Mental Health Coming off Invega Sustenna (Paliperidone) v3

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What mattered is that we will recover right. The wiretap part if my day is waking up and realizing I've got to go three another day of this hell
The worst part of my day is waking up I know and have faith that this will not be permanent and we will get through this.
I ride the couch for now several month I cant get high or drunk and I cant even enjoy a cup of tea or of coffee ots sucks big time but yeah I have hope that we will recover like many before us
Have you gotten used to feeling disabled? Did you lead an active life prior to getting the shit shot?
Yes when I first got it it made me suicidal like Never before but after some times you get used to feeling like hell. Before all this I had two jobs now I have no ambition to do anithing but to survive through this
Why did you feel suicidal how was the feeling and did you get the loading dosesvabd then 3 additional
I feel as though I'm controlling my body from a distant mind does anyone experience this?
Is the main reason there is so motivation is because the reward system is out of order?( no dopine) it is blocked I can't seem to get motivated to do anything but the essentials
Do you feel like shit when you wake up? There is this hoirrible feeling upon waking up Dee anyone experience this?
I just checked online and this drug costs a whooping 1800 soles(peruvian currency). THSTS 600 US Dollars for just one fucking dose. It's like your paying 2months min salary for this poison. Idk how they could come up with such an evil drug. This shit shouldnt fucking exist, its just pure torture from what people write in this thread. I'M pretty sure I would attempt suicide if they shot me with this. Good luck guys on your recovery.
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