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How did you get started with using heroin?

The guy who sold me buprenorphine only had heroin that day... How original huh?

It's interesting that in Europe a lot of opiate abusers get started abusing opiates with low-dose bupe (temgesic) rather than Vicodin (US) or codeine/oxycodone as is common in the US, Canada, Australia, South Africa, etc. In the US, just replace the "buprenorphine" in your sentence with either "hydrocodone" or "oxycodone" or even "hydromorphone," and you'll have your answer of why a lot of people tried heroin in the first place.

It does cause markedly different, full-agonist opioid effects at sub-mg doses that you just don't get in the massively dosed Subutex and Suboxone formulations. Maybe that's why Temgesic was never approved here? Way too potent if abused compared to low doses of vicodin or codeine?
A guy I was dating was addicted to it, I didn't know anything about it. I was 19. He told me he'd gotten his moms van broke down in Chicago and needed a ride up there to get it. So we went, long story short we went to the city, stopped in an alley and were served....never did get that van...13 years later I still choose H to any other drug besides pot I guess...
it seemed like a capital idea to seek out and do heroin

Curtains open to reveal MetalPetal at his kitchen room table, mulling over the remnants of his breakfast with newspaper in hand


MetalPetal: "Mmm, ok, the Cubs lost again, that's all right... What's this here? A HEROIN bust in my home town?"

*Continues reading the next page, now voraciously*

MetalPetal: (Exclaiming to the cat) "Pepper, do you see here, it says these gang bangers are raking in tens of thousands due to this old fashioned powder drug. Supposed to be some re-formulation of an antique Bayer product. Evidently it comes over here from Afghanistan, can you not believe it!?"

Pepper: "Meow."

*MetalPetal puts down the paper and pushes away the table as if punctuating his decision*

MetalPetal: "I've got it. The cure for my malaise, this subtle somber sensation within my day to day. Yes. I shall find this panacea of the street. To seek out and do heroin! What a capital idea."

Pepper: "Meow."

MetalPetal: "Fuck you Pepper, I'll use whatever words I want."

is that how it went down?
Pardon my ignorance. I only recently learned you could snort heroin and was a bit surprised to discover so. I only know heroin by the creepy shit you see on TV: tying off, jabbing yourself with a needle and practically going catatonic after. Considering this thread started with "How did you get started with using heroin?" I've always wondered - given that my mom has over 40 years nursing experience and needed to study phlebotomy to stab folk with needles - is there a Heroin 101 class somewhere? How do you go from snorting to shooting? How do you know what you're doing? How to prepare it? Where do you get all the...props? Stuff? Kit? Heroin scares the fucking shit out of me.
the supplies are readily available at pharmacies

99/100 times someone who has used a needle before will help you i am guessing

that unlucky minority better hope they know the difference between arterial and venous blood lmfao.
I got started on Valentines day about 12 yrs ago when my gf at the time broke up with me and on top of that I had a temp job delivering roses for Valentines day SMH. Got drunk and then said"fuck it I'm gonna try to get some H" Ended up cooking some tar in a spoon and snorting the liquid. Got super high and puked and loved it.
Like a lot of people I started doing pharms in my late teens/early 20s, mainly oxy. Stuck with oxy for a quite a while til my tolerance was too much to afford it anymore(upwards of 300+mg a day if I could afford it) and then H started showing up everywhere in my area. I snorted it a few times with the ECP and smoked the tar at first, loved it and it was way cheaper than oxy. Not long after trying it smoked and intranasally, I was slamming it! I had someone show me how the first time and they did it for me, then I learned how to do it and how easy it was and was hooked on IV! After doing that along with other opis for a while it got outta hand and I got off of it and now I am on subs, hooked on them instead now. If I were to try and get off subs there is no doubt in my mind I would be back doing H again within a day... I still love that feeling and have no desire to get completely clean, and really you cant get clean if you don't want to! you can try and be forced into it by family or whatever, but it wont work most of the time if you still have that desire. I have seen so many of my friends go to rehab and relapse within days of being out its crazy how much money them and their families have wasted on it.
Pardon my ignorance. I only recently learned you could snort heroin and was a bit surprised to discover so.
This reminded of when I first told my folks I was not only using heroin but addicted and thought I needed treatment. My poor Ma, after crying for what felt like forever, said to me how do you even do it, do you drink it?! I lol'd on the inside, but explained I was snorting at the time. She just didn't know anything about it....it was about a year later I started shooting it. In my experience people tend to turn to the needle when once snorting stops working, like your dope sick and trying to cram 4 bags up your nose but it's so clogged you can't even do it.suddenly a little pin prick seems not so bad...
Was at an after-party with a bunch of friends coming down off of E. They had recently started to do it. I took 10 mg diazepam and fell asleep. While I was out, two of them cooked me up a shot and injected it into the dorsal aspect of my right hand. Funny, when I woke up I was so happy and couldn't stop thanking them and telling them to stop apologising. Now, 2 years later it's a different story :\.
the supplies are readily available at pharmacies

