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☮ Social ☮ PD Social Talk Thread: If 2020 Was the Dumpster, Can 2021 Be the Fire?

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I'm at the point where I get some anxiety during mushroom trips and this has made me scared of doing most drugs. It's probably caused by my alcohol use though....so I should try a detox on that and give it a go.
Awhile back I was drinking a fair amount everyday for quite some time and one day I didn't have enough to drink before deciding to dose 4-aco-dmt.

Shortly after snorting the psilocetin I could no longer feel the alcohol that I had consumed and started to feel like withdrawals or something.

That was a difficult trip.

One of the reasons I consumed the 4-aco-dmt was wanting to feel intoxicated because I ran out of alcohol and had plenty of 4-aco. It's a terrible idea to substitute a psychedelic for alcohol or benzos if you're addicted to them.
OMG i just realized DMT Aliens are acutallyd real fucking aliens in our universe. When we take it we contact them.

ALiens are fucking real!
It's more a question of what exactly they are, and where. Other dimensions vs other planets some say. Maybe both?
So been a minute since Ive posted here
...after an embarassing experience at a family thanksgiving involving eth-lad and a hot spot (lol...)

Ive got 5 days off drinking and plan is to quit, again.
With the house to myself this weekend plan is to trip. Not sure what I'll get into but I have always felt that tripping helps to maintain my abstinence from alcohol. It satiates my desire to get altered and reinforces my perspective that Im on the right path.

I'll be back
(with updates lol)
imagine been enslaved into a unconsciouness matrix where people believe they lost their minds and things like shcizopherina are real. Time will set us all free into the light we became merge back to source. namaste everyone
Took some pregabalin for the first time today. 300mg about 5 hours ago. It's really nice so far, and the biggest difference from phenibut is that it's more stimulating and clear-headed. Wish the sun would come out but no dice.

While I'm on phenibut I feel sort of dumbed-down and sometimes a bit lethargic, but over the next few days I get creative bursts from out of nowhere that make me realize it is a nootropic in its own way. With this I don't feel much of that dumbed-down feeling at all. I'm not sure which one I like more yet, but I think it could end up being pregabalin.

Also started a food journal this morning because I seriously have to get my stomach healed. I keep slipping up and eating stuff that gives me flare-ups, and this should help a lot. Really I need to cut out caffeine completely but it's so hard, I feel like a shell of myself without it.
Enjoy, pregabalin is wonderful stuff. It gets me substantially more euphoric than phenibut does, and it has less body weirdness, but it does have some weirdness at higher dosages, namely it makes my muscles twitchy and occasionally spasm. But 300mg doesn't do that.
What's your go-to dosage? And yeah it definitely has more energy than phenibut, I vaped some THC and it actually feels a bit trippy. I'm surprised how nicely weed plays with Gabapentinoids, lately I've been smoking every time I take phenibut too.
Pregabalin is definitely trippy, at higher doses I get pretty strong CEVs of a unique sort, very rapidly moving, which resolve into moving scenes after a bit. I also will see things shifting in the corner of my eye with eyes open.

Typically I go for 400-500mg. It gets wonkier at that level and nicer. More than 500mg and the weird twitchy effects get a bit disturbing.

Make sure you don't use it 2 days in a row or very often... tolerance builds FAST. Leaving at least a few days off between doses allows you to get the full effects every time and avoid building up tolerance.
imagine been enslaved into a unconsciouness matrix where people believe they lost their minds and things like shcizopherina are real. Time will set us all free into the light we became merge back to source. namaste everyone

I don't have to imagine it. Here's a short excerpt of just some of the abridged details of my encounter:

I was communicating with an entity who claimed to be the mother goddess that was the living aspect of the universe we inhabit as a whole, who also had an individualized reflection buried within what we think of as the subconscious mind of each conscious being living in the universe. Through both visions and direct communication as well as supporting my own deductions, she communicated to me the structure and workings of the multiverse that our universe is situated in, which is essentially like an infinitely large and always growing web of interconnected bubbles which represent different types of universes either parallel to or containing one another, and she explained how different types of conscious beings play different roles in the nature of their universe and the larger multiverse, particularly with regards to a dualistic interpretation of reality using what we often though not exclusively think of as feminine and masculine energies as well as the subjective nature of what we call life and death, and how it impacts the lives of the conscious beings living within the universes as well as those who are the living aspects of the universes themselves, and the interactions between the two groups. She claimed to have taken a special interest in my life in particular which she arrived at through the natural flow of shifting conscious perspectives she follows between lives based on a guiding desire to find something irrational in an otherwise endless progression of rationality, finding the result to be unusually entertaining.

