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Tackling the bigger issues - Gay education to kids

only admins have the power to kick people off... so yeah... the issue was raised and recognised, and then POW!! seeya, wouldn't wanna be ya...

CB :)
umm i'm too stoned to make a proper reply but i just want to say to life-a , i'm not gay hey, you seem to be talking to me like i am AND you are taking things out of context and being the old me ie unreasonable

a big fuck you for the single mum comment

"of the same value"

if you weren't so fucking stupid i would be offended
i think this sounds like a good start. a lot of parents need this kind of education too. parents that need that education should be (have been) castrated if it doesnt stick. am i a hypocrite for not tolerating intolerance? i mean... cold logic makes that sounds hypocritical, but this is a hard subject to be objective about. i guess if i am then id rather be that way.
doofqueen said:
gee i've missed BL ;)
See what ya been missing DQ? Welcome back! :D

I couldn't read the whole 4 pages of this thread cause I got halfway through the first page and got depressed slash really angry, but here's a good reason that kids should be exposed to the idea that 2 mums or 2 dads is normal:

My ex and I were together for nearly 5 years. He has two awesome kids from when he was married before he came out, and though he and I broke up nearly 7 years ago now, whenever I see his kids they still call me Uncle Travis and run up to give me a hug.

Little kids don't ever think for a second that it's weird that two adults of the same gender should be in a loving relationship. They learn that as they grow up and see that gay people don't have any representation in their culture except as gaudy entertainment.

Even the most homophobic person in the world must be able to see that it's healthy for straight kids to grow up knowing that there's nothing wrong with themselves because they have gay parents. Think what you want about us deviants, but what blind fucking ignorance drives you to put children through the wringer just because it's too confronting for you to accept that gay people are here and a part of society and we're not going away anytime soon?

Of course kids shouldn't be exposed to the sexual side of it, only an idiot would argue otherwise....but there's nothing at all wrong with a child feeling like he is normal and his family is normal just because his dad has a boyfriend or his mum has a girlfriend.

There are a lot of kids who have gay parents, and I don't see any reason they should be punished for it. If you honestly hate fags and dykes so much that you would see our kids suffer for it, then I think it's pretty obvious that you don't give a shit about the wellbeing of society, you just don't want to be confronted with anything to take you out of your comfort zone.

Fucking gutless.

How could kids in general possibly be sheltered from gay relationships when they spend such an absurd amount of time watching television? While Queer Eye has dissapeared, there is still enough gay programming to educate our kids. Being gay is a social norm these days, so it is only natural that children finally learn the truth.

For the record, I am still against exposing small children to inter-species relationships. If somebody wants to have a loving sexual relationship with a horse, that is a personal choice and more than ok. However young kids should not be introduced to such behaviour until they are at least old enough to sexually cope with a horses penis, do they decide to follow suit and head down that path.
doofqueen said:
But Mr Iemma said children as young as two-years-old are being inappropriately drawn into a gay rights debate.

Heh.. it wasn't a gay rights debate until the politicians stepped in.

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homophobic ? me?

c.b., im real happy being me. thank you very much. for bringing your much needed wisdom to this thread. or lack thereof.

if someone can point out to me where i said that i find gays repulsive, that i hate gays, that i hate the types of sex that they have... i accept your apology in advance.

look at post 52.

i think its more a bad case of the homo nazi party jumping on the homphobe bandwagon. get over it. the next thing i know, youll be accusing me of being in the closet. i bet...

this isnt about homo rights, its about child welfare.

i was lucky enough to have been raised by a (grand) mother and father who never impressed anything upon me. and i know if that im turned out gay, they would have been cool with that. shit, they probably wish that that was the least that i could have told them about my life while i was growing up. :\

to have both the security of the male and the nurture of the female is invaluable.

i just dont think mthat they should have kids. for this reason; you think you have enough trouble handling the stuff that you deal with, dished out by people who are against your lifestyle. why bring a child in to the middle of that ?

i wonder if the admin is wearing a world war 2 s.s. uniform, holding a riding crop. you know, with those knee high boots... GGGGRRRRR....;) =D
Could we please bust out some bigger stereotypes and cliches? PLEASE!!

"Security of the male" "Nurture of the female"

For fucks sake its not the 50's where dad works 9-5, mum stays home and takes care of the kids, cleans the house and has dinner on the table the moment dad walks through the door.

If parents of both genders were required to succesfully raise a child then divorce when a the couple has a child should be illegal, if a parent dies the child should be given to a family with parents in tact, if the parent of a child travels a lot for work the child should be stripped from the family etc. Obviously all a load of rubbish and all very contrary to any substantiated and accepted literature about family structure (i'm kinda in touch with such literature ath the moment as I just finished assisting on research piece on modern family structure).
Cheers to all the non-gay posters defending the issue. It makes me feel good to see most hetro people seem to be open minded and will argue for an issue that doesn't (generally) directly affect them.

