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How did you get started with using heroin?


Sr. Moderator: SLR
Staff member
Aug 20, 2013
I'm posting this here rather than in OD because I want to see what heroin use is like in America...

Obviously, I'm not asking for sources, I have my own and I doubt any of you guys live near me anyway (I'm in Brooklyn, just FYI, but that's a HUGE PLACE!)

How did you get started with heroin? Did a friend give it to you or did you go searching for it on the streets? And if you lose a source is it easy to find another (for YOU, not in general.) I just want to know how most people find heroin in the first place...just doesn't seem it would be that easy to find, yet people say it's everywhere lol

I'll start. My college buddy was in town and he uses it. He knew my physical issues so he brought extra to give me. He promised to hook me up before he left...
I "graduated" from prescription painkiller abuse, mostly roxi 30s. A pretty common trend, especially up in the area I live.
^Same here. I just moved to a new area though and am having a terrible time even though it's supposedly everywhere
Exactly why it sucks to get hooked OP as i was telling you..hard to go back to those little 5 mg oxys after that and then you are screwed.
Same here. My last pill dealer made the switch when the OPs happened and the price of 30s got crazy. Heroin just became easier to get and even more desirable because if it's good it's cheaper and more potent.
Friend called me up asking for a ride to a dangerous city. Offered to throw me gas money & buy me my first bag of dope.
Obviously, I obliged.
I was 14 at a party. I saw this guy doing it off a table and I offered to throw him two dollars to try it. I had wanted to try it way before anyways. I didn't do it again for a while. Anyways the other people there who weren't using it were disgusted that a nineteen year old would let a 14 year old in on that and they left.
Me & my best friend had been wanting to try it. One day my boy met a dealer who had gone to another high school with part of our group of friends.

I only know how to get it in my current city because some kids from Charlotte I was in rehab with left & decided that going back home to score & come back to sell was worth it. If I lost those two connects, then I wouldn't know how to get it up here.
I was already dependent on pharm opioids
Only could find a few methadone one day and my friend called and said he had some h

I snorted a bump and that was the beginning of a whole new horrible period in my life, went from oxy to heroin for obvious reasons
Luckily I'm clean atm but the two friends who basically introduced me to it are sadly gone now
I got started on oxy...I was living in Florida at the time and oxy..barz...everything pharmaceutical was easily acquired..This was back in 2008....damn near 50% of the people I chilled with growing up got hooked on the oxy during the pill mill days....some got strait and quit...most of us just kept it moving until they got so expensive that we had to switch to H.
One of my friends had been doing opiates for a long time and he was up to doing heroin at that point, I asked to try some and he gave me a number to call..,.had done an opiate one time before this.
I used H to fill the space between refills when I couldn't find any other pills. I just wanted to keep from getting sick. If I could get oxy as cheap as dope I would be fine with that.
In 1982 I was living in port Charlotte and Clearwater. Had an excellent coke connect. Anyway I moved back to st. Louis in 84. Was moving oat of weight from FL to MO.
Met a dude and he was doing speedballs. That was a natural fit for me an d have been using mostly since
Periods of being clean of course. In 91 my connect got sent up and that was about Ltd. For the coke.
I was on mmt and got kicked off floor too manydirty ua's. More failed attempts, found subs in 2011.
Kicked those 93.days ago.Longest period of a abstinent e for me since 197 1.
I become overconfident because every other drug I had done thus far I was able to control and keep recreational. I wanted to know how good a drug must be if it would make people do such extremely horrible things just to get another high. I then also learned what it was like to do such things. :|
^ I did the same thing except with crack and I quickly found out how bad that shit truly is.
Friend called me up asking for a ride to a dangerous city. Offered to throw me gas money & buy me my first bag of dope.
Obviously, I obliged.

Yup. My friend was so ambiguous about where we were going the whole time. just kept saying "off 95" because he had me under the impression we were just getting weed. Then we get off at the exit and I just said "dude nobody comes down here for just weed, and I dont care if youre getting something else" and he came clean real quick lol.

I actually dont remember the first stamp he gave me, I think it was just a blank one.
In 1982 I was living in port Charlotte and Clearwater. Had an excellent coke connect. Anyway I moved back to st. Louis in 84. Was moving oat of weight from FL to MO.
Met a dude and he was doing speedballs. That was a natural fit for me an d have been using mostly since
Periods of being clean of course. In 91 my connect got sent up and that was about Ltd. For the coke.
I was on mmt and got kicked off floor too manydirty ua's. More failed attempts, found subs in 2011.
Kicked those 93.days ago.Longest period of a abstinent e for me since 197 1.

Congratulations- that's inspiring to hear. This is my final Day 1 for me, for my adult life at least : D

I had been chipping successfully for over 3 years, thought I was such a mntal Jedi master with controlling usuage. Then I got some very scary illnesses and got hooked that summer. I was 19 or 20. 24 Now, time to stop wasting money time sex drive and competence : )
^ I did the same thing except with crack and I quickly found out how bad that shit truly is.

Dude I honestly think crack is worse having used both a lot. Crack will make u do anything for me and it's a lot more addicting mentally, you always want one more hit
Best friend called me asking if I wanted any since he was picking some up. Luckily, it didn't grab me by the balls.