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There is no real point in life.

It's true, there's no real purpose or reward at the end of the line, we are just a small step for something else, we don't know where we're going but that doesn't mean we are going nowhere. A simple human life can't possibly understand the mysteries of existence, we can only wonder, ask questions...that's already a lot.
Its depressing yet amazing at the same time. There are so many interesting things to do in life and we often feel trapped, the reality is never as good as the illusion but that's just how our mind works, we are not perfect, or at least not perfect enough for our expectations.

It's not easy to be a human being, it's not easy to know that we are all going to be dead soon, that you only have 70-90 years (if you're lucky) to build your entire life and then you'll never see it again. But at the same time we get to know what's like to be alive, even if you think it sucks (and it will sometimes).
We have the opportunity to wonder, to feel, we have a consciousness. Would you really like to miss that?
the reward is now. when you love you feel good, when you dont love, you dont feel good.
its quite simple really, so simple some just dont want to admit their faults or their guilt toward the unwholesome action/thought they make to legitimate their way of life. Some seems to want to exteriorize their own fault and blame the external conditions for there problems.
The only way to happiness is in a perfect state of mind free of hate, greed and filled with love. the ends begins with love and compassion, peace and calm and stillness.
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^i agree with almost everything but we aren't isolated from the outside world, every external condition affect us in some way. It's not always easy to have a perfect state of mind even if we know how to do it, we don't have a complete control of our minds. We can learn how to do it to some extent though
If anyone doesn't agree with this your simple. ..... *Hmmm wonder how people will reply to that, oh yeah why should I care. Theres no point to that*
Very interesting thread. I agree with what has been said. One things brings me out of the nihilist attitude and that's my daughter. When she was born and I held her for first time my whole outlook changed. I'm still an introvert and generally hate everything and everyone but when I get dangerously introverted I think of her. She lives far away from me but all I gotta do is think of her and I'm good. I don't wanna raise her to be like me. I want her to love and enjoy life. I was into Buddhisim pretty heavy about 12 years ago and that taught me a lot about life and shit. That's it. Be safe
Before you start reading this, I want you to know that this is not meant to be depressing in any way. It's not a, "Why should I live when there's no point in life?" thread... It's my own little philosophy I've made that many people don't seem to understand so far.
When I say there is no point in life, I say there is absolute freedom. There is no point or expectation to live up to. The point in life is not to be happy, to please religious figures, to live life in general, etc... This is simply because there is no point in life. To believe there is an actual point in life is to put limitations and restrictions on it. Every being is absolutely free. Free to act chaoticly, free to show random behavior with no real meaning, free to make any choice, free to fulfill any dream, free to do anything...
I also say this because there is no exact reason or point for anything existing. Let's discuss a planet like Jupiter or Pluto. These of course, are not living things. A similarity though, is that they are made of matter, just like living things. Do these planets have a point? No. They're there just because they are. Here comes somewhat of a mind fuck. Does matter really have a point? No. Once again, it's just there. It exists. We are a conscious form of matter with no real point. We're here because we are.
We don't have an expectation or point to live up to. Therefore, we are completely free and can do whatever we want. We live a pointless life in a pointless universe. This is not sad or depressing though. It is not negative, nor is it positive. It is neutral. I will simply state again. There is no point. And without a point, there are no restrictions or limitations on life or within the wonderful universe we live in.

The whole point of life is the journey itself, it is an escape from the horrendous loneliness that we (god) endures at his highest vantage of existence. In other words , we are all made up of the same being, we are all the same entity experiencing itself as a plurality. So love , and being ONE is the point... pretty much all the stuff the beatles spoke of
Before you start reading this, I want you to know that this is not meant to be depressing in any way. It's not a, "Why should I live when there's no point in life?" thread... It's my own little philosophy I've made that many people don't seem to understand so far.
When I say there is no point in life, I say there is absolute freedom. There is no point or expectation to live up to. The point in life is not to be happy, to please religious figures, to live life in general, etc... This is simply because there is no point in life. To believe there is an actual point in life is to put limitations and restrictions on it. Every being is absolutely free. Free to act chaoticly, free to show random behavior with no real meaning, free to make any choice, free to fulfill any dream, free to do anything...
I also say this because there is no exact reason or point for anything existing. Let's discuss a planet like Jupiter or Pluto. These of course, are not living things. A similarity though, is that they are made of matter, just like living things. Do these planets have a point? No. They're there just because they are. Here comes somewhat of a mind fuck. Does matter really have a point? No. Once again, it's just there. It exists. We are a conscious form of matter with no real point. We're here because we are.
We don't have an expectation or point to live up to. Therefore, we are completely free and can do whatever we want. We live a pointless life in a pointless universe. This is not sad or depressing though. It is not negative, nor is it positive. It is neutral. I will simply state again. There is no point. And without a point, there are no restrictions or limitations on life or within the wonderful universe we live in.

