Mental Health Coming off Invega Sustenna (Paliperidone) v3

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Hang in there, remember it can only get easier from here.

If I remember correctly, you said that you haven't gained any weight. That's one thing you can be thankful about, I have gained a decent amount on my stomach, and a bit on my glutes and pecs (gynecomastia).
I actually have stretch marks now and I don't think I can be confident without a shirt on ever again, sadly. ?

Again I know this is incredibly hard, but we have to stay strong in case we find happiness again later in life. You owe it to yourself.

I still haven't ordered phenibut and kratom but I have somewhat high hopes. I will let you know how that goes and reccomend it if it's good.
I'm almost 8 months off by the way.

What do you mean something inside your brain?
How many injections again by the way?
It’s now over don’t feel anything inside my brain I think it’s slowly leaving system maybe
Looks like risperal has to pay up for male breast growth. It’s crazy that you can sue for that (which I understand males shouldn’t grow breast) but I can’t sue for potential brain damage.
Hi, first time in this forum. I took invega for 3 months until one day I suddenly woke up with anhedonia and no emotions. Told my psychiatrist about this and he said we can stop the injections. It’s been 3 months since I’ve been off the invega sustenna and I feel no improvement whatsoever. Symptoms I have are: complete anhedonia, no emotions or feelings, intelligence is gone, insomnia/unable to nap, no thoughts/inner voice unless my eyes are closed then I get thoughts in my head (weird idk), loss of comprehension, my 5 senses are dulled, no libido, unable to socialize, no motivation, apathy, and possibly derealization. I don’t know what to do, this feels permanent and all I can think is how to kill myself but I’m too scared to actually do it. I quit my job because I couldn’t handle it anymore. I tried to get a neurologist referral from my PCP because something feels seriously wrong, like my prefrontal cortex is not working properly but he thinks the anhedonia is a negative symptom of schizophrenia and he didn’t say much else about my other symptoms. I’m just so lost and unsure if I will ever be normal and myself again. Nothing helps me as I do not feel the affects of anything, such as meditation, journaling, or yoga. Even someone telling me “it gets better” are empty words that don’t mean anything to me. I used to be a very sensitive and emotional person now that’s all gone. How can I be sure the medication caused this? What if it is something else? I don’t enjoy a single thing in life anymore and nothing excites me. I lost all emotional connection with friends and family, I feel empty towards them. To anyone that’s gotten better and returned to their former selves: did you get better gradually or was it suddenly? I’m seriously concerned that I’ve gotten brain damage from this drug. I am hoping for a break through around 8 months as that’s when most people seem to get better but that seems impossible right now... anyway, does anyone experience the same symptoms as me?
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Hi, first time in this forum. I took invega for 3 months until one day I suddenly woke up with anhedonia and no emotions. Told my psychiatrist about this and he said we can stop the injections. It’s been 3 months since I’ve been off the invega sustenna and I feel no improvement whatsoever. Symptoms I have are: complete anhedonia, no emotions or feelings, intelligence is gone, insomnia/unable to nap, no thoughts/inner voice unless my eyes are closed then I get thoughts in my head (weird idk), loss of comprehension, my 5 senses are dulled, no libido, unable to socialize, no motivation, apathy, and possibly derealization. I don’t know what to do, this feels permanent and all I can think is how to kill myself but I’m too scared to actually do it. I quit my job because I couldn’t handle it anymore. I tried to get a neurologist referral from my PCP because something feels seriously wrong, like my prefrontal cortex is not working properly but he thinks the anhedonia is a negative symptom of schizophrenia and he didn’t say much else about my other symptoms. I’m just so lost and unsure if I will ever be normal and myself again. Nothing helps me as I do not feel the affects of anything, such as meditation, journaling, or yoga. Even someone telling me “it gets better” are empty words that don’t mean anything to me. I used to be a very sensitive and emotional person now that’s all gone. How can I be sure the medication caused this? What if it is something else? I don’t enjoy a single thing in life anymore and nothing excites me. I lost all emotional connection with friends and family, I feel empty towards them. To anyone that’s gotten better and returned to their former selves: did you get better gradually or was it suddenly? I’m seriously concerned that I’ve gotten brain damage from this drug. I am hoping for a break through around 8 months as that’s when most people seem to get better but that seems impossible right now... anyway, does anyone experience the same symptoms as me?

first and foremost I want to apologize to you for experiencing this. Those are side effects of the medication. The good thing is that you only received 3 injections. Those effects last for some time but most people recover between 9-12 months. Some see improvement sooner. I understand completely where your coming from as I am still experiencing everything you have iterated. But most likely you won’t be in my situation and you will recover soon. It takes true strength to endure this day to day. My advice would be to find a friend that you can consult with, though you don’t truly feel the relief it does help to some extent. I’m praying for you. Things will get better for you. I hate to say this but from all of my research so far the best thing you have is time. Be blessed and stay prayed up.
Sorry for not english, Sorry but 7 month of paliperidone get Life more slow and i prefer talk in italian. Use Google translate, Is better than me and my fuckin english.

