• LAVA Moderator: Mysterier

Tattoo FAQ - please make separate threads for image ideas

^I agree. Wait til you're in the field, and keep in mind that if people know what your tattoos represent (drug related), you're really shooting yourself in the foot. Or fingers, if you will.
The tattoo on my fingers won't be related to any illicit drug. I am thinking of making it something general like synthesis of some chemical in a body.

Everything illicit will be hidden under my clothes.

So yea.. I think I'll get it after I get a job and I will probably talk to my boss and/or lab supervisors during the summer cause I'll be working full time in labs.
tats are probably the worst fad I've ever seen...your stuck with that commitment forever, unless you want to throw good money after bad to remove it...they do send a message-especially when one denotes a particular drug your enthusiastic about today...design a T-shirt with the equation, you can at least put it in a drawer when your done
masonyoung said:
tats are probably the worst fad I've ever seen...your stuck with that commitment forever, unless you want to throw good money after bad to remove it...they do send a message-especially when one denotes a particular drug your enthusiastic about today...design a T-shirt with the equation, you can at least put it in a drawer when your done

although most the time i agree with you there are some tattoos that have literally made me "8o"

the difference between an awesome tattoo and a terrible tattoo imo is whether or not you have to ask "what should i get?"
Kilgore said:
So yea.. I think I'll get it after I get a job and I will probably talk to my boss and/or lab supervisors during the summer cause I'll be working full time in labs.
well, that'll be just peachy if your new/current boss is fine with it.

what about all your other future bosses & employers?

how old are you, if you don't mind me asking? i'm guessing you've probably got at least another 40 years of full-time employment to go, right?

don't do it man. :|
felix I know you usually got sound advice but I gotta respectfully disagree w/you here. I understand you are sayin it outta concern, but on the real, its his decision, and his life will not end. Your logic is the same shit people apply to college and the decision not to go. makin it sound like its a horrible, immature, stupid, ignorant, naieve, DANGEROUS idea that only a fool would even consider. And that anybody with any sense would realize "the sensible thing" and decide to stick to the plain ol way shits 'supposed' to be.

People make a much bigger deal of it than it really is. you say he got at least 40 years in the workplace. In 40 years the people in charge of the workplace will be HIS generation, with 50% of them havin tattoos themselves.

Usually the people who say shit like this , like it will DRASTICALLY alter the entire course of somebodys life, never seen someone who succeeded despite their non totally "normal" ways. the bigger point of what youre suggestin is that to succeed in life you absolutely have to conform to societal norms. And it just aint like that. Maybe to be a stockbroker or a CEO. but the truth in life is not everybody wants to follow that path. And not everbody "comes around eventually" and goes to business school or becomes a insurance agent or whatever. Not everybody needs to follow those unwritten rules about how you WILL or WONT be able to get ahead if you DO or DONT do exactly this thing, you feel me? to the people who do choose to do that, its fine. The world needs people like you too. people who will do what they are told, who will move up in a corporation of their choice, or whatever. People who want to never dye their hair or get a tattoo , people who like to put up a "professional" front, who dont mind doin what they do. But, the world also needs people who aint followin all the rules, so dont say that just because you believe shit should be that way, that somebody else is also bound by those same rules. I love knowin that no matter where I go and what I do, i can always find a job somwhere, cuz i always manage to get by. whether its some crappy work that nobody else wants to do, or by talkin my way into a position that youd never imagine Id have, I dont stress it. meanwhile people are out there stressin their lifes away worryin about whether they should do somethin that they truly deeply want to do in their heart and feel scared to do it cuz maybe someone might not like it. FUCK EM!
lacey k said:
meanwhile people are out there stressin their lifes away worryin about whether they should do somethin that they truly deeply want to do in their heart and feel scared to do it cuz maybe someone might not like it. FUCK EM!

