TDS TDS social thread vs follow the yellow brick road

Hi sporgonzola love <3 How are you <3?

Sepher <3 I also decided to use his avatar :(.

How are you doing CH?
Hello my friends. I have been missing you all.

A month ago, I sold everything I owned, did some other things to make money, and bought a one-way plane ticket across the world to SE Asia. It has been crazy, and life has been both beautiful and stressful here, but this is basically my first step to saving myself. My plan is to teach university here, and if not that, then teach English to young children.

I have met amazing people - locals and travelers. Last night, I met an American girl on a visa run. I complimented her purse and three hours later, after cooking and eating a local meal on the rooftop of an 8th story building, telling stories, talking about philosophy, books, beauty, and the world, taking pictures, feeling an amazing connection, I hugged her heart-to-heart for a few minutes before she left on her bus. We exchanged contact info, and hope to see each other again. I never met girls like this where I used to live. When I talked about the things I did with her, I was labeled a "druggie" or a selfish loser who needs to find the path to a good life. But with her, she understood me, agreed with me, and we felt that in our hug. I miss her so much.

Life has been hard since I am low on money (transfer promised to me has been delayed), but I am trying my hardest to stay happy and connect with the culture. With people around me who understand me and consider me one like them, I don't need drugs. Acceptance is not something that drugs can provide - only people.

Bad stuff has happened, sure. A lot due to low funds. But I am working on that.

I love you all, and hope you are all okay. PM me anytime. Peace & Love.

Your fellow human being,
18 months clean as of July 5 and happily in a relationship since June 30. Tanning, working out, and working 50hrs/week.
Good stuff Sero!
Cant believe you have actually been tamed by a woman! Good on ya!
Europe rocks. the parties are amazing and the friends i have made here will be close to me for life.
I just wish i didnt destroy my smartphone on the first day here :( i feel so guilty for barely logging in over the past 3 weeks.
But I will try my hardest to stay in contact via internet cafes and friends' computers over the duration of my time here.
This happens all too often.

I'm the worm btw.
I am off work tomorrow that means I get to stay on the internet all night if I want :3 :3 :3.

Howz about you?

That's a nice lil .gif.
eh im okay, kinda failed my intended sobriety for the night but at least I dont have any drugs. Been working a lot lately.
I went 5 days w/o cigarettes and I relapsed today. I'm scared this will cause a reset in my mind and I will revert back to complacency. Quitting this habit meant more to me then just not smoking. It was a catalyst to get other things in my life together, as silly as that might seem. I also screwed up in another really big way today when I'd been doing well for a week. So I'm pretty worried about what tomorrow will bring.
MoE, you should try electronic cigarettes... They worked for me and they worked for my BF who smoked for 12 years. He's been off then for 5 months now... You can taper down your nicotine level (you don't even notice the difference really as you taper down) and the juice is flavored so it's actually pleasant and you don't feel all dirty after you've vaped.

PM me and I'll give you some advice because the e-cig world is a tricky one and if you don't get the right combo you're going to get bad vapor production/unreliable battery life. So they won't work for you long term. And don't buy the ones in convenient stores :p.
MoE, you should try electronic cigarettes... They worked for me and they worked for my BF who smoked for 12 years. He's been off then for 5 months now... You can taper down your nicotine level (you don't even notice the difference really as you taper down) and the juice is flavored so it's actually pleasant and you don't feel all dirty after you've vaped.

PM me and I'll give you some advice because the e-cig world is a tricky one and if you don't get the right combo you're going to get bad vapor production/unreliable battery life. So they won't work for you long term. And don't buy the ones in convenient stores :p.

Actually, I've been mooching off several of my friends who all have the same brand, and I find them enjoyable - kinda like smoking a hookah. And they certainly curb my cravings. I just don't have the $60-80 to spend on a good one right now, but it is on my list, maybe even before new car tires lol. I'll still message you to get your recommendation.
I sent you an entire setup list for around $40. It's well worth it. Wellllllll worth it %). I've gone through every one in the book... So the setup I sent is the perfect one.