Mental Health Coming off Invega Sustenna (Paliperidone) v3

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I think I've finally given up trying to figure out the half life and shit on these medications. It seems to me like the half lives registered into Wikipedia of Risperdal Consta, Invega Sustenna, Abilify Maintenna, and Vraylar are really just estimates. After all, someone posted that they test blood levels for Invega Sustenna in Canada... Who's to say that they do it anywhere else, and if so are they using it as an accurate measurement for estimated half life theory on a long-acting drug? Wouldn't be surprised if scientists use rats or guinea pigs to verify half life. Wouldn't make much sense though. I think they're metabolic functions are a BIT different.
Hello y'all I've been injected with one 156 mg for a stay in the pych ward it's been almost a month I feel nothing. Not able to cry but I am so scard. Does it get better? I can barley even write this paragraph feeling so disabled .
I am feeling like dying. currently taking Xanax for anxiety and seroquel for sleep.i s this normal? Everything is foggy I can't stay focused on doing anything long enough to complete a task. I am dependent on my parents for well being. Everyday I wake up feels like a nightmare. Please help.
I am feeling like dying. currently taking Xanax for anxiety and seroquel for sleep.i s this normal? Everything is foggy I can't stay focused on doing anything long enough to complete a task. I am dependent on my parents for well being. Everyday I wake up feels like a nightmare. Please help.
You are not alone we are together in this manmade hell
first and foremost I want to apologize to you for experiencing this. Those are side effects of the medication. The good thing is that you only received 3 injections. Those effects last for some time but most people recover between 9-12 months. Some see improvement sooner. I understand completely where your coming from as I am still experiencing everything you have iterated. But most likely you won’t be in my situation and you will recover soon. It takes true strength to endure this day to day. My advice would be to find a friend that you can consult with, though you don’t truly feel the relief it does help to some extent. I’m praying for you. Things will get better for you. I hate to say this but from all of my research so far the best thing you have is time. Be blessed and stay prayed up.
I need to know does this get better? Minutes drag on. There feels like there are no chemicals coming in on my brain I bare ambition ambition to reply to these comments I need help please
You are not alone we are together in this manmade hell
How long you been on shots / off shots for recovery. Everyday feels like a nightmare trip I just want it to be over but it has barely even been a month. I just got the 1 loading dose of 156 mg. I just want to return to normal the first month I have been having to force myself to eat because I thougt my body was starting to shut down the worst part is family doesn't really understand what your going through I can barley function. What about you?
Wow, already the 3rd thread for this topic. That is awesome to see that we are given this 3rd thread. It is such an important subject. And I believe it will keep on growing until the world realise how harmful these drugs can be.
Anyway, for those who do not know, I was injected with two doses, invega 156 and 117 mg. I recovered in 8 months.

Keep up the good work guys
Was it a full recpvery. I can barley function at one month out from 156 loading dose. Would you say I am in witgdrawl phase or
Hey guys,

13 months off and I’ve recovered 110%
More emotions, more physical and mental power, I’m more creative and it just feels great.
Hang in there, you’ll be fine and this WILL pass.
How did you feel in the first month of recpvery?
How long you been on shots / off shots for recovery. Everyday feels like a nightmare trip I just want it to be over but it has barely even been a month. I just got the 1 loading dose of 156 mg. I just want to return to normal the first month I have been having to force myself to eat because I thougt my body was starting to shut down the worst part is family doesn't really understand what your going through I can barley function. What about you?
Its been 7 months since my last of 4 shots and its still hell everyday I develloped tinnitus I think we may be screwed for life
Its been 7 months since my last of 4 shots and its still hell everyday I develloped tinnitus I think we may be screwed for life
Does it get better with time though I know your ears are ringing but have other side effects dwindled?
Does it get better with time though I know your ears are ringing but have other side effects dwindled?
Not really I think if I recover it will really be some miracle and I will believe in the résurrection because for now it is like Im dead and alive at the same time but there are a lot of recovery stories si maybe we will be one of them dont posé hope
Have you recovered?

No. I have not. I am 4.5 months off 3 shots, so I do not expect to recover yet. I think at 6 months I will feel some improvement. I read through every message on all 3 versions of this thread, and most people feel some improvement at 6 months, and some completely recover at 6 months. I know it feels horrible when you first get the shot, so I feel your pain.
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