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How did you get started with using heroin?

my friends have been using it for years and i have even been around and was never interested in trying it...well but i unfortunately have a very self destructive streak and have always been massively depressed so after a few unrequited love for which i have self sacrificed myself to the point of walking 8 miles through snow to work for weeks for giving the guy i wanted to love me my last tenner and starving myself at the same time for the same reasons, getting into thousands pounds of debts with payday loans to be able to always be the fun girl who is able to look after them but still not getting any love from the men in return i lost my hope in real love and asked one of the the other group of friends who have always been heroin users to let me try..and gradually i separated myself from my old main social friends group of which these men i was in love with were part of and became a regular with the others..staying indoors and just spending the whole days and nights scoring...
I was doing Oxys and called my dealer one day and he said that he no longer had oxys, but had dope. He said that one bag would be like doing 60mg of oxy, but for way cheaper. I declined a few times before finally giving in after not being able to find any oxys for a few days.

I was 14 at a party. I saw this guy doing it off a table and I offered to throw him two dollars to try it. I had wanted to try it way before anyways. I didn't do it again for a while. Anyways the other people there who weren't using it were disgusted that a nineteen year old would let a 14 year old in on that and they left.

I can see that. Heroin isn't exactly a 'party drug' and definitely isn't something that most people want to be around in a social setting.

I was already dependent on pharm opioids
Only could find a few methadone one day and my friend called and said he had some h

I snorted a bump and that was the beginning of a whole new horrible period in my life, went from oxy to heroin for obvious reasons
Luckily I'm clean atm but the two friends who basically introduced me to it are sadly gone now

Those two friends that are now 'gone' are they dead or did you mean just lost connects?

I become overconfident because every other drug I had done thus far I was able to control and keep recreational. I wanted to know how good a drug must be if it would make people do such extremely horrible things just to get another high. I then also learned what it was like to do such things. :|

That reminds me of an episode of 'intervention' that I saw where this kid ended up dating his counselor from rehab, and she ended up trying (and then getting hooked on) heroin because she wanted to see what was so great about it that people like her boyfriend and other patients were throwing their lives away over. The kid was so manipulative and he reminded me of those really annoying junkies you come across. He came from a wealthy family but his dad pretty much disowned him since he was embarrassed about him and didn't want his association with him to negatively effect his business relations.
That reminds me of an episode of 'intervention' that I saw where this kid ended up dating his counselor from rehab, and she ended up trying (and then getting hooked on) heroin because she wanted to see what was so great about it that people like her boyfriend and other patients were throwing their lives away over. The kid was so manipulative and he reminded me of those really annoying junkies you come across. He came from a wealthy family but his dad pretty much disowned him since he was embarrassed about him and didn't want his association with him to negatively effect his business relations.

Hahaha. Yeah, I remember that episode. That was actually one of the best episodes I've seen yet.
Was very interesting to watch a counselor turn into a full blown junkie.
Hahaha. Yeah, I remember that episode. That was actually one of the best episodes I've seen yet.
Was very interesting to watch a counselor turn into a full blown junkie.

Yea, she started out squirting the solution of dope up her nose, and then before you knew it she was driving him to the border so that he could go across to Mexico to get it for cheap so that they could flip it and do more for cheap/free, and then they also started smoking crack together.
I have a counselor now that has never been an addict. I am gonna give him a chance to do what he has been doing before I tell myself he don't know shit about addiction and to fuck off. So far he seems nice enough and has helped me a little bit already. Maybe I can get him to use with me so he knows what it is like. Lol
It was 1981 when I moved to a new neighborhood (the East Village) in a new city (New York City) and one day went for a walk simply to explore the area. As I approached one particular corner I heard yelling and saw at least a dozen people standing in a line while another dozen or more milled around the area. I watched the people in the line stuff money in a hole in a door and quickly walk away. Moments later, a dude appeared on the scene and those milling around quickly ran to another particular spot at the "stoop" of an abandoned building and formed a second line like obedient soldiers. I realized that the yelling was the dope boys hawking the stamps that were out at the time. I assumed it was dope that was being sold and got in line. I always wanted to try dope. By watching the transactions taking place ahead of me, I figured out how much bags were being sold for. I got mine, went home, and my life changed dramatically.
My opiate addiction started out with methadone, then morphine, then poppy pods. I left all those behind and it took about a decade of use before I decided to try heroin. Out of all my "drug coping", heroin was by far the quickest and easiest to get a hold of, without knowing anything about how to score. Once I decided to try it, I just went to a "known" corner and got it along with a number in about 5 minutes. It was too easy. It took about one month to almost completely destroy my life. I lost my job and my apartment within four weeks. Luckily I hadn't destroyed my relationship with my family so I was able to recovery with them.