I have to say I find this viewpoint quite limited. AND you can't prove that God etc doesn't exist. Open up a little!!
I agree with that. Today im questioning the title of this post. Ive had a really bad day and external bs got me flustered and depressed. Nt just sad. I uave a very serious mental illness so when i get depressed i wanna die. Ive always practiced Buddhisim but when my mom died in Nov i changed my veiw. I believe i will see her in heaven one day and that brings me comfort. So ive returned to the catholic church. I disagree totally with most of their political veiws but i go to worship God. So i guess for me there is a point to life for me. Be the kindness person i can be and be the best father i can be. But my introvert ways and dislike of people and depression make that hard. I think murphythecat really had a good post and most posts are really good. Love and compassion are the key. Like i said, really hard for me now. Sometimes i think life is one fucking joke. Ever since i was 8 my life has been shit. Yes ive never starved or been on the streets but personal problems have plauged me non stop. Yes, im bitter toward life but my mom instilled the love and compassion in me so even though id like to hurt most strangers i come across im always polite to them. So, as yall can tell im a mess mentally and dont mean to contradict myself. Love is good and even if you just love one person thats better thatg. Thats all i got. Love is important but hard for introverts. If you think theres s point to life thats great and if you dont, so be it. Everyone is different. Maybe the piint is to all get along. Easier said than done. Great thread for me today even though im scatterbrained. Thanks for reading and great thread. Peace
There is no point of life, apart from reproduction and the proliferation of an organism's progeny. This is why everybody declines and slowly rots away after their reproductive prime wanes away. You're no longer needed after a.) you have raised children, or b.) have missed your reproductive plateau. ��
If evolution was a judge, it'll rule otherwise to the wise others.
You guys are thinking too... universal. What matters in actuality, is what we make of our subjective experience. The goal in life might vary for each person, but the overall pont is to develop as a species. and for what? To please some god? Hell no. What I'm getting at is we should accept and make the best of the situation we are in. On this rock, in this big fucking bucket of time, I agree with many others in that, we will probably never know what was the reason for creation, what is responsible for "existence", but ask yourself if it even matters. Ask yourself it will fill a hole in your life. It shouldn't, because if frustration with existence is what gets you down, you cleary have been staring at your bellybutton too long (reference to MDAO). Read the thread 'Existiential Frustration' for further elaboration.
Saying there is no point in life is like saying there is no point in poker. The point is to make the best of the hand you're dealt (my apologies if this sounds cliché). You just might make it home with your pants on ;D
I think there is a point to life. Its to stay alive. Violence, car wrecks, suicide, and anything else that could take you we avoid these things. Like our brave troops overseas. They stay alive if they can and keep their brothers alive. So many shitty things in this world that could take us and we resist. The core point to life, stay alive!
^Yes, but stay alive for what reason? Its tautological and doesn't necessarily mean a lot.
You need to research logical fallacies further because you consistently misapply them without justifying your claims. Its a logical tautology, not a rhetorical one. If it were a rhetorical tautology, then it would not be so easy for everyone to agree with. There is a deeper underlying message that evades you. On every level the purpose of life is to survive. Even the purpose of death functions in survival at higher levels. Without death overpopulation would ensue, gene pools would be stagnant. Even reproduction functions in survival at the species level. On a global scale, all of this biodiversity helps to ensure the survival of life. Its the purpose of suffering as well. We suffer so we can learn ways to overcome the conditions causing us to suffer. This is the formation of intelligence. You can't adapt to your surrondings if you can't detect the harm. A reptile will burn himself to death on a heat lamp because his skin doesn't have pain receptors. The pain of losing loved ones to cancer inspires us to investigate and research it so we can survive it.

Why is the world so full of brutality? strengthening our gene pool through natural selection. What would be the purpose of a species intelligent enough to develop technology capable of destroying planets? Survivability, that same species can help protect life from mass extinction due to global catastrophe. Life is so fragile, even if we bring this planet to the brink of extinction, if we can learn from our mistakes, rebuild a stronger planet, spread life everywhere we can, and/or create a more advance kind of biorobotic life that can readily adapt itself, rebuilding its components to suit its environment, then it would all be worth it so life and intelligence can continue to progress. So, maybe that word is more meaningful to you willow. The point of life is simply to progress as a lifeform and, in doing so collectively, life progresses. The meaning in the message can be found, don't let a deep philosophical truth evade you.
I believe, too, that there is no absolute point or purpose for us in this life. There is no divine plan. We exist and there is no reason for it. But that's not to say you cannot find your own personal purpose in this life. Just being alive blows my mind, so while we're here, why not find something to stay here for? Why not make this world a better place than it was when you arrived? Why not express yourself? Why not find solace in written words? Why not converse with others? Why not make an attempt to help those in need? Why not create music, or films, or paintings, or take photographs or pursue any artistic endeavor?

No, there is no single reason for all of us to stay here. There is no objective purpose for all of us. But we are capable of free thought, and can easily make our lives worth living.
Well, i think its all a moot point. We either stay here or leave. Children are abused and bad fuckers live great lives. It really makes no sense but it doesnt have too. To stay alive gives us a chance to have an impact on anothers life just by sharing your experience. So many things can take your life in an instant. Most of the great teachers througout time taught how to live and survive and do good. Do i work at soup kitchens or with the elderly but i am getting involved in the wounded warriors. Im not healthy and getting to these things is a challenge. Doesnt matter. Ive gotten to the extreme point where there is no point to this shitty life ive tried to leave this world and after surviving that changed me. I think theres no debate that life is pointless and us being here was a freak mistake of amino acids melding together but if you look at people who have done so much with this life like mother Theresa and such. Dali Lama, it offsets the people who have abused like, Hitler. I agree with most of the posts here. Its very interesting thread. I dont know why were here but i know we should do either good or nothing. Just not bad. People are born bad and end up being killers. There IS no sense to it. I guess that would be my reponse to my last post of staying alive is to do good and help less fortunate. Sounds corny but i belive it to be true. Keep the posts coming cause awesome thread!!
yeah i get that some people are cynical and depressed and think of life as a cosmic accident, but what a lame way to look at such a magnificent Being. A plan is a human concept, but so is an accident. The inherent properties of nature allowed the potential for life to manifest itself. Whether it came to be thru chemical evolution of molecules or any other random process, doesn't make it accidental, nor purposeful. Its just the way of Nature. Do we think of gravity as an accident? Is the formation of stars an accident? An incident, yes, but no accident. A potentiality being actualized.