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True opium powder from poppy seeds..

So basically you mix the seeds with iso alcohol and shake it for 5-10 minutes.
You then filter it and keep the liquid. Then evaporate it.
Or you keep the brown thing that was cought in the "filter" and add iso alcohol to it then evaporate ?
I dont usually use a filter, or alcohol.

I use water and a large bottle with a screw on top.
The screw on top acts as a filter, keeping all the seeds in the bottle but letting the liquid out
(Partially unscrew the cap until liquid can come out and turn the bottle upside down and empty it into something)

As for alcohol, I'm not sure...
I havent tried using alcohol yet.
i'm going to try this on monday.. i'll most likely put a large glass bowl full of extract into a pot with a low level of boiling water and then put it in the sun when the liquid gets low. i'll report in this thread with my results.
i did this with water, and used a pot in a pot with water, worked great.

so from what ive read in this thread, i can use methanol to get yields similar to water correct?
I have 800g worth of fairly potent seeds that I did a simple soak of, and then double boiled down to about 50mL worth of liquid in my car. This weekend I shall be finishing the extraction to powder. I'll take some pics :)
Well, I fucked it. Heated it too much. Will be trying again soon, perhaps using the method posted previously.

Any thoughts on using Acetone as the solvent?
....aaaand....bump. :)

Well, seeing as seeds are back to strength in south east QLD, I'd like to put forward the above question once more. ;)

Either that, or how soluble are they in ethanol?
havnt tried this wit tha alchohol, but tha water works fine..... interesting to hear about the plugging, i beenz smokin/ droppin tha shit, gots a pertty good high on right now with this method, nxt time i double boil and try jammin it up tha clacker, my end result looked exactly the same as the powder @ the start of this thread... iv also ingested 500g batch of tea, dark dark shit, will b postin piks up on the PST thread:|
I just saw on the local news (British Columbia, Canada) a story on this opium powder. Apparently it can be bought in a good sized bag for $10. They didnt describe the effects at all but they did mention it being addictive and its usage is becoming more popular. They talked about how it should become illegal.

Im just curious as to what kind of buzz this stuff produces and how to use it.
Its like any other opiate just generally longer lasting. You use it by taking it orally.
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Last I heard a kilo of opium(I don't remember if it was cooked and dried) goes for around $350(on avg.) even in Afghanistan.

Are moderators allowed to post prices..Just wondering not trying to be a douche...Because I made a thread asking hypothetical how much a pound of completely pure heroin would be and it got closed...(i don't do heroin..but just wondering because i have heard different things...and this info can't really be gathered from price discussion because by the time it hits U.S. streets its gone through 30 cuts or something like that)
By the way has anyone had successful results with the McCormick brand seeds...

I tried 300g of the tea with those seeds and go no effect...

They come in lil glass 28g things wich are a ridicoulous price...4.99 for one i think
If they are washed then 300g wont do anything. What colour are/were they? was the liquid dark and bitter? or semi transparent and tasteless?
the liquid was cloudy and tasted pretty gross....i used a t-shirt to do a crude filtration so idk if that did anything...

i got 5 finger discount on the seeds so i wasn't that upset but it was kind of a waste of time...if anyone from Georgia,US can point me near a place where i can get bulk seeds or pods i'd be greatly appriciated...Do florist shops carry pods for decorative purposes..

I think the problem might have been the brand name seeds but i am not sure...

My tolerance is like 30mg of oxy...or like 20mg of methadone
I used 200 grams of seeds from walmart up here in canada one day during school and I felt very warm and about 10-15mg worth of oxy euphoric for about 4 hours then i got badnausea for a few hours but still the same effects.
By the way has anyone had successful results with the XXX brand seeds...

I tried 300g of the tea with those seeds and go no effect...

They come in lil glass 28g things wich are a ridicoulous price...4.99 for one i think

I used 200 grams of seeds from XXX up here in canada one day during school and I felt very warm and about 10-15mg worth of oxy euphoric for about 4 hours then i got badnausea for a few hours but still the same effects.

