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The all-new Girlie Thread: Post your beauty secrets here!

I'm like that a lot of the time now. In the past I wouldn't leave the house without at least some make up on and usually I would put on a full face before I went anywhere like uni, work, what have you. Now during the day the most I'll usually wear is under eye concealer and eyebrow pencil, and often I don't even bother with that.

Oh and ta CotB, I will check that out :)
I probably wear makeup maybe two or three times a month. I couldn't be bothered for work and don't care that much if I'm going out unless it's something special.
^ I'm with you, Kat. I think i've worn make up to work about 3 times, and only wear it if i'm going out somewhere, and feel like glamming up a bit.
Slightly off topic

Girls I need some help!
Ive got a cocktail party on Friday night.. What defines a cocktail dress? Ive got tons of short flashy dresses but Im sure this wouldnt be right.
Are they short, (above)knee or ankle length? -- Pretty or sexy? -- Flashy or conservative?
Ive done a google search but the results are so varied.

Need halp!!!
I was once told that the 'little black dress' was always the way to go for cocktail parties when in doubt
A classic cocktail dress is something mid-length - just above the knee to mid thigh, but nothing shorter. It's not TOO flashy (although some contemporary cocktail dresses i've seen are quite gaudy). It comes down to your own preference really. For me, i'd go with black, or i'd go with colour, but nothing flashy - also, you can look totally sexy without 'sexualising' yourself... :)
hmmm thanks guys
I just tried one on at up shop up the road, was totally gorgeous but $275.. for something thats going to be worn once, so not worth it.
Also anyone know where I can get a cheap wash and blow-wave in Sydney city? $40 is the cheapest ive found and its a rip off.

$40 is pretty much standard for a wash and blow dry.

That's the usual going rate around here (Newcastle) so for Sydney that's quite cheap.
Has anyone been to furr hairdressers in newtown? I've been wanting to go for years every time i walk past the place but know it's going to be pricey. I hardly spend any money on my hair. I get $25 haircuts and dye my own hair - that does me! Always has felt really vain to spend heaps of hair and "beauty" i guess *shrugs*

I've had it just short and red for a few years now and i'm tired of it and need a change. Sick of the same style and colour and think i wanna lash out to get something different cos i've had every hair cut and colour under the sun it seems when i think about it and need a new opinion and a vamp up!
I thought lanolin was an emollient? As per a previous post in this thread anyway.

Shea butter is awesome for lips.

Leecie: Do you only massage the rosehip oil onto your cheeks (or wherever is dry - for me it's cheeks w oily t-zone) or all over?

and is dry shampoo for after the gym etc but you don't want to do a full wash of your hair? And where do you get this miracle shampoo?


Long-time listener, first-time caller.


I only wear makeup if I'm going out, or if I'm actually seeing clients etc at work (sif would bother for my colleagues :D)....but it is kind of depressing when I do wear it and everyone is like OMG you look SO nice today etc....fuckers!!

So I have been wanting to occupy a mid-ground and get a tinted moisturiser for a while....I really am just too lazy to put a full-face on every day plus I get sick of the feeling. I got one today in a gift bag (nivea 'young' - they don't know I'm mid-twenties :|) and am going to try it, will report back!!

oh yeah my tip for the day. Natural glow is the best bronzer - I've been using it for 10 years, and quite literally, one pot lasted me about 9 years.....good to set your makeup too.
Mary Poppins said:
I thought lanolin was an emollient? As per a previous post in this thread anyway.

That's a good point, it is too. In that case I'm not exactly sure what the blogger CotB mentioned was going on about... but it sounds a bit like, uh... rubbish.
Here is the post on Fruit Beauty [one of leecie's makeup bloggers and the only one I read] on rosehip oil and on lip balms.
I've just reread the section on lip balms and she doesn't actually mention lanolin at all - my bad. I read it weeks ago and remember thinking pretty much all of the most-used and simple approaches to lip treatment were out! Sorry for the confusion. :|

BUT she does say [and I quote];
1. Make sure your lips are exfoliated every week or so. Do this using a warm face cloth and if possible, a dedicated lip scrub. (Try the Lip Scrub, below) Don't use your face scrub, it'll be too strong on your lips.
2. Next, use a lip nourishing product (think vitamin e/sweet almond/coconut oil; shea butter), that contains no petroleum to properly moisturise the lips.
3. And this is only if you want to, or are going into a windy day, or a blizzard, you can swipe on your old lip balm or barrier to lock in that new lease of moisture. But even then I reckon stay away from nasty old petroleum. Trust me on this one.

