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  • Film & TV Moderators: ghostfreak

The most disturbing film you have seen?

^Real documentary stuff. I don't watch anything like that but if I recall correctly there's a doc called "Savage Africa" that shows really twisted cultural practices and war crimes. Just reading about that stuff make me sick and depressed but if that's your thing have at it.
95Land said:
Do you have a "favorite" type of scene? Wide ranging? Or just whatever you come across?
I don't like watching the most disturbing things. It's like I said, I watch legitimately realistic disturbing things to face and hopefully overcome and better understand certain cruel realities so that I can recognize their rudimentary expression in others and in myself and act to mitigate them. It's a moral obligation. Insofar as I enjoy the disturbing it's in scenes of the kind that, for instance, David Lynch creates, where it's as though I'm being reminded of a profound forgotten universal nightmare -- the kind of disturbing that expands the mind in a way that awes rather than hurts.
I see. I just didn't know if you drifted towards a certain "genre."
I do understand your overall stance/mission. I was just prodding further.
A Serbian Film is ridiculous, watch that, but make it interesting and watch it with your mother or grandmother present.

You could go down the real life 'snuff' route, '2 men and one hammer' and all the real-life footage of people getting the fingers and heads cut off, eyeballs stabbed out etc. in Syria and eastern Europe - real psycho's - they are the only things that make me feel sick...
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^^Wasn't really disturbing, just kind of confusing?

Also I just watched Gummo and didn't find that disturbing either...just weird?
The scene where a man recounts his dream in Winkies Diner in Muholland Drive is the kind of disturbing I was talking about when I mentioned David Lynch in my last post. That's the kind of disturbing I can fully enjoy. Anybody can disturb an audience by, I dunno, explicitly showing a crazed maniac dancing around in a clown outfit wearing a pope hat while feeding a man a slurry of his family members' genitals using a blender, funnel, and hose, but to me that kind of blatantly contrived exploitative "shock disturbing" is in ridiculously bad taste. It doesn't accomplish anything except to, at best, give an opportunity for boys or man-boys looking to be perceived as "hard" to lord over their misguided kowtowing friends by insisting stomaching such crap is a badge of manhood, or, at worst, provide torture porn for practicing sadists (though at the same time I think some legit stuff is sometimes mistaken for this, too).

Conversely, producing the kind of sublimely disturbing scenes somebody like Lynch can requires being able to discern subtle shades in the dark reaches of the psyche and the craftsmanship to articulate what's envisioned there on screen. Granted, some people don't find Lynch effective, or scoff he's a mere conjurer of spooky noises, but that's because their aesthetic sense is as shallow as a lunch tray and as far as I'm concerned they can go sit on a stick, so there. :p
Bad Boy Bubby is well up there.

^I love Bad Boy Bubby. I remember listening to the commentary and if I recall correctly the director said something like they re-built the set of the room he lived his whole life in with the walls one foot shorter in for Bubby's return visit after seeing the outside world, just to subtly communicate that his awareness of the world had been expanded by his escape. It's awesome when a director works in ways that can provide meaningful intuitive impressions like that to a viewer even if they're unlikely to be perceived explicitly. Another creepy piece starring Nicholas Hope is the short film, Confessor Caresser. It's got lurid and perverse dialog but it all serves to reveal a believable character. I think it's included on at least some editions of the Bad Boy Bubby DVD.
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I gotta say The Serbian Film is the most disturbing one up to date lol
'The Shining' was scary to me the first time I saw it...

Also, 'Jaws' was scary as shit to me when I was a kid, but, yeah, I was a really small kid, 7-8 or something.
The Movie "H" was disturbing for me.


Watched "Nebraska" the other day and it did a number on me because my dad is 85 and I am seeing his mental decline. Also, makes me think that that is what I have to look forward to. Very unsetting.
Cannibal Holocaust was pretty gnar. I think 7 animals actually got killed on camera & following its release the director was arrested on suspicion of murdering some of the actors.
Nothing seems to breach the threshold of "disturbing" to me.... Maybe I'm just fucked in the head... 8(
This is probably pretty cliche, but Requiem for a Dream was pretty disturbing to me. The whole soundtrack just gives it the vibe. And every real opiate user knows the true mistake in that movie, but otherwise it's pretty acurate.