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online journals (list in first post)


Bluelight Crew
Apr 14, 2001
online journals

how many of u out there use them? how do u feel about publishing ur thoughts and inner feelings on the internet?
i have been using blog for a while... actually, coming to 1.5yrs now i think. initially i created a homepage and decided to update and use it as a no-holds barred place to let loose cos i was sick of seeing cutesy homepages that simply act as a placeholder on the internet; more often than not, a place for one's ego and pictures.

however... my procastination and laziness meant i didnt update the homepage much... going to all that effort just to put up my thoughts and feelings seem a bit too self-indulgent (not that keeping an online journal is not) and extreme. coming across blog for the first time was a god send... it allowed an easy and fast way to just basically pen and publish.
it doesnt really bother me who reads my blog, as some of u might have noticed i link it in my signature. afterall... i probably wont know or meet most of the people who have come across it. i kinda like the idea of a public anonymity; having my innermost state of mind (for want of a better phrase) bared to the world and yet lost in the vast collective consciousness of the internet.
for anyone who is interested, a blog account can be gotten at www.blogspot.com .
i know of another service at www.livejournal.com . that seems like a more interactive community and integrated as a whole. actually im considering migrating to livejournal but it's proving to be somewhat harder than i thought due to the restriction that an account can only be created if u have a referral code from an existing user. so if any of u have a spare referral code to offer, drop me an email :D
are there other online journals besides blog? are there, in your opinion, better ones than blog?

Our Journals (please ask to have yours added!)

The Bluelight livejournal community - http://www.livejournal.com/community/bluelight_nu/

