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Television Mad Men

I've only just started catching random episodes of this and I like it. God knows what season I've stumbled into though.

That wasn't really worth a bump, but no matter. :D

PS - I think she's sexy.


I knew she looked familiar, but just couldn't place it. Anyhoo, imdb tells me she played Polly Clark in Girl, Interrupted.
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Man, I'm the last one who posted in this 18+ mo ago? Eek.

The new season is great. Of course.
^ Ha! As an aside, I'm glad she's using formula for her kid. That ugly baby doesn't deserve to attach itself to those boobs.
I'm just finishing season 1. I'm so far behind, but I'm loving the show so far.

I'm also appreciating the tags on the spoilers ;)
I found this series boring as all outside. And no, I'm not of the Michael Bay generation. The plot is about what you would expect from a room of suits, the chicks aren't hot enough, there's little charm here. I torrented the first season, stopped at 5 or so. Not for me.
lol at fat Betty.

I finally started watching this show after I got Netflix and I'm fucking loving it. Donald Draper wins at being the most likable prick in the world.
Love this show, can hardly wait for it to start back on the 12th. I've been reading about Betty in the first episode - I can't imagine her fat! Is it a dream sequence or something? I like her all thin and cold and beautiful, she's a good character.

Yeah Don's awesome :D. Somehow comes across as being sympathetic despite his flaws.
It's the 3rd episode that we first see 'fat Betty'. It's for real. I won't spoil anything more... and there is something more to it. ;) And don't worry. She's still cold. ;)
makes me wanna smoke, and I highly doubt the offices were that clean. I mean the papers are stacked straight. I was in a field in the 60s
Awesome fucking episode tonight.

I knew somebody was going to take LSD at some point, but I thought it would be Peggy or Don. Next to Cooper, Pete, or Betty, he would've been one of the last that I suspected, although I'm not all that surprised, given that he doesn't give a fuck and all.
Roger Sterling taking LSD.. The Russian music when opening the Stoli bottle had me laughing out loud.
WOW. amazing episode. I've been getting back into Mad Men, and loving it

props to RJD2 for that epic, award-winning, theme song
I thought the entire soundtrack this week was epic... even better than usual. This episode was SO good. It's like they just keep getting better.

More later... watching it now for the second time through. :)