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⭐️ Social ⭐️ Which drugs have you been doing lately?

I was waaaaaaaay worse at 20. I'd drink for Thirsty Thursday, drink Friday, oftentimes drink again Saturday. I'd often be able to drink a whole bottle of vodka or take 15+ shots, then I'd be bumming everyones ciggs and being obnoxious. At the same time, I didn't feel addicted either. I only drank when I hung out with my friends which was most nights, but it was mostly about smoking weed. I'd just overdo the drinking on the weekends.

One night out in the woods by some train tracks I got so drunk I eventually lost my way finding my way back, woke up in a cop car being dropped off at home. I still have a horrible scar on my knee from falling. The last thing I remember was running trying to catch up with my friends, and the assholes didn't even go back for me... That's when things really changed and I was like ok, I've got a problem. Being aware of it is a good thing, you're on a better path than I was.

I didn't even stop chilling with them either. We were all so young and stupid, "macho," they figured I'd catch up. Hey dumbasses, at least look behind you? But no, they left me stranded there, passed out, on train tracks. I could've easily died. My memories from this point were like fragments, eventually I found this old looking shack and knocked on the door, it was abandoned, I had no idea how long I'd been walking. Then some cop car came by, I just straight up was honest, I'm 20, drunk and lost, my friends left me behind. Bring me home please. I knew I'd take some heat from my parents whom I still lived with (I basically lived with my friends, but I was at home most weekdays).

My biggest wakeup call, though, was a week before I turned 23. I got hit by a car while drunk. I seem to have blacked out right before hitting the crosswalk, great timing, right? Next thing I knew, I'm all bloodied up, bruised up, eye swollen shut. I'd recently started prozac so my alcohol tolerance was lowered significantly. I drank an amount that would only get me buzzed normally, 2 tallboys and a few coor's light. Fuck. What a nightmare. I was so lucky I didn't break all my teeth, shatter my nose, or get a hole in my head slightly higher (the softest spot on your head, you can easily die if that spot takes enough impact).

I didn't exactly "quit" drinking after this, but the flame was dying out. By the time I found kratom in the summer of 2017, I said fuck alcohol. I still take kratom, but not exactly as a replacement. I would occasionally drink until early 2020 when I just quit. I got sick of it. I got sick of the drunk foggy hazyness. Marijuana is my favorite drug and that's that. As long as I can smoke weed, I'm good.
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Just my 40-60 mg oxy er while it lasts . Determine not to go back on Kratom , it was really messing with my moods, made me kind of in fog and angry outbursts .. Kratom is like being on a rollercoaster and almost making it to the top and down the hill , stopping right before the fun part .. it helps with withdrawal but it just is never enough .
Just my 40-60 mg oxy er while it lasts . Determine not to go back on Kratom , it was really messing with my moods, made me kind of in fog and angry outbursts .. Kratom is like being on a rollercoaster and almost making it to the top and down the hill , stopping right before the fun part .. it helps with withdrawal but it just is never enough .
That's kinda odd. "Opi-rage" is not a common thing with kratom unlike real opiates. Hopefully you can get clean, I had only positive experiences with kratom unless the dose was too high, then I could get "dysphoric." You need to find what dose is just right for you. It's just kind of silly to see someone using oxys instead of kratom while trying to get clean. If it's not enough then either your stuff isn't good (happens more often than you'd think) or you need to take more.
That's kinda odd. "Opi-rage" is not a common thing with kratom unlike real opiates. Hopefully you can get clean, I had only positive experiences with kratom unless the dose was too high, then I could get "dysphoric." You need to find what dose is just right for you. It's just kind of silly to see someone using oxys instead of kratom while trying to get clean. If it's not enough then either your stuff isn't good (happens more often than you'd think) or you need to take more.
I think the anger came from not being able to feel the wonderful feeling I get from oxy with Kratom , like I said it was almost there but not quite.. and I think anyone would choose oxy over Kratom .. I’m not ready to be clean yet . Oxy works wonders for my depression . My problem is never having enough pills or money so I resort to Kratom to get by ..
I see. That makes more sense. Sometimes I would get upset when my euphoria from kratom would fade away simply because I ate something (other times eating would potentiate it, kratom can be very fickle like that).

