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  • Film & TV Moderators: ghostfreak

Television Mad Men

This is shaping up to be my favorite season thus far. Usually, at this point in the season Mad Men tends to lag for an episode or 5 until it comes close to the finale, which is always mindblowing. Every single episode has been fantastic this season.
^^ the fictional character Don Draper shits on your movie, Putney Swope

This is shaping up to be my favorite season thus far. Usually, at this point in the season Mad Men tends to lag for an episode or 5 until it comes close to the finale, which is always mindblowing. Every single episode has been fantastic this season.

yah, I agree, this is the best season of Mad Men so far. I haven't seen every single episode, but I will usually get bored mid-season and start to fizzle away and out. however, I've been getting excited once more for that scintillating Sunday Night AMC time slot...

I thought the entire soundtrack this week was epic... even better than usual. This episode was SO good. It's like they just keep getting better.

I also agree on the music as of late for Mad Men. I thought the tunes stood out also during the episode before this one's, when Roger Sterling dropped acid

and also how amazing was that? we all knew that this stifled-yet-classy, suit-and-tie-splattered TV series would have to finally react with the 1960s and all of the counter-culture/drug culture sensibility that is synonymous with that decade. well, Mad Men didn't disappoint and in typical Mad Men fashion, they pulled it off in a way that was fresh and unexpected. I mean, who would have thought that Roger Sterling, a straight-shooting WW2 vet would be the one to take such a kaleidoscopic bender?

and in true psychedelic fashion, Roger came to the realization (or truth) of his situation with his wife, and realized that they were not working... DAMN. just writing/recollecting about that episode makes me crave such a psychotropic, truth-laden, adventure... it's been awhile ;)

long story short, I'll be watching like clockwork now. how can a fan of vintage style, great writing, and great acting NOT be watching??
I forgot the DVR the last 2. AMC uploads the First episode of the season online, but won't do it to the rest that have already aired this season? Nice...

I saw most of the acid one though. :p
I'm so scattered in regard to this show. I vowed not to watch the new episodes until I've caught up on all of the previous seasons, I made it to season three before I started watching the most recent episodes. Everyone looks so much older now :\
Just sayin, I fucking called it like 2 episodes in.

Spoiler... maybe.
So, as the season is now over, what do you think of it? It wasn't my favorite, although introducing LSD was certainly a nice element.
I didn't think it was great, sadly.

I know it was on purpose but Don says very very few words in the opener. Actually, I thought I kinda timed it and he says NOTHING for the first 8-9 minutes even though people are talking to him (mostly Meghan). So that's an interesting development.

Roger's plot was really the only interesting part to me other than Betty dying her hair and looking like her terrible mother-in-law.

This is typical of MM though, starting slowly and building quickly. I'm looking forward to this season though it was clearly aching for some Joan action.
I just started watching this on Netflix. I'm only 5 or 6 episodes in and it seems like a well written and well acted show. I didn't read any of the thread aside from the first few posts as I don't want to see any spoilers or anything. I was just wondering why there is a mad face next to the name of the thread when you're on the F&T board and viewiing the names of the threads. Is it because of the name?

Man oh man do they smoke a lot of cigs on that show. I wonder if they mentioned that in addition to being cast in a well-written, unique show there's also lung cancer and emphysema. Price of fame I suppose. Just kiddin' a bit, but they do smoke a ton on that show. I'm not a cig smoker, never have, hopefully never will, but it seems so strange to me for them to smoke just about anywhere. I remember when there was smoking in restaurants still, but they smoke in the office, on the train, in their homes in bed, in just about anywhere. Guess I was more surprised at how many places don't allow smoking where it was once prevalent.
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^ They smoke these really shitty-tasting herb-based cigarettes on set. I'm sure they're all really sick of it... the price for art. ;)
I never understood the logic behind the herbal cigarettes.

