TDS TDS social thread vs follow the yellow brick road

Has anyone tried these?

I giggled when I saw them in the store today and thought about buying some just because but then talked myself out of it.

I found them at the American Candy store near me. They're delicious.

Anyone else find themselves awake at 3am watching videos online from a supposed government 'mind control' arcade game (that really existed and there's no solid evidence of what the actual game was, just the arcade box). Known side effects from this game include nausea, sleep disturbance and aversion to video games, selective amnesia, horrifying nightmares, suicidal tendencies and "the inability to become sad."

The only recreations of the actual game come from descriptions given by those who played it.

If you're bored (or just like weird, hypnotic psychedelia) check out Polybius =D (Seizure Warning)
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That's crazy! I'm gonna read up on that. I find subliminal messages SO interesting.
Me too. I'm not a conspiracy theorist, but I love to learn all about them because some of them are pretty bizarre, detailed and (strangely) logical.

If you love bizarre games just for the sake of being bizarre, i just stopped playing a game I got from a friend in Japan. It's 14 years old and it's the one game that's so disturbingly accurate that I can't play anymore.
I do love bizarre games! It freaks me out but I love it.

I'm not a huge conspiracy theorist either, but some of the things are too logical to be anything but correct. I once spent like 3 hours on YouTube looking up a bunch of subliminal message stuff. Was very eye opening.
I am in need of an artist who is flexible with their style and can draw an image from a description (obviously it wouldn't have to be strictly as described)

I have a few things that I'd like drawn but I can't do it.
I am in need of an artist who is flexible with their style and can draw an image from a description (obviously it wouldn't have to be strictly as described)

I have a few things that I'd like drawn but I can't do it.

What exactly is it that you'd like drawn? Can you be more specific in your ideas?

Describe them for me; we'll work from there.
We are quite possibly a computer simulation, so in that case, the irony would be that an internet friend is probably just as real as an "IRL" friend.

I still think having IRL friends is an important thing. Physical contact, hugs, hand shakes, high fives, group hugs, etc. are irreplaceable. Not to mention sex. ;)
well my 7 week old baby just drank so much milk he threw it all up then he drank some more and fell asleep.... I hope this isn't a sign of things to come 20 years from now
Ah, nursing nights.....are you getting sleep, Tacky? I used to nap with the baby--do you get to do that?<3
I saw a UFO today when the sun was setting..!!
People may think im crazy, but I dont give a shit because im 100% sure I saw it.
I ended up reporting it to the nsw ufo society and they replied immediately.

I saw a jetsteam forming in the sky trailing behind a shiny object reflecting the sun.
Thought it was just a plane, then I saw the cloudy stream instantly dissapear whilst the shiny object darted super fast upwards until I couldnt see it
The object darted up towards space. Definitely wasnt a plane.
Stressful days! Stressful days!
We got a notice to move out last month. Landlord is selling the property.
For the past two weeks We were getting ready to move into a nice 3bedroom mobile home, my mom, her husband and I.
Today We go to finally see the place because the tenant took forever to move out.
Well long story short, it's a shit hole. Mold and busted walls, stained carpeting and virtually no water pressure.
Needless to say We are back looking for a place to live and We only have five days.
You can cut the tension with a spoon...
You can cut the tension with a spoon...

Remember that you can go to social services and get an emergency housing voucher which you can normally trade into a local establishment for a room (normally a motel/hotel type deal) if you are faced with immediate homelessness. Best of luck.
^ Doing okay, how about you hun?

Hope you don't mind I'm borrowing your avatar in memory of Sepher <3