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Lysergamides [LSD subthread] Side effects and Reactions

^A shower is good, or yoga-like strecthing. Be warned, you may just stretch into a position rather odd! Better yet, a sweet naked nymph to massage you....

I'd go a shower, and watch how I'm sitting, I tend to tense odd muscles on acid, like my left shin muscle or some crap.

Mr Blonde said:
^ LSD is not a phenethylamine though...

LSD could be said to be a PEA and a tryptamine, as it contains both basic structures I believe. Though, its really an ergoline- Shulgin including it in TiHKAL is slightly odd I think.
^ Yeah kinda does have both structures melded together, but yeah it's an ergoline alright. I guess Shulgin just went with the category it most looked like.

Now I'm thinking of doing LSD and then at T+4.00 15mg 2C-B (and 25mg 1 week later). Or should I take the 15mg faster?

Mmm, I'm not sure... check out the 2C-B thread maybe for others' experiences with the combo? Should give you some tips.

swilow said:
A shower is good, or yoga-like strecthing. Be warned, you may just stretch into a position rather odd! Better yet, a sweet naked nymph to massage you....

I'd go a shower, and watch how I'm sitting, I tend to tense odd muscles on acid, like my left shin muscle or some crap.

Or a nice hot bath with a sweet naked nymph. ;)

On LSD I always seem to tense up weird, a bath does wonders or just lying down and relaxing.
Try dancing or doing something vigourous ( chopping wood is fun ;) ) to alleviate the excess energy - or teach yourself to relax yourself maybe.
^ Yes I know, hence the winky diddly dinky, but it IS fun & the accomplished wood cutter ought to have few problems. :)

* If you are not an accomplished wood chopper please do NOT attempt to chop wood whilst tripping* %)
the only acid I have had true hallucinations on was some little green gel-tabs in 97 or 98. I was later told it was 5-meo-amt.
LSD experience with a question . . .

One new years eve i decided to take a realy small dose of LSD (estimated at around 100mcg, no tolerance), just to bring out the colors an such a colorful occasion. I already had a few lines of amphetamines and a line of coke up my nose and was feeling confident that this is the right thing to do. It was about 9pm and i was waiting for a friend to pick me up. I was supposed to DJ at this private party where i knew not all, but most of the people. Let me say that i have absolutely no experience with DJing and it was supposed to be a fun thing. I arived there at abou 10pm and went straight for the mixer. As i was looking for CDs i noticed that the acid is starting to kick in. I started to feel anxious. I couldn find the right CDs and this friend came to me (with a good intention) and started to explain some things abot DJing and stuff. I cant explain it but i was getting a realy bad vibe from everything around me. Could have easily been the coke that was wearing off at the time and the amphs that were probably running strong. I couldnt wait till it was midnight so i can go outside and take a breath. I could have done that easily before that but i was trying to pull myself together and kept saying to myself that it was just the drugs. I was trying to play it cool for some reason :\ . at 00.00 i ran outside to get some air and that is when all hell broke loose. All the "wonderful pyrotechnics" were resembling judgment day more than a celebration of anything and my heart was racing like mad. I ran back inside covering my ears and looking for the only guy that i knew could be of some help. I explained to him what was happening to me and asked if he had any benzos at hand. He said that he didnt, but confidently stated that 1ml of GBL should do the trick. I drank that and was relieved in an istant. It took me one more hour to completely calm down, but i was fine afterward. I Later talked to the same friend and he was realy glad that i was ok, cuz he had no idea if the GBL would help.

