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Methamphetamine Discussion Thread 2.0

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I just moved house and in the process found SO MANY little bags...
Been off for a couple months but feeling the itch again and think I am ready to scratch it...

I try to eat a small meal every 6-10hours, that has carbs, protein and fat in it... and drink plenty of water/isodrink... that usually keeps me feeling pretty good for longer I reckon...
No point adding stims when you're running out of petrol...
I'd say that is the second sign of addiction - when you look at crumbs and lint on the floor thinking that there could be a fallen or lost shard on the ground. The first sign is probably when you wake up in the middle of the night and the only initial thought in your mind is the drug.

During the 80s when there was a peak of the mysterious UFO abductions going on, probably nobody believes this but there was a study not widely known in which is was determined that meth was the aliens drug of choice - meaning that the UFO 'aliens' abducting people enjoyed monitoring the psychological effects of this drug most...
I'd say that is the second sign of addiction - when you look at crumbs and lint on the floor thinking that there could be a fallen or lost shard on the ground. The first sign is probably when you wake up in the middle of the night and the only initial thought in your mind is the drug.

During the 80s when there was a peak of the mysterious UFO abductions going on, probably nobody believes this but there was a study not widely known in which is was determined that meth was the aliens drug of choice - meaning that the UFO 'aliens' abducting people enjoyed monitoring the psychological effects of this drug most...

I was kind of with you on the first paragraph, but you lost me on the second one.
I dont think I've ever once woken up in the middle of the night and just thought about the drug - usually I'm thinking that I gotta take a piss. However if I found crumbs I'd be very keen to not put them to waste though - So for how I view things - my first and seconds signs of addiction would be around the other way.
Hey guys, just thought that since I've asked a few questions before and it would be rude of me to disappear without so much as a 'fare-well' post, decided to come here to tell you guys that my planned study has not been given the green light...the funds/grants have been given to other departments that apparently 'need it more'.

Though I do admit, some of the equipment they've been using do look they haven't been updated since the early 90's.
During the 80s when there was a peak of the mysterious UFO abductions going on, probably nobody believes this but there was a study not widely known in which is was determined that meth was the aliens drug of choice - meaning that the UFO 'aliens' abducting people enjoyed monitoring the psychological effects of this drug most...

I don't know if you're talking about FBI tests or actual aliens or what, and I don't care. absolutely pissed myself laughing reading your post.
^^ fuckin LOL with that whole UFO paragraph...

anyways, had my first shot of meth in over 3 months last friday n missed the cunt because I was all fucked up on the piss and xannax...

am I a bad person??
Nah, that just simply blows man. I seriously empathise with you because a 3 month break mightnt sound much to your average jow, but when you IV it regularly, its.a nice.sized milestone.

I bet you were salivating un anticupation for that hut untul, well...

I'm so sorry fir you :( also hope the miss hasn't.caused any trouble, either.
I've only used meth a few times, like, maybe 6 or 7 but I really have no idea. (I was in a bad place at the begining of this year and I never got anything special from meth)

The funny thing is I crave it. I never enjoyed it and only ever used it out of peer pressure. A few months ago I was craving it every few days, and when I did it happened multiple times over a few hours. Now it only happens once a week or so but its the same thing; I crave it multiple times over a few hours.

Man I am so glad I got stimulant psychosis/maybe serotonin syndrome before I got addicted to the shit!

Now I have some idea of what some of you have experienced in terms of cravings. It must be so bloody tough to make a clean break, I really feel for you.
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Either the aliens are targeting meth users to abduct and anal probe, or meth users are the ones who regularly see and report seeing UFO's. I know which option I would assume to be the case.
I'm currently on holiday in Brisbane and have half a gram but I don't have a pipe.

I've racked coke and pills but never ice. Any tips/advice would be greatly appreciated.

Also, not sure if I can ask this, but is it possible to buy a pipe from a tobacconist in Brisbane? I've bought them in Sydney before, just unsure whether its legal in Qld.

just find one of them dodgry looking smoke and paraphenalia stores near markets and shit and ask for a kerosene burner
Quick question..

Is the 'speed' in australia(referring to base and cut up powders) just impure meth? I saw a post by D_m I'm pretty sure it was, saying you can't get real amphetamine in Australia due to the chemicle s being to hard to get through.

The general consensus is that 'speed' and 'ice' are different drugs being amphet and methamp, but maybe that's not correct.

