive that I aint doing this for money, I am doing for what I believe is right. You can not buy that off. FUCK YOU for even thinking you can buy me off, you soulless waste Adenosine triphosphate. Fuck you to hell.

Fuck, just as bad, I'm expected to treat these people, people who rape and abuse child, steal from their homes to work in the sex trade half around the world, I'm to treat them the same way 'd treat a teenager who spray-painted a peace symbol? What the fuck!

But alas, I shall do my job, not for them, not for creeps, them I'd leave to flounder in the water, but for that 11 year old girl who does not know, and does not want to know, why she is so special to them.

i'm going throw up in a trash can after I know it.
Had a horrible week, so glad it's over, going to do some opies this weekend and forget...
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I don't like CT.

I get off work late on a Friday and/or Saturday night and by the time I go home and change there is only about 30 minutes until last call. I'm awake and I don't have anything to do.

I've been trying to fill my week up with activities like: work, yard work, cleaning my room/basement/car, reading, etc, but now it's the weekend and I want to do something fun and social, but I don't know what. I'm all amped up after work and it's 1:39am.

I could go running and work out and stuff, which is what I'll probably do, but every now and then I need to do something that is pure fun.
i went on and on and on and oN about how much pain i was in
my complaints were a nuisance that will just - go away from them

i have gone on and on and on about how fucking sick i am
my complaints were a nuisance that will just - go away from them

i am now so trying to convey, how i so desperately need out of this house,
and near food and people and an environment out of my control
and, i am trying to get away from it, but, there is nothing to get away from, and only life to live and social stuff, health to gain if i can get to it

my feet are growing calluses to match the fucking tile on the floor.
does that say anything to you? besides wear shoes?!?

who the fuck am i ?!?
superman or a piece-of-shit?!?!?

ill just sit here for another year, and understand that its just too much to believe or something. i am a liar - thats it.
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i love having the money to allow people to manipulate me with,
yes you lazy lying fuck, ill give you have of what i am getting to get my fucking meds.
ooh er

... ze pants perhaps are healing.
my legs, or A leg, occasionally would give out on me up until recently, or i would use a cane more often then not. now though, yes my feet are adapting to the surface they are accustomed to being on, its only natural, BUT, better these impressions left on my feet then my stupid face.

I have not met up with my friends for about two weeks. I have basically not gone out of the house in 2 weeks. Except to work.I am dropping out of highschool.
Why,,,? because of my fucking acne. That sounds like such a petty thing to worry about but if you dont have sever acne you just dont understand the psychological damage it causes. I cant look at myself in the mirror. I have been taking loads of xanax to go to bed since i cant fall asleep. I dont know what the fuck happened, I used to be a social person, with a huge group of close friends. I used to go out and party all the time without a worry. I used to feel good about myself. I used to have motivation to do things. I can already see that through all of this i will inevitably loose my friends. The depression and suicidal thoughts wont end. This is not only killing me but is messing with my parents, they dont deserve someone like me. I am even on doesnt seem to be working and im probably just skrewing myslf over in the long run. but i dont know what else to do. FUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUCKKKKKK ///end rant...just had to get that out

I wish I could go back to 3 months ago......

The Accutane might be causing you to feel suicidal. Feeling depressed and suicidal is a well-documented side-effect of the drug.

Have you tried dietary changes? I cured my severe cystic acne with a gluten-free diet. The acne, including cysts as big around as my thumbnail, cleared up within three days ...
... ze pants perhaps are healing.
my legs, or A leg, occasionally would give out on me up until recently, or i would use a cane more often then not. now though, yes my feet are adapting to the surface they are accustomed to being on, its only natural, BUT, better these impressions left on my feet then my stupid face.

I dont know Healing Pants :D
I don't like CT.

I get off work late on a Friday and/or Saturday night and by the time I go home and change there is only about 30 minutes until last call. I'm awake and I don't have anything to do.

I've been trying to fill my week up with activities like: work, yard work, cleaning my room/basement/car, reading, etc, but now it's the weekend and I want to do something fun and social, but I don't know what. I'm all amped up after work and it's 1:39am.

I could go running and work out and stuff, which is what I'll probably do, but every now and then I need to do something that is pure fun.

Be wary about that as you obviously should know boredom is king of triggering relapses.

I've been doing the same shit now filling up my time with running or redesigning my room (which looks really fucking nice now I must admit) cleaning car etc put some new speakers in there last week. But to find things that are genuinely "fun" I find very difficult. Movies aren't fun for me, having conversations/fucking with people/shopping can sometimes be fun but most of the time not really what I'm looking for.

