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online journals (list in first post)

I just tried blogger, but it looks nothing like the online journals I've read. It's plain boring and I dunno how the separate entries work ... I'm lost!

/me points to her blonde hair!

Pwease ... I want an online journal ;)
there are different templates you can use with blog, experiment! :) the main difference i noticed is livejournal comes with more "interactive".
all you ppl fighting for livejournal codes try xanga i tells ya!
www.xanga.com very interactive lotsa colours etc.

as with queen beat, pm me if u want my address.
and why do i post? i've got fans to please. 8)
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harraser said:
me, i had one for a while, i think i posted in it twice. the feeling of talking to myself is kinda creepy to me.
that's what I love about my journal, it's not talking to myself, it's talking to the many people who read it, it's rare nowdays that I censor my entries to friends only.

^^^ use that one, it works exactly like LiveJournal, and the clients for LJ can be used for blurty too. And it's free now atm cos they're in the early development stage.
um...i'm just posting in this thread to wh0re the fact that i've actually updated my blog for once (and intend to keep doing so)..so VISIT IT!!!!1 http://callmebetty.blogspot.com

anyways, gleep, i love teh avatar, yoshi's like perfection in a small green video game character. and bop, added yours to my list of blogs to read :)
have you read the thread? there are websites listed where you can sign up. 8)

not all of them require a referral code like livejournal.
*sigh* I've checked out other journal sites and xanga seems alright, but I still want a live journal code to talk to all of the nice dread heads in the communities and my friend (who's a free user and has already given out a code)...

So if someone wants to share a code w/ me (and get some good karma for it ;) ) that would be sublime. Just pm or email me!

It's true!

Kits speaks truth....for even I now have a livejournal...and lo there was much rejoicing and so on and so forth....

blah blah, it's in my sig anyways...

i have had one on bluelight for a few months now, i wasnt sure if i could let out feelings etc for all online people to read but it's actually quite addictive and i havnet written in my book journal for ages but i'm thinking of going back to it and closing this online one, i'm not sure yet really :\

heres a link to mine anyway

http://www.bluelight.ru/vb/journal.php?s=&journalid=38132&action=view&ts=1073194595#Tribadelic (nye%20report)

ps...how do you change a link to a name? etc make it "my journal" instead f the whole link
so you can see this I'm leaving out the square brackets, these [ ] things.
1/ open square brackets then type url=http://www.bluelight.ru/vb/journal.php?s=&journalid=38132&action=view&ts=1073194595#Tribadelic%20 close square brackets.
2/ write the word/s you want to use as a link, ie "here"
3/ open square brackets, type /url close square brackets.

and you should get something a little like this.

if you want to copy the html stuff you see posted, just click "quote" in the post that uses it, it'll show you the way they did it in the reply form. :)

Me? Nothing reveals the depths of my banality like three pages of quizilla, my trashy taste in music and the crap I come up with after three nights of sleeplessness, so no journal linkie from me I'm afraid, its far too much like farting in bed on the first date...
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