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⭐️ Social ⭐️ Which drugs have you been doing lately?

Slowly increase my valium,cause i am goin insane.Slowly increase bupr.,cause i cannot feel anything.Fuck....may be this is my last year.....so it will be
Fentanyl powder has arrived in my neck of the woods . . . and now it's "So long, blue pills" for me! Time to start foiling up the "fetty," San-Fran style, from now on!
This happened a couple of days ago . . . possibly a sort of cautionary tale for others, even though it all worked out fine from a mix of prudence & luck.

To test it out, I cooked up ~65mg, the average weight of the fentadope bags I'd used in NY. This was being conservative, I thought, since the stuff had to be weaker— everyone seemed to agree that West Coast fent was no match for the Northeast's. And even if it was as strong, I knew from Xmas that I'd be safe at that dose.

As I began to press down on the plunger, I thought about how I'd probably need to use 200mg+ in my next shot to make it a satisfying one. Nonetheless, I was happy to reassure my wife of my safety from overdose with such a miniscule first shot.

One strange thing about fent, IME, is that it actually takes longer than heroin to kick in when injected IM. I'd always heard about fentanyl's IV rush, but by the time I first tried it out, I'd already made the switch to IM so I experienced it differently.

With that in mind, I decided just to play it extra safe & not muscle the whole thing at once. Instead, I shot about 40-45% right off the bat, then waited for 5-6 minutes. At that point, the effects were barely noticeable, so I did another 20-25% and prepared to wait for a few more. . .

I never got the chance to shoot the last 25-30% – lucky for me, since I was struck insensate a moment later. I nodded my way to the lower depths of consciousness, sidewalk-surfing with the syringe still dangling from my thigh as I mumbled nonsense phrases out of a waking dream.

This stuff was easily 40-50% stronger than the NYC fentadope, shockingly. It's tough to make comparisons between fent & H, but I'd estimate it at 6-8x stronger than my current BTH, even if the effects are less pleasant & shorter-lived.

Dividing the cost of a gram by 6 or 8 gives a per-unit price that is . . . very low indeed. Enough fent powder to equal 1g tar heroin in "strength" costs roughly the same as the cheapest 6-pack of beer on the shelf of a mini-mart around here – coincidentally also what 1g crystal meth runs me ATM.
To bring this story full circle, my ultimate conclusion was that this stuff is really best limited to smoking. Even if that ROA doubles the effective price vs. injected heroin, it's still only a fraction of the cost. And the "rush" is actually better when it's chased on foil rather than IMed, anyways.
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Im finally making the plunge to detox. Still doing ambulatory detox before this outpatient program so alot of cannabis, subs )16mg daily), and like 3mg diclazepam a day
Great to hear! It's a long road, but deciding to quit is the first step. Next will be the crucial process of replacing the addiction with something else to take up that time like a hobby, new job, spending time with friends, family, and/or a SO, etcetera.
I suggest checking out our Health & Recovery forum.
Just weed, various cannabinoids and the occasional cocktail or beer.
My Drugs of choice are dissociatives but I have a baby on the way and can’t be binging on PCP for months on end with a child around.
Update: Did 2C-B on Monday and DMXE today. Staying sober outside of occasional psychedelic and DMXE use.
Feels kind of good to be pretty clean doesn't it ?

Good on you for making the gargantuan effort to abstain.
How was the dmxe trip?
Bit of a blur, mostly just sat in my room watching my music visualizer and listening to music and thinking about some stuff and petting my dog. But it was pretty good, honestly a bit underwhelming for 35mg but I think I just handle dissos somewhat well.
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Nothin' but a little edible and a whole lotta coffee while I wait a few days for the next little stash of Norcos to arrive.
Valium and gabapentin, for legit reasons, but also because my life sucks really bad right now. Sometimes half a ritalin or something if I stayed up too late before work, which I often do because the sims is too much to resist. I also use kratom in the morning, then kinda nod off back into a half nap afterward. Not the best addiction... I take a small afternoon dose and small bedtime dose, so 5.9-6.9g a day, most of it in the morning. I should really consider a T-break to try and get some of the old effects back and not just becoming tired after my doses. But man, that half nod is lovely.