Discussing sources is not allowed.
Sigh....Look, I am sure I must have posted in this thread sometime over the 18 months that it has existed but since it is one of those threads that never seems to die I will wade into the morass again and offer a couple of views. First, a fact, SEEDS NEVER CONTAIN ALKALOIDS. Sometimes, Rarely, when unwashed AND taken from Technically Rope pods, they CAN have a resdual (meaning TINY BIT) of alakloidal cotaing.

With that out of the way, probably for the second time, there was once a thread by a poster who apparently no longer posts here, a very young Sikh living iun Canada, in BC. This young man claimed to have bought a kilo bag of opium powder in an Indo-Pak grocery (Indo-Pak is the generic term for SW Asian groceries) for the equivalent of 17 US Dollars.

He was naturally very proud of his purchasing accumen and I was unfortunately the person who questeioned whther or not it was curry powder (stilll makes me laugh). To my suprise though, I have since found that there are a couple of opiated products sold in SOME Indo-Pak groceries around the world, including N. America. It was not opium powder, but could have ben powderised pod, plus various other nonsense to bulk up the weight.

Those who are familiar with SW Asia know all about the curious habit of "Pa'an" and that pa'an can have anything and everything in them. My understanding is that bags like the one he was so happy about are sold for pa'an.

I only tell the whole story to clarify the older thread, in case anyone is keeping score. The point now though, is that even if someone was , well I do not want to say "foolish" but if they CHOSE to try and make "opium" out of seed muck they would never get a slavageable materiel.

The ONLY way to make opium is to lance (i.e. CUT) a pod close to or better yet at Technical Ripeness. Washing seeds with anything and then performing an A/B Extraction, or any other scheme is simply wasting your time, unless one consideres mistakes to be worthwhile usage of time (sometimes they are).

You want smokable materiel? Take a pod, dried, crush it, smoke it because to be frank with people that is going to be the best chance they have UNLESS they are VERY adept at chemistry and utilise perhaps 4 million pods and then take a few days to do a full extraction and crystillisation, and then potentiate that crystillisation and...get the point yet?

It is bad enough that folks insist on making Tea out of seeds (it is akin to smoking cannabis seeds), but then to start dreaming of making opium out of seed washings is like potheads trying to smoke banana peels. Anyway, to each their own. Only a perspective (and some facts).
^I disagree...

If someone can get a good deal on bulk poppy seeds and make tea out of it more power to them...Obviously it works since there has been a couple of reported OD's from it and even a popular death in U.S. so to say it doesn't work is kind of foolish...

Maybe to someone like you who can easily get their hands on something harder or closer to the real stuff its not worth the time...Also money is another factor...Seeds differ in price pretty drastically so for some people it is an efficient opiate high...

You might have more knowledge about opiates than me so i am wondering why the smokeability/powder theory doesn't work...If you can get a bulk amount of seeds for a cheap price and wash the residue; why would it not be possibly to evaporate it??*(i realize its not going to be "opium" powder but it will contain opiates/opioid in it will it not??)

Furthermore..before i waste my time on this...Is there an easy method for purifying the powder produced from the tea to a more smokable/usable form??

Thanks in advance...fo twenny fo life mah niggas
. First, a fact, SEEDS NEVER CONTAIN ALKALOIDS. Sometimes, Rarely, when unwashed AND taken from Technically Rope pods, they CAN have a resdual (meaning TINY BIT) of alakloidal cotaing.

How did that kid OD' of the tea produced by only 2 pounds???

Not disagreeing just wondering...Your agreement just kind of goes against my logic...

If you can OD on dose X in tea form..
You can get recreational effects from X/2 in tea form...
If you can get recreational effects from X/2 dose liquid/tea you can evaporate the substance to get a powder which contains the opiates/opioid necessary to get recreational effects...
If this powder can be obtained using less money/resources than conventional opiates/opioid-pharmaceuticals or illicit drugs than it is a viable way of using opiates/opioids...

Question number two..Do florists sell poppy pods for decorative purposes...????