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How did you get started with using heroin?

I had an opiate habit for a long time before I used heroin. I loved opiates and they were my favorite drug and for me it was love at first sight with them. A lot of my friends at the time, and now I suppose, had used heroin, I already had a sizable pill habit. So it wasn't long before i had an opportunity to get my hands on it, rest is history, my addiction rapidly escalated from there till I was spending a fortune, everything I had on it.

As for connections. I have several so even if I lost one I have others. I'm always on the lookout for new ones though. Always good to have the ability to take your business elsewhere. Especially as a female addict. Also good to make as many friends with people you can trust as possible. You wanna be very good at reading people. Even taking every precaution ive still had problems like I suspect virtually every female addict has with people trying to offer me drugs or other shit in exchange for sex or sexual favors. You gotta be careful and smart.
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my best friend was killed in a hit and run by a drunk driver and heroin seemed like a good solution.
i'm pretty sure becoming a junkie saved my life. i needed to be numb for a while.
that was 16 years ago this month, and i've been off dope for about 13 years now.
Started with pills like oxy. they became very expensive where I live and originally were super cheap, then h started showing up outta nowhere here. so one day my connect told me he had H and I just said fuck it and got some. I sniffed some and smoked some off foil, and I loved it. Then I started slamming it, loved it a lil too much, shit got out of hand, and I got on subs and stuck with them after 2 previous attempts to switch over to subs from opis. Been on subs now for a good while and plan on sticking with them.
Like most others on here I graduated from prescription painkillers. Where I was originally from in central NJ blues (oxycodone IR 30mgs) hit like crack back in the day in LA. My town always had a shady reputation as the "wrong side of the tracks" along with the small black section of town because of all of the drugs and drug fueled parties held on the regular. Many of us started using blues as a substitution to xanax or other benzos as a way to come down/recover from rolling off of mdma/mda pills all at about age 16. From there I slowly progressed on blues and OC 80s for a few years. After the sources started drying up I went to a oxy connects house and he offered me a bundle for same price as a few blues. I took it figuring screw it more for my money. From that day on I wouldn't bother with any other opiate with the exception of opana 40mg (oxymorphone)
I was 18 at the time and living in a domestic violence shelter.... then moved into their transitional program. I was depressed as fuck and had recently gotten out of a group home (homeless). So one day I was like fuck it... I already had been heavily addicted to pain pills during high school and only got off of them because I was in group home. However, as soon as I got out I didn't even want to fuck with them... I just got the crazy idea that I was going to do heroin because I wanted to die. I was too pussy to kill myself and figured that if I started heroin then I would eventually die. So that was my end goal. I didn't even care about the high. I met this 30 something year old randomly and then we both went on the search for some dope.

I didn't even know who the fuck she was... apparently she was trying to recover, but gave up. She clearly did because we were trying to do heroin and she had a car seat in the back of her car (the kid wasn't with us...she did score dope with her kid in car when it was just her.... because then the cops didn't ever suspect anything. She did look like an innocent white lady who would do no harm). Well, we both ended up getting heroin and I just remember the first line I did of it. I was fucked up.

So my self destruction went full force. I almost died a few times, but luckily it never happened. I quit around my 21st birthday and now I have been a year and almost seven months clean from heroin. I loved the high, but it wasn't really why I started as I stated. So when I finally saw this light shining through all this darkness was the day I realized I had to stop. I mean when you're sitting in your kitchen crying with a knife to your arm and your mom is fighting to grab it.... then yeah something has to change. I just remember going to bed after that and I started laughing to myself. Like what the fuck is wrong with you? Why did you allow yourself to get to this point?

The depression has greatly decreased and life is looking up :D I don't ever plan to touch opiates ever again. I even was offered some percs the other weekend and declined/stayed sober when everyone was getting fucked up.
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I can tell you how I started to use from the UK if your interested, in 1989 we had the wonderful Acid House parties and every week we would travel to an unknown destination to an illegal dance party often consisting of up to 5K - 15K people in a warehouse or a field and of course the drug of choice was Ecstacy or Acid any sort of upper really but when the party finished and you got home with your mates there was an horrendous come down after a while we would combat the comedown with Heroin which also aided in getting some sleep and by the end of 1991 for me the Heroin was becoming more important than the parties, soon what was being done on a mid Sunday afternoon was being done Sat's and then very soon everyday. The party scene was also becoming very commercial towards the end instead of underground so I would say as my counselor's have said I replaced 1 buzz for another.
In Phoenix where I'm from black tar heroin is everywhere from the hood to the country club. Of course I was 15 smoking weed at a desert party and we went back to the homies truck where we chased the dragon til we passed out. After that he said see it's not as bad as everyone makes it out to be . From there I was hooked for damn near 6 years til I got clean 6 weeks ago:)
well, I picked up a pencil and it reminded me of when I was a kid and a nurse would ask for blood in my fingers.

long story short, I started shooting heroin.
First....I never got dependant but i had a few flirts with heroin.

