  • Sports & Gaming Moderators: ghostfreak

Olympics - Beijing 2008

That female 3m diver looks like Lucy Lio, my mate will be tuning into her for sure
Does anyone know when/what channel the men's basketball games are? I mean, any of them, I haven't caught a single one yet, and when I look up the TV listing it gives me screwy information.
(I'm the US, west coast, if that matters for the time)

Thanks if anybody knows.
In England we "press the red button to choose sports"

But we're not in the basketball, fortunately
I agree Adyinthesky... Shawn Johnson's year will be 2012. As i said before!! And i think the judging will be more accurate. The judging in this gymnastics is horrible!!! Something is a miss. and no I'm not saying that because i am bitter. Example-- on the vault. Nastia hit both her landings... the Chinese girl didn't stick one of her landings. Now... Ok.. yes the Chinese girl had a higher start value but she FELL therefore she should not have received a higher score than the Chinese girl.. That is common sense. Why the Chinese girl got the higher score i just don't know, i don't understand!!! Even though she had a higher start value.. when she fell (didn't stick her landing) that should have counteracted the score. If the Chinese girl stuck both her landings then YES she should have got the higher score. This is like the 6Th time i saw inconsistencies in the judging and scoring. I've never seen gymnastics judging so awful. It's disgraceful. I think there may even be an investigation.. i don't think anything will change though, it's hard to prove this type of cheating. It would have to be that one or a few of the judges were crooked. But, that will never be proved. And once again, I'm not saying that because i am bitter. If the Chinese girl didn't fall she should have gotten the higher score but she fell and should have gotten a lower score than Nastia. It's ridiculous. I saw 6 times this happen through out the whole gymnastic competitions.

The Chinese men DID deserve their gold on the team event, they were way better than the American men.

I was happy to see the Romanian girl get gold, that was awesome, she did an amazing routine!!!

I don't know... something seems a miss there!!

RoxiPoppyGirl said:
look at my post below. I put the ME ME ME in red. WHAT THE HECK IS THAT AND WHY IS IT HAPPENING. I did not type ME ME ME!!! It's pissing me off.

anyone know what the hell that is happening. look below in my reply, i highlighted the ME ME ME in red. ARGHHH

I'm not 100% sure... but what is being replaced by the ME ME ME is the word swim.

Often on drug boards swim refers to 'someone who isn't me' and is one of the MOST annoying things that people can do as they think it gives them some protection from what they are writing about, because it "really isn't about them... see I wrote SWIM!!"

However, WHY it is changing that I don't know... it's not showing up in your posts when I view them on firefox...

CB :)
I know it's weird.. i never typed any of those ME ME ME's. It was after i typed my reply up and hit 'reply' that it showed up in the end result. It's kinda strange. Maybe I'm hitting something on my keyboard that is making it show up. I'm trying to be slower with my typing so i can see when it turns up.

The records being broken these games - unbelievable!

I was sooo happy for Isinbayeva. She made such a phenomenal good-better-best delivery of that new world record in pole vaulting, it absolutely could *not* have been scripted better. Then again, she did learn how to sell herself from the master whose mould she was picked (by her coach) to fill himself, Sergey Bubka. So, how much of that last jump series was spontaneous and how much was subtly, but cleverly planned, is anyone's guess but her own. :)

The 100m in both men's and women's was spectacular!
yes, I too was astounded at that. Pole vaulting doesn't make my leg muscles involuntarily twitch the way gymnastics does-- it just makes me saw wow audibly every time someone goes over the top.
Stupid gymnastics tie-breakers. Shouldn't have even come down to that....
Nastia's routine was definitely better.

It's incredible she's done what she has with all the shitty judging going against her this whole time. They keep trying to keep her down, but she's too good. They always end up giving her a good score because they can't explain giving her pisspoor scores throughout the whole competition.

The worst the judges could get away with this time was a tie so that's what she got. Just a sly way to screw her.

[offensive racist remark removed - CB]
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To quote the ineffable Keggy Keegle, I'd love it, just love it, if we finish ahead of the Aussies in the medals table.

Not that I'm particularly bothered about medals tables per se but I know how much the uber competitive aussies are and how much they'll bitch and whine if it happens.

Also it's even better that we win loads of our medals in public school sports like sailing and rowing.

Great :D
duck_racer said:
Also it's even better that we win loads of our medals in public school sports like sailing and rowing.
Capital, old chap!

I heard some random expert on the news yesterday saying that we should heed the example set by the cycling team - that is, invest heavily in those sports and athletes that actually have a chance of winning, as opposed to supporting a broader range of athletes that have less than an outside chance of success. They were advocating the idea that, as a small country, we can't afford to compete against the US/China/Russia in the top events, so we should pour our money into the "toff sports" where there's a smaller pool of competitors and absolutely spank everybody at things we're good at.

Shame there isn't an event where wearing jumpers and being called Jeremy can earn you accolades. Oh wait... that's cricket.
tambourine-man said:
Oh wait... that's cricket.


I thought it was good this year that most of our medals aren't in 'toff sports' such as horsing around. Sprinting and cycling is available to anyone and coaching isn't expensive, and we still held our ground against nations with 10x our population
bloody brits coming in and getting better at cycling and stealing all our gold medals!!


but seriously, fantastic effort on getting your cycling program up from quite sub-par to pretty much the best in the world. Fantastic athletes and fantastic program = many many medals.

CB :)