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Bupe Suboxone/Buprenorphine Mega Thread and FAQ v17.0 + v18.0

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8o ........1. This shit tastes amazing...2. I just insuflated little more than a quarter of a 5.7/1.4mg Zubsolv pill so I'd say about 1.5-1.7mg total and wowwwwww I am in absolute awe right now as to how fast this shit kicked in and the light head buzz I have from it....Like I said, this is all coming from somebody who has been on 3mgs (insuflated, or plugged (strips) because the taste makes me gag) of soboxone daily for the past almost year......Let me tell you degenerates out there that are still taking those nassssty suboxone something : STOP. Immmmmmediately. Go to your doctor as soon as your due for refill, and tell him a friend of yours is on ZUBSOLV and its the new better version of suboxone, and you'd like to try it because tastes literally like candy, and suboxone tastes like asshole...no nasty medicine taste at all, it tastes just like a super strong menthol breath mint and its just a superior form of suboxone in everyway it seem so far, as stated in other posts.....Wow is all I can say about this one.....How tf is Reckitt Cocknballs still in business??? This has been on the US market for almost 2 years, why are there no posts about it anywhere, or more people switching to it?!?! smh I've been shown the light! lmao
^zubsolv has definitely not been on the US market for 2 years. I first heard about it during the middle to the end of last summer and I know it couldn't have been around longer than that.

So it's still less than a year. I hope to try it soon.
I hope they bring it to the Australian market, the taste of strips and how long I have to hold them in my mouth to get the full effect is such a shitty thing to deal with twice a day. Although still better than the pills.
I couldve swore I read somwhere I think wiki that it was approved by the FDA in late 2012, but ya, I've never heard of it until my buddy got switched up outta nowhere and I was like NOOOOOO,,,,wait, huh? oh shit, ya lemme get those instead o_O lmao
Maybe they were approved in '12, but they definitely weren't ready for consumers till mid-late '13.

Either way, I think it would be cool to get my hands on some. I'm sure I could ask my doc for a switch, but I like my appointments to be quick and no hassle. I'm sure the place I go to feels the same way.
^zubsolv has definitely not been on the US market for 2 years. I first heard about it during the middle to the end of last summer and I know it couldn't have been around longer than that.

So it's still less than a year. I hope to try it soon.

Effect - long time no see, I hope you're doing good. I've not heard of subsolv for more than two year either - but can't say for definite.

Keep well, everyone

Yea man shitty life and I agree I always say I would prefer a sub over a vicodin any day.

I also smoke hash it really helps my pain and my doctor let's me smoke with the bupe so no worry's like that.

I have only heard bad things about zubslove from people I would rather continue getting Suboxone tablets its not bad at all I dose 3-4 times a day but its 5 minutes not even and the pill is dissolved so I have no problems its just when people take massive doses like 12mg and up where its annoying hell even 8 or 10mgs can take a long time.
I also love the taste of Suboxone tablets its not bad at all I always hear people say its gross or they cannot fathom the taste of putting one in their mouth but I don't mind at all. Its citrus fruit pretty much what's so bad about that? the ones I get are the name brand Suboxone white 2mg stop sign shaped tablets I've never got the strips.
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ya, I agree, the 8mg cross tabs are good, the only ones I can stand the taste of, BUT after having these, and its been about 12 hours since my 1.7mg dose intranasally and I can give you an even better recommendation....this shit is literally the holy grail of fucking bupe/nalox forms.....you ever watched wolf of walstreet, and their all about the "ludessss man, get the luddddes"??? well if you have, these are the lemons of the quaaludes lmao
I've heard about Zubsolv - haven't seen it - but the standard 5.7 mg dose (pill?) is equivalent to an 8 mg suboxone, so you can split it up the exact same way :)

I go to a private suboxone doctor, but I'm pretty sure he used to be (perhaps still is) a pill mill. (No, I'm not in FL, lol.) The office is strict as hell about dropping dirty urine and missing appointments and such. Of course they're cash only. If you don't know my story, I supposedly have "two dirty urines". According to them, I came up dirty for heroin seven days after I started treatment... I hadn't used at all in those seven days, but they refused to believe that as a multiple bundle a day user who snorted, that I could piss dirty after seven days (totally and absolutely possible). Also, how could I be dirty for heroin specifically when 6-MAM isn't detectable after ~24 hours? Two months later I dropped dirty for weed and "excessive alcohol" (not in my contract), AND it was only then that I heard about the first dirty urine !!!! They tried to kick me out but I fought it because the whole thing was BS and they took me back but it's my last chance. There are no open doctors in my town, I drive two hours one way to see this one.