Anyone have knowledge on. This?
there is a difference between amphetamine and meth amp

the vast majority of 'speed' in aus is meth amp of varying purities and forms.

most powdered speed is just dry meth amp cut with something

what us aussies call 'base' is meth amp with remaining impurities that wont allow it to crystallise - this is usually sold wet as 'base' iv always assumed its called base cause fucks use it as the base for their speed before mixing in some glucose or something to make more money

then you crystal meth 'ice' that you plop in the pookie and smoke

there is also base impure meth that has been re-rocked/rocked up - it will smoke but does not hold a candle to proper crystal pookie

this question comes up all the time around bl. in your top right hand corner of your bl page their is a search function i encourage you to do searches and use it as you would google or whatever

so unless you are importing amphetamine sulfate from sr their is a very high probability that what is being sold to you as amphet is infact impure or cut meth amp

i personally think dexies shit all over base and street speed unless you know a really decent cook thats doing it right - i also loved the crystal in the pip but fuck doesnt everyone. the most fucked up thing about being on the pip all day every day is the quick tolerance build up which quickly turns a mother fucker broke and unable to get high - stuck between a 'rock' and a hard place..
For sure, I used to get white powder speed way back when, and now that I'm older and know a thing or two, I won't even bother with that any more.

Ice is so much better, cleaner and.. brain not working. It's just better in every way.

stuck between a 'rock' and a hard place..

Haha, you made a funny. I feel like that myself every day. Hard place is life, rock is smack. If only I had a constant supply of nizzles that went into my vizzles, full of pure smizzle. I'd be a hizzle dizzle.
I'm currently on holiday in Brisbane and have half a gram but I don't have a pipe.

I've racked coke and pills but never ice. Any tips/advice would be greatly appreciated.

Also, not sure if I can ask this, but is it possible to buy a pipe from a tobacconist in Brisbane? I've bought them in Sydney before, just unsure whether its legal in Qld.


I live in a country town down the coast from Brisbane and every tobacconist in town sells sweetpuffs. Every size to. I'm rollin one round right now. I'm sure you'll find a baccy shop in Brisvegas that sells them. Don't look respectable when you go looking, they know what a meth user should look like. I went in after work in shirt and tie and they flat out lied and said they didn't sell them. I went back the next day in torn jeans, dirty t shirt and thongs and put on the anxiety 'yeah no worries come out here and choose which one you want' Is that reverse discrimination?
i personally think dexies shit all over base and street speed unless you know a really decent cook thats doing it right - i also loved the crystal in the pip but fuck doesnt everyone. the most fucked up thing about being on the pip all day every day is the quick tolerance build up which quickly turns a mother fucker broke and unable to get high - stuck between a 'rock' and a hard place..

Pretty much the reason I gave up speed, when the powder became less and less and crystal became more and more frequent. That's when i started to see some of my mates become ultra addicted and smoke it all day everyday and all night long. Like smoking cones. I said no thanks and have never done it. And wont.

I used to love my powder and glug though, we used to get it by the ounces at stages, and some of the stuff was insanely strong. I used to only bomb or snort it, as with the powder or glug back then no one was smoking it, except the odd person doing it on snow cones.

For sure, I used to get white powder speed way back when, and now that I'm older and know a thing or two, I won't even bother with that any more.

Ice is so much better, cleaner and.. brain not working. It's just better in every way.

It may be so much better and cleaner, but from my view so much more addictive too (and expensive?), I just didn't want to get fucked over by another addiction, the things I saw some of my mates lose over becoming ice addicts was sad and some of them turned into assholes too, just from abusing ice. I kinda miss the powder, I'd probably buy some every now and then if it wasn't ice, but all my mates think like you and just buy crystal now (as i think its all that is available most of the time, and probably what they wont), well the ones that use anyway and I dont hang around alot of them anymore, and the ones I used to do powder with they are also long gone from my life. So i got jackshit contacts for speed anymore and dont really care, it must be like over 10 off yrs since i used speed, from when it started to go from mostly powder and glug to mostly ice in Sydney, that's when I stopped using.

How long has ice been around in say Sydney anyone know? From what I recall it was somewhere around the yr 2000 that I started to see crystal taking over after it was always powder and glug. When did crystal meth hit Aus? Anyone? I should search, but one of you guys or girls will know I'm sure. It's hard to look back over time like that I find sometimes, I think I was living in the city when I started seeing mates with ice for the first time, I think that was around 2002 or 2003. There wasn't ice in Aus in the late 90's was there? I never saw it at raves or festivals and I stopped going to them around the yr 2000, and I'm sure i would have seen it if it was available, as there used to be loads of my friends and friends of friends and randoms selling party drugs at parties. You'd get offered anything like speed or mdxx or lsd, but cocaine was't offered much or heroin, not in the scene I was in anyway, too expensive I guess.
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