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The all-new Girlie Thread: Post your beauty secrets here!

Not necessarily all product related, but I thought I would share my essential blog reading:

fruitybeauty - mentioned many times before, but Zo is a genius!

girlwithasatchel - sometimes beauty but mainly glossy mags

stuffthatibought - sometimes beauty, mainly girlie stuff

shoewawa - shoes!!

baglady - bags!!

whowhatweardaily - fashion stuffs

kissandmakeup - make up and beauty industry news

I spend about an hour every morning going through all my blogs (these plus gossip ones). Thankfully they are all considered research for work!
I'm not a fan of lipstick, but I do like to wear a lipgloss when I go out and I've recently discovered revlon glossy licious. I got the lychee sorbet one and it's one of the best glosses I've ever had. It's very smooth without being runny or sticky - should be good for kissing, I think men will appreciate this one! ;)
Sticky lip gloss might look ok to others (i don't like the look myself - too made up for my liking), but I CAN'T STAND the way if feels on my lips. I'd much rather something that makes my lips soft and kissable, than something that glues the other person to me. :\
drugfukkdrockstar said:
You get complaints? Do you sell make up?
^Hahahaaa, ah no. :) I get complaits when as Samadhi put it, my lips stick to the other party. :p

I love the gloss look and feel as regular matte or even 'moisturising' lipsticks always dry out my lips. At least the gloss keeps them relatively tinted and supple; it would be nice without the stick-factor though.
Yeah, boys seem to really hate sticky lipgloss. I don't particularly like it either. I used to love Origins Liquid Lipcolour for pretty colours that are non sticky, but I think they're discontinuing it. MAC has come out with a few new formulations of lipgloss recently, I'm planning on trying them soon.
I seriously can't go past Lansinoh, my lips are so soft from using it... :)
The lip balm I got from the Decleor prize pack is AWESOME!!!! Woah!

I love natural, high gloss balms that aren't sticky and smell good and this one fits the bill. The stickiness is why I stay well clear of most glosses. I HATE hair getting caught on lips. Gross.

I think the regular size comes in a 10ml tub for a whopping $25 from StrawberryNET but I'm so buying it when the stick runs out. Mmmmmm.
Yeah I dont really wear lipstick. I hate having to reapply. I dont mind a bit of lip gloss on nights out but find I tier of reapplying it after i have a drink. And I hate the seeing lippy and lip gloss on other peoples glassware.

I started an on going course today that my hair dresser recommended to help me grow my hair and make it healthyer. The capsules are for hair, nails and skin. I think its a basic conditioning for skin and it helps your nails and hair grow. It also assissts in circulation to the hair folical and fingertips etc etc.

If i wasnt so lazy i would grab the bottle from the bathroom and tell you the name...next time im up. But it seems to be a lot of nutrients and veg and also loaded with other helpfull things.

The hair dresser today told me I had shit hair lol. Nice and thick at the scalp but it just breaks. No treatment or aid helps it. I just have shit hair.
vanth said:
MAC has come out with a few new formulations of lipgloss recently, I'm planning on trying them soon.
^I have their permenant lip-gloss in a really nice blushing pink. You apply the colour, let it set, and then just reapply the clear gloss all day.
It honestly lasts on my lips all day until I use a make-up removing wipe to take it off. It's intense stuff, but means I don't get the dreaded lipstick marks on my glass and my lips always look tinted and lovely. :)

As an aside, Samadhi I recently learnt lanolin, vasoline, paw paw ointment and things people use as lip moisturisers aren't actually moisturising the site at all. They act as a barrier to air getting in, thus giving the impression they're moisturising.
Tip from Fruity Beauty.
As an aside, Samadhi I recently learnt lanolin, vasoline, paw paw ointment and things people use as lip moisturisers aren't actually moisturising the site at all. They act as a barrier to air getting in, thus giving the impression they're moisturising.
Tip from Fruity Beauty.

Very strange, considering Lansinoh is used by lactating mothers to moisturise cracked and chaffed nipples and also has fantastic healing properties. :\ My lips are noticeably softer for having used it too, so it must be doing something right.
I have two "can't live without" beauty products...Rosehip Oil and Batiste Tropical Dry Shampoo. I HIGHLY recommend dry shampoo.
^I bought some dry shampoo the other day and OMG it is a God-send. Honestly, how have I survived without using this?!! =D

I would be the first to use rosehip oil but I have combination skin - oily t-zone and dry cheeks, and I think it would be a little greasy for me. I've heard great things about it though. :)
I have combination skin too and rosehip is a miracle in a bottle. Pop into your local GNC and grab some Kosmea rosehip oil...$19.95 for a bottle, so it's probably the cheapest thing you could be using as well. A few drops massaged in after you wash your face and it is still warm. Do I sound like a commercial? Trust me on this one!
^Hrm, I might give it a go then thanks. Don't stress about sounding like you're being paid for your endorsement, haha - I do it all the time to my girlfriends. :p
I think what CotB is referring to is that lanolin is categorised as an "occlusive" moisturiser (rather than a humectant or emollient), and it works to moisturise the skin by slowing the evaporation of water from the surface of the skin, rather than actually adding moisture like an emollient moisturiser, or attracting it like a humectant.

What shade is the MAC lip colour you're talking about CotB? It sounds really nice.
vanth said:
I think what CotB is referring to is that lanolin is categorised as an "occlusive" moisturiser (rather than a humectant or emollient), and it works to moisturise the skin by slowing the evaporation of water from the surface of the skin, rather than actually adding moisture like an emollient moisturiser, or attracting it like a humectant.

Thanks for that Vanth :) I've used specific lip moisturisers before, that have had no 'barrier' qualities, and nothing has worked better than Lansinoh. :) Perhaps my skin reacts particularly well to this type of moisturiser.
I haven't warn lipstick in so long. I just use lip balm/chap stick now days. I am so lazy i can't be fucked with make up full stop anymore :\ Does anyone else here get like that or are like that? I miss my days when i was more girly sometimes, but on the other hand i am glad i don't bother anymore. Too much work.