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  • EADD Moderators: axe battler | Pissed_and_messed

The EADD a trifle annoyed thread v. I bet that smarts a bit

Don't get close to anybody. Unless it's for the purpose of stabbing 'em.

Thanks :( *cries*

I'm going to chop you into little bits and put you through the mincer to make burgers for next summer;s bbq (they'll be lean...) and I'll make pate from your pickled Jim the cunt Beam liver - I can imagine that'll be tasty =D

Will keep the skull and cheek bones ;) for the sake of art :p Hang it in the hall like %)
Wow! Booking my ticket right now! Jaysus.

And 'Jim the cunt Beam liver'. :D
*shudders* so that's where all the missing Bluelighters are - minced up n made into skilks in Kate's house :D

Wow! Booking my ticket right now! Jaysus.

And 'Jim the cunt Beam liver'. :D

I always fancied a sexy skull on the hall wall =D

There's nae way you're no bookin' they tickets, I'll cry if you don't :(... and you don't want me greetin' to you?
Alright. I know when I'm beaten.

Na, you don't :sus: I have other "pleasures" for you to indulge in ;) Like cleaning the cat litter boxes and ironing bed linen wearing my fav pinny :!

Do you like mushroom risotto btw - I'm practising x
I don't mind it at all, no!

And cat litter. Great. Couple of years since I last did that.
I don't mind it at all, no!

And cat litter. Great. Couple of years since I last did that.

So you prefer pizza, or pasta or a proper veggie Indian? I cook them all...

Thank fuck I'll put you down for all cat litter duty all of July :D Between that and tea duty and rushing to the Arran ferry the night after I think we'll have enough to be going on with =D

How's the sun beam? 8)
Kate, I have to make you my pumpkin chicken and caraway risotto. Yum! Yes off thread topic. Sorry.

Am pissed off using my mobile rather than my pc! Some one is gonna die!
Grrrrrrr! Naw seriously pissed off having to use my mobile.

Mobie typing makes me feel like one of those poor unfortunate souls suffering from"locked in syndrome" every letter precious, every sentence bled out onto the screen
Friendship is over-rated in my opinion. People befriend you, you get close n are happy because you've this ace friendship. Then they spit you out n you're like some insignificant piece of trash they never bothered with.

Like I said overrated. And more fool me for letting it happen. No more as from now on I'll be hard as iron n let NO F***** in.

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Friendship is over-rated in my opinion. People befriend you, you get close n are happy because you've this ace friendship. Then they spit you out n you're like some insignificant piece of trash they never bothered with.

Like I said overrated. And more fool me for letting it happen. No more as from now on I'll be hard as iron n let NO F***** in.


That's pretty defeatist. Sure I knew some idiots when I was younger, but they're largely all gone now. As the years have passed I've found myself with less friendships, but the few that have stood the test of time are going from strength to strength. I've now got half a dozen or so close friends who I trust with my life and who I know I will trust for the rest of my life.

But it's a mutual thing, you have to put in as much as you want to get back. Friendships can be a bit of work if you want them to be rewarding.
I do, that's the point.

My first friendship with Gavin in school. I cared a lot for him. My last school years were the happiest times because of his friiendship. We had friendship photos together, we went to Granda studios. We had AMAZING times n I was so happy. Then life happened we went our separate ways n casual kept in touch how people do.

I met up with him a few years later. We were talking n he said his school years were the worst years of his life. That hurt me, ALOT. Two of my best happiest years because of our friendship meant NOTHING, were insignificant. I vowed from that day that I'd never let somrone hurt me again like that n tested everyone since so i didnt waste my time on ppm i meant naff all to.

Didnt stick to this as regained that friendship as well as another loved female friend called L. Ten years of friendship n when I had my friendship they dropped me

Everytime i asked if either would meet up it was "too busy" which i didn't mind, as of course people have other stuff on. Untill I'd see them on Facebook clubbing, in each otbers houses etc.

Yet they were "too busy" for their friend who'd had a child n needed a bit of company. That hurt me, felt rejected, alone n depressed n where were they? Enjoying themselves without a care inthe world.
L a froenf of 10 years
Gavin; a friend of 15+ years.

When i needed my friends more than any time they were not there for me. They didnt give a damn that i had a small child. Friendship is over-rated.

This is how friends treats you. act like you matter get bored n ditch you without a care in the world. I

I got accused of having a thing with a married man the other day.

She made a scene. Then apologised to everyone else in the house. 'Everyone else' being the other lodgers.

Another one keeps following me about, copying me and staring at me. Its extreme and really creeps me out.

It may seem brutal but they're all out today. I'ts got to end
Do you have a lot of lodgers? Why are they following you around? That sounds strange.

Evileivibe said:
When i needed my friends more than any time they were not there for me. They didnt give a damn that i had a small child. Friendship is over-rated.

This is how friends treats you. act like you matter get bored n ditch you without a care in the world.

If that was how they treated you Evey then they obviously weren't the friends that you thought they were. A true friend will always be there for you through the good times and the bad and if they disappear when the going gets tough then they really weren't a proper friend
If that was how they treated you Evey then they obviously weren't the friends that you thought they were. A true friend will always be there for you through the good times and the bad and if they disappear when the going gets tough then they really weren't a proper friend

They got their karma in the end. Everyone that hurts me always does. They basically ended up turning on each other. Then it was "Hiya Evey (and a bitch about the other)" So I basically turned the tables n was "too busy" for them. Apparently they all went on holiday without L because she couldn't get her passport in time - she was incredibly upset over it. I sat there listening. I was dying to say "Well now you know how I felt the past 5 years," but gloating is just childish n wouldn't achieve owt - so I didn't.

I just think no point in wishing negative thoughts on another as that puts negative energy out there so I try to leave it and wait for energy itself to balance out LOL

As the Frozen song goes "Let it goooooo!"