The thing im wondering is - was the fact that my friend remained calm and was so confident at what he was doing the thing that calmed me down . . . Was it 1ml of GBL? Could that amount of GBL even do the trick? Im amazed about the power of placebo that could have easily played the role in my case.
It could have been placebo . Ive noticed that as soon as I swallow a benzo to calm down when a trip gets heavy it works almost instantly . Maybe you could have been feeling anxious from coming down off the stimulants . Either way it worked so thats all that matters , Placebo or not you still had fun :D
I couldnt say accurately wiether what your friend gave you or not worked. But i do know the placebo effect while your tripping can be insane. Someone told me they put ecstacy in the gummy bears i was eating and i was convinced it was true. They were deffenitly normal gummy bears, im not even sure that putting it in a gummy bear is possible. Fooled me :)
1) 100ug of LSD is not a 'really small dose', but enough to produce a full psychedelic experience

2) Amphetamines intensify the effects of LSD, but making it more manic & 'in your face', thus more inclined to promote anxiety

3) Taking LSD then doing something with an audience requiring reasonable level of skill is a recepie for anxiety

1ml GBL is enough for anybody with no/low tolerance to experience anxiolytic effects although the instant respite is def placebo (GBL takes 10-15 mins to start working)
I just had my first LSD trip on saturday. It was mind opening to say the very least. I smoked weed on it, but I'm a daily smoker and it made my trip a lot more fun and visual.
I just had my first LSD trip on saturday. It was mind opening to say the very least. I smoked weed on it, but I'm a daily smoker and it made my trip a lot more fun and visual.

glad it was a good experience! I ALWAYS smoke a ton of grass when i trip. Never had any bad reactions. Last time thoughI walked home (about 40 min walk) feeling 100% sober and back to normal, but when I got to the couch and lit a bong i was blasted into another dimension (quite a suprise). Wasn't a bad thing at all :D
glad it was a good experience! I ALWAYS smoke a ton of grass when i trip. Never had any bad reactions. Last time thoughI walked home (about 40 min walk) feeling 100% sober and back to normal, but when I got to the couch and lit a bong i was blasted into another dimension (quite a suprise). Wasn't a bad thing at all :D

It actually started my trip. I didn't notice any visuals until I took a nice big rip from my vape. Then my shadow waved to me =D
It actually started my trip. I didn't notice any visuals until I took a nice big rip from my vape. Then my shadow waved to me =D

I find on lsd alone i'm actually pretty social. But once I smoke pot I kinda just sit there in my own world.
My friend recently tripped with me, he seemed fine the day after but now when I talked to him after coming back from holidays a week later he's pretty fucked up, he said he had a flashback and it was awful etc. He used to sell dope but stopped after the trip, doesn't smoke anymore, doesn't do anything.

What measures can i do to prevent myself from having flashbacks and bad trips?
I also want to pose a question regarding this subject. I am careful to stay very well hydrated while on acid, usually with water but also with other beverages. Anyway, I rarely, if ever, have any urine to excrete during the trip proper. I do get the urge however. I'm a very thin guy and can easily tell when my bladder has filled simply my examining my waistline. Simply, no urine accumulates regardless of intake. At around the seventh hour however, this anomaly begins to dissipate and by the ninth it is all gone. At which point I begin to urinate extremely often, making up for all the fluids I had imbibed during the experience. I'm not really sure where the fluid is going as my blood pressure does not spike and peripheral edema has never been noticed. I just want to stress the deluge of urine that results. It's wild. Anyone else ever experience this?
I also want to pose a question regarding this subject. I am careful to stay very well hydrated while on acid, usually with water but also with other beverages. Anyway, I rarely, if ever, have any urine to excrete during the trip proper. I do get the urge however. I'm a very thin guy and can easily tell when my bladder has filled simply my examining my waistline. Simply, no urine accumulates regardless of intake. At around the seventh hour however, this anomaly begins to dissipate and by the ninth it is all gone. At which point I begin to urinate extremely often, making up for all the fluids I had imbibed during the experience. I'm not really sure where the fluid is going as my blood pressure does not spike and peripheral edema has never been noticed. I just want to stress the deluge of urine that results. It's wild. Anyone else ever experience this?

My friend has. He always tells me when he takes acid that the hours/day after he comes down, he pisses like crazy, almost every hour.
^Hmm thats a weird one.

I find that tactile sensations of LSD often feel liquidy, and if that particualr sensation occurrs around the legs/thighs, well.....The only way to get over the fear of it is the same with anything; rationalise it, or run! :)