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How did you get started with using heroin?

Started with Oxys in 2000, in 2003 I was mis-diagnosed by an ER in upstate Maine (a spider bite that was wrongfully called an infection) and give a boatload of PKs. Abruptly cut-off by the docs, i medicated myself until money ran tight (seems to be a common theme). One day it was a bundle or 15 vicodin...A no-brainer. Within 4 months I had scorching habit, shooting everything that would dissolve in any liquid.

11 detoxes later, I finally got it....(2008)

....and then I gave it away to slam ridiculous amounts of dirty Denver Tar earlier this year. If I shot ECP like I did in Colorado, I would have died the first day.

My life fell apart in less than 60 days. "You pick up where you left off" is very very true. Got pinched driving from Colorado to the east coast (in VA, and WV on the same fucking day). Now I have a real reason to stay away. Johnny Law has kept me clean the first two times I got collared. This time I have years over my head if it doesnt go well.
I had played around with opiates when I was in high school, but didn't get deep into it until I was 19. A couple months prior to trying heroin for the first time, I was in the ER for some stomach issues and they gave me a shot of hydromorphone. I can recall the feeling vividly to this day. It was the greatest thing I had ever felt. So one day I'm sitting at my house rolling hard on a few E pills thinking wtf was I thinking doing this shit by myself, I'm goin' nuts. I went on fbook, messaged a friend that I hadn't talked to in a long time, but had heard was a heroin user. Gave her a few E pills and a couple days later was offered some free heroin as payment for it. I obviously said yes and a week later I was IVing and we all know where it goes from there. I got clean 3 years later in 2012 after I had really hit rock bottom. Was constantly alternating between getting high and being sick. I was fucking tired of it, it wasn't fun anymore. Stayed clean for over 2 years until some bullshit happened this year and I relapsed. Livin' the American dream my friends, lol.

Totally agree that you pick up where you left off. It's literally like no time had passed between when I got clean a couple years ago and now. Except now I don't have any connects since it's been 2 years since I've scored for myself. Today's my day off though and I just got paid so I guess it's time to take a stroll through Newark to find me a real connect instead of getting middle manned and paying extra.
Started with Percocet 5/325's when I was like 12 or 13, then eating & snorting 4 & 8mg Dilaudid while snorting coke and smoking rock by the age of 15. Started banging Dilaudid, OxyContin & coke at 16 and then the train was off the fucking tracks...

Was able to get my hands on good heroin (brown SWA and tan SEA) by the age of 19 and it only kept getting easier to get dope in Toronto (where I first had solid connects for good shit), London, Windsor & Detroit.
Well i needed money so i started hustling. I was doing pills but since i had so much dope i said fuck it why buy pills when i got this shit? So it stuck. I dont hustle anymore but the habit follows me everywhere i go.
Thats real FN EZ:
When the best high ever, Doriden and Codeine 4's (AKA HITS, SETS, DOORS & 4'S) went the way of the 8 track, went right to dope and a 17+ yr 'done habit. POP A 2 ON, SMOKE GDAMN IT WAS NICE!!!
Yeh, I third that picking up deal. Now I'll get sick literally after one day using.
Sold pills and my dealer used to shoot me up with liquid Demerol as a gift and/or give me a shot of K to take home. Didn't really think about all the shit I shot and then one day someone was like you want some H and I questioned it (being a bit nervous). He said, you..? you're the biggest drug addict of us all, so I once again made a bad decision, and you know the rest...moved around AZ, Colorado, Florida and Cali, then 12 years in SE Asia and I can barely function without said love.
Moved up from pscripts meds. I am a white male in his 30s. I am not allowed to have back pain. Kind of got pushed this way from trying to get my back fixed the proper way. H just lets me not curl up into a ball on the loveseat and cry "/
When I was 16 or so I was acquainted with an online source of various products. One product was relatively pure (85%+) #4 from Pakistan. So I ordered 1 gram.

At the time I had been a regular I.V. opioid user and so I was familiar enough to eventually work my way up to doing it. That was great fun, I think I personally contributed to the future addictions of a number of acquaintances. A few went on to become full-blown junkies.

Honestly, no type of powder has rivaled my best black tar experiences. Dangerous stuff though, taken huge powder doses and never felt close to OD, but tar has taken me there.
carwreck, pain dr's, OP bullshit switch, 30's, HEROIN

Mine story almost exactly the same.

First year - did it once a month, if that. Around the time after my father died and I ran out of his second full bottle of morphine I stole from the house (he was on home hospice).

Second year, met a guy who smoked crack and did dope. So we did that together. Then, I moved home to take care of my mom (dad died, she lost her mind).

2.5 Year got a job right near all the Chi Town dope spots. Called old dealers said, if you can deliver, I can buy jabs. Job so stressful....