The only 2 things I genuinely consider fun in life (at least at this point) are fucking or doing full agonist opies. One of which can be hard to do if you haven't been wearing your gameface lately another of which I refuse to do. So basically I've accepted that I won't be having any real fun for a long time. Not untill I've been off the opiates for some considerable time. Anyway w/e you do just stay the hell away from you know what. And if you want to have "fun" as I said only thing I can think of is finding a cutey and seeing if she will let you stick it to her little pututty.
OK folks im gonna get prety profaine language wise im so fucking pissed off, so if ur offended pls close ur eyes and just skip past this post.

Have just returned from an appointment with a govt based job rehabiltiation mob, without a doubt our govt departments that are suppposidly there to fucking help people like me are nothing more than fucking soulless usless cocksucking motherfucking bunch of fucking asshole cunts, These people have a fucking agenda and the session i just had was fucking rediculious, these fucking asshole bastards dont want to listin to you they just wanna shove you anywhere they can fucking get you regardless of it effecting ones condition and making it worse. I go there get in to my consultant who has not only fucked up my resume totaly a fucking monkey could have done a better job, I had to make fucking ammendments to it after waiting two fucking weeks, Then had to spend half an hour argueing with said fucking conformist govt agenda specific fucker, about trying to do a bridge year so i can have a chance of going to uni and starting to get my degree to become a psycotherapist, FUCKING USELESS CUNT tells me if i can want to do the bridge year, then I'm on my own even though just last forghtnight they said that they could help me get into that. HALF A FUCKING HOUR trying to explain that two weeks ago you said that you could help me, Now ur sayin u cant. But im a single parent, OH WELL I FORGOT THAT was the fucking responce, I'd get better fucking help from a fucking goddamn kindergardener. The whole time i was there was nothing but a giant headfuck. then there pushing my ass out the fucking door saying they have no more time for me and i best just suck it up and look for 15 hours a week back in cheffing. WELL i said THATS FUCKING BRILLIANT IL GO BACK INTO THAT UNCOMFTORBALE ENVIORMENT TILL I BURN OUT AGAIN AND END UP SWINGING FROM A FUCKING RAFTER IN MY GARRAGE:! The initial work i was interested in looking into is nowhere near where i live I have no fucking transport i'm having trouble surviving as it is and you motherfuckers want me to be paying 10$ a day to bus it out to woop woop, With no regard or concern that i have a fucking child to loook after, NO courses In the other avenue i was chaseing till next fucking year, The whole time i was there i was getting more and more fucking angry, With good reason these CUNTS just wanna get you off their fucking books and out of thier hair. Im so fucking dissalusioned @ the whole fucked up system and they cant seem to grasp that it is a magour cause of anxiety and fucking stress to me. Any way after beaking the fuck down there all i wanted to do was get drunk and drop pills which im in the process of doing. These fucking cunts are supposed to be there to help but all theyv'e done is sent me back down the stairs to near bottom again in ONE FUCKING HOUR:X. Dont wanna listin to the fact that for the last 10 years our rights have been slowly chipped away, The world is going to shit and i see this clearly, no wonder im involved with occupy movements but they dont give a fuck there part of the fucking problem not the fucking solution, We are fast becoming a fucking economic dictatorship and they think that its just FUCKING DANDY. So now Im stuck in a spot where im so fucking angry, even more dissalusioned with the fucking pathetic fucking system and no closer to gaining employment OR getting my bridge year started. I really fucking worry how hard my child is gonna have it when she gets to working age. FUCK THEM ALL:! Another two weeks and im back there again and its just makin me worse having to deal with these fucking cunts its fucking bullshit and im so over it i really dont want to write anymore although i could fill several pages with my grievences:X How can a govt department supposed to be of help to you when they wont even fucking listin to you? Bunch of CUNTS is all they are they dont care about us THEY DONT FUCKING CARE ABOUT US. anyways im ending this rant I appoligise for going the fuck off but this is my only outlet to vent and i dont often get this upset. And now im half cut and not stopping anytime soon. So once again THANKS FOR FUCKING NOTHING you stupid dumbfounded dipshit asshole pricks, These are the kind of people who need to be dragged out into the moonlight and beaten repeatidly with heavy clubs then fucking castrated:X
Geez, I read that whole things SMFG. Governments SAY they care about your well-being...but they really don't. Assholes, I totally sympathize you with this, some people need to learn what empathy is, or maybe only get a job that they know the first thing about the people they're dealing with.
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