What kratom doses do you take, and have you looked into potentiators? Black seed oil is a noteable one, this potentiates opioids in general, but I'd be careful with the oxy. It made a small dose of kratom so strong for me I was fucked up the entire day, I haven't repeated it since. It also tasted like the bottom of a frylalator but in fairness I didn't chase it with anything or mix with honey like some suggest.

Using oxy for depression is just bad, though. I mean we all live once, we can do whatever the fuck we want. I assume you've tried a ton of different anti-depressants, I know I have and they didn't really help. I'm one of those "treatment resistent" cases but I think it's more to do with my life sucking ass and having bad PTSD. Marijuana helps me the most, but I haven't been able to smoke for awhile due to issues with my sinuses that will require surgery in June.
I was waaaaaaaay worse at 20. I'd drink for Thirsty Thursday, drink Friday, oftentimes drink again Saturday. I'd often be able to drink a whole bottle of vodka or take 15+ shots, then I'd be bumming everyones ciggs and being obnoxious. At the same time, I didn't feel addicted either. I only drank when I hung out with my friends which was most nights, but it was mostly about smoking weed. I'd just overdo the drinking on the weekends.

One night out in the woods by some train tracks I got so drunk I eventually lost my way finding my way back, woke up in a cop car being dropped off at home. I still have a horrible scar on my knee from falling. The last thing I remember was running trying to catch up with my friends, and the assholes didn't even go back for me... That's when things really changed and I was like ok, I've got a problem. Being aware of it is a good thing, you're on a better path than I was.

I didn't even stop chilling with them either. We were all so young and stupid, "macho," they figured I'd catch up. Hey dumbasses, at least look behind you? But no, they left me stranded there, passed out, on train tracks. I could've easily died. My memories from this point were like fragments, eventually I found this old looking shack and knocked on the door, it was abandoned, I had no idea how long I'd been walking. Then some cop car came by, I just straight up was honest, I'm 20, drunk and lost, my friends left me behind. Bring me home please. I knew I'd take some heat from my parents whom I still lived with (I basically lived with my friends, but I was at home most weekdays).

My biggest wakeup call, though, was a week before I turned 23. I got hit by a car while drunk. I seem to have blacked out right before hitting the crosswalk, great timing, right? Next thing I knew, I'm all bloodied up, bruised up, eye swollen shut. I'd recently started prozac so my alcohol tolerance was lowered significantly. I drank an amount that would only get me buzzed normally, 2 tallboys and a few coor's light. Fuck. What a nightmare. I was so lucky I didn't break all my teeth, shatter my nose, or get a hole in my head slightly higher (the softest spot on your head, you can easily die if that spot takes enough impact).

I didn't exactly "quit" drinking after this, but the flame was dying out. By the time I found kratom in the summer of 2017, I said fuck alcohol. I still take kratom, but not exactly as a replacement. I would occasionally drink until early 2020 when I just quit. I got sick of it. I got sick of the drunk foggy hazyness. Marijuana is my favorite drug and that's that. As long as I can smoke weed, I'm good.
yeah i used to smoke weed daily in high school

i always prioritized school and athletics first though. i had a 4.0 gpa and was a team captain so it's not like i was complete bum

i just would smoke a lot of weed at night after everything was done for the day

i'm not able to do that anymore with university + my job + personal exercise. i try to restrict to weekends

sucks your friends left you for the cops :/ i was always grateful to have good buddies who all looked out for each other.
Cannabis (love)
Alcohol (romance)
DMXE (promising relief, bliss yet no reinforcement, probably due to my adamant albeit selective precautions)
Nitrous (How harmful is it? How much can i have without worry? I never know)
MDMA (2 times in 4 months, feels excessive, feel like waiting for a year)

Coffee (work juice)
Tobacco (spliff habit reinforcer)
HHC (neat but no d9)

Right now really sober and wondering about my split personality: I am one guy who wants to smoke weed everyday, and one guy who wants to not touch it. I wanna become a guy who does it 2 times a week, but i'm not seeing that in myself.