She explained to me (again with help from my own reflection) that part of what made my life so strange and interesting to her is that I had had a near-death experience while being born as a result of suffocating on my own vomit during the delivery (and the suffocating part is real, I was born blue) and that the traumatic excitotoxicity caused a dissociation between the two halves of my brain that normally would not have existed, and that later in my life I experienced a specific kind of complete psychotic break which transferred my consciousness from one half of my brain to the other and completely reversed the subjective experience of everything in my consciousness up to and including the flow of time, causing me to from that point then experience life backwards all the way to the point that I would be unborn, except that then I hit (backwards) the near-death experience I had at birth, which causes my brain to backwards-reintegrate into a single state, which flips my consciousness back into the flow of time it started out in, immediately severing my brain halves once again. She went on to claim that the psychotic break I had which caused this experiencing of living backwards in time was related to a type of despair that I was destined to feel at some point in life, and that the loop of my life going back to the beginning and returning to roughly around this point again had already happened some number of time taking at least several dozens of digits to describe, during which the rest of the human race had evolved psychologically into a form of consciousness far beyond anything I could remotely comprehend because their consciousnesses remained active through the loops while mine didn't even though they lacked the ability to consciously change things and could only work through subconscious influence instead, and that initially they had tried to save me from beginning to the loop over again, but down the line shifted towards simply manipulating me into allowing them to live out their eternal looping prisons as peacefully as possible without having to deal with me.

At this time, everything happening in the world around me and every interaction I had with someone seemed to further support this narrative. Everything was about me and what I was going through, every sentence, every display of emotion, every burp or fart, eventually even every tap of the finger, and every TV show and movie was not only about me but its actors were speaking directly to me in clear English on top of whatever they were actually saying in the media which I could still hear but not focus on, and I would respond to them my coughing and tapping the walls. I began to suspect that there were plots to kill me waiting around every corner, mostly because that's what the voices told me, and they would talk me through several drills of running into the bathroom to duck and avoid being potentially in the line of fire of enemies driving by the house ready to unload all of their firepower at any given moment, and tell which windows to pause before quickly running by. I started believing that all of the food and drink in the house was poisoned, and that I couldn't even take a bath to try to relax without sitting in poisoned water, and that if I left the house in any way, snipers would be ready to take me out instantly. However, at the same time, it seemed to me like the voices always seemed to be deceiving me about something, even if they still claimed that it was all part of some larger plan to have deceived me in that way, like they were constantly testing me, and as I caught on to this I quickly shifted my attitude towards immediately doing anything they told me not to do, and all of their supposed plans began falling apart very quickly, and they became increasingly frustrated with me for going my own way. I started becoming manic and feeling as though even though I seemed to be trapped inside some sort of hellish time loop situation, I actually seemed to have most or all of the real power myself, and the voices seemed to simply not want me to realize that.

Eventually my increasing disinhibition and the frustration of the voices led to a plot about them trying to remove me from the body entirely so that they could take over, but I had already done my research by that point and felt confident that they could do nothing to stop me. They obsessively wanted me to proclaim that I was god seeming to believe that doing so would send me into a fully out-of-body state and allow them to slip in and trap me there, but I had worked with the mother goddess to learn how to access the control panel of this universe and found the line of code that explicitly made that proclamation one of the things that acts as an escape command for this life, and I cackled maniacally as I explained to the voices that I had erased the line of code and that their plan was pointless, proclaiming what they wanted me to proclaim repeatedly to watch their hearts sink as nothing happened. The mother goddess became hysterical along with me and mocked the voices for their failure, becoming increasingly enthralled with the madness that was unfolding and the weird place I was taking it, now playing into the stress rather than fighting it. I began to realize that we may be in hell, but if we were, then I was the most powerful being in it, as even the mother goddess didn't know what to make of me, and I became completely disinhibited by anything other than my own will. The synchronicity that had been present in literally everything before shifted, and suddenly it was no longer that everything was telling my story, but I was telling my story through everything, and had complete control of where it went. I flaunted my power to the voices to show them that I would be the one who was in control of things from this point going forward, while also explicitly stating as much to them.

