I am finding that I just can't trust myself with methoxetamine any more, no more than I could with ketamine. Last week I got a gram after taking a nice long break and ended up going through 700mg in about 20 hours, experiencing the typical mania and delusion along with some not so usual aural hallucinations. For a period of a few hours there I was actually hearing a radio station playing rap music (don't even like rap!) coming out of one of my shoes. Yes, one of my sneakers
All the while simultaneousley watching television. And at the time this did not really seem all that strange to me8( It was like I was trying to chase the magic that I used to feel during my early experimentations. This event also turned me into an emotional basket case for a few days, dredging up all maner of emotional baggage and frustrations. In a way it was extremely cathartic, but also rather disturbing. I felt as if my spirit or whatever wasn't quite tethered to my body for an extended period. It is obvious to me that MXE has much more in common with PCP than ketamine.