2.7 Year got in a car crash. Broke 8 bones, no one could believe I made it out alive. I was in the middle of a 5 car pile up. ICU for 2 days. Dilaudin every 12
minutes (like Christoher on that Soprano's episode - "doesn't this thing work" - keep pushing button, morphine, norcos, you name it.. Was getting 10/325 norcos. Plus I had a few friends who drove me down and I'd buy 5 or 6 jabs to last for a while to go with the norcos (I broke so many ribs and sternum I had to sleep sleeping up, so I just sorta nodded. Worked. Healed better than doctors could imagine because I slept sitting up.) Don't know if doctors knew if I was junkie. Had dope in system from earlier in day. Dope was not cause of accident. Wasn't searched. Wasn't brought up. I didn't want to bring it up because supposedly former/current junkies just get tylenol (even for SURGERIES) because they're so degenerate.

3.1 went back to work shorter hours, on painkillers and still doing dope the guys deliver 5 bags a day or so. Had to get up at 515am and one bag got me GOING.

Year 3.6 was fired from job for being (get this, you'll never believe, but swear on my cat's life) "too friendly" and "too many sick days due to car accident". I practically have a lawsuit. My father was a big-wig, we would have sued. He worked there too. He would have made ONE phone call. We have a scholarship in his name at this college, he was so famous and popular. I had/have no recourse, I was on a 12 month probation. I was never written up for anything but had no say or recourse. Am still on the books 3 months later. Haven't gotten vacation pay or union due refund.

Now it's year 3.9 and am taking 10 mgs a methadone on days I'm not using. Using 7 bags every three days. 13 bags one day a week or so. As you may know, I snort. So there it is. Opportunity at Year 4.2 to be alone in a house for 2 weeks. Hopefully still working few days week for cash and am on Unemployment. May take that time to jump off after tapering during year 4.1, know what I'm saying? Take few weeks ahead of being alone in house to being alone in house at lowest possible dosages and using that to plan the actual "being alone in the house". Get some DVDs. Be ready to work out. Whatever needs to be done. But this needs to be posted elsewhere, when the time comes. Maybe I should keep a blog? Would anyone care or read?

Nah, but the intention has been stated to the universe.
feeling groovy and new agey,
My gf and I were doing hydros like everyday, and the guy we were getting them from kept trying to offer us H. Over, and over, and over (he really was a horrible person) so one day we drove all the way to him and hes like, "oh i just sold my last codone, but this is for you" and handed me a 20 of H. Wanting to get high so bad, my gf was easily convinced, so in my dealers kitchen we got my dealer to melt out tar and mix it with powder. Split it and up the nose it went. We honestly loved it, but here in FW, texas, it is VERY hard to find.

We are back on codones with the occasional suboxone. Id buy H in a second, if only I could find it again.
First time using heroin
I had been working at a bar in Ann Arbor as a bouncer. The pay sucked but the benefits were good. Hundreds of women came through every night and many were just there to get laid. I wasnt a bad looking guy so I had my share of fun with the ladies and they had their fun with the big bouncer when they needed a fix. I was on the straight and narrow as far as everyone else was concerned there at the bar. They knew I smoked my nightly joint with Stan the Mad Hatter up in the sound booth when everyone was leaving at the end of the night but I was a bouncer and that crew hung out at the gym and shot steroids, bragged about how badly they beat some unruly patron up one night long ago and how the court case was coming for the assault charge they received. I didnt really fit in with the regular bouncers.
There was a day crew that cleaned and maintained the bar during the day and I got to know one of them. Riggs as I call him was a tough, he had his ins and out with the law, a devil tattoo on his arm, wore a old school crew cut, drove a white Rivera which he swore was the pimp, and at the time had come into a little money. He and I were soon snorting lines and I was all about buying for a dollar and selling for two. Id buy an eight ball through him at a crazy price and cut the shit with vitamin B just to make a few bucks selling 1/4 grams. At the time it made me feel like a drug dealer and I figured this is how one makes inroads to better connections. After a few weeks he explained he liked to spike his coke. I had always been afraid of needles just like most everyone but after seeing him put that needle in his arm, draw back the blood to the plunger and pump it back into his entire system of veins, heart, and brain, seeing him in the throes of oblivion and ecstasy, seeing him with the look of absolutely nothing touching him, no pain but not exactly joy I got curious. Something in his eyes said he had everything he needed at that very moment and happiness could be attained for a second. I wanted that and was soon shooting cocaine for the first time.
I sometimes think about the possible guilt someone might feel turning someone on to shooting drugs. When you shoot a drug there is no going back, you broke a wall down that cannot be repaired. Someone has to show you how to cook up the drugs, how to buy a syringe at the CVS, how to find a vein, how to actually inject it. Every IVDU (intravenous drug user) out there was taught by some other IVDU addict. I wonder if Riggs feels any guilt over showing me how to inject drugs. I myself have shown friends, true friends how to use a syringe but I somehow dont feel much guilt. As I know myself, I am a drug user who has always experimented and those that want to try shooting drugs will no doubt find an instructor.
Now that Im older I dont give lessons anymore but there was a time when I did, and I wonder where my karma lies, I wonder about the people who have come through my life that Ive shown heroin and where they are now.
One late morning I stopped by Riggs place and was knocking on the door but didnt get a response. I started banging with no result. I went from window to window knocking on the glass worried to shit he had overdosed and was lying dead in his kitchen. I went back to the door and started to bang again when he finally opened the door. His eyes were black and blue. "Dude, what the hell, I was worried to shit about you, what the fuck happened to you, did you get beat up, your eyes, they're black and blue" I asked him. Riggs rubbing his eyes barely coherent explained he did some heroin the night before and thats why his eyes were probably a little black an blue. "You did what?" I said to him. I was astounded, I could understand smoking some pot, I could understand snorting some rails, and hell I for some reason could even understand using a syringe for shooting cocaine. Riggs shrugged his shoulders and we went into the kitchen. I started to ask some questions like, what does it feel like, are you addicted right away, and probably within 15 minutes I was asking him if I could snort a little bit.