Sorry for the wall of text, the whole situation pisses me off so much. I used weed for everything I would medicate for... pain, anxiety, nausea, cravings... Sometimes I debate just quitting bupe altogether so I can smoke. I have enough to taper, but right now I'm just trying to stockpile. When I have enough to wait out a waitlist I might stop seeing him and just use my stockpile til I get in somewhere else. Only thing is, it's even more expensive here because everywhere requires I go to three groups a week and I get charged for those on top of visits. There was a new doctor here that doesn't but I figured it out and in the first month I'd have to spend $720!!! And probably about $400 every month after. At this point my tolly is so low from tapering and abstaining from full agonists 97% of the time that I could probably use for cheaper. It's so fucked how doctors charge us poor junkies out the ass and it prevents those who need treatment from getting it. It's also cheaper to buy bupe on the street here. But that's a harder road for most people because you still are maintaining connects... I mean obviously if you want bupe you are at the end of your road. Generally speaking, that means you have no money and are sick of/no longer able to commit the necessary evils to get more cash in one huge sum.

Wow... venting... I just feel like in some ways the US is so far behind. ORT should be cheap, or ideally, free. And also, we need to look into the fact that for some people, opiates really do provide something that is missing from some peoples' brains.

Also, weed should be decriminalized... Ok, I'll stop typing, I'm sure you've read enough...

* edit * - I see you have already tried the Zubsolv, for some reason my phone didn't load all the posts at first. I kind of want to ask my doctor about it now...
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I also love the taste of Suboxone tablets its not bad at all I always hear people say its gross or they cannot fathom the taste of putting one in their mouth but I don't mind at all. Its citrus fruit pretty much what's so bad about that? the ones I get are the name brand Suboxone white 2mg stop sign shaped tablets I've never got the strips.

The tablets weren't as bad as the strips for me, although I still didn't like them. The strips are foul, just awful. Especially since they're so big - they could easily be half or a quarter the size they are, and there would be no problem. Not to mention the stupid packaging, they could at least put the strips parallel to the packaging so when they don't tear open properly (which is often), they don't rip the strip apart.

I sometimes think about going on methadone instead just so I don't have to put up with having strips in my mouth for up to an hour a day.

Interesting presentation from the company on Zubsolv: http://www.orexo.com/Documents/Presentationer/2013/Orexo_Presentation_2013-09-18--20_NS.pdf
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I know what you mean. I've become a very weird person after a few years of drug use (mostly opioids and benzodiazepines). People can't understand that I've got no hidden bad intentions or that it's not that I don't want to talk to them, but I'm in such a bad shape that I'd rather not have anyone see me. I've just started tapering off Suboxone for good as I think I don't need it any more. So far it was no pain to decrease the dose from 10-12mg to 4mg, but I was taking it irregular doses for a few weeks, higher than I was supposed to take, so I guess there's still a lot of buprenorphine in me from those past doses. I've got a positive attitude though, I can literally feel with a single higher dose like 4mg that it does more bad than good, it numbs me emotionally and it makes me depressed, so I decided to quit once and for all. And I'm afraid of the lower doses like less than 2mg, I think that's when the nightmare is going to start.

This sounds all too familiar. I dropped from 16mg to 4mg really quickly without any problems but I too dreaded getting below 2mg. I started making the smaller gradual reductions anticipating harsh withdrawals but overall it has been manageable & I am coping better than I expected. I too have kept a positive attitude & this helps keep things in perspective, especially during days I experience more discomfort than usual. I know it will pass.

I have also found myself spending most of my time alone. I am very introverted but used to socialise with my friends quite frequently. Maybe the suboxone withdrawal has an impact but for me I think it is symbolic of the broader changes I have made in my life. I used heroin & xanax whenever I saw my friends as they used a lot of meth & would talk 'at' me endlessless & not notice me having a panic attack. I am much better at looking after myself these days.

