• LAVA Moderator: Mysterier

Tattoo FAQ - please make separate threads for image ideas

Yea its on my right fore arm, Im gettin impatient for it to heal cuz right now its lookin kinda spotty and shit but iunno if thats just cuz it aint done yet :( *crosses fingers*
Tattoo on fingers?

I am thinking of getting a chemical equation tattooed on my fingers. Basically it would span 8 of my fingers at the most. All of it would be on the proximal phalanges (http://www.cyh.com/HealthTopics/library/hand-diagram.gif) and nothing on the thumbs.

Here's my dilemma: I am going into biochemistry and later on pharmacology so I will be working for pharmaceutical firms, biotech, maybe cigarette companies. Do you think a tattoo in such an obvious area will discourage employers? I really want to get this tattoo cause I honestly love chemistry and biology. Then I'll get a tattoo of psilocybin and psilocin on my chest right above my heart.
*literally shakes head in disbelief*

are you actually joking?

you want to pursue a career in a 'respectable', white collar industry, with tattoos all over your fingers? (but not the thumbs, ooh not the thumbs, as if that makes it OK! :D)

worst. idea. ever.

for the love of god, and your children, and their children, don't do it. :|
i don't have any tattoos or piercings, but i'm not shutting down the chance that i may at one point have something i feel passionately about in a way that i'd want it etched permanently on my body.

if you feel passionately about it then just do it. if your credentials are top notch and you dress right, few employers will look down on you over such a trivial thing... and if they DO, then maybe that isn't the right place for someone of your spirit to be working anyway.
thujone said:
if your credentials are top notch and you dress right, few employers will look down on you over such a trivial thing...
sorry, but that is naive wishful thinking.

I caused a huge uproar in my workplace when I wanted to pierce my lip. It's unfortunate that the world still operates in this way but people will look down on you :\
i dunno where you guys live but the tech industry here in canada and the u.s. is too short on players to actually consider not hiring a top candidate over a tattoo... all the man needs to do is get on the inside track with the interviewer. if he fails that, he'd be fucked with or without a tattoo. the only employers that i've read still profile like that are the ones hiring MBA grads which is well different from the pharm industry where technical knowledge is the most valued asset.
felix said:
*literally shakes head in disbelief*

are you actually joking?

you want to pursue a career in a 'respectable', white collar industry, with tattoos all over your fingers? (but not the thumbs, ooh not the thumbs, as if that makes it OK! :D)

worst. idea. ever.

for the love of god, and your children, and their children, don't do it. :|

You're not implying that he wouldn't be respectable just because of some ink on his fingers are you? :)
what *I* think is respectable is neither here nor there. and that's not what i was implying, by the way. just being realistic. :)
thujone said:
i dunno where you guys live but the tech industry here in canada and the u.s. is too short on players to actually consider not hiring a top candidate over a tattoo... all the man needs to do is get on the inside track with the interviewer. if he fails that, he'd be fucked with or without a tattoo. the only employers that i've read still profile like that are the ones hiring MBA grads which is well different from the pharm industry where technical knowledge is the most valued asset.
the supply & demand of ALL industries' employment requirements goes in cycles.

as do the careers & aspirations of ALL people. perhaps one day he'd actually like to be one of those MBA guys, who knows?
i always made the assumption that in corporate companies the upper level management tended to be more conservative older people who would not accept anything close to the idea of tattoos on the hands. Especially if you are going to deal with customers and be forced to gain the trust of people

i mean much of america isnt even well educated enough to know what the chemical formula means, so if there ever is a time where you are put on the spotlight in front of society you will either have to hide your hands, or society is going to make some possibly ill-based conclusions on your personality and how much they can trust you

not to mention, have you thought about how much you use your hands and how much wear and tear these tattoos are going to be put through? in ten years when you do finally have a chance to make it large in a cigarette company or something, what will these tattoos look like. Chances are they wont look fresh and new...
No visible tattoos is part of the dress code at our medical practice.
Even if it were allowed, I would still keep mine covered.
I think my medical advice would not be taken seriously by some patients and/or their parents. Taking care of people comes first, not my ink.

You have your whole body to play with. For your future, avoid the hands. As the poster above pointed out, you would have to get your ink redone periodically. It will fade faster.
Ideals be ideals, but there seems to be a departure from reality in some posts here, IMO. Even if you've been in a position for several years, it would cause a bit of a stir if you came in one day with finger tattoos. Unless you are irreplaceable, it is best to pass such changes by your superiors prior to enacting them. Someone just entering the workforce in their desired field could hardly be considered irreplaceable. Regardless, there are always two ways of finding out who's right - your way, or the world's way. Advantage world.
I don't know what it's like in other countries, but in aus finger tattoos most commonly seem to be associated with people who have done gaol time or hang out with that sort of crowd.

Fact remains that for the vast majority of professional workplaces, visible tatttoos are not looked upon positively. Sucks, but it's the truth.
if you do end up going through with it, you could always use makeup to cover the tattoos, do get a respectable job. if it is strict you may have to cover your hands with makeup every day just to go to work. its an option but not one that i would choose.

also most artists will advise strongly not to get a tattoo there, because it will blur/spread/fade. some wont eaven do it, because they KNOW the work will look bad in 5 years.
I was thinkin the same thing about makeup Iamthoughts.

Anyways, to be real, it depends on what youre doin and what field you are in. I seen many medical technicians at hospitals i been to with tattoos. I seen many people with tattoos at the newspaper I worked at. And so on.....it varies place to place. I feel like everything happens for a reason. If youre meant to get a job somewhere, it will happen regardless of your tattoos.

I got a big one on my forearm (a tshirt cant hide it since its the bottom of my arm) and my job when I went for the interview said no visible tattoos. I wore short sleeves and got hired. I do good work and no one gives a shit about my tattoo, and this is a place where you aint allowed to eat/talk on the phone/make noise/etc in front of customers. (Housekeeping, where sometimes you see a hotel guest as you pass down the hall.) Shit like that tends to fall by the side if you are a good candidate for what they are lookin for. I aint got alot of office experience and I know jobs like that are much more uptight, but shit is really changin. some of your bosses bosses might even have tattoos. They aint the look down upon thing that they were a few years ago. I think that if you love chemistry n all that THAT much and the tattoo means that much to you, DO IT. Dont live your life on other peoples guidelines. you WILL find a job at the place that is right for you. everything works out. If there is any kind of problem you can always use ladies heavy concealer, then skin tone makeup over it and cover up the spots . I dont see how a chemistry place would frown on you havin a chemistry tattoo. it would show just how devoted to the shit you are.

Alot of places understand that young people are different, and are slowly gettin the idea that the social "norms" or whatever are totally different for the younger generations than they were for theirs. So instead of "all those lowlife young hooligan scum" its more of a "ah, those crazy kids and their tattoos. Times sure have changed, huh. To them, its NORMAL! Can ya believe it? I guess its the new craze!" said in that suprised old person voice, lol. Ya'unnastand what I mean? Times are changin, and if you are thinkin of bein in this field and finally bein ready for a job in it 5, 10 years from now or whatever, all the old people in charge aint gonna be around no more anyways, and itll just be a buncha those hippie generation and later in management, so i think you should do what you feel and your pieces will fall into place no matter what happens. Dont limit the enjoyment in your life because youre worried about that shit. Like i said, you seem to REALLY want this and it will give you so much joy. so dont stress, shit will happen as it is meant to.
Get the tattoo after you've graduated and got a job where they trust you !! ;) =D <3

Biochemists ain't stupid in terms of chemistry & therefore will work out what it is & may affect your career opportunities !!8o