The day I decided to quit I had also decided that I was quitting or I was going to be picking up the needle. If I relapse I will be EXACTLY where I left off, one day away from picking up the needle. I've lost all hope in having a fun quick run with heroin. It will be the end of me if I continue to use.
I started dating a junky unknowingly. He disguised it pretty well but came clean about 2 weeks into dating. He gave me the whole speech, how he wanted to quit and needed my help. I was pretty messed up emotionally from some recent personal issues and was in no position to try and help someone overcome an addiction. Couple weeks later we were using together.
I "graduated" from prescription painkiller abuse, mostly roxi 30s. A pretty common trend, especially up in the area I live.
this... my "buddy" "helped" me save my money :\ It was my choice though I take full responsibility. It's waay easy to find a source, after 7 months clean I cold copped in a small upstate new york town in about half an hour, it was good shit too...
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I was already using a lot of pills as it was, then the OP formula of oxy really fucked things up. I played with Opana for a while till they fucked those up even worse than the OPs. I wasn't about to start paying the price for 30s and I was really sick of trying to dick around with morphine or doing CWE on percs, so I asked a dude who used to one of my pill dealers because I knew he used dope personally despite selling pills. I had him hook me up a few times, used him as an unreliable middleman for a couple months till a close friend's (who had also ended up being a using buddy) younger brother had a hookup, some suburban kid who picked up from the city and marked up. I went through him for a few months till I was in really deep and I got sick of paying extra (his shit was starting to get hot anyway) so i went in search of a less sketchy and cheaper connect of my own. Ended up finding a few and shit got bad.

Luckily I'm not in that boat anymore
Most of this thread is OCs turned to OPs and then I switched to heroin. Looks like the FDA and DEA did a real bang up job there.
Started chasing foils of tar to come down from meth. Worked well in it's purpose and at that time had no interest in making it my DOC.
When I moved back east, I quickly discovered that a lot of my old friends had become junkies in a relative short amount of time and that through them or via my own found channels, high potency east coast powder was widely available/easy to attain. Started dabbling and snorting enough to get a nod. Really, really liked it, but kept it to a only at parties type thing until I moved back to CT.
Got there and was lonely, bored. Just happened to notice that there were what appeared to be dealers on some corners, so I stopped and asked. Quickly got a few connects.
Became real good friends with a female dealer of mine. Couple months after I started buying from her, her boyfriend punches her in the face and chokes her, then leaves. She calls me crying, I go over and console her. We're sitting on the bed and she tells me she'd like me to hang out for the night and get high with her. Ok. She proposes that I let her shoot me up. I'd been considering it quite a bit, so I said yeah. Haven't looked back since. Use, use, get clean, relapse, clean, clean, relapse, use, use....
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I was depressed and using OCs and methadone to self-medicate. Some friends were moving on to heroin so I decided to try it. Used it a few times but realized it was too good, so vowed to do no more (that lasted 18 months). I've only done it a handful of times since, I keep my tolerance low and stick to pills. Plus I never had any reliable connects, which was definitely good.
Most of this thread is OCs turned to OPs and then I switched to heroin. Looks like the FDA and DEA did a real bang up job there.

