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Bupe Suboxone/Buprenorphine Mega Thread and FAQ v17.0 + v18.0

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Hey I wasn't too specific - I've gotten below 6mg, just not getting any better effects. I've been sticking with it though, hoping eventually my receptors will down-regulate enough that I will catch something off the low doses. It may be a futile effort though, as not only do I have to take ~20mg/day 2-3 days a month, but I also usually get high once a month. It still takes me ~150mg oxy to get off, so I don't know if maybe I still have too many receptors to feel doses under 1mg? But I am at a max of 2 mg a day, and it does hold me, I'm just not getting any of this euphoria that you all claim to get from low doses.

And DAMN did I miss weed!! I wish I knew about how much I could smoke before crossing the line and failing a piss test. I have one in 25 days... It may be the one that kicks me out. I asked my girl to get a gram and she got 2 for less than street value for one... But now it's here taunting me. I forgot how much weed makes bupe better. I would be happy as hell if I could have both...

Does anyone think I crossed the line at some point, and my receptors are too shot to enjoy low dose bupe?? I was doing hundreds of milligrams of oxy for years, and then multiple buns a day for like a year before I got clean.

BY THE WAY Congrats Captain! :)
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Made my first suboxone nasal spray today :) it's .25mg for every two squirts... but so far still not getting this high that some of you speak of at low doses. I've dosed 1 mg tonight trying to catch a slight buzz (.5, then another .25, then another...) and I'm getting frustrated. Also took 150 mg doxylamine - which was stupid but was also kind of an accident, I meant to take 1 pill more because 3 didn't work but instead was thinking of the number 3 and took 3 more... hopefully it will be ok.

Out of curiosity, how long on average should it take me to be getting max effects at less than 2mg/day? It's been a while now... At least a few weeks with the exception of a few days of 20mg... what kind of effect do those days at 20 have once I'm stabilized? I.e. how long will I have to wait after taking the high doses to keep getting positive effect (if that ever happens...)?
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When I was stable on .75-1mg a day IV the most I got out of it was a 1-4 hour mood lift it was nice and pleasent be euphoria it was not
To make up for the difference in BA, that's like 2.25-3+ sublingual, maybe it wasn't low enough?? I've heard of people IVing like AT MOST .5 doses to get euphoria - by the way, I would take a mood lift over nothing - I literally feel absolutely no different after dosing, except less cold sweats...

By the way I don't think I've seen you before, welcome... Where you from? Are you off bupe now?
From syracuse ny I was on bupe for a year but didn't get my dose down to a 1 mg untill I was kicked out of my program stayed with bupe for months after I lost my script then slowly started doin dope again first once a week now it's progressed to the point I don't ever take bupe anymore jus back on te dope it's a shitty way to live but It's where I'm at
Hey fully caffeinated how are you doing so you made a nasal spray eh cool I could see that being a little easier on the nose than just snorting powder up the nose. So you say you have been on 2mgs total a day for a while now? And still no effects? I thought you couldn't get under 6mgs a day so I'm kinda confused and I wouldn't expect too much in the way of a high I mean it's subtle still but to conpare it i would say its just like you took a couple vicodin or a perc with a bit of a opiate tolerance already. I get buzzed after dosing my microgram doses under my tounge or up my nose but then I don't really get "high" until I smoke some bud or hash.
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@snake - I'm in Plattsburgh. Ain't nothin up here, I couldn't find dope if I tried. They just did a bunch of raids and arrested 94 people which included the only two people I had copped from since moving here. Anyone who IS doing something, is doing it way too on the dL for me to find. That's funny that we're both in upstate NY though, I figured you'd say like Oregon or Florida, something totally random. I used to chill in Cuse a little, my ex went to SU. I'm from glens falls originally.

@trainspotter - I couldn't get below 6 for a long time, and I think it's because looking back on it, I was getting a very tiny effect from it. I mean VERY tiny. Like completely unnoticeable unless you focus on it, and even then it came and went. Eventually that went away too, and I had a much easier time dropping, since no dose has ANY effects. It's just hard to stabilize when I have to take ~20 (honestly I take les sometimes, depends, if I have something I'm trying to clear outta my piss I take MORE though) for 2-3 days/month. And also probably because I use around once a month. It still takes me 150 mg oxy to get anything close to faded. If I could smoke, I wouldn't do it... In a few more months I should have enough bupe stockpiled to quit the dealer (my dr basically is that) and get by. I've been taking NO MORE than 2 mg/day, more like 1.25-1.5 usually. If I could stick w that I'd have enough bupe for a couple years right now... Including the bupe my girl managed to get herself hooked on :-/ not a good situation, I saw it coming and kept trying to get her to stop, I mean she's watched me go through a year of hell... At the same time she has unresolved pain issues and was scripted tramadol, and I'd rather have her on .5 bupe a day than that shit. Tramadol, for me anyways, was a nightmare, like dope WDs but I didn't care about anything on top of that... The only time I ever missed work, I just didn't show up, and this was managing a restaurant, you can't fuckin do that! Had to be those added SNRI effects. I've never felt anything from tram anyways, it just kept me well in high doses, or made me puke in too high of doses. If it wasn't for my body rejecting anything it didn't like via puking, I'd probably have had a lot of seizures by now... and some severe liver damage from APAP/paracetamol.

