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Methamphetamine Discussion Thread 2.0

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Yeah it's definitely more addictive, I see your point. I reckon you're about right when ice really hit Oz, but I don't really know because I was taking a hiatus from most drugs at that stage.
2000 is around about the time I first started seeing it.

I was still buying pills at that stage, so the 'ice' was for when I couldn't get any MDxx.

Didn't appeal to me much back then.
Cheers guys, I find drug trends interesting. Crystal meth manufacturing was around ages before we ever had it in Australia (as everyone probably knows)...

In 1893, Methamphetamine or crystal meth was first developed from ephedrine. A chemist by the name of Nagayoshi Nagai was responsible for this creation. It wasn’t until 1919, that methamphetamine was turned into its crystallized form by Akira Ogata. Ogata was able to do this by reduction of ephedrine using iodine and red phosphorous. Amphetamine, which is a related drug, first came into existence in 1887 by a Lazar Edeleanu in Germany. Methamphetamine manufacturing initially began in the United States in Hawaii in the 1960s. - See more at: http://www.addictionsearch.com/trea...-of-crystal-meth_58.html#sthash.Cbudlw9n.dpuf

In the 1980’s use of methamphetamine peaked. In fact, San Diego, California was considered the methamphetmine capital of the North America by The Economist magazine. - See more at: http://www.addictionsearch.com/trea...-of-crystal-meth_58.html#sthash.Cbudlw9n.dpuf

Of course there was also others making it earlier, not sure if it was in crystal form, like in Japan and the US after the war in the '50's, so that site says anyway.

I find it somewhat weird that we didn't have production of it here in the 80's or 90's, as there were obviously loads of bikies and who knows who making speed (and still are). I wonder if we will ever get a crack cocaine thing happening in Australia on any substantial scale, I guess that drug depends on crops that have to be imported and is alot more expensive to make from cocaine, which isn't really that expensive from the source, but by the time it reaches our shores is very expensive, where as the precursors to make ice are probably able to be sourced more easily and alot more cheaply too. I guess it's not profitable to import crack cocaine here for some reason on a large scale or it would have already been done.
I feel like that myself every day. Hard place is life, rock is smack. If only I had a constant supply of nizzles that went into my vizzles, full of pure smizzle. I'd be a hizzle dizzle.

Hahahahahah fuck your a funny cunt.
Cheers guys, I find drug trends interesting. Crystal meth manufacturing was around ages before we ever had it in Australia (as everyone probably knows)...

Of course there was also others making it earlier, not sure if it was in crystal form, like in Japan and the US after the war in the '50's, so that site says anyway.

I find it somewhat weird that we didn't have production of it here in the 80's or 90's, as there were obviously loads of bikies and who knows who making speed (and still are). I wonder if we will ever get a crack cocaine thing happening in Australia on any substantial scale, I guess that drug depends on crops that have to be imported and is alot more expensive to make from cocaine, which isn't really that expensive from the source, but by the time it reaches our shores is very expensive, where as the precursors to make ice are probably able to be sourced more easily and alot more cheaply too. I guess it's not profitable to import crack cocaine here for some reason on a large scale or it would have already been done.

Local speed production changed over from amphetamine to methamphetamine in the 90s. This was in all likelihood due to a crack down on precursors used in cooking the former. It was by and large still sold in low purity powder form - it was what it was and we were happy with it. Smokeable high purity crystal meth started turning up in quantity around 2000. The best story I've heard to explain this shift goes like this: drug production organisations in the golden triangle area (Burma/Lao/Thailand) simply decided to shift the majority of their operations away from heroin production and into methamphetamine production. Through the 90s we were being flooded with high purity low cost heroin, which made it a good (or bad!) time to be on the gear. The argument goes that the producers went "Hang on - this is poor business - we are flogging our shit too cheap!" The market for methamphetamine is bigger, and it's not crop dependent like heroin is. They keep producing some heroin but it's stomped on before it leaves the country and is more expensive. Back in Australia - it was like someone turned off the heroin tap around xmas/ny 2000/2001. And the ice showed up around the same time. It was imported, and it put pressure on the local producers to lift their game. And so here we are!
The best story I've heard to explain this shift goes like this: drug production organisations in the golden triangle area (Burma/Lao/Thailand) simply decided to shift the majority of their operations away from heroin production and into methamphetamine production. Through the 90s we were being flooded with high purity low cost heroin, which made it a good (or bad!) time to be on the gear. The argument goes that the producers went "Hang on - this is poor business - we are flogging our shit too cheap!" The market for methamphetamine is bigger, and it's not crop dependent like heroin is. They keep producing some heroin but it's stomped on before it leaves the country and is more expensive. Back in Australia - it was like someone turned off the heroin tap around xmas/ny 2000/2001. And the ice showed up around the same time. It was imported, and it put pressure on the local producers to lift their game. And so here we are!

And I guess this is why it has never been profitable or worth the hassle of importing crack cocaine over here on any large scale, why bother when you can import the powder form that can be cut down for more profits. Seems a bit strange no large scale dealers have organised importations in the past tho, as crack is so prevalent in America, but they get their cocaine on a much larger and more purer scale than we do here as they are closer to the source with more users etc.

Most other drugs we have had our share of large importations tho, ie heroin, crystal, hash, mdma.
it just wouldnt be feasible i mean with the price of coke in australia being outrageous crack would be simply be too expensive.

there was a fair few base heads in sydney when i was there and none of the ones i knew bought crack they always got coke (the base heads usually had the best coke surprise surprise) which they added the bicarb too and cooked up.

i agree with what ayjay said except i know in sydney particularly the surfing communities smack started coming in in massive amounts in the early eighties. people went from dropping acid, smoking ganja/hash, and eating barbs into using dirt cheap and top notch smack.

who remember the bombay black hash with the white opium layers running through?
crack would be simply be too expensive.