Whats fucked up is i had never touched OC or really painkillers in general before my 2 carwrecks in 08. Within 2 years i was using the needle for oldschool 80's and 30's daily.
Was young, stupid, and totally glamorized everything about dope. One night I met these guys in their 20's who where dope fiends, my eyes lit up, I'd finally gotten my chance to do dope, and I took it.

Yay me.. :\
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The sad thing is that even after losing everything to an intranasal heroin addiction that spanned multiple years, and now with my life somewhat back together again after tons and tons of hard work, I still think about what the rush must be like. I've never felt an IV heroin rush. I know what would happen if I did it even once, believe me I know. I say similar things to myself about it that I'd say to a kid who wants to blow a line of it for the first time. And yet, I feel cheated because I lost everything, blew through all of that money, but never felt the ultimate reward. This is an extremely hard thing to accept. I mean, I have been able to do it thus far, but as an old man one day, I think it is gonna have to happen.

that the disease of addiction CALLING you. making excuses to get you to use...your tricking yourself just how i do. one thing you forgot though. once u go to needle its 2x as tough withdrawal. 2x as tough to KICK. and incredibly harder to STAY stopped. i remember to this day what the junkie who shot me for my first time said, before booting me. Once you fly first class you aint goin back. no kidding.

you lost all that from sniffing? you will lose it 10 fold if u shoot up and will lose it sooooo fast. god will also purposely put you in shitty situations if you try to go down this road again. he has for me. no matter how carefully and detail oriented my plan to get high and stay out of trouble, it never works. he always throws a fucking wrench and i cant dodge or react to situation accordingly cause im too high. so i get arrested or make a fool of myself.

but if your a whacko like me you will try to make it work by doing it here and there. dont. you will face depression and just being strung out. you wont have a healthy glow to you, no natural happiness. people can sense that. if you continue with this drug you wont live up to your full potential whatever it may be. and everyone is different.

for me, the drug greatly impairs my learning and memory ive seen worse addicts with pic perfect memory it sucks cause when i want to get my life together i dont have the tools to move forward as fast as i want to, i cant relate to people my age...the drug made me a helluva lot immature and i learn the hard way when i say stupid shit and do impulsive things. some people become incredibly delusional. some people all out burglars and schemers.

what i have learned is that we have a very tough demon to face in our life but if we do face it even for as little as a month even less even a day our life improves drastically. normal people dont know what its like to have that drugs call echo through your head but our higher power does and it rewards us for ignoring it.

it will never go the way you think or want it to go. it took alot for me to stop and when i got that chance of being free for almost a year i was weak and just wanted to feel that rush again. i regret it. cause like i said a million times im not even frequently doing it and its a struggle cause i know whats gonna happen. im in my 4th day after my last use i feel normal. i still want to use though and i probably will today.
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Was young, stupid, and totally glamorized everything about dope. Once night I met these guys in their 20's who where dope fiends, my eyes lit up, I'd finally gotten my chance to do dope, and I took it.

Yay me.. :\

Hahaha. Damn.
Well, hey.. you're clean now, aren't you? I mean, you're on a maintenance program currently from what I remember, right?
that the disease of addiction CALLING you. making excuses to get you to use...your tricking yourself just how i do. one thing you forgot though. once u go to needle its 2x as tough withdrawal. 2x as tough to KICK. and incredibly harder to STAY stopped. i remember to this day what the junkie who shot me for my first time said, before booting me. Once you fly first class you aint goin back. no kidding.

I don't personally buy into the disease model of addiction. I am just a hedonist chasing the next euphoria. I believe that euphoric rushes as a reward is essential to human nature and only in modern times is this supressed by religion, morality and whatnot. So it's not so much about a select few people having a disease as it is the vast majority of people being extremely susceptible to religious/cultural/societal programming.

With that said, I am perfectly fine waiting until my golden years to try injecting heroin. I'm doing well for myself these days clean, and I fully understand what would happen if I blew one little line.