I'm no American though......
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Loads of morphine and pregabalin along with clonazepam. Been having alot of lucid, very vivid dreams lately.
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Cannabis (love)
Alcohol (romance)
DMXE (promising relief, bliss yet no reinforcement, probably due to my adamant albeit selective precautions)
Nitrous (How harmful is it? How much can i have without worry? I never know)
MDMA (2 times in 4 months, feels excessive, feel like waiting for a year)

Coffee (work juice)
Tobacco (spliff habit reinforcer)
HHC (neat but no d9)

Right now really sober and wondering about my split personality: I am one guy who wants to smoke weed everyday, and one guy who wants to not touch it. I wanna become a guy who does it 2 times a week, but i'm not seeing that in myself.

I'm no American though......
Nitrous is relatively safe.Be sure you well suplemented with vit.B12.Made breaks from regular use and don't overabuse it and you will be fine
Cannabis (love)
Alcohol (romance)
DMXE (promising relief, bliss yet no reinforcement, probably due to my adamant albeit selective precautions)
Nitrous (How harmful is it? How much can i have without worry? I never know)
MDMA (2 times in 4 months, feels excessive, feel like waiting for a year)

Coffee (work juice)
Tobacco (spliff habit reinforcer)
HHC (neat but no d9)

Right now really sober and wondering about my split personality: I am one guy who wants to smoke weed everyday, and one guy who wants to not touch it. I wanna become a guy who does it 2 times a week, but i'm not seeing that in myself.

I'm no American though......
It's allright man.Just stay away from opies,uppers and benzos,if you can.Be well
Nitrous is relatively safe.Be sure you well suplemented with vit.B12.Made breaks from regular use and don't overabuse it and you will be fine

I know but when you're totalling thousands of whippits and you know the myelin sheath damage is irreversible, you start craving some kind of hard data on what constitutes overabuse.

I take megadose methylcobolamin orally every day or as often as i can remember.

It's allright man.Just stay away from opies,uppers and benzos,if you can.Be well

Benzo's and stims are not my thing. I dabble very occasionally but no risk there.

Opioids i have avoided altogether because they seem too good. I imagine they would fix my brokenness and become an enormous crutch, maybe even disturb my inner battle and make me hollow. I think many people feel like this.

Thank you for your concern
@JTemperance how are you getting away with regularly IM shots of tar heroin? Micron wheel filters? What colour is the resulting liquid? You ever get abscesses? Sorry, just curious in the name of HR
I had a terrible abscess on my leg years back and they had to cut it open and let it drain..this was. Result of IM shot of heroin. I even filtered it with cotton but I guess that happens when the dope is dirty ?
I had a terrible abscess on my leg years back and they had to cut it open and let it drain..this was. Result of IM shot of heroin. I even filtered it with cotton but I guess that happens when the dope is dirty ?
Yes, it's really the black tar itself that causes most of the problems. Filtering with cotton isn't enough to get it safe for IM, at least not on a regular basis.

But wheel filters like the ones in the pictures are cheap and easy to buy online, plus they can be reused a bunch of times so the cost is really pennies per shot.
hey hey heeeeeey,, have not posted but this month got me on that Disco SHIT, like best coke ive ever HAD IN MY LIFE, finally i have a stash again.... with my fent/heroin addiction i had i couldnt have anything but this month has been a transformative month, so

We doin
  1. Peruvian Flake
  2. Kratom *red
  3. ketamin
  4. klonopins
  5. Xannies
  6. best drug of all LIFE without being physically addicted to FENTANYL FINALLY!!!!! <3 F*CK THOSE SNAKE DEALERS SELLING FAKE OXIES< a 15 year old's brother died by his side sleeping cause of a fake m30 he took before goin to sleep, imagine that, waking up to your dead brother...... so just a little message here for yall, IF YOU GON DO DRUGS DO eM RIGHT!
Pods and a little heroin some crack and pregabalin the pods a fucker even if you use them every 4 days you can still develop a little addiction.