Il 29 novembre 2018 sono riuscito a convincere chi ha potere di smettere queste iniezioni, ho avuto 7 colpi che in italiano parlato significa anche disgrazia... (" Ti prendesse un colpo"é un modo di dire cattivo per augurare ad altri qualcosa di brutto)
Sono 9 mesi che ho smesso.. volevo dire a tutti che é assolutamente vero che il tempo migliora le cose. Le cose classiche riportate in questo forum sono la perdita di potenza sessuale, l inattività, la perdita di potere mentale, la mancanza di sensibilità ecc. Bene io posso garantire che dopo 9 mesi con dosaggio massimo di 150 mg( equivalente alla massima dose espressa in altra misura) si riacquistano lentamente.
Bene ancora, voglio darvi un aiuto, non preoccupatevi del tempo anche se questo sembra non passare mai. Se vi viene in mente un ricordo del passato scrivete un quaderno, un foglio e conservatelo...
Io sostengo che un problema di questo farmaco é che il cervello funzionando male in questo momento ha bisogno di poter riflettere su quello che stai pensando ora quando sarà superato tutto. É importante. Anche se voi pensate che il vostro cervello non sta funzionando non é vero. Funziona diversamente, questo é grave e ancora più grave é dare una valutazione immediata fatta pertanto con un cervello drogato o peggio. Le valutazioni immediate delle vostre percezioni devono essere solo quelle fisiche e non sulla vita reale.
Scrivete tutto e conservate, quando sarete disintossicate quelle parole saranno più valide di un libro di religione.
Promettetevelo, Ve lo consiglio, A me é successo che ho metabolizzato molto bene fisicamente, ma l evento mi ha segnato caratterialmente perché i pensieri distorti e scuri che avevo li consideravo uno strumento economico per andare avanti. Mi ha cambiato caratterialmente...

Quindi se amavate il vostro carattere fate come vi dico io, scrivete tutto quello che vi viene in mente, anche se sembra che quei pensieri non abbiano senso o che vi rattrista scriverli. Non fate leggere a nessuno, tenetevi questo segreto.

Sarà un libro su cui voi potrete ripartire non solo biologicamente ma anche a livello più elevato
Hello all. I am unfortunately another afflicted victim of Invega. 2 starter doses and 2 after that for a total of 4 approximately 54 days ago being my last dose.

Now being 2 months off of Invega I feel dull as a person. I asked my doctor to discontinue the shot and I quit cold turkey. So far my experience has been low mood (fortunately not extremely low lately however I’ve been suicidal when first coming off) low sex drive (again not too low it has improved just barely from when I was on the shots. I’ve gained 15 to 20 pounds. I no longer have schizophrenic thoughts. At least they’re rare now.

It is safe to say that I am a schizophrenic patient and I’ve had multiple psychotic breaks in the past 3 years. The medication worked however I cannot handle the side effects. I would like to share my full experience in recovery when the time comes and I am here to support others who have been destroyed by this shitty medicine. Hail Satan!
Hi, first time in this forum. I took invega for 3 months until one day I suddenly woke up with anhedonia and no emotions. Told my psychiatrist about this and he said we can stop the injections. It’s been 3 months since I’ve been off the invega sustenna and I feel no improvement whatsoever. Symptoms I have are: complete anhedonia, no emotions or feelings, intelligence is gone, insomnia/unable to nap, no thoughts/inner voice unless my eyes are closed then I get thoughts in my head (weird idk), loss of comprehension, my 5 senses are dulled, no libido, unable to socialize, no motivation, apathy, and possibly derealization. I don’t know what to do, this feels permanent and all I can think is how to kill myself but I’m too scared to actually do it. I quit my job because I couldn’t handle it anymore. I tried to get a neurologist referral from my PCP because something feels seriously wrong, like my prefrontal cortex is not working properly but he thinks the anhedonia is a negative symptom of schizophrenia and he didn’t say much else about my other symptoms. I’m just so lost and unsure if I will ever be normal and myself again. Nothing helps me as I do not feel the affects of anything, such as meditation, journaling, or yoga. Even someone telling me “it gets better” are empty words that don’t mean anything to me. I used to be a very sensitive and emotional person now that’s all gone. How can I be sure the medication caused this? What if it is something else? I don’t enjoy a single thing in life anymore and nothing excites me. I lost all emotional connection with friends and family, I feel empty towards them. To anyone that’s gotten better and returned to their former selves: did you get better gradually or was it suddenly? I’m seriously concerned that I’ve gotten brain damage from this drug. I am hoping for a break through around 8 months as that’s when most people seem to get better but that seems impossible right now... anyway, does anyone experience the same symptoms as me?

I felt the same. I felt empty and cold towards the ones I loved and the things that had before invega made me feel fulfilled and happy now made me feel nothing.

It really gets better. It happens gradually. There isn't much change before month six but As the months go on you can look back and see the progress that you've made. I'm in the middle of ten months off of four shots. I'm doing well in college, while on invega I could barely type a sentence I am no once again confident in my intelligence. I feel again. I look at my kids and do things with my kids and once again feel love and joy. On invega I felt empty and that I wouldn't care if the people I knew lived or died.