Isn't crack cheap as shit in America though? Aren't all drugs expensive on a street level base here compared to OS? So wouldn't it be profitable to make 3 or 4 times the amount that they could in the US as they could here for crack?

who remember the bombay black hash with the white opium layers running through?

I'm not sure if i recall that stuff specifically, but for years and years we were getting hash in my hood more consistently than green. Stuff that was obviously imported, stuff with stamps and different coloured cellophane wrapped around it. Deals of hash were getting sold at my local Maccas and school so easily (and passed under tables etc) in grams and half g's that if any cops came people would just swallow it, I recall smoking it many many times at school. There was blonde hash also. All that stuff was awesome, I didn't know how good we had it until it all just stopped over a few year period as it all dried out from the last imports. Same with the mass imports of E's I guess, but unlike the E's the hash it seems has never come back on any mass scale, as where with E's we still get some decent sized imports of the goods.

Some of the newer gen wouldn't have ever seen the hash we are talking about here, at all I imagine.

My old man talks about knowing old mates who were part of crews who had shipping containers full of it (or partly filled) shipped over here. Back in the mr nice (howard marks) days I guess when shit was loose. Customs weren't on the ball as much, or corruption on the docks and wharves was rampant.

Sorry I am getting way away from the topic of Meth.
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yeh iv heard the same stories re shipping containers. the story im thinking of the crew had the container sitting at their business and had spray-painted on the side of the container like ferrari, ducatti, bondi rd apartment etc etc all the shit they were gonna buy when done. i think they got dont in the end getting pretty bloody blasé and all.
isn't crack cheap as shit in America though? Aren't all drugs expensive on a street level base here compared to OS? So wouldn't it be profitable to make 3 or 4 times the amount that they could in the US as they could here for crack?
yeh and i guess price would dramatically reduce with bulk. you make a fine point and i cannot expand. perhaps purely because of the rep. crack is god damn crazy addictive these base heads leave crystal freaks for dead ime. that is just generalising though which i probably shouldnt do. see my nifty little segway back to meth..
Just a couple quick questions for my bluelight brethren.

Whats a decent dose to plug with basically no tolerance.

Any loss of enjoyment from having 6 beers then plugging meth?
The bioavailability of plugging is 90%+ I believe (assuming you do it correctly) so be careful. With no tolerance and if your gear is good, I wouldn't do any more than half a point. Even that will probably be pretty intense. It's quite close to shooting in terms of strength, so if you have IV'd before I would do the same amount you would use for a comfortable shot.

Unless beer makes you want to defacate, you should be ok as long as 6 beers isn't going to get you too drunk....It's probably not a good idea to combine drunkenness and meth.
I think the beers effect on meth, if anything will simply make you feel sober. Kind of a waste of beer but I'm not one to talk.
I think the beers effect on meth, if anything will simply make you feel sober. Kind of a waste of beer but I'm not one to talk.

Definitely...I love meth and I love beer. But I would much rather enjoy them separately.
Just a couple quick questions for my bluelight brethren.

Whats a decent dose to plug with basically no tolerance.

Any loss of enjoyment from having 6 beers then plugging meth?

Not sure about plugging but the effect of beer is more or less negated after smoking. A few months ago a friend and I shared a point & a half... I'd consumed 5 or 6 heineys, felt pretty drowsy and the pipe woke me right up. Was like I hadn't even been drinking. Would agree with above, seems like a waste of beer imo
How often do people use meth roughly? And how do you take it?. For the past year an a half I've managed to keep my use to once every 3 months roughly. And I'll IV a point when I use.
Whenever the blue moon and the werewolves are about I'll IV a point, or sometimes less depending on funds.
How often do people use meth roughly? And how do you take it?. For the past year an a half I've managed to keep my use to once every 3 months roughly. And I'll IV a point when I use.

I've been really good lately. I maybe will shoot a couple points once a fortnight or so. Of good ice, I stopped fucking around with gluggy shit. Compared to how much I methamphetamine I used to use, not that is was necessarily a bad thing, I'm glad to be only indulging in a taste every now and then. :)

How often do people use meth roughly? And how do you take it?. For the past year an a half I've managed to keep my use to once every 3 months roughly. And I'll IV a point when I use.

I was IVing 2.5 - 5 points about every 2 weeks up until about March this year. Since then have had a couple of binges (a binge for me is a half g, keeps me going for 3-4 days) but have been pretty well behaved. Have probably only used about 4 times since March.

When I use I like to do shots of about 70mg. If I really want to knock my head off I will use 100-150. I feel like any more than that would be a bit uncomfortable to be honest....or maybe too good!

I also enjoy having a bit of a smoke, usually a few hours after my first shot. These days, fortunately, I can also have an entire session just smoking and it doesn't bother me. If it was 5 years ago, smoking even a large amount would just leave me craving a shot, until that craving was satisfied.

It's a hell of a lot more fun now I have spaced out my usage...but to be honest the last time I used (about 3 weeks ago) I didn't enjoy it as much as usual. I think my 10+ years of regular use may have run it's course. Probably something to do with finding a partner I actually love spending time with and regularly engaging in activities that are more satisfying in the long run than pumping ice into my veins. Boredom's a killer with me and drugs...
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