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Excuses We Use To Justify Getting High

^ LOL!

I remember a friend calling me when she found out that I could get oxycontin, back when oxycontin was still worth getting, and she tried that whole, "we were hiking through the woods, and I fell down, and my leg is all fucked up now..."

I was like, "uh, then go see a doctor... ?"
-I feel like some amphetamine *snooort*
-I feel like some hydromorphone! *stick*
-I feel like some weed *inhale sound*
-I feel like some ketalar *stick*
-Fuck you, I am getting high.
-Whateva! I do what I want!
Ketalar sounds like the name of the lair where Ketaman K-holes his victims with Ketamine. Forget it Jake it's Ketatown.
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It used to be, I'm so happy, I'm going to enhance this great experience with weed or mushrooms. Now its, fuck, I am depressed. I'm going to block out the pain with weed or kratom. Not good. Not good at all. :|
"it's so nice out, man! I bet the day would be even better if we got high..."

"....man, I have to go to work tonight, and my cunt of a boss will be there. I better get high so I can tolerate her."

"I'm fucking bored. Let's do some lines!"
"But.., I have GAD.." -benzos
"But.., I have chronic lower back pain" -opiates

The rest I don't really try to justify. I just want to get high.
Mine usually come in the form of

"man work sucked today, I need to get fucked up after that BS"
"Its raining outside so nobody will notice me nodding out in my car because the people outside are rushing to their cars and the raindrops form a translucent shield on my windows"
"man I got a slight pain in my (insert body part here), I know what can take care of that"
"I should grab some now in case my dealer doesnt have any in the near future"

also the good weather one gets me a lot
"I get high because the reality I'm stuck in forces me to resort to using chemicals to be able to co-exist and participate with my fellow man."

Been feeling this way a lot.
My current one:
- I'm too awake to sleep, but too tired to be awake. I'll just get stoned/drunk, then I'll either feel comfortable being awake, or fall asleep.
shitty day at school/work, deserve to get high
did good in school, deserve to get high
bored at my apartment, time to get high
My friends are all stingy with their drugs and I'm the only one who ever shares my various substances...but whenever I decide to take a break, they seem to suddenly become very generous and offer to share their shit with me...oh, and when I do take a break I always make sure there are some "exception" days (i.e. my birthday, New Years, etc.)
That maybe all of my years of suffering were just because of poor willpower..that after years of expierence, I could use and get it right this time..
Well I've been wanting to stay sober lately but yesterday my friend offered me free benzos. I wasn't going to turn that down. And today a dude I talked to before sent me a message on facebook saying he finally got weed and he wants to know if I want to come over and smoke with my friend. Of course I'm going to take up that offer especially because its free.
"Its no big deal, I've cut back so this once is just to prove to myself that I can use responsibly and I won't tomorrow"

tomorrow comes..."Fuck it, I've already messed up, might as well do what I do."

"Well, nobody has to know about tonight since I'm on my own, that way, they won't know and they'll still think I'm responsible."

"I'll cut down, that'll make it easier to stop, if I stop completely, I'll feel so bad I won't resist."

I will post others when I think of them.
"I have a lot of essays/papers to write tonight, and they will be so much more fun to write if I have some morphine or oxys!" *does drugs, but not paper*

And I LIKE writing.
Some people says you should treat every day like it could be your last day. I wanna spend my last day high and happy.