99/100 times someone who has used a needle before will help you i am guessing

that unlucky minority better hope they know the difference between arterial and venous blood lmfao.

Hahahah....wait, wut?
I got started on Valentines day about 12 yrs ago when my gf at the time broke up with me and on top of that I had a temp job delivering roses for Valentines day SMH. Got drunk and then said"fuck it I'm gonna try to get some H" Ended up cooking some tar in a spoon and snorting the liquid. Got super high and puked and loved it.

Excuse me but did you say tar? Isn't that...thick? In order for you to have snorted it in liquid form wouldn't it have had to have ben a trillion degrees or did it stay liquid as it cooled? Who told you tar would make you high??? I'm so baffled...
Excuse me but did you say tar? Isn't that...thick? In order for you to have snorted it in liquid form wouldn't it have had to have ben a trillion degrees or did it stay liquid as it cooled? Who told you tar would make you high??? I'm so baffled...

You can snort tar this way...it doesn't have to be super hot just hot so it mixes easier. It does work and will get one high but care must be taken so as not to suck it up to high and end up swallowing it.
Pardon my ignorance. I only recently learned you could snort heroin and was a bit surprised to discover so. I only know heroin by the creepy shit you see on TV: tying off, jabbing yourself with a needle and practically going catatonic after. Considering this thread started with "How did you get started with using heroin?" I've always wondered - given that my mom has over 40 years nursing experience and needed to study phlebotomy to stab folk with needles - is there a Heroin 101 class somewhere? How do you go from snorting to shooting? How do you know what you're doing? How to prepare it? Where do you get all the...props? Stuff? Kit? Heroin scares the fucking shit out of me.

Usually a fellow user will show somone how to inject. Unfortunately alot of the time they don't go into proper technique to avoid infection,abcesses,blowing out veins,etc. There is a lot of good information online that should be more readily available to the general public imo, in the interest of harm reduction. In addition to I.V. and insufflation, heroin is also smoked and plugged(taken rectally), although the last one to a lesser extent than the other r.o.a.'s.
Usually a fellow user will show somone how to inject. Unfortunately alot of the time they don't go into proper technique to avoid infection,abcesses,blowing out veins,etc. There is a lot of good information online that should be more readily available to the general public imo, in the interest of harm reduction. In addition to I.V. and insufflation, heroin is also smoked and plugged(taken rectally), although the last one to a lesser extent than the other r.o.a.'s.

I appreciate the education. Heroin is becoming a major concern north of my area and with my outreach work, the more I know, the more I can help. Thank you.
You can snort tar this way...it doesn't have to be super hot just hot so it mixes easier. It does work and will get one high but care must be taken so as not to suck it up to high and end up swallowing it.

How do people come across these random elements and view them as drugs? I'm familiar with "shake and bake" but I can't grasp how someone would look at a chunk of freeway and think, "that'll work." Why not bark? Why not...corn flakes? Why not smash open a....never mind. I don't want to trigger anything or give anyone a bright idea. But...has tar been a thing?