Now, let the debate continue :)
The Glebe, Breaking News
by Justine Ferrari (Source: Australian), 30/05/2006

Marrickville Mayor Sam Byrne faced a media scrum to discuss the child-care centre issue.

MARRICKVILLE Mayor Sam Byrne has spoken out against the ``hysteria'' caused by using storybooks featuring same-sex parents in council child-care centres.

Cr Byrne described some of the allegations made in relation to Tillman Park Children's Centre as ``misinformation'' and ``disgraceful''.

``It is not a gay rights debate, that's the hysteria that's gone on this issue,'' Cr Byrne said. ``It's not sex education, it's about inclusion and about having materials that reflect the diversity of our community. If the Premier or anyone else thinks that there are not families out there with two mums or there are not families out there with disabilities or from different backgrounds then they are mad, they are crazy and they need to get out and get amongst the people again.''

The debate erupted in response to a media release sent out by the council about staff from the centre taking part in an anti-homophobia conference. They use books from the State Government-endorsed Learn to Include series which feature families with two mothers or two fathers.

Cr Byrne said these have been in all of the council's child-care centres as part of their policy of opposing discrimination for the past four years. This policy is given to parents when their child enrols. ``A child comes to our child-care centre, has two mums or her father has a disability or her parents are indigenous and then when they go into the child-care centre they see positive stories, positive images of that diversity and they feel affirmed, they feel comfortable in their child-care centre,'' he said.
Sharyn Casey has a two-year-old daughter at the Tempe centre. She described what the centre was doing as fantastic. ``I want my child to know people come from different cultures and come from different families,'' she said.

Independent Deputy Mayor Dimitrios Thanos said he did not support the Government or educators superseding the teachings of parents and did not believe that was happening.
It's funny that it was said that gays don't have rights, only responsibilities, yet when compared against the hetero population, it is quite evident that in a lot of cases we don't share the same 'rights', which is exactly what they are. They're not privileges - they're reasonable expectations. It is only reasonable to be treated in the same fashion, regardless of sexuality, similarly as it is unreasonable to be discriminated against because of race or any other factor.

I don't necessarily support the teaching of all things gay to children, especially of that age, but I also don't see the harm in doing so. We live in a changing world where, thankfully, some day it will be properly realised that being gay isn't a disease or deformity. It's just another one of the worlds blessings. Nobody chooses it, it is just a natural occurence, despite what may be said to the contrary.

I certainly believe in my right to have children should I wish. I know that I would be a better parent than the vast majority of the population. For anyone (e.g. life-a) to perpetuate the myth that the "structure" of a family is confined to a man and a woman, it really shows the naivety towards the fundamentals of parenthood. That being a loving, nurturing and balanced upbringing, one which introduces a child into a variety of social situations and one that doesn't oppose interaction with any specific minority within society.

One last point, I find it laughable that anyone would think that an argument against allowing gay people to raise children is to protect themselves from additional persecution. Surely that is a person's own decision.

LvMkngFlwrChld said:
am i a hypocrite for not tolerating intolerance? i mean... cold logic makes that sounds hypocritical, but this is a hard subject to be objective about. i guess if i am then id rather be that way.

I went and studied & studied,
by gosh!
By definition you ARE!

Yes it is hard,
all this fussin' 'n' fightin'.

But you're a hypocrite,
you'd rather be that way,
an' it won't help any other post you made in this thread,
or for that,
any other where peeps read you were proud of you hypocriticismnesslyive,
a. i didnt make any other posts, so clearly you didnt read the whole thread.
b. when did i say anything about being proud of shit?

besides that, making up words doesnt say much for your argument. i couldnt quite tell what it was anyways so oh well...
*click radio noise* "Over"

aaaaaaaaaaayyyyyyye) Yeah, i read it.
be you not proud if you say -

...logic makes that sounds hypocritical...
...i guess if i am then id rather be that way....

Or do you live in a shame cave?
Like a troll?

An' my word makes sense,
or what'chya re: plywood too?
no, preffering to be how i am rather than another way does not make me proud of that. that is a ridiculous stretch of the definition of proud. im gonna eat some vidocin now so as not to have to think of such bigots as yourself.
For The Paracetamol... headache?

Don' eat too much, now.

Take care. Now.
I'ma put my feet up.
Maybe tackle some more wine, alpra & smoke the pipe,
think about a world without bi-goats,
an' the thing that stop's Doctors helpin'
ol' peeps with tha "E" word when they wannit.

Enjoy Your Opia/oids