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The Big & Dandy Methoxetamine Thread - 5th Dose (you took too much, seriously)

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How many times stronger is rectal dmt? I like the 15mg sublingual experience and I intend to mix with 2cc.
This drug is fucking therapy.

They need to re-fucking-think the word therapy and throw a molecule of Methoxetamine next to it as the description.

They will ban this shit, and patent it. Its too good & whoever posted http://www.timothywyllie.com/PCP.htm +100000000000000000000000000
Has anyone dealt with the "new" mxe batch that seems to be around now?

It's fine powder like regular mxe but it's a bit off white, just barely tan...

I was able to get my hands on a little bit of it. It's definitely not the same as the pure white stuff I am used to,

I just don't know exactly what to think about it. I have a ridiculous tolerance to mxe and I've yet to try more than just a little bit of this batch because it looks different. I'm definitely getting effects, i just don't know how potent it is.

Just wondering if anyone else has the newer off-white stuff that seems to be around, and if you have any info about it, like dosage or whatever. thanks. Cuz I'd rather not shove 100mg of this stuff up my asshole if it turns out to be not methoxetamine.

I just got a bag of the new shit, its like whitish yellow granules...VERY FUCKING POTENT keep your dosages low. Of course this is my first time doing this drug but this shit is AMAZINGLY THERAPEUTIC. I feel so much more positive, unlike mushrooms, it seems to be incapable of giving you a bad trip.

Im dosing at around 20-30mg IR
I just got a bag of the new shit, its like whitish yellow granules...VERY FUCKING POTENT keep your dosages low. Of course this is my first time doing this drug but this shit is AMAZINGLY THERAPEUTIC. I feel so much more positive, unlike mushrooms, it seems to be incapable of giving you a bad trip.

Im dosing at around 20-30mg IR

Yeah this "new" batch that is off-white with little yellow specks is just not as well cleaned up compared to the white stuff.

It's also denser I suggest crushing it up first.

I prefer the white stuff.

Question: what impurities are likely to be found in MXE? I feel like the off white stuff has a bit more physical side effects, just doesn't feel quite as clean overall.
Personally Ive not had any physical side effects, other than frequent propencity towards urination on the come up.

Sometime I take coffee (not always), but I always pee when im on Methoxetamine.

What physical side-effects are you pertaining to, bluedolphin?
Hmm i have heard other people say the off-white yellow-speck batch is strong, but I have yet to really experience effects and I've taken multiple doses. I mean, I didn't feel nothing, but I couldn't get "there." I will try more today
The stuff I've gotten is slightly off white... kinda buttery/creamy color... and yes a few granules... and extremely potent...
^that fits the description of every batch of MXE ive had.
I also haven't noticed any negative physical side effects.

Ok so here are the test results for mxe wiith the new style EZ Tests

Marquis -very faint slow tan (1min) Vial on left is unused marquis for comparison

Mandelin -fairly quick green (1min) note that this green turns to a murky blackish after about 5 minutes ....

Mecke -slow brown (1min) note that this one turns to a green after about 5 minutes... look at the granules in the vials... I didn't mix up the mandelin and mecke in the "5min pic"

MCPP -very faint yellowing
Elrich -no reaction
Scott -no reaction (reagent is already pink)

(Left to right) Marquis, Mandelin, Mecke, MCPP, Elrich, Scott. (5min)
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I can´t find much information related with oral route. Is similar to snorting in terms of recreation? dose is the same?
I do oral and sublingual and don't notice much difference in effects or dosage... I've snorted it a couple times and same as well... I just don't like snorting stuff very much...
Chemicallyinsane, You haven't had the white powder stuff though, have you? I'd say this off white is less potent than true original-batch mxe. Which was so potent even a few mg would be noticable to a non-tolerant user.

I just can't tell if it's me or the batch, I plugged 75mg today and I definitely felt it but it was not what 75mg would do to me before.
Nope I haven't got the white stuff... just the creamy color stuff...

The first time I took some I could feel effects from less than 5mg
what up folks.
man forget lab rats/pet hamsters, more like 'first monkey shot into space' with this one, huh? lol
but for real, this material (mxe) is really . . . interesting. used to love k (kinda rare in my neck of woods tho). been thinking of that hole for a decade tho. then this. definitely find myself getting caught up in delusions, but then transcending them, it feels ok to have dreamed them.

thanks to liminov for the perspective/insight. glad you pointed out that 'advertising' thing (and the relation to PCE, should have been obvious!) you seem to have a bit of a handle on this material, and it is indeed a slippery one!
Personally Ive not had any physical side effects, other than frequent propencity towards urination on the come up.