Rosehip oil - I use it all over. I have actually found that my oily zones are now far less oily since using it. To quote the brilliant Zoe

It can be used on oily skin, but again, there are better things to use. See, while oily skin is often dehydrated (which is why the skin is oily - the skin overproduces oil in an effort to hydrate - which is why harsh scrubbing is bad; you only exacerbate things) using a light face oil like rosehip oil, with its combo of fatty acids, vitamins and a similar PH to our own sebum, means that rather than adding to the oiliness, the oil actually melts into the skin, absorbs quickly and even allows the skin to breathe. Same with cleansing oils - they attract oil and draw it out, making them ideal for oily skin, which people don't expect to be the case.


Dry shampoo - I wash my hair every second day so on days I'm not washing it I use dry shampoo. I don't want to wash my hair every day (is very bad for it) but my hair is just that bit too oily to leave out, otherwise I look like Mary-Kate with lank, oily tendrils. Way not hot. My FAVOURITE is Batiste Tropical. To quote myself from my blog (where I posted about rosehip oil and dry shampoo merely 2 days ago)

Batiste Tropical Dry Shampoo. There are heaps of dry shampoos on the market, but this one is my number one favourite purely because of the tropical scent. It has, according to the can, a deliciously exotic fragrance. Smells like coconuts and stuff.

Anyway, if you don't already use dry shampoo, I highly recommend you jump on this bandwagon. You shake the can, spray it on the roots, give it a quick rub if you like (rub is optional, of course) and then brush it out. Voila! An extra day out of your blow dry and an extra 15 minutes in bed. Seriously, this product was invented for lazy people like me. If I'm going to be honest as well, my hair usually looks better after I have used this rather than after I wash and blow-dry it. Perhaps that has something to do with my limp hair though (see previous post about kms root booster for explanation). It's also handy for after a gym session when you need to go out but don't want to stand in the gym showers for any longer than absolutely necessary. No one likes athlete's foot. Skip the wash, go the spray.

Price: $6.95 (no kidding! so cheap!)
From: The Health and Beauty Club ($6.95 postage - worth it)
Why you need it: For fresh, great smelling hair and extra value from your blow-dry.

And on the tinted moisturiser thing...I use Clinique City Block because it is a tinted moisturiser AND an SPF. Two for 1!! You need to wear an SPF every day so why not just incorporate it into your routine somewhere else.

Any questions, see me after class.

edit: PS - Fruitybeauty is the Beauty Director on Harper's Bazaar, previously the Beauty Editor on Cosmo and has been writing beauty for 5+ years, so she knows her shit!!
leecie said:
And on the tinted moisturiser thing...I use Clinique City Block because it is a tinted moisturiser AND an SPF. Two for 1!! You need to wear an SPF every day so why not just incorporate it into your routine somewhere else.
^I use this stuff. It's incredible and means I no longer have to re-apply powder half way through the day when my skin starts to shine due to oil build-up [usually post midday].
This minimises shine and sweating on the face and provides the best matte base for foundation or concealer I've seen.

High recc' from me as well. :)
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Ooooer thanks Leecie, I'm going to try that dry shampoo. I've tired others before but they leave white foamy stuff and when you're a brunette its no good! Can you get it anywhere other than online???

I use the Oil of Olay moisturiser with SPF but its only SPF 15 so I was thinking of trying the sunblock from Clinique, any idea of the SPF of that one?? I'll check out strawberry net to see if they stock it.

I've recently fallen in love with KIT cosmetics/skincare. I found it in Myer! I've tried their body scrubs and the Bronzing compact trio thing and both are VERY highly recommended!! The price tag isn't too $$ either!

Just had a look @ City block.. I'm confused.

Is there a special 'City Block Tinted moistuiser' range? Or is it just called 'City Block' and its tinted to suit all skin tones??

^^They just put out a new city block that isn't tinted, but the one I use is SPF 25 and is tinted, and I also have an SPF 30 somewhere in the cupboard. They don't come in different skin tones as far as I know, but they aren't tinted enough that you notice a distinct colour. You have similar colouring to me so you should be fine.

Also, you can get coloured dry shampoo if you don't want to deal with white powder on dark brown hair. Bumble and Bumble do coloured sprays and you can get it from Mecca (big sister company to kit). Way more expensive though.

I love kit! They have some brilliant stuff. I could spend hours in the kit and Mecca stores on Oxford St.
I'm brunette and I use the Klorane dry shampoo, it brushes out fine. I love that shit.