QFT %)
lacey k said:
felix I know you usually got sound advice
usually? USUALLY? wtf girl, not always? ;)
lacey k said:
Your logic is the same shit people apply to college and the decision not to go. makin it sound like its a horrible, immature, stupid, ignorant, naieve, DANGEROUS idea that only a fool would even consider.
lolwut. i don't understand the analogy. this is nothing like an argument about going to college, dunno where you get that from.

the guy's asking for opinions, so he's getting them. my one comes from the perspective of a 37 year old guy who's been working for longer than most of y'all have been born ;). big respect to anyone that walks their own path, but good luck to them if they're in an interview with three other people and the only deciding factor is which one DOESN'T have ugly, unprofessional looking tattoos on his fingers.

food on the table for him & his family - OR - doing something foolish like this at a young age. it might come down to that some day. :\
Nah, my point is just that you seem to have the idea that nobody can put food on the table for their family if they got tattoos and that their financial future is doomed.
tattoos ON FINGERS.

yuck, i'm sorry, but just NO! :D

i've said my piece.
I hear you, agree to disagree, but whats weird to one person aint nothin to blink a eye over to another. I just think its always a bad idea to assume that everyone sees shit the same way you do. I know that pretty much nobody sees life my way, so im used to a long history of sayin fuckem. I just stopped listenin to anybody tryna tell me anything a long time ago, and lifes alot easier now. I aint tryin to convince you, just sayin that most people dont feel that strong about it as you do, even older folks. I would prolly have to ask around for a while to find someone who had that kinda reaction to it, tattoos are extremely common here. Im sure it aint THAT different in aus. but apparently theres some different general views on it. Anyways, Im out to go get drunk so later peeps....
don't you ever, EVER, call me an australian again. or we're gonna fall out. ;)
Tattoos on fingers send a bad message to most professional employers. While I don't see it in the same way that they would, most people who are in white collar positions of management are not usually cool, and tattoos on fingers could conjure up images of ex-cons and gang members in the minds of these people because, well, that's where you see them in movies and TV. The thing is, the tats on your hands are going to be very distinguishable because you use them when you talk, write, give presentations, etc. ... and there is no way to cover them up without gloves or make up (and make up can wear off).

I think if you talked to members of upper-management from the places that you would likely seek employment and asked them their opinions on the matter, even if they don't say that it has an impact on their hiring decisions, subconsciously they are going to form an opinion about you just by seeing the tattoo and it isn't likely to be a positive one in most cases. And if they do admit that it is taken into consideration, whether they think the tattoo is cool or not, they would say it is because in the environment that you would be working in there would be a lot of exposure to other important people to their business who may look down on someone with tattoos on their fingers (because of the aforementioned gang-relation). And though an explanation would likely remove any negative insinuations that are made just by noticing it you won't always have the chance to do so.

It's easy to say 'screw what people think, do what feels right to you' but when it can potentially have such a negative impact on reaching your life goals it is tough to act on it.
^ +1 on all that, made much more eloquently than this currently drunken fool did. :)
Tattoo's on fingers is criminal look. [edited: let's consider carefully before we post. Thanks]
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I'd say ge them personally. It shouldn't make a difference realistically. I think those who are suggesting this will end your possible career are overreacting; my cousin has tattoos on his finger and hands (and pretty much everywhere else) and he is employed and happy. I think the idea that tatoos signify 'tough' guy or someshit is pretty much fading. I also agree that if soeone is to not employee you based on some ink forming a symbol on your fingers, I'd think they wouldn't be worth working for in the first place.
y not use UV ink so it only shows when under UV light but u cant see it in normal light?
i have nothing against tattoos, i have more than my share of them....
but the best advice i can give you-

a slang name for knuckle tattoos are career killers

proceed with caution
Iculdb3.... said:
y not use UV ink so it only shows when under UV light but u cant see it in normal light?

thats a great idea. it would be a good compromise, a neat conversational item, and would fit in with the whole chemistry theme really well. Do that.