Know that who you are on invega and recovering from invega is not the real you. It's that drug suppressing your systems, but you and your soul are still alive and well underneath just waiting to come out. It takes a long time. I know because it's happened to me.

I can laugh, joke, be interested in complex things, and conversate again. I wouldn't have thought it was possible. Don't give up.

I went from 135 to 170 lbs on invega. I'm down to 150 without trying much, but the last 10 are really stubborn and its packed around the gut so very annoying. I'm trying to start gym again next week so hopefully I can lose the last of this pesky fat and it will help me get rid of the last traces of invega as well.

I don't think I will ever regain full genital sensitivuty. I used to masturbate too much and now I am hardly interested. It sucks, but I've accepted it. I can orgasm again and enjoy intercourse at a level where I don't feel stunted.

I'm glad Johnson and Johnson lost 8b. I hope they get hit with more lawsuits when it comes to antipsychotics. It's toohard for people with mental issues to get justice sometimes. Invega should most definitely be banned. It has ruined more lives than helped.
Guys im 4 months now after 2 invega shots, i started taking cbd and im feeling way better, I often forget that i'm on invega but still i see that my life has drasticly changed , i have no motivation , like it's super hard for studying have an exam tomorow and i just coudn't study until today , didn't go much to university cause i felt tired all the time, my motivation is so bad, i don't do sports either cause i have too much anxiety to get out of my house... man i think this is hell , even though what my thoughts tell me and the way im feeling are too different, im not even panicking as if everything is gonna be fine, and i also do feel like i don't breath like i used too as if my right lung doesn't work.. after canabis my pupills dilates like crazy , that's what get's through my mind at month 4
Guys im 4 months now after 2 invega shots, i started taking cbd and im feeling way better, I often forget that i'm on invega but still i see that my life has drasticly changed , i have no motivation , like it's super hard for studying have an exam tomorow and i just coudn't study until today , didn't go much to university cause i felt tired all the time, my motivation is so bad, i don't do sports either cause i have too much anxiety to get out of my house... man i think this is hell , even though what my thoughts tell me and the way im feeling are too different, im not even panicking as if everything is gonna be fine, and i also do feel like i don't breath like i used too as if my right lung doesn't work.. after canabis my pupills dilates like crazy , that's what get's through my mind at month 4
Had same like you 2 shots only of xeplion u will get better by month 8 thats when I felt better
Hello guys. I am happy to report good news. Only 58 days off of 4 injections I am able to get high and experience the effects of mdma strongly. It seems my dopamine and serotonin receptors are fine afterall or at least in the long run
I think I have neuroleptic induced deficit syndrome from invega sustenna. Does anyone know more about this or have it themselves? Is it possible to recover from it?
Wanna use antibiotics does it effects invega I’m 11 months off friday it will be 12
calling out please share, has anyone experience muscle stiffness and how many shots and when did it improve? I’ve been off for 5 months and it continues to get worse. Started with my back which is still very stiff and has now moved to the rest of my body.
Hey I thought I read somewhere on this site there was a business in the united states removing this from people’s blood? Yay nay? Name of the business?
Hey guys. Just checking in to see how everyone's doing. In a month from now it will have been a full year since I got my shots. I still have a hard time getting up in the morning, but it's not as bad. I still have issues taking mid day naps. I still tire easily. But the magnitude of the severity of these issues has subsided significantly.

Let me explain what happens. Your metabolism gets screwed, but it won't unscrew itself. Yes, the invega may leave your system eventually, but depending on how long you were on it, you'll have been conditioned behaviorally to stay in bed for most of your day. This behavior requires unconditioning, which is difficult as hell. Push yourself, but do it gradually. I gained 50 pounds while on it.

I know people say reading these posts makes them feel worse and they should just leave the forum, but the key is to empathize with the people still going through it.

There is absolutely nothing on the invega site about how to taper or come off invega sustenna. Most medical professionals will not tell you how to come off either. There's very little research done about invega as well.
Hello guys. I am happy to report good news. Only 58 days off of 4 injections I am able to get high and experience the effects of mdma strongly. It seems my dopamine and serotonin receptors are fine afterall or at least in the long run

You were just really lucky. A year after one shot and I haven't seen a single fractal
Hey guys. Just checking in to see how everyone's doing. In a month from now it will have been a full year since I got my shots. I still have a hard time getting up in the morning, but it's not as bad. I still have issues taking mid day naps. I still tire easily. But the magnitude of the severity of these issues has subsided significantly.

Let me explain what happens. Your metabolism gets screwed, but it won't unscrew itself. Yes, the invega may leave your system eventually, but depending on how long you were on it, you'll have been conditioned behaviorally to stay in bed for most of your day. This behavior requires unconditioning, which is difficult as hell. Push yourself, but do it gradually. I gained 50 pounds while on it.

I know people say reading these posts makes them feel worse and they should just leave the forum, but the key is to empathize with the people still going through it.

There is absolutely nothing on the invega site about how to taper or come off invega sustenna. Most medical professionals will not tell you how to come off either. There's very little research done about invega as well.
How many shots of invega did you get?
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