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  • Film & TV Moderators: ghostfreak

The most disturbing film you have seen?

This is probably pretty cliche, but Requiem for a Dream was pretty disturbing to me. The whole soundtrack just gives it the vibe. And every real opiate user knows the true mistake in that movie, but otherwise it's pretty acurate.

Damn right, it's all about the script and the way that film was directed. What was their budget to record that? $20k? Best film.

I'm watching A Serbian Film right now and I can't get past the first scene without laughing.

Well, that was shit.
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Just peeped Bad Boy Bubby. Very decent watch, though the ending was a major let down.
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The budget was 4.5 million.

Oh fuck really? I'm a bit off there then.

Either way still a really good film.
tbh I found One Flew Over The Cuckoo's nest more disturbing than A Serbian Film. I seem to find unintentionally dramatic or sad films more disturbing than ones that are intended to make you feel that way, if that makes sense.
I'm not sure if anyone's said this one already, but a few years ago I saw an indie film called "Megan Is Missing". I'm a horror film fanatic and most things don't phase me at all, but this one practically scarred me, no joke. It's actually a very poorly done, low budget movie, and I don't know why I ended up watching all of it. HOWEVER, the last 20 minutes are just absolutely disturbing. It's basically uncut footage of a teenage girl getting brutally tortured in every way possible and they made it VERY realistic. When people bring up "fucked up/disturbing movies" it always comes to mind! I definitely wouldn't suggest watching it unless you're trying to make yourself sick. lol.
Hands down it was this French film called Martyrs. fucked.up. And awesome. Gory as hell.
finally got round to watching 'cannibal holocaust'. maybe i'm desensitised but it just wasn't that shocking...

finally got round to watching 'cannibal holocaust'. maybe i'm desensitised but it just wasn't that shocking...


The director/producers/whoever had to bring the actors in to prove they were still alive as it was thought to be a snuff film
I think they got in trouble for actually killing the turtle

120 Days of Sodom! It's mostly scenes of terrible sexual degradation with teenagers!
Dopesick Love.
A documentary about 2 couples. All it is , is them ripping people off, copping, then shooting up and smoking crack in hallways for 2 hours.
Watched A Serbian Film on youtube the other day. It was as disturbing as others have said. Felt like it fucked my soul up, you know? Seriously, the scenes have stuck with me..

Irreversable, Aftermath, Antichrist, Martyrs, The War Zone (Tim Roth directed), The Kill List, Henry: Portrait of Serial Killer
Faces of death. This was a big right of passage for male teenagers when I was growing up. I imagine it's no longer that interesting as there is crazier stuff on the internet.
Lilia, a Swedish movie about a girl who is sold in Northern Europe. It's so close to reality, shocking in a bad way and super depressing.
I don't remember if it was in English though..
^ i recall that one. a scene when she is offered the world and refuses always stuck with me. the director also did "a hole in my heart" which was pretty twisted.

the australian film, snowtown was disturbing/depressing as fuck. couldn't sleep right for a few days after seeing that.
^ yeah "a hole in my heart" was definitly disturbing. i didn't really like it though and probably won't watch it again.

here is a list of movies i found to be disturbing and (in varying degrees) rewarding. (i guess most of it was already mentioned, i didn't read through the whole thread)
-every movie by gaspar noe i've seen (in terms of disturbing: irreversibel > i stand alone > enter the void; in terms of rewarding in the opposite order)
-shallow grave (i thought it was a disturbingly black comedy... others didn't agree on the comedy part)
-man bites dog (what can i say, it's a classic)
-gozu (this one is really, really, really weird)

eraserhead has been on my to-watch-list for years, but i'm still hesitant. what i heard/read about it sounds really creepy.
Eraserhead is bizarre and creepy but you definitely watch it. It's not disturbing like gasper noe, it's more artsy than violent.