I'm addicted to the valium but I'm re-assured knowing that my doctor can just say hey, no more, at some point. The gabapentin doesn't really do shit lately but take the edge off, I need a T-break because it's high is so beautifully awesome. I haven't smoked weed in months and by 4/20, I think I'm going to. I've had sinus problems that have lead to me needing surgery in June, so I forced myself to stay away because it was giving me headaches, whether I vaped or smoked, or even edibles. Something about how THC changes the pressure in your eyes like, added pressure on my sinuses.

Or it was just drying them out, I don't really know. I'm not going to not get high on 4/20 though, it's my 10th year anniversary of my first 4/20, even though I started smoking weed a few days before it in 2011. I think I'll be fine, my headaches are uncommon now, not usually bad, and I've gotten away with vape puffs before. They're just not the same. I know when I take even a pebble sized hit, I'm gonna leave the planet, straight up. I have some insanely strong platinum OG that I've had stored away in my dresser for months. Occasionally I would whif it just to remind myself, in time, I can combust you again... But I do think I was starting to smoke a bit too much, and that from here on out, I'll be more moderate with it, not smoke gigantic bong rips covered in kief in 1 hit, not even getting that high. It really becomes wasteful fast. Then again, I'm already reaching that point with the valium. 7.5mg FUCKED me up 2 weeks ago, now I need at least 5 more mg to get there. Currently have 10mg crushed powder sitting under my tongue, it's all goopy. I guess I'll just leave it there for a little bit longer before I swish it around my mouth.

Valium became my replacement for THC, can you believe that? I sure can't. The time will come when I'm off the gabapentin as well, but I do have some pretty bad mental health issues: anxiety, C-PTSD, OCD, ADHD. I prefer to stay off stimulants, but I started wellbutrin recently and find it kinda helping me so far. Was actually going to try a low dose of DXM with it because they potentiate the shit out of each other lol. That's used in trials for an anti-depressant at the moment called AXS-05. I've got mucinex with 30mg DXM and do have bad mucus, so like... maybe I'll fuck with it.

Otherwise I'm gonna be fucking with some DMT soon, my friend has made massive amounts of it and made some vape carts, I'm gonna grab it off him next weekend I think. We did our first trips last year, I was the first one to take higher doses. But after I took 50mg I was so scared of the shit that even watching someone else doing it freaked me out. But I want more. I want that fear. I need that fear. I can't even believe I took that dose considering I was terrified to all day, well aware that it would likely not be comfortable. And yet, the result was astounding. I had no OCD or depression like symptoms, at all, none, for a whole week. Microdosed amounts from a vape pen I noted the next mornings I felt a lot better too, so there is potential here I think.

When the FUCK are they going to aprove psilocybin for depression/anxiety/ocd and shit though? SERIOUSLY. This has helped me more than anything else I've ever done. I know they're on the way but hurry tf up... I'm sick of taking all this other crap that doesn't do shit. Valium really helps me, but I don't want to be dependent on a benzo. I never did. I could've been on it 6 years ago and I said no, fuck that. And eventually, there I was, in such an awful state that it was either valium or kms.
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Well I just finally was able to hit myself with a shot of clear. First one in over a week honestly. Normally I can't even hit myself at all or have to get someone else to hit me. Which I have a hard time mentally allow anyone to do it because of past situations. If anyone in the Louisville Kentucky area hmu with advice if possible.
Well I just finally was able to hit myself with a shot of clear. First one in over a week honestly. Normally I can't even hit myself at all or have to get someone else to hit me. Which I have a hard time mentally allow anyone to do it because of past situations. If anyone in the Louisville Kentucky area hmu with advice if possible.
welcome to BL, be safe out there!
Always accompanied by huge doses of MDMA LSD Psilocybin and real skunk. Those 5 there. Together wow.

That was my favourite way of being high.