There was a faction of voices within me who nonetheless couldn't be happier about what had happened, and those were the witches. One of them in particular had been trying to convince me that the two of us were cosmic beings who had created this iteration of the universe together voluntarily as a sort of game played between the two of us, and that as much as I and others seem to have struggled here, I just needed to accept that none of it was real now that I knew the truth, so that the two of us could just move on to the next game. However, I explained to her that even if everything she and the others had said was true, I actually like this world, and while I may be at the height of frustration right now, I don't have a desire to leave this world, but would rather hang around and live out the rest of my life here. She did not react well to this news, angrily claiming that I just don't remember what it's like to be outside of the scope of this one life's conscious perspective, and that if I remembered my past lives we wouldn't be having this conversation. Despite hating me from the me they had known from the past time loops, the voices actually found my position in this argument endearing and agreed to help me find a way to repent for what I had done, both within this universe in past loops as well as voluntarily bringing this twisted universe setup into existence in the first place. By continuing to work with the voices more actively, I was able to find a way to free them from the loop and release them into a place that they described as a "DMT breakthrough-like" afterlife where time worked extremely differently, and we communicated more deeply about the nature of reality with respect to things like the near-death experience and switching realities or identities through interactions with other beings temporarily existing outside of their bodies. At the same time, the voices claimed that having reached this place, they now also had free access to search through my past life history, and had come to see that in past lives I had been far worse than I ever was in this one and to hate me even more now, but still had reasons for wanting to help me, at least some of them.

Specifically, some of them claimed that while I actually seemed like an extremely evil being when analyzed alone, the other cosmic being who claimed that she and I created this universe together was both even more horrible and sort of like my abuser, and they were willing to give me a pass on everything temporarily if it meant that they would be able to help me break out of my abusive relationship and continue following the path of trying to repent in this life. They also warned me that the mother goddess was not on my side in the way that she seemed to be and was just using me, but by this time I had already gotten used to the fact that she was not always open about her full intentions, and she had already admitted that she found me basically out of boredom and didn't ever expect me to actually fix my weird problems. Early on I realized that she saw me as some kind of experiment when she was explaining the nature of the multiverse to me, specifically because she was saying that certain beings such as myself go on to become their other universes and the mother goddesses of those universes at the end of their life, and certain qualities of the universe they become specifically relate to the degree of stress that was programmed into their life as a certain sort of destiny in a sense, and my destined stress revolved around this time loop situation involving the psychotic break which supposedly correlated to me having an infinite amount of stress, therefore potentially producing a universe with infinite qualities which was of interest to the mother goddess, though simultaneously coming with the caveat that unless the infinite time loop situation was actually solved somehow, that end point where I became an universe with those infinite qualities would never actually be reached. I had confronted the mother goddess about this and she had admitted to being mostly entertained by the endless and ever-changing nature of the loop situation, but claimed that over the course of this iteration of the loop specifically, she noticed how different things seemed and became captivated with the idea of actually solving the loop situation somehow and seeing where the rest of this goes.