I'll smoke pretty much anything if I reasonably believe it's safe, but I'd have a hard time smoking random plant matter. Who know's what's in that stuff? This is why I've never partaken of the JWH-infused blends.

At least tobacco is the devil you know.
oh, donald mother-lovin' draper. you sexy, sexy beast.

last night was the two-hour premiere and i have some observations/questions.

why do people bother asking don questions as doesn't even pretend to try and answer them?

what is betty's obsession with sandy? i love how motherly she was to the homeless (?) children versus how she treats her own children.

peggy is don's prodigy. is she doing the only thing she knows (treating people poorly)?

i though the episode was great, but i think i was just excited to see the kids back in my living room.

I noticed the Draper not answering thing a few times. To the point where I rewound the show to see if I missed something.
The trip to Hawaii, losing track of time, asking the doorman about being dead, the ad with suicide undertones..... I guess he's in a weird head space, was almost stuck in a trance. I guess?
I expect it to be hashed out further, cause that's what they do. Still, when someone at the New Years party asked him a question and he completely disregarded them, I definitely was asking myself what the fuck?

I felt like Betty was perhaps trying to save the girl because she reminded her of herself at that age, and she wanted to protect her from some of the things that she went through.
There's a clear desire on her part to escape from the life she's now stuck in. Even maybe hoping that she encounters some danger/excitement. Hanging out at the flop house was odd. Her comment to her husband about raping Sandy was even more odd.
Her kids seem to hate her. Probably blame the divorce on her. Her distancing herself, being cold to them seems like a natural defense mechanism.

Yeah... Peggy is the female Don. He berated her and battered her shitty ideas and/or pitches until she started to reach her potential. And she was better for it. I think she's trying to push her underlings the only way she, in her experience, knows will work.

I liked the episodes, too. The Roger storyline was interesting. He's a strange fellow. I really have no idea where the seasons gonna go based off of what we've seen. I guess that's probably clear based on what I could surmise was going on. I have no idea if most of it's right or wrong.
^Haven't seen it yet. So, I skipped the rest of your post till I get to watch the DVR. :).
It really is a great show. Not only its longevity, but the fact that's it's, arguably, still getting better in its 6th season is pretty remarkable. Ima go watch it, soon.
"You want to feel shitty, right up until the point where I take your dress off. Because I’m going to do that."

Ohhh, Don.
did you watch last night, 95?

i just adore this show. so well done.

so don's new girlfriend surprised me. she was sort of a heartless bitch regarding megan's miscarriage. instead of sympathy, she turn jealous. the dinner scene was amazing. don was so damn good.

i love peggy's relationship from the previous worker from sterling, etc. i forget his name at the moment. i love their chats.

GO TRUDY! pete is the worst. but is the best at being the worst.

roger's quote, originally citing his mother - "that was churchill." and just leaving. i was dying.

don's collapse in the doorway. who is he? what does he want? it is not megan but easily he lies.

missed ya, joanie! the small dick joke was awesome.

I interpreted her reaction to Megan telling her that as one of self loathing and disgust with Don, as well. That she's going through all that at home and they're f-ing in the maid's room.
Then that's what lead to her trying, trying to reject him during dinner. Ending up with the whole, "You wanna feel shitty...." line.

You know a character's iconic when you've come to mostly respect him and his decisions. Then with one situation, one line really, he makes you feel slightly sick. He's a complete shithead at heart. Empty.
That's the male reaction, tinged by jealousy. ;).

I would bet Peggy's chats are over. And that there's some revenge on the way. Stan? Is that his name?

Pete has failed at imitating Don. He can kinda pull off his own version at work, but in the philandering department? Not so much.

I liked Roger's self immolation comment.
It's funny how he can have whole episodes dedicated to him, but I end up enjoying a single line he delivers in a small part more than anything.

The whole issue with Don Draper, and why he's pretty interesting, is that despite having everything, he has no fucking clue what he wants. He's tried just about everything and nothing's good enough.

The Jaguar thing was awesome. Everything about it.