Sometime I take coffee (not always), but I always pee when im on Methoxetamine.

What physical side-effects are you pertaining to, bluedolphin?

Seemed a bit more dehydrating (more urination)
and slightly more heart-rate increasing

I could be wrong. But I never noticed the extra-pee on the white batches.
Ive tried the white batch to compare, from the Official 5 or whatever.
IMO the later yellowish batches are stronger hitting and kick in a bit faster and feels just as potent mg for mg.
edit: i posted this on a another thread. but wanted more feedback

What is your daily/weekly/monthy consumption?
ive been taking it for about 4 months at least. daily. use is up to about a gram a day with tolerance. takes at least 200mg line to make me wobbly.
- What is your usual ROA?

mostly insufated. sublingual has never really worked. and ive plugged a couple of times but its messy...probably out cold everytime
- Do you feel you are addicted? If yes, do you think you can stop?
very. but i like it. with tolerance. it doesnt make me "hole" or anything...its like weed to me (which i dont smoke because its illegal...
- Have you tried to quit? or do you want to stop using it?
yes. i said to a friend "i dont know what it doest to me...but i dont know what it does if i stop taking it....

even though i have daily use. i dont use before i have done my daily chores... i dont work and play. which when i was addicted to coke. i would.
- Do you have any withdrawal symptoms?
i havent stopped so i dont know. but a few days away and i dont feel anything.
- How does MXE addiction compares to other drugs addiction? E.g. Tobacco, Cannabis, Heroin, Cocaine.

i was addicted to coke for years and years. it stole everything from my life and luckily i got through it. i want to know how this will pan out for me and a lot of other people. its like drink.... yes i do it everyday...but im not going to work on it or pimping myself. i can afford it.. i enjoy it...but yes. im doing it all the time. im not in a "hole" every night....but i do have a massive tolerance. a gram a day. i love unwinding...getting into bed after a line and floating away to music

i have noticed a massive difference to batches and different vendors... for a while it wasnt doing anything to me then i would black out and not remember things. wake up with bruises from the night before.....but it seems it was a bad batch for ages. now i hole and trip again. and stop before i get that wasted.

it does make me very retarded. its like wobbly> retarded > unconscious

it is a big curisosity to me...its like yes. i drink a glass or two of wine everynight...but im not an alcoholic.....so if i do MXE everynight...am i addict? or just enjoying something nice....and has no comedown and isnt interfering with my day to day life. ... if i cant afford it...i dont do it... im not staying at home and not seeing people to do it... if i need a night out with friends...im not on it... just at home. .....im not selling myself for it.

is it fun or addiction? if you smoke weed everyday.... are you an addict or just someone that likes weed?? as long as you are not waking up in a&e...driving on it... or turning up at work on it (non of which i am doing)..


(am also curious about my massive doseing...am i the only one?

edit: speaking to those around me. no one says im losing it. have had depression for about 8 years. but have never been happier.

i have been taking quietipine.. which maybe stops its effects a bit? i know it does dxm...anyone with ideas about this? ive not taken quitiapine for a couple of weeks (dr told me to come of it properly...slow decrease in doese etc all properly) since i find mxe more trippy.

the stuff i get is always a slightly off white powder. ....from 2 sources....one is much weaker then the other (and cheaper) so i dont get it anymore.. have never tried the crystal stuff.
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Anyone else surprised this stuff hasn't been all over the news and papers yet? especially considering how messy and twisted it can get you on such a small dose. i expected the press to be banging on about it ages ago, and thought it would be banned by now. wonder if many people have died or seriously injured themselves from doing too much

I THINK the reason it hasnt...is becuase its not like "meow"...its not a visible party drug like that became...its a select thing..and the users are quiet about it...we tend to be at home, not in clubs....and plus....no deaths...only one from the MDAI combo IV'd....which is a bit like reporting someone died from smoking a joint...forget that they also had a ounce of coke, 2 e's and a bottle of whisky.. .they smoked a joint = weed kills. people are not turning up in A&e with this stuff (yet)....
Most kids/morons are buying maybe a gram or two at a time I would reckon... not enuf to die from....
I worry about people bringing it to raves to glowstick and dance on, because well, it's fucking amazing for that, but then selling it to people who mix it with MDMA or MDMA-like substances. Until then, I think we'll be okay, the one person dying from a MDxx+MXE should let us all avoid any further accidents. I hope, a lot.

I'm considering buying a lifetime stash, what does anyone know about storage? Freezer, sealed container?
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