*starfalls69* - http://www.livejournal.com/users/dark_curiosity/

anna! - http://edible.nu/

BloSsOm - http://www.livejournal.com/users/bloss/

CHiLD-OF-THE-BEAT - http://www.livejournal.com/users/leggz/

codez_raver - http://www.livejournal.com/users/boy_twisted

CynaKill - http://www.livejournal.com/users/cynakill/

Donny Don't - http://www.livejournal.com/users/donny_dont/

doof-kittie - http://www.livejournal.com/users/binkee/

dropin_harcore82 - http://www.livejournal.com/users/techno_bunny04/

faerie - http://www.livejournal.com/users/haylzbaylz/

Fetish Jester - http://www.livejournal.com/users/orpheussun

Glitter^Fairy - http://www.livejournal.com/users/mistressoftears/

haste - http://www.livejournal.com/users/dimouske/

kazza_baby - http://www.livejournal.com/users/kazza_baby/

kryalkastleE - http://www.livejournal.com/~kryalkastle/

Macksta - http://www.livejournal.com/users/macksta/

onetwothreefour - http://www.livejournal.com/~kesher/

^Pipit^ - http://www.livejournal.com/users/jessykakaka/

preacha - http://www.livejournal.com/users/preachizzle/

Pseudo G - http://pseudo-g.bluelight.ru/

PsychoKitten - http://www.livejournal.com/~duchesskitty/

Raz - http://www.livejournal.com/users/psychonaut_raz/

Rubber_Duck - http://www.livejournal.com/users/rubber_duck1/

samadhi - http://samadhi.bluelight.ru/

shal - http://shal.bluelight.ru

stacyrox - http://www.livejournal.com/users/hypergirlie

strumpet - http://strumpet.bluelight.ru/

up all night - http://www.livejournal.com/users/misstwitch/
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samadhi: email RobertRollie and he'll get you a code, I just gave my last one to vurt :)
I use livejournal, I have two journals, one for my thoughts and ramblings, another for my "fantasies and sexual exploits".
I don't much mind who reads my fantasies, in fact it's listed as my homepage in my profile. My other journal is a bit different, I don't mind who reads my basic ramblings but I take advantage of the friends only and private settings on my journal for things that I don't want the whole world to know.
The client I use also allows me to set groups of friends so i can write entries that only a select person or group of the people I have listed as friends can see it.
I've had an online journal for almost 4 years now. Movable Tpye is a great blogging script/program. Unfortunately, I can't seem to install it on my server because my server is GH3Y, so I'm using greymatter at the moment instead. In my opinion, these and scripts like them are the best way to "blog" (I hate that word).
I've recently rediscovered that I can write with some semblence of ability and I use my livejournal to help flex my muscles as it were.
It's in my profile, or here. If you're too lazy to go there.
Well I had one for a few months which I tried to keep private, but a couple of friends found it and ever since I've pretty much stopped using it because I don't really like it when people know everything about me.
I have to put my thoughts somewhere, but I don't really want all of my friends reading it, I mean there's some things I can tell anyone, but there's other stuff that I'd like to record, but not exactly have friends and family knowing about it, but it doesn't matter if some random reads it, because well they don't know me, and they're never going to meet me.
Oh yeah I'm not dumb enough to have my nick or real name anywhere in it either. ;)
I had a personal site, including a blog, at innocuous.nu for a while, but then the server died and I wanted my whole site up rather than just the blog by itself on a free site. I also hate ads, which is another reason why a free site didn't appeal to me.
Then the people whom my domain is registered with set-up a free blog service which is also ad-free, so I thought I'd set something up to see what it's like...
The service is pretty limited so I hadn't planned on keeping it going, but not I've kinda gotten back into posting, so it'll stay until I get my own server up and running...
[ 12 October 2002: Message edited by: Tarsarlan ]
I have more LJ codes too if people want them. Email me, details in my profile. I'll also share my LJ user name with anyone who asks, but I don't post much so it will be a boring read. :)
MDMA-4-ALL (And live journals for us)
I have kept a handwritten journal on/off since I was about 9. About a year and a half ago I started my own website, mostly for the journal side of things. It was just friends reading it and in the end I got busy with work etc and just let it go. I was using diaryland. At the time most of the layouts were pretty girly but it could've changed (and I spose if you are technically minded you can write your own scripts!!) I haven't really written anything much at all over the last few months. I sometimes find it hard to express in words all that I have been experiencing over this adventure that began with an e. It frustrates me that I don't make the time to write because the personal journey I've been on over the last few years is something I wish I had a complete record of, as opposed the the jumble of thoughts and memories in my mind.
Like pekkie, I worry about my family finding what I have written. I like your idea about the random online journal. Complete strangers reading my innermost secrets...I can handle that!! It's the judgement of family and friends that scares me.
kitten, I had a peak at your website...some amazing writing in there!!!
i get into way too much rouble with my lj, esp. since even in real life i have little respect for my pivacy, let alone from the 'comfort of a computer' - so i write absolutely everything in there :D
at least if you have no secrets you can never freak about people finding any out?
or something
one interesting thing about keeping an online journal is when u write about something unrelated but ur friends read the entries and start getting sensitive or paranoid and next think u know, they're not talking to u anymore 8)
sKatteredchickee - thanks hon... I'm suffering a serious case of writers block atm but there's four more in the pipeline, I just need to finish them.
Vurt - people are idiots :( Everyone who reads my normal journal knows that if they want a peek inside my mind they'd better be prepared to see things they don't like, and if they do find something they don't like they'd better deal with it because I won't bother explaining myself.
I have a livejournal.. I stopped using it tho coz my cousin of all people found it and ofcourse as everyone likes to spread rumours, decided to tell my friends about it.. :\ and as per most journals, it contained personal stuff that I'd prefer my old friends and family not to read, notably my entrance into the world of Bluelight and all the interesting things that go along with that.......
I have a written diary from when I was in yr7-9ish, its a great way to vent all the shit that you build up, and also great to read back on a few years later when you can laugh at all of the things you thought were serious issues, which in retrospect were really stupid little things..
Its really unfortunate that I had to stop writing in my LJ coz I would really have liked to have been able to look back on everything that I've done in the past year at a future date.. I just dont trust online journals anymore, theres too many things that I would prefer some people didn't know about me.....
Originally posted by stacyrox:
Its really unfortunate that I had to stop writing in my LJ coz I would really have liked to have been able to look back on everything that I've done in the past year at a future date.. I just dont trust online journals anymore, theres too many things that I would prefer some people didn't know about me.....

With LiveJournal you can set the posts so that just you can read it. If you then also set your account to not keep you logged in, and automaticly log you out, there is no way other people can read it without your password.
You can also set it so just people who are on your 'friends' list are able to read it. Downside being that only people with LJ accounts can see your posts.
MDMA-4-ALL (And a live journal for me)
I had my journal as friends only for a long time after finding out some people that I intensely dislike and are only out to cause trouble were reading it.
I ended up handing out dozens of codes so everyone I wanted to read could. I've changed it now so that 80% of my posts are public, 10% are friends only 8% are to one or a group of friends and 2% are private so only I can read them.
It's worthwhile using it again Stace, I find my paper journal gets read way too often by people who happen to "find" it and open it to see what it's all about. People just can't resist the lure of the forbidden.
Yeah, I've considered restarting it again... I know theres a private and friends only option on there, but being that I only had one 'friend' on LJ (being the guy who actually gave me the ref code) it just didnt seem worthwhile.. but then again I never really made a whole lot of effort to find anyone else with a LJ :p
I know my username.. I wonder if i can work out the rest of it..
Hypergirlie's Livejournal <-- err thats me btw ;)
*goes and d/l'ds the LJ program*
Stacyrox: Well I added you... of course your posts are 12 months old, so I dont expect too much ;) Then again I post about once a month these days so I know I'm not a spam-king either.
MDMA-4-ALL (And possibly a LJ update from me soon) ;)
yay.. after a bit of tweaking Im back online :p
feel free to add me and read my drivel :)
this time I think I might use the 'private' and 'friends' options more liberally than i previously did
now I have something to do when bored heh..