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online journals (list in first post)

that sounds way too complicated but i'll give it a go, cheers :)

my journal

yay!! i did it!! all fixed now...i'm so clever hehehe
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:\Okay, well obviously I suck. However the good people of bluelight don't suck, so mabye try here? It's really only hard if you havent been shown properly.
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well if you have a bluelight journal you don't really need to post a link to it cause you have the pretty little "oh look i have a Bluelight Journal" icon
above your post and a link in your profile so you could say: I have a journal, it's on bluelight and click on the journal icon or the link in my profile to view it.

but if you really wanna link it you type this but without the spaces inside the tags: [ url =http://www.linkgoeshere.com]name for linky[/ url ]
Doofqueen - there is also a little button in the reply screen marked http:/ - just under all those pretty little smillies - press that and bobs your uncle - enter the text and then your link.

tooo easy.

but wait there's more..... taa daa

well hastey, you've out did yourself :)

[edit]removed piccy link cause i took it off the site
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pschokitty i know i don't really have to post a link but i was just asking in general how to change the url thing to a name you want to do yourself because i have always wanted to know how to do it and thought i would take the oppurtunity to ask how it's done, thanks though...what you posted seems a little less complicated then what innocous told me to do (no offrence but that just confused me and made me feel stupid :p but i do appreciate you trying to help me :D) thanks haste...i'll give that a whirl too and see just how clever i am =D

I simply use the Bluelight Journal and have recently started using Photography as a form of expression in my Journal, Photos I've taken, and some photo's I've found. Especially since thoughts and feelings are running at a peak right now...

It's an excellent emotional outlet! Thanks BL!

Click to view my Journal - shal.bluelight.ru

Shal :D
Well Hello there stranger!

Fancy you in my neck of the woods. Here is my recipe for a good blog:

1 tsp webspace
a pinch of love
a dash of care
a hessian sack of bullshit

The webster dictionary defines "diary" as..

Ah fuckit. I cannot keep up that horrible facade any more, and nothing pisses me off more than "life recipes" or dictionary definitions.

Come see my blog if you want. It has been going for a while and occasionally has semi-interesting stories about me, my trip to south east asia, male modelling work and chick troubles.

I promise no bad dark poetry or an orgy of blurry out-of-focus images of me scanned up from a party 4 years ago.

a blurry, out-of-focus image of an orgy however might not be out of the question.

Battlestar Visionary

edit - new address as domain ran out...died...then came back to life.. but died again.
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I keep two succinct, and veeery different [not that I make any conscious effort to make this so] journals.....
One online, and one in a cute Japanese leather bound book.
I started writing in my *real* journal [basically my soul on paper] when I was around 10.....needless to say, I've been through a fuckload of books, and kept them all. :D

In my bound book, prose seems to spout and spurt out my fingers...it's quite melancholy.
I rarely write about the beauty of life, although my personality in general is vibrant and positive and my life is usally filled with laughter.
I guess this is the outlet for all of the built up silt in my life and brain.

I've never had a problem with my online journal.
I write what I like, and don't even consider whose reading it. To me, that would make the practice lose all sense of honesty and integrity, and render it useless.

* * *

Link in my signiature. ;)
Thanks haste!

Oh! I coulden't find it before !

So! - Who else has a Journal to share???? Come onnnnn!!!!!! :)

A day in the interesting life of.......... ????????

shals :D
I've had sooooooo many random people mention to me at meetups / events that they are avid readers of my lil' journal...and start chatting about personal stuff I've written in there!
It's such a huge ego boost, and really nice to know people appreciate my documenting my life. =D

* * *

Doesn't everyone want to see what they're missing out on now? ;)
only random strangers get to read my online journal that is hosted at a secret location. I am too scared to post the link.
oh they're not that bad - just be selective in who you let read what.

Let's face it, theres a load of wankers out there.

Mind you anyone who keeps a journal private or otherwise should recognise that there's no such thing as private and if you don't want anyone to know - don't write it!
I love sharing my Journal. It's such an expressive and emotion outlet for me. I also like the fact that often people can relate to my feelings and my thoughts, which shows how not alone we are in this world on an individual level.

How we are really a majority in what we feel and not a minority as we often think.

Shals Journal - Click here !

I also use a lot of images to express a certain emotion of event. Journals are the bestest!

I also love to read others Journals - So come on Guys! Post us your link and let us know all your naughty little secrets *Teehee*

shals :D
PsychoKitten said:

Mind you anyone who keeps a journal private or otherwise should recognise that there's no such thing as private and if you don't want anyone to know - don't write it!

Amen to that!!! :)

and yeah my 2 cents... i love online journals/presonal paper journals, whatever... the outlet to get whats happening in your brain epitomises a journal.

I love reading about other peoples lives and what they get up to (nosey? interested? whatever it is) Its great o see how other people thin, makes you feel more comfortable in your own person as your not the only one going through whatever it is your going through.
I thought it was really weird at first when i first started writing in mine because i had keapt a book one since i was 14 and never thought i could be so open online with one (even though i'm a pretty open person anyway) and at first i don't think i was very open but more and more writing just kind of made me forget that i think.

I always wonder if anyone reads it but never comments...ie i have no idea who knows what about me..it's kind of a strange feeling 8o
I'm going to post mine again! Yay!

My domain has been registered for more than 4 years now, and I had another one for a year before that, and kept an online journal for about 18 months before that. Soo.. 5 1/2 years of online journalling 8o

Unfortunately my server crashed about two years ago and I lost most of my archives. I'd love to go back and read them all.

Oh.. http://edible.nu
^^ I like your layout, very well presented and the spacing makes it so easy to read :)