LSD overdose is no myth

I read this thing on the net that Ozzy Osbourne's family has a lot of cases of something like MS, forgot exactly what it is though, and that accounts for his slight twitchy/screwey behavior now, but just my opinion....

Repeating this kind of thing helps nobody.
the last post just reminds me of all the stupid untrue rumor bullshit that gets repeated and later quoted as factoids8o 8o


please try to get ur facts str8!!!!
word Petersko...

I have known people to go to the hospital over LSD, and i have known poeple to go the hospital over a single hit of regular, mid-grade weed. Set and setting kids, the trip has a lot to do with the mental set (and stability) of the user. Even the most experienced tripper can get blown out of the water by what seems to be a "regular" dose. Occupational hazard. I for one never claim LSD is completely safe. I usually talk to people a lot about HPPD and "freak-outs" if they express interest in taking Psychedelics, especially long-lasting, world-altering ones like LSD. Tokey, I'm glad to hear your buddy is ok. Also, you mention several people and their exploits, implying a connection to LSD. You can't demonize a drug for the behavior of a set of users. LSD users also have done many amazing things. Have you read "One flew over a cuckoo's nest"? Anyway, bottom line: set and setting, and don't take what people (even doctors) say for granted. A lot of people in the world are ill-informed. The truth is out there, but its not a completely objective truth.
^I saw the movie "One Flew Over the Cuckoo's Nest" but I'm sure it didn't do the book justice. Once again I flew off the handle and started judging some of the more eccentric and famous LSD users by linking their trips to their lives in what came off as a degrading way. I'm really not as big a jerk and insensitive as I seem. Whenever I post it is usually because I'm in some really shot mood and have difficulty controlling what I write. Poor excuse I know. I'm going to try and stop judging and start listening. I'm not new here but I'll be damned if I've made more than 3 decent post since I started visiting this site 3 years ago.
I believe this is how Aldous Huxley chose to go out, but keep in mind he was already dying from something else. But still, possible, cause he did it.
Is this true because that is the most amazing thing I've ever heard. I did read the Doors of Perception and I also read a collection of essays written by Leary and others (Alpert too I believe) the book was called LSD. Both books were my parents. Maybe bluelight should consider creating a new forum dedicated to literary works by great drug culture authors. Kind of like a book club I suppose. Maybe that would fit in the lounge or words forum I suppose.
Yep, Huxley had his wife Laura inject him with 250ug of LSD as he was dying from some painful cancer. She said that his passing was extremely peaceful, and was glad that the LSD had helped him in his final hours
There is a book, I believe by Laura Huxley, which describes his life in California and his death in pretty good detail.

edit: It wasn't an overdose but the "standard" amount (250 ug's) to a hit back then.
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Perhaps this "SWIM" could get another hit from the same batch and get it gc/ms tested - a bit presumptious to blame LSD if you haven't physical proof that was exactly what it is, and only what was on those blotters. :)
completeki said:
Looks like someone got some strong acid and couldnt handle themselves. Tell your friend to suck it up. LSD isnt the problem, its the user.

Sure you can't go to sleep sometimes after a strong acid trip, the trip stays with you. Doesnt mean it was a bad This is kind of funny. Maybe some kids need 35 ug hits, so they dont shit there pants when they get a 150ug hit.