Good luck with tapering off. You'll do well.
You can get rhough it evey, but if I were you I would just jump straight to 2mg tomorrow, and it mayyyy hurt a littttle, but not much, and just stick there for about 3 days before you begin going lower, so your body has a little time to catchup to whats happening here
So, yesterday I ended up being stupid and took around 6-8mg and got a raging headache. Super pissed at myself for doing this, I was just having cravings and thought more would be better but I knew it wouldn't be and still did it. So today I am worried that it won't work because I have too much stacked up in my system. It should work though because when I was in rehab taking 16-24mg daily, I would still feel a bit of energy after every dose. I just had pretty severe headaches and nausea. I don't understand how anyone can take more than 8mg a day, even 8mg just seems silly unless you are really close to relapsing on full agonists, then 8mg would be a good thing because it will block it better than 4-6mg. That's why these doctors prescribe doses of 16-24mg, because they block opiates stronger and for longer. Anyways, I am tapering down to 2mg starting Monday, with the mouthwash technique. I brush my teeth, rinse with mouthwash, then rinse with HOT water. This way I think it dilates the veins under the tongue and makes for better absorption. I would put it at 40% at least. So I am still at a dose equivalent of 4mg right now, which is annoying because I've been stuck on 4mg for like 4-6 months and I am trying to get back down to 1mg.
davey are you on suboxone or subutex. Suboxone gave me sever headaches(possibly from the naloxone) so I switched to subutex and never had that problem again. Most docs are willing to switch you if you complain of headaches from suboxone.
davey are you on suboxone or subutex. Suboxone gave me sever headaches(possibly from the naloxone) so I switched to subutex and never had that problem again. Most docs are willing to switch you if you complain of headaches from suboxone.

I am on generic buprenorphine 8mg, so generic Subutex. I asked to be switched due to severe nausea and headaches, no it's 50-75% better, it just becomes a problem at higher doses, but I usually stay at 4mg or below, I was just being an idiot yesterday and dosed 6-8mg and I definitely regretted it. I can't see how so many people are on higher doses, but if they are stable and it works for them and the side-effects are tolerable, then I can't argue with it.
Bout freakin time someone thought to put mint in the damn things? Whoever was at the focus group and said lemon, lets go with lemon chemical plant flavour, i'd like to hang that person with nylon rope from a crane, Iran style.
I am on generic buprenorphine 8mg, so generic Subutex. I asked to be switched due to severe nausea and headaches, no it's 50-75% better, it just becomes a problem at higher doses, but I usually stay at 4mg or below, I was just being an idiot yesterday and dosed 6-8mg and I definitely regretted it. I can't see how so many people are on higher doses, but if they are stable and it works for them and the side-effects are tolerable, then I can't argue with it.

Hard to say myself since I never tried higher doses for a longer period of time but my limited experience with them was for me personally if I started at any dosage over say 2mg I got pretty awful headaches the first few days, but then it went away. I think hydration also plays a part as sometimes on those higher doses I would think less about having a drink until the headaches hit. I also think the sublingual element is part of it, when I was plugging I never noticed those headaches, maybe just because the doses would work more efficiently - but my theory was it was sublingual that was causing the headaches since my jaw would often ache a bit too afterwards. Even the slightest jaw tension and not being 100% covered by your dose (remember less is more with bupe to an extent, at higher doses it performs more and more like an antagonist), that tiniest lack of coverage can turn that pain into a whopping tension headache.

That said, I always dealt with the Transtec transdermal patches, which I'd cut into sections and chew or hold in my mouth for 30 minutes to 3 hours for sublingual use. Although you can get all the Bupe out, and it's cheaper than strips or pills, it takes longer to get your dose unless you use a section of patch equivalent to a much larger dose and re-use it a bunch of times after, so as a result there's a lot of jaw stiffness and/or chewing to make your jaw sore.

Never had nausea myself though at any dose I tried, other than what I've called "pre-nausea" in the past, which is this feeling I get on higher doses of opiates that isn't actually nausea but feels like if I dosed like even 5% higher I'd be nauseous - not sure how to explain it, but to me its a nice feeling, feels like I got the dose *just* right, not too high, not too low. I'm going to call it the Goldilocks feeling from now on :p
I know exactly what you're talking about, JG. No one else has ever mentioned this, but it's like ante nausea, where the slightest more would push you into full emesis, but as it stands you're fine. Always best to go ahead and take an antihistamine though just in case.
I hope someone can provide some insight here. If someone is on a liver transplant list and has been on a suboxone program for years, would that limit their chances of being chosen for transplant? This is assuming the person has been clear of all other drugs for years.
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