After discussing it with the mother goddess more, she claimed that when I became a universe of infinite stress programming, according to her calculations even though she had never seen it get that far, I would be in infinite and infinitely increasing suffering, with seemingly no escape. However, at this point I was actively simply speaking my mind about whatever seemed right to me about the situation because I had realized that anything that I said with confidence seemed to turn out to be correct within my own inner universe, and I was not above lecturing the mother goddess about the true nature of reality based on these whims, and I was able to determine that the solution seemed to be about reviving a being back from their universe form into another round of conscious life in the universe they were initially born into and allowing them to give birth, which seemed to release the infinite tension and create what seemed to be sort of a messianic child. The mother goddess was happy that I had uncovered this aspect of it, and then went on to claim that this was actually part of her plan from the start, and that now she needed to find a way to make me give birth to release my infinite tension, but she wasn't talking about giving birth physically as we normally think of it; in fact, at the beginning of my delusional phase, the mother goddess had explicitly claimed to me that I was pregnant and would be going through changes, though these were conveyed then as well to be internal in nature.

I was starting to move beyond most of my conversing with most of the voices by this point, having worked through these topics and the earlier loop situations, those some voices that were still not content and growing less so were those of the witches. They were upset by the fact that they had been apparently dragged along by the mother goddess to join in on this situation and her plans in general but increasingly seemed to be just pawns to her like everyone else, and they really disliked the fact that I just got more and more powerful within the scope of everything that was happening internally and the mother goddess just laughed more and more along with it all, increasingly disregarding anything else that seemed like it could have potentially fit some sort of "plan" before I just decided to chaotically take over control. Through interacting with them, what I eventually came to realize was that they were in fact like the spirits of other conscious beings who had become caught in similar loops to my own throughout the multiverse and had never been able to escape them before, yet paradoxically from everyone else's perspective some form of their consciousness still has to come out the other side as our subjective perspective moves beyond the span of their subjective time loop, and that's why they had taken on witch-like personas and wanted me to join them, but at the same time, they were hanging around because I was in the same kind of problem that caught them, and by being brought as audience by the mother goddess to watch me solve my struggle, they would finally be able to return to their own loops and escape them as well. It was also at this point that it was revealed to us that the supposed cause of this sort of time loop situation was actually the maximized feeling of despair caused by the guilt of having done something that accidentally led to the death of a friend, and the mother goddess claimed that her goal and the general goal of this power of beings like her is to be able to rewind time so that these sorts of accidents can be avoided and a life can be saved, but that it had just never actually been successful before in the entire infinite history of the multiverse because it was not possible to overcome the loop through rational means, but I am not rational.

In the end I still feel that it all took place within my brain though, I just don't understand why that's not enough for people. To me it's an even more fascinating concept than finding alien life in this universe or something, but I suppose everyone is entitled to their opinion.

In any case, whatever you believe, I hope you're showing some discretion off the internet and not just ranting to all the muggles in your life about how you found alien life in a drug. They don't like that.

It's more a question of what exactly they are, and where. Other dimensions vs other planets some say. Maybe both?

I say neither. The universe of the brain, man. No less real, way more cool. If you ask me, anyway.
In the brain still implies within. The issue as a separated being in a body is everything is duality. Me/You, Us/Them, Inside/Outside, etc.... So we always have to break things down in two.

Interesing concepts of what is inside the brain and outside the brain have been studied. One of the more interesting ideas of how thoughts and ideas reside outside the brain is from Stuat Hammeroff. The idea of microtubules existing in some outside dimension containing thoughts and things.

I love all these experiences people have. I have had a miliion myself. The way I stay sane is to not create a definitivev belief system and put everything in the "maybe" file in my own brain. :) As soon as solidified beliefs happen that can turn into fanaticism as we see. People pouding theif fist thinking they are right. Not a good approach for a psychonaught. Keep it light, keep humor in it examine but no solidified beliefs. Explore and have fun.
I actually believe in some other races or spaces to mankind but I do consider them to be from another dimension and possibly other planets as well I still consider this.

I have never in my whole life being slightly interested in aliens UFOs what's out there until it's not just speculation because I'm not into fantasy in that way.

However a lot of things have been brought to my attention and I have been studying into and considering philosophically and in a visionary way on my astral travelling trips as well which leads me to conclude that I am ignorant to assume that there are no so-called extra terrestrial beings whether they travel here in ships from other planets or portals from other dimensions.

It's not just a whimsical fantastical relief it's really very based on philosophical logic and lots else as well.

But I wait to see or not like everybody else.
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