Damn I ramble...

*edit* I just read in an old megathread that "tapering up" is important with bupe or you will be more likely to develop tolerance. Could my once a month high doses be causing my tolerance? Could anyone explain this? I didn't fully understand when it was written and maybe I am missing something.
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Hey well it very well could be the fact that you have to take 20mgs a few days every month screwing up your chance to feel good from taking low dose bupe due to your tolerance having to be lowered again.
Do you take 2 mgs everyday then you all of a sudden take 20mgs for a few days then go right back to 2mgs after seeing your doctor.? And do you feel anymore doped up or high on the days you take 20mgs or is it about the same as 2mgs?
Also do you dose once a day or split up your doses?
Hey well it very well could be the fact that you have to take 20mgs a few days every month screwing up your chance to feel good from taking low dose bupe due to your tolerance having to be lowered again.
Do you take 2 mgs everyday then you all of a sudden take 20mgs for a few days then go right back to 2mgs after seeing your doctor.? And do you feel anymore doped up or high on the days you take 20mgs or is it about the same as 2mgs?
Also do you dose once a day or split up your doses?

I stay on low doses the whole time until 3 days before my appt. I usually take 16-24 mg for those 3 days depending if I'm trying to dilute. Usually I take 8 for one day after because I have a hard time going right down to 2. It may be because my bupe dr is in my hometown and I always go to my parents that day, so I think the addict side of me talks me into it. Then I do go right back down. I don't ever feel doped up from the high doses anymore - I used to but it stopped two months ago. Actually if anything I feel less from them. Then I always get jack shit off any doses for the next week or so.

I dose 2-3x daily, both on the high and low doses. Currently I dose between .25-.5 at a time intranasal. I'm actually dosing more like 1-1.25 currently, I just got there. The large doses I take 8 at a time sublingual.

Tbh, after posting this, today was the very first day I think I got something off the low doses... I think the nasal spray has helped a lot, before I was dosing mostly sublingual and when I did change ROAs I think I was having a harder time dosing with an oral syringe. I have strips, not pills... I just wish there was a way to get around the high doses. I may just stop and wait and see what happens since I have a lot of bupe at this point.
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Yea fullycafed upstate ny is where it's at well in syracuse at least there is a huge dope seen and that's funny that u mention glens falls cuz every year I go on a trip to watch highschool basketball state champion chips cuz incase u didn't know there held at the glens falls civic center a bunch of us get a hotel and drink all weekend and watch bball on tv and at the civic center it's actually my fav trip of the year but anyway it's good to see someone else from central / upstate ny
I stay on low doses the whole time until 3 days before my appt. I usually take 16-24 mg for those 3 days depending if I'm trying to dilute. Usually I take 8 for one day after because I have a hard time going right down to 2. It may be because my bupe dr is in my hometown and I always go to my parents that day, so I think the addict side of me talks me into it. Then I do go right back down. I don't ever feel doped up from the high doses anymore - I used to but it stopped two months ago. Actually if anything I feel less from them. Then I always get jack shit off any doses for the next week or so.

I dose 2-3x daily, both on the high and low doses. Currently I dose between .25-.5 at a time intranasal. I'm actually dosing more like 1-1.25 currently, I just got there. The large doses I take 8 at a time sublingual.

Tbh, after posting this, today was the very first day I think I got something off the low doses... I think the nasal spray has helped a lot, before I was dosing mostly sublingual and when I did change ROAs I think I was having a harder time dosing with an oral syringe. I have strips, not pills... I just wish there was a way to get around the high doses. I may just stop and wait and see what happens since I have a lot of bupe at this point.

Oh yea well you say that you have a couple years worth of sub's now so why not leave the sub doctor as soon as you can, just do it the right way and taper off leave on good terms then if after a couple years you want sub when your running out get another doctor to prescribe you it. Here in Canada that's no problem they let you back with open arms usually if you leave the clinic then relapse a while later just tell them you have been doing dope and sub's off the street.
Yea fullycafed upstate ny is where it's at well in syracuse at least there is a huge dope seen and that's funny that u mention glens falls cuz every year I go on a trip to watch highschool basketball state champion chips cuz incase u didn't know there held at the glens falls civic center a bunch of us get a hotel and drink all weekend and watch bball on tv and at the civic center it's actually my fav trip of the year but anyway it's good to see someone else from central / upstate ny

Yeah I know the tournament you're talking about, it's huge down there. That area is a lot of fun, but more so in the summer. I miss it much. And I wish we had a scene here at all... Makes me wanna move back home, at least then I could cop in Albany.