That was the moment my life changed, when I decided that I wanted to experiment with something so obviously life changing that its warned about in schools and by parents and even Nancy Reagan. I remember one night at the dinner table sitting with my folks and my little sister, my Dad explaining what drugs can possibly do to someone and how they ruin lives. I was about 11 years old and had never even thought about smoking pot let alone shooting heroin. I nodded to my folks in an effort to explain that I would never do drugs. They seem content with my response.
Riggs got me my heroin to snort the next day and a week after that, after watching him shoot his heroin and lay back into the couch in an apparent oblivion I asked if he would do me up. We had just eaten pizza and after my first shot I walked outside and gently put the pizza I ate back onto his front lawn.
Riggs is clean now, working at a rehab for addicts. He was the type that couldn't handle being dope sick. If he couldn't get his fix he would just go to a dope house with a gun and pistol whip the dealer then take his shit and run. Deep down Riggs is a good man and he's proving it working in that rehab hes at now.
It took me a few years before I got my habit. I chipped for years getting it here and there when it came around. I eventually went to Thailand where I got my first mean habit, the one that never really went away.
As I sit here writing this Im looking at five nickle packs on the table in front of me. I swore I wouldnt use them until I finished this entry to my blog.


started with ox's back when you could snort them. then they changed the pill, so i got into h. then i got into IV world.
Was in a car wreck and shouldn't have lived. Somehow made it through, albeit with severe chronic pain. Been on OCs and other stuff for a couple years. Always running out because tolerance has obviously grown. But of course you can't say that or your a drug seeker. If you run out early, your a drug seeker. So you go to the streets and become, *tada* a drug seeker. Go figure. The system is so ridiculous. Just a hundred years ago and for thousands of years before that people used opium, morphine, etc for pain and to feel good and it was acceptable. The best thing I saw was an old Sears catalog with an ad for morphine and a hypodermic. "Ladies, you bored being stuck at home with the kids all day?"... Yeah. Then the government stepped in and decided they would decide what we can and can not have and anything that feels good is bad because religion says so. What a crock.8(
I tried it (snorting twice and shooting once) out of curiosity a long time before started to do it on a regular basis. When I really got into it, I had been drinking alcoholically for a few years, couldn't stop, and hated myself for it. Started smoking H as a hangover cure at first. Had loads of musician friends who were also just getting into H at the time so it was easy to transition to full-time, daily shooting since I was always around it. Compared to my sloppy drunkard self, my friends all liked me better as a junkie and so did I.
i read a lot of books about it (damn you Burroughs), then got the last train to the bad part of town and scored it in an underpass next to the station. this was two days ago.
I started because I was prescribed it for back problems, legit problems.Went and got a new mri every year but than the prescriptions got crazy expensive they went from a hundred a month to 1500 a month, went to ny for a while where there was a lot of open air and people were real helpful, nobody ever tried to rip me off like down south plus its crazy cheap up north like cheaper than a carton of cigs. now im back down south and struggling again.
^ That is now happening too much, so frequently and rapidly that it's becoming a hard task to keep up with all these new doctors that are selling prescriptions. I've seen on a documentary that around some of the clinics in Miami area they would hire armed security. Imagine why..
well the pharmacys some have securiry, not the socs office anymore because they can no longer fill your script at drs office but yeah fillin is crazy expensive theirs a lucky few with medicaid or medicare that still get it from a chain they have a long standing relationship with but 95 percent of people are looking at more money than they pay on their rent, car payment and utilities