The first time was about 8 years ago....I met a girl i knew from a drug forum..
.we did gbl for a few days and one day we got some heroin (it wasnt new to her).

I insufflated a few lines over the course of the evening and wasnt really impressed.
Must have been weak stuff.

She did it along with gbl and by bedtime i was concerned about her breath.
But everything was fine.

Not very long after that i got myself some heroin and got significantly better stuff.
I did it for about a week and it was a bliss.

I did it a few more times after that.
I introduced a friend to it...we did a nodding weekend in a hotel room.
I'm glad he also didnt become dependant.

In 2010 i got it injected from another girl i knew from the same forum for several years (RIP Steffi).

That was the last time.

Even though i really enjoyed it I would still prefer oxycodone over heroin
I never really "started" with heroin but I tried it a couple times. a dude I used to be friends with got strung out and I did a bump in a shady hotel the first time I ever did it.

I ended up deciding to stick with pills. they are much safer because barring counterfeits you know what your getting (drug/purity/etc.) i'm close to my big extended family that all live in the surrounding area who are way more important than getting jammed. my habit got big so I jumped on the subs, then kratom and off. i figure if i get strung out again i'll just jump off the subs if i get a major league habit going, hopefully that never happens I'm trying to avoid it and if it does happen I hope it's before the government starts fucking with kratom.

also the heroin scene wasn't my thing. i'm not into the drug scene anyway but the people you run into buying and using bud or tabs or whatever are much less shady then when you step into dope and i'm assuming crack, never done that one though.
started selling Vicodin 7.5 over 10 years ago was never into opioids ...so one day i tried it and i loved it ..well it just got worse after that.. then the perks.. then thr oxys the real oxys (OC not that op bullshit) then the roxys.. O i loved dem lil blue mother fuckers.. but made more hustling dem so it was cheaper for me just to do dope.. so while in a IOP i got my first taste of dope ...a few dirty piss got kicked out of my iop ...UR right Brooklyn is a Big place and there is a ton of dope here...Detox is a bitch got outta rehab a few months ago ...BOTTOM LINE .. its hard to control and its all not worth it ...
I went to the center of Athens, observed where most junkies were going and there I found these dudes having like a shit ton of H in a van and selling it on the street.
I got started out of a real need for pain relief but with no insurance and the street price of Rx opioid being ridiculous heroin seemed like the next logical stop but now I'm on methadone maintenance now a days
I began using heroin because it was the next logical step for me with my drug usage - I had been taking opioids for about six years, and the house which I was then living in had an abundance of IV users - both heroin and speed. That's the place I tried IV heroin for the first time.
My interest leveled out and never spiked past there until a couple years ago when I started using it as heavily as I could.

I just quit using about a month ago, and I've been on Subutex to help with the cravings and withdrawal symptoms. I never want to use it again, it really messed up my life and it's killed a lot of people I loved. I feel a lot better now without it and I am really grateful for the maintenance I'm on.
How I got started
I was a huge pot head for 10 years quit and finnaly kept a job lost weight got a girlfriend and started a business I got injured at work and was unemployed for few months my friends older brother got out of jail and had a bunch always I first sniffed little here or there then one day I bought a bag sniffed it was ok then I bought another and smoked it by my self OMG I fell in love I fucking love chasing the dragon I new I was hooked there I never once I'vd and never sniffed again I can smoke a bundle in 1 day and I have going with out sucks but it happens I also work and keep a job to support my habit but ya in a huge dragon chaser all day !!! And prob will for life
ocs and opanas to start...then the man took em away, where else to go to soothe the pain.....
had an oxy habit from 2008 to 2009, my guy said he couldnt get oxy but he could hook a bag and it would be cheaper. i never believed in heroin being any worse than other painkillers so i took the chance. after that i tried a whole bunch of other PKs, i liked em all, no regrets.

last time i did proper H was in 2013, February I think?
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