Oh yea well you say that you have a couple years worth of sub's now so why not leave the sub doctor as soon as you can, just do it the right way and taper off leave on good terms then if after a couple years you want sub when your running out get another doctor to prescribe you it. Here in Canada that's no problem they let you back with open arms usually if you leave the clinic then relapse a while later just tell them you have been doing dope and sub's off the street.

Yeah I'm just gonna keep trying to go until I get kicked off I think. I really have no patience for it anymore. I'm hoping I don't get tested this time because I just smoked again last night and my appt is in three weeks. I just can't make myself take it seriously anymore it seems. There are three other drs down there and I keep meaning to call and see if one will let me piss dirty for weed only. I have no issue refraining from other drug use within a week or two of my appt, esp since I only have one connect right now and it's for OP 60s. There are four drs up here but they are all wait listed except a new one, but he is more expensive than my current and requires two appts a month and god knows what else. I don't have to do shit at my current dr except show up for my once a month appt or make sure I reschedule within 24 hrs.

Where are all the other bupe people? This thread is dead...
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I'd guess "bupe people" could care less to read about and respond to - "my only connect is OP 60's or I have enough bupe' saved up to last the next two years"...

Much less doin' 20+ mg's at a time...Holy Shit !
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Damn, I haven't been on BL in like 3 years but when I did I practically lived in the Sub Megathread. I wrote PLENTY in versions like 8-10. I'm so glad to see that this thread is still going strong!
I'd guess "bupe people" could care less to read about and respond to - "my only connect is OP 60's or I have enough bupe' saved up to last the next two years"...

Much less doin' 20+ mg's at a time...Holy Shit !

She doesn't do 20mgs that is what's prescribed to her doesn't mean she takes it every time she just wants to stockpile so she can quit seeing the doc and getting drug tested.

And no need to be rude
Damn, I haven't been on BL in like 3 years but when I did I practically lived in the Sub Megathread. I wrote PLENTY in versions like 8-10. I'm so glad to see that this thread is still going strong!
Yea when I was a lurker I seen lots of posts by you I recognize your avatar.
Welcome back
Damn, I haven't been on BL in like 3 years but when I did I practically lived in the Sub Megathread. I wrote PLENTY in versions like 8-10. I'm so glad to see that this thread is still going strong!

Welcome back...

I'm still on 8 mg, sometimes doing 6mg.

I'd guess "bupe people" could care less to read about and respond to - "my only connect is OP 60's or I have enough bupe' saved up to last the next two years"...

Much less doin' 20+ mg's at a time...Holy Shit !

I apologize, I do have a tendency to ramble sometimes... And trust me , I don't WANT to take 20 mg at once... But I do want to keep my script for now sooo...

Damn, I haven't been on BL in like 3 years but when I did I practically lived in the Sub Megathread. I wrote PLENTY in versions like 8-10. I'm so glad to see that this thread is still going strong!

I've been reading old megathreads lately where you were one of the regular posters. Glad to see you're still around, hope all has been well.

She doesn't do 20mgs that is what's prescribed to her doesn't mean she takes it every time she just wants to stockpile so she can quit seeing the doc and getting drug tested.

And no need to be rude

Thx dude I appreciate the support... Like I said I'll try to stay a little more on topic.

And by the way the nasal spray bottle is hands down the best way I have found to administer bupe. This is the first time since initially taking bupe that I have gotten energy etc from my doses :)

Welcome back...

I'm still on 8 mg, sometimes doing 6mg.


Hey Evey! Was wondering how you were, have you had any trouble going down yet or is it still just getting better?
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I apologize, I do have a tendency to ramble sometimes... And trust me , I don't WANT to take 20 mg at once... But I do want to keep my script for now sooo...

I've been reading old megathreads lately where you were one of the regular posters. Glad to see you're still around, hope all has been well.

Thx dude I appreciate the support... Like I said I'll try to stay a little more on topic.

And by the way the nasal spray bottle is hands down the best way I have found to administer bupe. This is the first time since initially taking bupe that I have gotten energy etc from my doses :)

Hey Evey! Was wondering how you were, have you had any trouble going down yet or is it still just getting better?

nasal spray???? I'm intrigued???? Mind you I kinda get energy from my doses whenever I decrease in dose...

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