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Alcohol Does drinking bud light make you a homosexual? A thread

Yeah they changed something. I can't remember what it was or when (I just read about it last week too lol), but it has a corn syrup rice taste now compared to like 10 years ago
I bought Bud light pounders. I'm feeling purple. J/k. But I did get Bud Light in a can.
There are still two states where it is illegal for a man and woman to live together. (A certain party has blocked repealing that old law in one state, but ne'mind)
I'm in my 60's and it was still illegal to be homosexual in many states when I was young.
Eventually, it won't be a strange thing for someone to go about their business in public dressed (or more) as the other sex. And, it shouldn't be.
We're the ones it seems weird to, just like old folks pissed and moaned about "the homos" when I was a kid.
On a long enough timeline that's how it will be, resistance at the moment or no.
How details as to minors, bathrooms, medical access, and more will end up aside.
I don't know.... When I was In highschool in the 90's nobody harassed or cared about gay or trans people. Most gay students had no problem openly stating they were gay. I honestly feel most so called bigotry and oppression is greatly exaggerated.
I don't know.... When I was In highschool in the 90's nobody harassed or cared about gay or trans people. Most gay students had no problem openly stating they were gay. I honestly feel most so called bigotry and oppression is greatly exaggerated.
A lot might be where you are located as to visible bigotry. I live just north of Kentucky and I see plenty of bigotry there right now.

However, I was talkin' 'bout laws. Laws on the books matter.

When I was a young adult, so 80's or 90's, a friend at work (in Kentucky) was going through a divorce. His wife invited him over seeming to want reconciliation. They had sex and she requested anal. Next day, she went to police and charged him with sodomy. There was still a law on the books at the time that consenting, heterosexual. adults couldn't buttfuck.

My friend missed some work, being in jail, and ultimately spent months being allowed out of jail only for work release. He was lucky he was well liked by management or he would have certainly lost his job. For anal.

The only way he finally got off, got free, was to attack her credibility. Had he admitted anal, he would have ended up in jail, consenting or not. That was the law... in the 80's or 90's.

Shit matters man. Just because police are considering a law low enforcement priority doesn't mean it's not the law and can't be used against someone by a shitty cop or an enemy.

And, as I said, gays are not accepted in Kentucky now.
My daughter is bi, married to a man and "hetero" now, but leaning more lesbian when she was a teenager. Her mom lives in Kentucky and she fucking hates the state now. I've seen the non-acceptance (to put it mildly) of her and others in Ky..

Many states are just as rural, just as backwards.

Seeing someone you love affected by this BS will definitely wake your ass up (Oh no. Did I say "woke")
A lot might be where you are located as to visible bigotry. I live just north of Kentucky and I see plenty of bigotry there right now.

However, I was talkin' 'bout laws. Laws on the books matter.

When I was a young adult, so 80's or 90's, a friend at work (in Kentucky) was going through a divorce. His wife invited him over seeming to want reconciliation. They had sex and she requested anal. Next day, she went to police and charged him with sodomy. There was still a law on the books at the time that consenting, heterosexual. adults couldn't buttfuck.

My friend missed some work, being in jail, and ultimately spent months being allowed out of jail only for work release. He was lucky he was well liked by management or he would have certainly lost his job. For anal.

The only way he finally got off, got free, was to attack her credibility. Had he admitted anal, he would have ended up in jail, consenting or not. That was the law... in the 80's or 90's.

Shit matters man. Just because police are considering a law low enforcement priority doesn't mean it's not the law and can't be used against someone by a shitty cop or an enemy.

And, as I said, gays are not accepted in Kentucky now.
My daughter is bi, married to a man and "hetero" now, but leaning more lesbian when she was a teenager. Her mom lives in Kentucky and she fucking hates the state now. I've seen the non-acceptance (to put it mildly) of her and others in Ky..

Many states are just as rural, just as backwards.

Seeing someone you love affected by this BS will definitely wake your ass up (Oh no. Did I say "woke")
I live in Florida... There's plenty of crazy outdated laws that aren't in practice any more in any state like not walking goats on the sidewalk on Mondays. Are they enforced...absolutely not.