^^^right on. it just sounds like someone got a harder trip than they expected.
as far as someone making a batch of acid with the intent to hurt people...fuck that, who ever made this acid only had the intent of getting some people to get fucked up on good acid. i don't think they were tryin to hurt anyone i think they were probably being nice and sell more pure less cut acid
Just handling these blotters will get you started tripping. I don't have access to a neutral lab that has a gc/ms thingy. It was just acid combined with piracetam, bad timing, personal problems, loneliness, coffee, weed, benadryl and watching Matrix Revolutions. I don't blame the acid for being a huge hit. If someone else comes across the Max Headroom blotters (Midwest area), they should post up something about it to confirm its potency and make my buddy look like less of a novice. It seems as if most people are drooling over this dream acid rather than being fearful. Tame your egos friends, this stuff is no joke except to those of you who have been tripping for a looong time. Thats all the info you're getting. Happy hunting!
as far as someone making a batch of acid with the intent to hurt people...fuck that, who ever made this acid only had the intent of getting some people to get fucked up on good acid.
I was pretty sure Karl Rove was involved.
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tokey said:
Maybe overdose is the wrong word to describe what happened but bad trip understates the physical condition his body was in. Uncontrollable tremors, burning, itching, jumpy heartbeat. I guess the point I wanted to make was that by treating LSD as a commonly used drug that usually doesn't do permanent harm isn't the full truth and should be accompanied by a strong warning. Is not most HPPD caused by LSD? Does not it trigger schizophrenia in those predisposed to it? Does everyone go back to homeostasis after a powerful trip? If someone gets stuck in a loop and spend what seems to be an eternity in a trip will they not be damaged even when the drug 'wears off?' I retract describing his problem as an overdose but the way I think of overdose is any dose over what is the most common and comfortable dose used. This is probably not how most others would think of an overdose but how far do you have to go before you cross the line from too much to overdose? Hunter Thompson described the acid generation and Timothy Leary's failure pretty well when he said the inherrent fallacy was the assumption that someone was tending the light at the end of the tunnel. And the result was a generation of mental cripples who thought they could buy peace and happiness for two bucks a hit. I'm not calling acid the devil but can we stop pretending its more safe than it actually is? A mind is a terrible thing to waste and if you have a lot of trouble in your life and no one to help you then don't go looking for truth on piece of paper with a picture of Max Headroom on it. I guess there isn't really much more to say on this topic. Mods feel free to close this thread.

I'm going to go against the grain and say thank you for this thread. If anything it serves only to broaden the spectrum of information available about this drug. Too often information on BL is skewed to present drugs in an all-too-favourable light. I'm not saying "ooh acid is bad maaaaan, it'll burn holes in your brain and you'll never stop tripping evaR!!!". But I am saying that the majority of info on this site MI
GHT lead some inexperienced people to view drugs less severely than they should. And with LSD especially, flippant is the last thing you want to be.

I don't think you've spread misinformation, the way you've presented your opinion is perfectly understandable given what happened. And although 'overdose' is not exactly the right term to describe what happened to your friend, I think many people knew what you meant.

And to Petersko, I don't know what part you were calling bullshit to before, (if it was the Ozzy osborne bit then I agree ;)) but there actually WAS a case where users mistook LSD crystals for cocaine, snorted some big fat lines and overdosed (vomiting, blistering, other very nast stuff). Check erowid if you don't believe me. There is also one recorded case of death from LSD overdose - some guy IVed 40,000ug!!! thinking it was meth. This was documented in the kentucky medical journal from memory.

I can provide refs if u want, too lazy right now.
potato said:
I don't know what part you were calling bullshit to before

I'll break it down.

I also read the story about the guys who thought they were snorting coke and ended up in comas and vomiting and such which I'd guess would be the true definition of an overdose.

Regardless of being quoted in erowid, I strongly suspect it's bullshit. Lots of things people claim just aren't true.

Who has enough LSD to cut it into lines when an average dosage is so small as to be nearly invisible to the naked eye? And how does one come by such an amount without knowing what it is? Nobody carries a baggie of LSD crystals with them to share around. It's measured in micrograms, not milligrams.

I also read a story about a guy who had taken 50 or so hits and spent the next several years on a never ending trip that intensified every time he would smoke pot and such. It eventually tapered off but he was never right again.

LSD breaks down quickly and flushes from the system in a very small amount of time. LSD does not work in any way that could allow for such a ridiculous story to be true.

What about Ozzie Osbourne? What caused his neurological problems? I'd read somewhere (probably myth) that he'd taken acid everyday for a year to see what would happen and he ended up a fried zombie. I don't know which is myth and which is true and the sad thing is no one seems to.

Took acid every day for a year to see what would happen? Back up the stupidity truck and load up the guy who thought this one up.

The causes of his "neurological problems" are pretty much a matter of public record, and do not involve LSD abuse.

The guy who had the bad trip is feeling much better today and seems to think that it was potentiated by the piracetam he'd been taking.

