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Christians and Aliens

Bar graphs are my favourite, probably because they look like information boners having a turtle race. Even better when sta...godamn it I'm too tired for this.
I know the feeling - they've been trolling me for weeks...
Trolling is a matter of perspective.

One could quite easily argue that you're trolling (a philosophy forum) with your ridiculous scientific misinformation and conspiracy theories, while consistently exhibiting a lack of respect (by your own admission) for anyone who adheres to / identifies with mainstream religious beliefs. You also have spent the past month or two patting yourself on the back for your self-proclaimed ability to transcend the brain-washed masses and see the world for what it really is. You claim not to believe anything, yet you repeatedly indicate that you have beliefs on all sorts of different topics... To me, you come across as an dime-a-dozen elitist douche bag whose capacity for intelligence is blinded by arrogance. Like most of the intellectually vain people I've encountered, you're obviously quite insecure and you don't hesitate to make patronizing comments towards people who disagree with you.

I did try to engage you about the topic, by pointing out what I thought was fundamentally wrong with it.
I just didn't do and say what you wanted me to.

As for your claim at being a conversational artist, that's how it came across.
"Conversation is an art," in the context, implied that the user you were talking to was not an artist and that (relative to them) you were.

Finally, the graph: I never disputed that 2014 was the hottest year.
You posted a graph that contradicted your statement of "there has been no warming in 15 years."
I don't care whether or not you were responding directly to something, or not.
Either way, you were directly contradicting yourself.

As for your conspiracy about them changing the record of the hottest year, 100 years ago...
Whether or not there was a hot year 100 years ago is irrelevant.

There has still been warming over the past 15 years, according to the evidence you cited.


You are adversarial where you do not have to be and antagonistic where there is no need. Conventionalist to the core.

I guess it's a conspiracy that, according to you, nobody engaged you sufficiently (except one post from kitty cat) and numerous people thought your attitude was offensive and that you were acting like an idiot...

I've explained to you what I find offensive about your attitude, and you "don't care" (your words).
So what kind of reaction do you expect?

(Maybe you have something to learn about the art of conversation.)
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Funny how you and Birc0014 have the same join date (27th of November, 2014) and you post in the same threads, often back to back...
Just a 'dime a dozen elitist douche' pov here but you kind of come off as one yourself in the above. Contradictions are a bitch and so is hypocrasy, perhaps you guys should just hit the reset button and hug it out.
I think he likes me...I'm starting a cult, open invitation to Cosmic Giraffe, LR2, Journeyman16, and ForEverAfter. You guys can be the apostales, I think I already know who my Judas is going to be.

* Dont you think you have yet again contradicted yourself 4Evs with your conspiracy theory that Journeyman and I are one and the same??
Yeah, I know I'm a bit of a dick sometimes. I'm working on it... getting better every day.
I've been through some serious trauma over the past couple of years and I'm struggling with sobriety.
It helps when people point out when I'm being a douche bag, which is - ironically - what I'm attempting to do for Journyman.
If I happen to walk into a church and call Jesus an idiot, then proceed to piss in the holy water, I expect to be called on it.

I used to go around pretending to be smarter than I am and passive-aggressively provoking reactions out of people, so I could blame them later.
I don't think I do that anymore. Like I said, I'm getting better... But you're right, I'm not perfect.
you have yet again contradicted yourself 4Evs with your conspiracy theory that Journeyman and I are one and the same?

That actually doesn't qualify as a conspiracy.
Lots of members have double accounts.

You joined on the same day and you often post back to back in the same threads.
No one is perfect man, its all good. Just to reassure you and the other apostales I am just me, single account, no duplicates, not Journey man. Pointing out holes in other peoples theories isn't being a douche, it creates an opportunity for some people to reasses their shit and evolve their arguments/beliefs. I like the idea of conversation as an art form fits perfectly with the above.
What´s the problem FEA?

I often agree with your comments and find it easygoing to be in the same thread as you are.

Take care!
It was a bad joke (to fulfill the conspiracy allegation).
I was suggesting that you and Ninae were also the same person...

Never mind.
I'm having an off day.
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^I got it methamaniac ;)
How weird is that - not only has not a single person bothered to post on topic, now you are addressing people who have never posted in here at all...

On a brighter note (for me) it is giving a very nice definition of who is what kind of person. Fascinating what peopl reveal about themselves online isn't it?

And yes, I know most of you will jump on this to castigate me yet again but truly, pause, wipe the dribble from your mouth and go back and look at the posts. I provide reasoned and rational responses and get nothing but abuse and lectures in return - who actually has the problem here? With weeks of personal attacks I respond (mostly) with rational posts while most of you provide proof of troll-hood.

So many effwits, so few bullets.
Yeah it's a mystery when you respond with rational posts like "wipe the dribble from your mouth" and sweeping insults in which you call a bunch of people fuck-wits... (Shifting from passive-aggressive to aggressive, now?) Maybe, rather than blaming the forum for your thread failing and labeling a whole bunch of people fuck-wits who deserve to die, while elevating yourself - yet again - above everyone... Maybe you should just accept the fact that your thread failed and that you are to blame as much as anybody else. It's not a big deal. Nobody is interested in discussing what you wanted to discuss. It happens all the time on forums. You win some, you lose some. People seemed to dig your Canadian thread... The best thing to do, honestly, is let it go.

Stop whinging.
We were just having a bit of fun.
It's not really the most natural subject to occur to your mind so what kind of response were you expecting to get? I don't really expect much response when I post narrow topics like that. If you had called it "Aliens and Religion" it might have had broader appeal (but not that much).

It's not the end of the world. I've tried to write about interesting subjects like Egyptian technology and the elemental kingdom but they got closed because it caused too many arguments. Mostly because one person was too stupid to even be willing to try to understand but there's not much I can do about that.
Sometimes I think there is only certain subjects people respond in this forum. The responses are often imature and full of nonsense.