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How did you get started with using heroin?

The book "Wonderland Avenue" did it for me. Now it just a pain issue but thst at was the impetus no regrets :)
To Shardhunter:
You do know that it's mex heroin the post is referring to right ?!? Known as tar due to its texture n colour.
I was with a friend and we were looking to score some roxies. Being new to the game we had to go thru a friend of a friend. Let's call him T.

In our naivete we handed T our cash and waited for him to come back with our stuff. 15 minutes pass...30 minutes pass...an hour passes. T is nowhere to be seen.

So we're steaming pissed that we just got ripped and start walking around this neighborhood trying to find him. Out of nowhere this guy, let's call him P, comes up to us and asks us what's wrong. We were a bit hesitant to tell him but in our frustration it just came out. As it turns out he knows T and he starts telling us how bad he feels that his buddy T fucked us over. In fact he felt so bad about it that he was willing to share some of his "black" with us.

That was the day we first smoked heroin. And then we smoked some more with P by our side the whole way.
An ex boyfriend of mine ran into a guy on the street while I was at school one afternoon, long story short ended up with a bundle of heroin to "sell." I bet you can already tell how the story goes. My ex and I ended up snorting all of it (never have and never will touch a needle) and fell in love with the high it provided. I had only ever had experiences with Vicodin, Percocet, Oxycodone by itself, Dilaudid and morphine sulfate before. This was like all of the above, but stronger, the high hit harder.

Despite the way it made me horribly sick every time I used it, I kept having to get more. Ended up having to pay for that bundle (and scrambled to do so) and it all went downhill from there. I highly regret it for one main reason being that I got two of my dear friends into it. Everyone has stopped since then, but I was involved in about six months of hell. Going through so much H in a month that I dipped into my rent money all the time. So much that I got the H on credit and paid my tab off at the end of every month because my habit was that bad.

So, so very glad to be off of that shit.
I dated a guy that sold it and I was Always so curious to why people always wanted it so badly and would so basically anything for it. So one day I took some when he wasn't looking. Worst decision of my life.. I was young and didn't really know that you even got sick from it. And yeah it's easy for me to find I'm from Cleveland.
Pardon my ignorance. I only recently learned you could snort heroin and was a bit surprised to discover so. I only know heroin by the creepy shit you see on TV: tying off, jabbing yourself with a needle and practically going catatonic after. Considering this thread started with "How did you get started with using heroin?" I've always wondered - given that my mom has over 40 years nursing experience and needed to study phlebotomy to stab folk with needles - is there a Heroin 101 class somewhere? How do you go from snorting to shooting? How do you know what you're doing? How to prepare it? Where do you get all the...props? Stuff? Kit? Heroin scares the fucking shit out of me.

My former dope dealer (a hardened, die hard junkie degenerate) taught me how.

You get "supplied" at a needle exchange or a pharmacy. I always used a Wal Mart pharmacy, where a box of 100 syringes cost less than 10 dollars. Never shared or even re-used a needle in my entire time shooting. I've read a lot on this website about people's trials and tribulations obtaining needles...I don't get that. Never had a problem buying all the syringes I could ever ask for. Then again I have kind of a youthful, boyish, clean-cut look...I look more like the kind of guy that old ladies pinch on the cheek in church while saying "oh what a nice young man!", not the kind of guy who slams dope with homeless people in a parked car somewhere lol

Although in the last couple years I've definitely shot up with homeless people more than I've been to church...is that bad?

Turned out I was a "natural" at it (it's a skill, believe it or not 8) )...could hit myself all day long and somehow barely even left faint marks...could also hit the hard to reach, painful spots like down by your ankles. Only used dope (black tar) for about 2 years or so, the last 8 months of it or so shooting. Been sober from it for around 4 months now, hopefully I'll stay away for good. It's fun at first but it's ultimately not worth it, IMO.
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