My sister and brother are bi... Why would I care if you said "Woke".... Oh yeah because people don't have nuanced opinions anymore.
I live in Florida... There's plenty of crazy outdated laws that aren't in practice any more in any state like not walking goats on the sidewalk on Mondays. Are they enforced...absolutely not.

My sister and brother are bi... Why would I care if you said "Woke".... Oh yeah because people don't have nuanced opinions anymore.
The woke thing wasn't directed at you. Sorry, I got wound up.

I will disagree as to laws not mattering a lot. A bad cop can also use an outdated law against you if he gets a hard on for you.

Crazy as Florida is, it might not hold a candle to Kentucky and many other mostly rural states. Plenty of folks in Kentucky who still think homosexuality is a "sin against God and nature".
I live near the state line and worked in Kentucky for 30 years. The hardest part about crossing the state line was the time change. I'm pretty sure it's still 1950 over there.

My state also shows some pretty nasty attitudes against gays, although it's mostly in older people. I see the new crop of kids as being better in that regard. 20-30 years ago, not so much.
The woke thing wasn't directed at you. Sorry, I got wound up.

I will disagree as to laws not mattering a lot. A bad cop can also use an outdated law against you if he gets a hard on for you.

Crazy as Florida is, it might not hold a candle to Kentucky and many other mostly rural states. Plenty of folks in Kentucky who still think homosexuality is a "sin against God and nature".
I live near the state line and worked in Kentucky for 30 years. The hardest part about crossing the state line was the time change. I'm pretty sure it's still 1950 over there.

My state also shows some pretty nasty attitudes against gays, although it's mostly in older people. I see the new crop of kids as being better in that regard. 20-30 years ago, not so much.
All good... I do the same thing getting all caught up in argument without even necessary agreeing fully with oneside...

Well fuck.... Who would have known but according to this article Florida has 3 of the top 10 gay friendliest cities in America...
#5 being my city Orlando.

but according to another poster this state that people are moving to in record #'s is a veritable "hell" on earth.

I guess some people hate warm weather, beaches, low taxes, strong work economies and gay friendly cities.

But there is the backward education system cause all Floridians are undereducated idiots who attended hick schools..... Oh wait! Shit we scored #5 in the nation on the National school grading system.

Nvrmnd Florida is fucking awesome!
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All good... I do the same thing getting all caught up in argument without even necessary agreeing fully with oneside...

Well fuck.... Who would have known but according to this article Florida has 3 of the top 10 gay friendliest cities in America...
#5 being my city Orlando.

but according to another poster this state the people are moving to in record #'s is hell on earth.
I guess some people hate warm weather, beaches, low taxes, strong work economies and gay friendly cities.

But there is the backward education system cause all Floridians are undereducated idiots who attended hick schools..... Oh wait! Shit we scored #5 in the nation on the National school grading system.

Nvrmnd Florida is fucking awesome!
Aren't there like, "two Florida's"? Rural and the cities. Some of the more backwards states don't have major cities.

And hey, Kentucky is a beautiful state. You can drive over the state line from my city and go not too far before you are in the country. I moved to and lived in Kentucky for over 10 years. Good people anywhere you go. However, there is a significant minority of people who would surprise you with their hick-dom.

To change the subject slightly. That significant minority showed me that some more rural folks fucking hate people from the cities and/or liberals. Have for years. I grew up on a farm in my state and I wasn't exempt. Trump's base is, and always will be, loyal because he pisses off the libs/people from cities.
I don't know.... When I was In highschool in the 90's nobody harassed or cared about gay or trans people. Most gay students had no problem openly stating they were gay. I honestly feel most so called bigotry and oppression is greatly exaggerated.
I mean that's pretty easy to say as someone that I am assuming hasn't had to deal with that type of bigotry or persecution personally.
I mean that's pretty easy to say as someone that I am assuming hasn't had to deal with that type of bigotry or persecution personally.
Why assume I haven't? Its difficult to assume much from forum icon and handle other than doc..lol