Sorry to include that in my bullshit claim. Of course drug interactions are serious.
bad trip!
not overdose!
over the dose and overdose are different. he was weak and couldn't handle it.
bad tip not overdose!
Thanks for understanding what I was trying to say Potato. Petersko: that story about the guy taking the ridiculous amount of acid and 'tripping' for years afterward came from a book that I believe was called "Sex, Drugs and Rock 'n Roll," most certainly a bullshit story but I did read it. The story about the guys sniffing LSD crystals seems to be bullshit too but it actally came out of a medical journal a few decades ago. Then again I've seen a giant book full of scientific studies on marijuana from the 70's or 80's where just about every study was skewed and showed marijuana in an unhappy light and it was a big, goddamn book. This is what I was talking about when I said it is sad that no one seems to know what is myth and what is real because the truth must lie somewhere in between. I read one of Petersko's replies in another thread that said, I believe, "I'm not fucking with acid for a while." Acid isn't harmless and should be treated with far more reverence and fear than many have treated it with including me. And I'm one of those people that respects hallucinogens and tries to "trip for the right reasons," as was my friend. Harm reduction is what this is all about though.

Tadfish: He had a panic attack not necessarily a bad trip. NO ONE can handle a panic attack or otherwise you wouldn't be panicking. By the time the panic attack came on he had been tripping for 18+hours off of one blotter! He did not know if what he had taken was even acid any more. Drug interactions are no fucking joke and neither are panic attacks. My friend isn't weak, you're just over confident and if you keep your cocky attitude with drugs we'll be reading a chat log where you keep dropping psychedelics till you drop dead. Everyone has a dose that will break them with LSD and I'm sure you'll find yours.
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I read one of Petersko's replies in another thread that said, I believe, "I'm not fucking with acid for a while."

Please don't misquote me.

Just going from memory, but I believe I said I'm done with it because it's too long a commitment, and I'm not really fond of that "uncomfortable in my own skin" feeling that hangs around for five hours afterward.

Might have been the thread where I say I like mushrooms. Shorter trip, sleep is possible in a reasonable amount of time, and it's a different experience.

I enjoyed acid every time I took it.
From all I have read here it sounds like a light dose of dob not lsd. I know this because I have taken both in the past. It is next to imposable to get a dose of lsd that strong into a blotter
I just brushed up on some DOB reading and I agree that it was possible for the drug to have been DOB for a few reasons: the duration was right on, the taste was extremely bitter, the high builds to panic, amphetamines combined with piracetam are potentiated, DOB is sold on blotters, some tripped 24 hours from two blotters, dilated pupils did not dissipate for two days, vasoconstriction and sensitivity to touch were experienced and sleep seemed more elusive than usual LSD experiences. However, I do think that all of these characteristics could describe acid too. I guess we'll never really know. I'm split 50/50 on this but I'd lean more towards acid from some of the reports I got back although they could all have been wrong. A few exceptions to the DOB theory: threshold effects from handling blotters (don't know if DOB can be asorbed through the skin), salivation as opposed to cottonmouth (I've read that DOB will produce cottonmouth in an erowid report), visuals were distorted as opposed to clean, melting effect of touching something and feeling as if you part of it, when eyes closed my friend said he felt as if he were falling, trip onset was about an hour 20 mins whereas DOB seems to take longer, heart was not racing during trip until panic attack after smoking pot and drinking coffee the next day (after dropping the previous night). What is rarer though: LSD or DOB? I'd say DOB but I can't really say for certain nor can I explain whether or not others would really know. Both of these drugs are powerful enough that if you'd thought you'd taken one when you'd actually taken the other you may never even know. Even if you were told for certain, you may still not believe it. How can anyone truly, honestly and without exception know what they got was LSD or DOB? I think for the majority of trippers out there with the same amount of moderate experience and higher than average understanding of drugs the answer will still remain elusive. Its not near as easy as telling the difference between MDA and MDMA nor amphetamine and meth. Don't combine anything with your LSD guys because contrary to everything you think you know, it may not be LSD and it may cost you more than you were willing to pay. Then again there are always the exceptions who are experienced enought to tell the difference but probably would not be able to make a trip flow chart to figure it out in others.
Man , i am sorry but shut the hell up. If you have acid, combine it with whatever you want. Just know what you have, and dont be lame/sketchy about it. Buy reputable prints etc etc.

I have been up and down every DOx compound. Had many a time with LSD. They are both very safe, unless you overdose. Which I dont think you have the resources to o/d on either based on the type of information you know, and just how you compose yourself.

This thread should be deleted.