That was 19 years ago lol. I can't even feel like it was the same lifetime.
Oi, Mr. A. My raver backpack wasn't very different from yours lawl. When I was 19-23(2012-2016) my stash for every rave would be like this:
1g of MDMA( I'd only drop 180-200mg parachute'd and the 800mg rest, I'd make 2 more bombs 1 for my gf at the time and 1 for my best friend. The rest half a gram would be to invite friends or sometimes for random chsrscters that I'd meet at the parties)
Whenever I couldn't cope MDMA I'd just buy 1 pill for myself 1 for my girl st the time and when I needed money sometimes I'd sell some pills on the side but that was very RARE. I've never been much of a dealer xd
At least 5 to 10 joints of weed the first years, then I stopped taking weed altogether and just spend my money on ecstasy
Cigarettes the same, when I started raving cigarettes were mad CHEAP in Peru so I'd buy 2 packs of cig for good raves and for super parties(when it was a Top DJ or a festival) the max I've bought was 80 cigarettes xddd I'd only smoke 30 up to 40 cigs maximum the rest was to share with ppl, especially with the girls( that always worked 😏😏😏)
If I drank alcohol it was outside the venue or a cppl beers at the gas station near my fav techno club lolz.
Omg, good times brawww.
Here is my collection of tickets: those are just like 8% of raves I've been too 😜

I was never a big drinker. But now I find myself craving 1-2 drinks after a long day

I know many people do this with no problems. My parents have for years. But they also have never quite reached the level of degeneracy I have.

I honestly don’t consider myself an addict as I’ve never used ‘uncontrollably’ but I would say I’m addict adjacent if that makes sense

And alcohol is probably the absolute last drug I’d like to develop a problem with. I feel like I’m poisoning myself everytime I partake
When you say craving that's where it's a bit concerning. The strength of those 1-2 drinks matter too. Do you like marijuana?
It's good that you do have a limit, addicts don't know when to stop. It even gets so severe they drink germ-X or mouth wash... yeah, I've seen it.
Then there's those homeless guys who want change for a fifth of whiskey to hold themselves over for half the day, then they need to suck some sick for more. More common in dope addicts I'm sure... but yeah, just be careful.

I was in a similar boat, except I was making 4ish drinks a day, (probably a bit smaller? like a little cup, 3/4th whiskey and the rest root beer or something) often going through a bottle of whiskey in a few days, that was when I was around 22. Weirdly I basically didn't drunk much at all at 21, I mostly smoked a lot of weed and did speedruns. Something I was quite famous for at one point... just a random fun fact, I don't think I'd ever want to reveal who I am in that regard haha. That hobby actually helped drive me away from alcohol quite a bit as it impacted my play.

But, I'm fortunate enough to have developed an allergy to alcohol and now can't enjoy it whatsoever lol. It was problematic for me, never that serious, but problematic. I nearly failed some classes in college because I'd decide it was WAY more important to grab some 40s with my friends the day before an exam rather than study. I just can't believe that looking back. I'd get FOMO over one night? But that's what happens when your friends days off were Monday and Tuesday and they wanted to chill.
When you say craving that's where it's a bit concerning. The strength of those 1-2 drinks matter too. Do you like marijuana?
It's good that you do have a limit, addicts don't know when to stop. It even gets so severe they drink germ-X or mouth wash... yeah, I've seen it.
Then there's those homeless guys who want change for a fifth of whiskey to hold themselves over for half the day, then they need to suck some sick for more. More common in dope addicts I'm sure... but yeah, just be careful.

I was in a similar boat, except I was making 4ish drinks a day, (probably a bit smaller? like a little cup, 3/4th whiskey and the rest root beer or something) often going through a bottle of whiskey in a few days, that was when I was around 22. Weirdly I basically didn't drunk much at all at 21, I mostly smoked a lot of weed and did speedruns. Something I was quite famous for at one point... just a random fun fact, I don't think I'd ever want to reveal who I am in that regard haha. That hobby actually helped drive me away from alcohol quite a bit as it impacted my play.

But, I'm fortunate enough to have developed an allergy to alcohol and now can't enjoy it whatsoever lol. It was problematic for me, never that serious, but problematic. I nearly failed some classes in college because I'd decide it was WAY more important to grab some 40s with my friends the day before an exam rather than study. I just can't believe that looking back. I'd get FOMO over one night? But that's what happens when your friends days off were Monday and Tuesday and they wanted to chill.

it’s beer about 60% of the time. the rest is cocktails though. and i tend to have a heavy pour when I’m making a drink

i’m age 20 right now. i do smoke weed. it used to be 4-5 days a week but now it’s only once every 1-3 weeks. i just don’t feel like doing it most days anymore, it wasn’t a conscious choice to cut back on the weed.

i don’t drink everyday either. it’s probably 3-4 days a week. and like i said, i stop at 1-2.

i don’t know what to make of it tbh